View Full Version : nice girl for single dad 45 hull

14th June 2010, 12:05
i,m David, hi to everyone
so how do i find and meet a girl here in england,
if you are single and looking we can chat send pictures 1st ok
i,m not intrested in pubs clubs dancing etc
i,m family man with special needs daughter of 8
she is half asian,
e-mail me
mrdavid777 AT gmail.com

15th June 2010, 14:21
well that prooves it
as i said before there is none available
or none that would take an older guy with some baggage as they call it
guess it be better to lie and get what you want
its just not me
take me for me or not at all

15th June 2010, 14:32
I wouldn't run up the white flag just yet David, be patient some girls probably only look at this forum every week or so.

There's also the possibility of someone noting your post and passing it on to a friend, relative, colleague etc. I wouldn't expect instant results.

Good luck :)

15th June 2010, 14:41
yep true, as this is not a dating site, patience is all u need to find the right girl or vice versa.. ;) anyway, welcome to the forum! :Hellooo: :D

15th June 2010, 14:51
Search that email at FB and you'll find out
he's Joe Bloggs no profile photo.
Goodluck for your hunting.:D

15th June 2010, 15:09
you wont find many single ladies in the uk or in this forum, spread your search.

goodluck :D

15th June 2010, 15:18
most of us guys on here david have baggage as you call it , just take you time and make comments on so many pages on here, like some say spread you search further lots of sites to look up good luck

15th June 2010, 15:38
Shame Tawi2s still not about, he was always pretty good at fixing guys up with ladies in the UK. I would get active on friendster, facebook, filipinaheart etc, more chance on there of finding somebody single. Don't give up just yet, there's somebody out there for everybody :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2010, 15:59
you wont find many single ladies in the uk:D

:confused: So there are very few unattached Filipinas working in the NHS/Private Sector Healthcare then ?

15th June 2010, 16:08
havent a clue?, im not a expert on the relationship status on filipina nurses, just saying that i havent met any :D and the thread starter will be waiting a long time :Erm:

Arthur Little
15th June 2010, 16:15
Shame Tawi2s still not about, he was always pretty good at fixing guys up with ladies in the UK.

:yikes: ... let's hope, for David's sake, potential "matches" don't become as elusive as Tawi has proved to be for the past 6 months!

Arthur Little
15th June 2010, 16:30
there's *somebody out there for everybody :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:NoNo: ... *somebody's MALE ... and already married! :icon_lol:

15th June 2010, 16:56
:icon_lol: I think we need to start using "someone" when not referring to "Somebody" I see the poor fella was getting the blame lately for delayed visa applications :rolleyes:

Arthur Little
15th June 2010, 17:50
:icon_lol: I think we need to start using "someone" when not referring to "Somebody" I see the poor fella was getting the blame lately for delayed visa applications :rolleyes:

:icon_lol: ... yeah, thing is, 'Somebody' [REAL name, Andy] is a true gent - always ready to see the good in others ... and share his considerable wisdom and experience with his co-forumers. So it's kinda ironic in a way, that his pseudonymn inadvertently cropped up in connection with the thread(s) referred to. :rolleyes: "Knowing" Andy, though, he'll be the first to see the funny side of it! :laugher:

15th June 2010, 18:23
Yes Ate penny.... I did make a wee search... and you are korrek...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2010, 18:58
How can you say
you wont find many single ladies in the uk

When you admit not ever meeting any from the employment sector where most of them work ? :crazy:

havent a clue?, im not a expert on the relationship status on filipina nurses, just saying that i havent met any :D and the thread starter will be waiting a long time :Erm:

My Mrs is a nurse who I hope was unattached when we met :omg:, a couple of her single workmates have got Brit BF's

15th June 2010, 20:12
:D and the thread starter will be waiting a long time :Erm:

There is a high probability that the thread starter was none other than Joebloggs....:rolleyes:

I wanted to ban him together with the other ID bearing the same gmail address..... But I decided to wait and see what gets caught in the net...:icon_lol:

Penny got it right....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
15th June 2010, 21:02
:Erm: ... am I missing something here ... or is it just me being obtuse?

15th June 2010, 21:06
:Erm: ... am I missing something here ... or is it just me being obtuse?

I'm confused too??? :Erm:

15th June 2010, 21:24
My Mrs is a nurse

did you meet in the psychiatric ward :D

There is a high probability that the thread starter was none other than Joebloggs....:rolleyes:

:Erm: ... am I missing something here ... or is it just me being obtuse?

I'm confused too??? :Erm:

its not the forums mod joe bloggs surely? :Erm:

16th June 2010, 03:39
Background investigator eeehhhhhhh:omg:
It's free folks! If you need my help.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th June 2010, 08:39
dont understand whats wrong with my name being david bloggs.
if and when someone e-mails me they can get a photo too
i knew a girl once called jane doe, and no her brother was not called jon ok
talk about banning someone for there name, wow maybe i,m on the wrong site after all
so you better be quick girls if your gunna e-mail me before i get banned

16th June 2010, 09:58
dont understand whats wrong with my name being david bloggs.
if and when someone e-mails me they can get a photo too
i knew a girl once called jane doe, and no her brother was not called jon ok
talk about banning someone for there name, wow maybe i,m on the wrong site after all
so you better be quick girls if your gunna e-mail me before i get banned

mrdavid777 at gmail.com
Invite them to facebook

1 Result

http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/zCN9D/hash/8l4nfau6.jpg (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1716748466&ref=search)Name: Joe bloggs

Yeah, yeah, yeah.....:76:

David bloggs indeed....:doh

16th June 2010, 10:59

sorry dave, these :crazy: people on here think this post is from me.. :doh

if you bothered checking my ip address dom you'll see its not from me,

anyway i'm from the home of the 'legendary joe bloggs' :D

only a few people have my real surname in the whole of the UK,

nope this thread is not from me, hope you all have the guts to say sorry to dave

can i ask you dave why the number 777 thou ? did you pick that at random or does it have a signifiance ?

i wish the best for you and your daughter :xxgrinning--00xx3: and you find someone soon.

16th June 2010, 11:52
I am sorry if I caused you distress and apologize for it.:icon_sorry:

But it seemed rather strange that the email addy links directly to a "Joe Bloggs" on facebook, maybe a coincidence.:doh
Oh, well... Here I am ... eating humble pie.....:Brick:

I think I am going to delete this thread altogether..... :rolleyes:

No, better not.....:NoNo:

Good luck in your search.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
16th June 2010, 12:31
:omg: ... no wonder some of us were :confused: to the point of "panic alert"! :23_111_9[1]: A bit of an exaggeration, mayBE, but still ... ! Thing is, 'Joe Bloggs', 'Joe Public' or whatever ... are terms in common everyday use almost anywhere - even in the Phils, I believe - to preserve anonimity or describe people collectively. Just unfortunate that lines of communication somehow got crossed in this instance.

16th June 2010, 13:11
:omg: ... no wonder some of us were :confused: to the point of "panic alert"! :23_111_9[1]: A bit of an exaggeration, mayBE, but still ... ! Thing is, 'Joe Bloggs', 'Joe Public' or whatever ... are terms in common everyday use almost anywhere - even in the Phils, I believe - to preserve anonimity or describe people collectively. Just unfortunate that lines of communication somehow got crossed in this instance.

Good point

16th June 2010, 13:38
Sorry Joe I know that Joe bloggs are common username in the internet.
I just thought Mod checked your IP and your name is David.
My apology for being panic in this thread and sorry for the Joe Bloggs identity crisis.:icon_sorry:

16th June 2010, 16:40
ahhhh yes i can see how you would think its a dodgy name
but i,m rea,l that photo is my daughter she is very real too
its there as i didnt have one with low kb of me
anyone wants some photos of us can use that e-mail its old now been used many years
dont know how to put a profile pic there didnt know you could but i will try now

16th June 2010, 18:16
Sorry Joe I know that Joe bloggs are common username in the internet.
I just thought Mod checked your IP and your name is David.
My apology for being panic in this thread and sorry for the Joe Bloggs identity crisis.:icon_sorry:

:doh joebloggs is not my real name and i thought you was a smart laguna gal Penny :D

"Joe Bloggs" is commonly used as placeholder names in United Kingdom

"The Legendary Joe Bloggs Clothing Company" is a clothing range for boys based in the same city where i live..

also my real surname is not common at all :rolleyes:

but good luck david with your search, stick around as there are some single filipinas on here :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th June 2010, 18:26
"Joe Bloggs" is commonly used as placeholder names in United Kingdom

and Australian teaching, programming, and other thinking and writing.

Not smart at all ! I'm a bobo that's why i didn't wish to become a doctor.:icon_sorry::76:

16th June 2010, 18:28
just a thought David -but you say your daughter is half asian so i presume her mother was asian?
that being the case- where did you meet her?
might be a start to find another lady.

other than that there are a lot of websites for Philipino girls and Thai girls alike looking for western men.
a couple of friends of mine run a site called thaigirlsingle.com and they have had a fair amount of success in matching up couples.

personally i think the best and only way is to go out there and i am sure that you will get plenty of offers :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th June 2010, 18:29

your smart enough penny :xxgrinning--00xx3:

just not as a detective :icon_lol:

no worries penny take it easy laguna gal :Wave:

16th June 2010, 18:58

your smart enough penny :xxgrinning--00xx3:

just not as a detective :icon_lol:

no worries penny take it easy laguna gal :Wave:

If I tell you who is Joe Bloggs and who is his wife in real life maybe you are wrong.
I don't take the heat, nothing to argue with men, and no reason to convince anyone.:D

16th June 2010, 19:16
So do we Ban THE Joe Bloggs then? :D

16th June 2010, 19:22
So do we Ban THE Joe Bloggs then? :D

Nah.... :erotic4:

He has got some uses.... :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Dunno what yet, tho....:Erm:

16th June 2010, 19:50
Please do not ban the jewel of the Nile and a wise man who invented beer.:)
We are still friends and I have now a question to myself trying to make sense of it.:D

16th June 2010, 22:18
Please do not ban the jewel of the Nile and a wise man who invented beer.:)
We are still friends and I have now a question to myself trying to make sense of it.:D

women and making sense never go together :D




17th June 2010, 08:49
yer well i,m not Joe so should be ok
happy i,m not called Saddam
my daughter is half thai and i been liviing and working around asia for 10 years
yes sure it would be easy to go there and find a girl,
its they cant just go and get a visa and come to uk
i want to meet one who knows uk, and shes here
chances of meeting a girl there is much higher but chances of us 1st liking each other, then having all the paperwork in order to get a visa and then she might get here and hate it
the process is scary,
meet here and go there togehter is no problem
seen too many storys, i look here
oh i think i got a pic on my G e-mai

17th June 2010, 12:33
To all good friends in here. I am sick, a dying widow. I think it's high time we start looking, putting more energy, concerns, fund into children as their future is very important to this world.:ARsurrender:

17th June 2010, 12:40
To all good friends in here. I am sick, a dying widow. I think it's high time we start looking, putting more energy, concerns, fund into children as their future is very important to this world.:ARsurrender:


Arthur Little
17th June 2010, 12:42
To all good friends in here. I am sick, a dying widow. I think it's high time we start looking, putting more energy, concerns, fund into children as their future is very important to this world.:ARsurrender:

'Ello, Ello ... a very warm :welcomex: to the forum; I'm so sorry to read of your illness :bigcry: and :iagree: wholeheartedly with your views.

17th June 2010, 12:43
To all good friends in here. I am sick, a dying widow. I think it's high time we start looking, putting more energy, concerns, fund into children as their future is very important to this world.:ARsurrender:

Hallo ...:Hellooo:

How many millions are we talking about, then...?:Erm:

And more importantly, "risky free", what is my share...?:Erm:

17th June 2010, 12:46
Scammer alert........:D

And the usual suspects are posting a welcome message...........:Brick:

17th June 2010, 13:16
To all good friends in here. I am sick, a dying widow. I think it's high time we start looking, putting more energy, concerns, fund into children as their future is very important to this world.:ARsurrender:

Bye, bye, 419..............:Hellooo:

17th June 2010, 13:54
how did he get to this post, mmm
maybe he thought of my little girl with no mum, she is also blind and cannot talk right now
never need to tell her shut up he he
she dont need any money just love, and maybe a new mum
well keep passing the word, oh and still if someone knows how to explain how to upload photos ,EASY, here let me know

Arthur Little
17th June 2010, 15:52
:yikes: ... ANOTHER BAN? I thought the forum's 'Ban(ner) in Chief' had just announced his "retirement" ... on another thread! :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
17th June 2010, 18:43
And the usual suspects are posting a welcome message...........:Brick:

Well, THIS usual ... :Erm: ... "suspect" had no reason to suppose the person banned had any ulterior motive/hidden agenda in her post :NoNo: ... so WHY on earth WOULDN'T he extend his customary cordial welcome? :doh

18th June 2010, 00:44
Well, THIS usual ... :Erm: ... "suspect" had no reason to suppose the person banned had any ulterior motive/hidden agenda in her post :NoNo: ... so WHY on earth WOULDN'T he extend his customary cordial welcome? :doh

thats why your the most trusting of trusted members :D :xxgrinning--00xx3:

it is quite amusing that you welcome new members and next there banned :icon_lol: now you just need to figure out whos a scammer :Erm:

18th June 2010, 13:43
i see lots of people have read this post but not a single e-mail or photo
not even a spammer or golddigga
wow, i did see another post saying once pino girl gets to uk she dont need to date or marry an older guy he he
well i will settle for an older lady maybe 25 or 30 he he, ok ok i will get a ticket soon and go take a look
anyone else going let me know if i can tag along

18th June 2010, 22:18
you've only been on here for a couple of days, hang on, not every sinlge filipina on here logs on each day :rolleyes:

dont give up just yet :doh

19th June 2010, 16:10
welcome to the forum david and goodluck on your search :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd June 2010, 08:50
wow over 600 views and not a single e-mail, no one even ask for a photo
so just looking for flights now anyone suggest where to go, i,m going to chiang mai 1st and then to manila i guess but where from there, i,m told its dangerous in the south, any ideas welcome

22nd June 2010, 10:02
wow over 600 views and not a single e-mail, no one even ask for a photo
so just looking for flights now anyone suggest where to go, i,m going to chiang mai 1st and then to manila i guess but where from there, i,m told its dangerous in the south, any ideas welcome

Anywhere you want, but don't stay in Manila, just fly in and then fly out..... go to Cebu or somewhere. The south is OK really, it's only certain parts that are dangerous for foriegners, Cagayan De Oro city is OK as is Davao but Bohol and Boracay seem to be the most popular destinations for foriegners with no particular agenda.

Here's a place in Cagayan De Oro which is easy to get to from the airport, inexpensive (about £15 - £20 a night) and it is run by Brit ex-pats http://www.kingstonlodge-cagayandeoro.com/

22nd June 2010, 19:39
david have you tried dating sites rather then sites like this

23rd June 2010, 08:42
yes i di try a date site, but it dont seem real, they just on there for learn english, most dont even want a boyfriend/partner or even want to move to england
i thought i might meet someone in uk already but i see now also proberbly not possible
1 guy said go to angels where all the angels are, ,mmm i did look online i see the joke now
the spelling not quite right
i,m looking for someone to go with and nopt sure if i should take my daughter 1st time
flights are wierd for price but still looking
thanks for the tips

26th June 2010, 16:10
Hi! mrdavid777, first need to say welcome here just got online... i wish you luck on your trip and if you have time you can drop by here in Cagayan de Oro as what other member said to you a bit safe to go too and easy for you to go to cebu, camiguin and beautiful places on here and you can go to night cafe everyday Friday and Saturday...theres some show on the stage for preparation of the City Fiesta this coming August...:) Tabing dagat is nice place to go when you are looking for sea food restaurant ... lots more if you are interested and If you want somebody on here, you can count on me.. :) anyway just take good care wherever you go.. nice pic :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
26th June 2010, 17:14
If you want somebody on here

:icon_lol: We already have a 'somebody' on the forum ... [he's] a Trusted Member. (Couldn't resist the :joke:!).

26th June 2010, 20:28
Hi! mrdavid777, first need to say welcome here just got online... i wish you luck on your trip and if you have time you can drop by here in Cagayan de Oro as what other member said to you a bit safe to go too and easy for you to go to cebu, camiguin and beautiful places on here and you can go to night cafe everyday Friday and Saturday...theres some show on the stage for preparation of the City Fiesta this coming August...:) Tabing dagat is nice place to go when you are looking for sea food restaurant ... lots more if you are interested and If you want somebody on here, you can count on me.. :) anyway just take good care wherever you go.. nice pic :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ooh! ladymai :xxgrinning--00xx3:...Good to see you posting on here again. :Hellooo:
I can vouch for her mrdavid, she's my wifes friend...She's very nice. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th June 2010, 20:31
am i missing something here:Cuckoo:

27th June 2010, 06:39
am i missing something here:Cuckoo:

yes :D
david is looking for a nice filipina and it looks like ladymai is one :rolleyes:

27th June 2010, 18:13
thanks, i will try,
i see a lady venus (not uranus) is posting just on date thread for her sister, hope she comes to read here first
mmmm long way kuwait though
i may need to wait for the 6 weeks school holiday before i can go
still my first choice to meet someone here as i,m told there are lots in the uk already

27th June 2010, 19:07
thanks, i will try,
i see a lady venus (not uranus) is posting just on date thread for her sister, hope she comes to read here first
mmmm long way kuwait though
i may need to wait for the 6 weeks school holiday before i can go
still my first choice to meet someone here as i,m told there are lots in the uk already

Well you ain't going to meet any in the UK on here. :NoNo:

28th June 2010, 12:22
Ok david goodluck to ur search if u like i have a sister in law, shes available hehehehhe

28th June 2010, 12:32
thanks, i will try,
i see a lady venus (not uranus) is posting just on date thread for her sister, hope she comes to read here first
mmmm long way kuwait though
i may need to wait for the 6 weeks school holiday before i can go
still my first choice to meet someone here as i,m told there are lots in the uk already

I might be speaking slightly out of turn here, but it is starting to sound a bit of one way traffic......:Erm:

Sorry for the bluntness, but are you looking for a wife for the right reasons or just to provide your daughter with a carer for when you go to work or to the pub....???

29th June 2010, 08:56
well i have taken care of my daughter alone for all her life, i dont work and dont need to, also i dont drink ever, so none of those things
truthful is i,m lonely, like to have someone when go to the beach and holidays etc
but i give up here anyway so no worrys no more one way for you to read and be botherd about ok
but hey its a nice friendly site, goodluck to everyone

29th June 2010, 09:29
Sorry to hear you are disillusioned, theres no harm in looking on here now & again.

Who knows a horde of UK based free & single Filipinas might sign up to the forum and silence the sceptics

29th June 2010, 09:49
well i have taken care of my daughter alone for all her life, i dont work and dont need to, also i dont drink ever, so none of those things
truthful is i,m lonely, like to have someone when go to the beach and holidays etc
but i give up here anyway so no worrys no more one way for you to read and be botherd about ok
but hey its a nice friendly site, goodluck to everyone

I did say "sorry for the bluntness"....:NoNo:

You have to admit that there are people out there just looking for a private nurse, and that is not right.

I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your efforts to find a soulmate.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th June 2010, 10:32
instead of waiting for them to read this thread, why don't you contact them, i think its called being proactive :Erm:

i mean what do you expect dozens of single ladies contacting you, i already told you that you will be waiting a long time for a single filipina in the uk.

btw this isn't a dating site, seems to me your expecting a lot and putting little effort into it :Erm:

29th June 2010, 11:53
i mean what do you expect dozens of single ladies contacting you, i already told you that you will be waiting a long time for a single filipina in the uk.

A negative comment. I think it's a question of putting a number of arrows in the air and one of them will hit the target.

I said this a week ago

"I wouldn't run up the white flag just yet David, be patient some girls probably only look at this forum every week or so.

There's also the possibility of someone noting your post and passing it on to a friend, relative, colleague etc. I wouldn't expect instant results."

There are at least 100000 Filipinos in the UK and a significant chunk of that number will be single and female.

29th June 2010, 12:14
are all of them 100000 single ladies are in this forum, just waiting for david to make this thread :Erm:

apart from yourself i haven't know anyone to meet a filipina in the uk.

so whats your advice to meet one apart from this thread because you seem to think its possible :D, does your wife know any??

29th June 2010, 13:22
are all of them 100000 single ladies are in this forum, just waiting for david to make this thread :Erm:

apart from yourself i haven't know anyone to meet a filipina in the uk.

so whats your advice to meet one apart from this thread because you seem to think its possible :D, does your wife know any??

Wife did work with 2 other single nurses but both now happy with English boyfriends.

I'd maybe start off checking out where a lot of Pinays work ie hospitals, are there any outfits such as hospital social clubs, I don't know, get someone to stick up a wanted notice on the nurses home notice board ! Like you say be pro-active but it's difficult for David looking being a single Dad. I'd also look at sites like match.com and any equivalents if there are any. Check out Barrio Fiestas and just engage in conversation. I met a couple recently she's been over 6 months working in a care home English bf met her while shopping in Sainsburys, he had the gumption to open his mouth and start chatting. If you don't ask you don't get.

I just think its inaccurate to make sweeping statements like you and others have along the lines of "you're not going to meet a single Filipina in the UK"

Thats my thoughts :)

29th June 2010, 13:23
There are at least 100000 Filipinos in the UK and a significant chunk of that number will be single and female.

i would say from the pinoys my wife knows and ones i've met the significant chunk are married with their husbands in the UK and most are nurses or work in care homes.

29th June 2010, 13:26
i would say from the pinoys my wife knows and ones i've met the significant chunk are married with their husbands in the UK and most are nurses or work in care homes.

But of that chunk a number are going to be single and if not they will know one who is

29th June 2010, 18:24
:D i think the number is alot smaller than you think :rolleyes:

29th June 2010, 19:02
sorry to my 2pennith worth in but isnt it about meeting the right woman who cares where she is from ! and surley we can only put ourselves out there and see what happens . i would love to meet a pinay lady and happy ever after but time and effort will tell. and no one should look for a nurse we should only want an equal or its not a marriage ?
good luck in your search. :doh

29th June 2010, 19:20
:D i think the number is alot smaller than you think :rolleyes:

Maybe so but I still think it's ridiculous to make "you're not going to meet one in the UK" type sweeping statements.

It's all a question of positive attitude, covering lots of bases and arrows in the air. Up & at 'em :D

29th June 2010, 19:41
If you come on here, looking for a single Filipina, then why don't you put a picture of yourself, on your avatar?
It's not impossible to meet one in the UK, but think of it from their point of view. Stands to reason, dosen't it, that you have to make a bit of an effort, to sell yourself.

Definately go to a Barrio Fiesta & get yourself in amongst them. :Cuckoo:

29th June 2010, 19:48
It's all a question of positive attitude, covering lots of bases and arrows in the air. Up & at 'em :D

i see nigel is rubbing off on you :D

29th June 2010, 20:12
If you come on here, looking for a single Filipina, then why don't you put a picture of yourself, on your avatar?
It's not impossible to meet one in the UK, but think of it from their point of view. Stands to reason, dosen't it, that you have to make a bit of an effort, to sell yourself.

Definately go to a Barrio Fiesta & get yourself in amongst them. :Cuckoo:

:xxgrinning--00xx3:That's a bit better less of the "can't do" and giving the guys some encouragement.

South East Boy's been a bit quiet lately I know he's met a few UK based girls...... he might have some good tips. Hopefully he's usefully distracted at the moment :D

29th June 2010, 20:54
:xxgrinning--00xx3:That's a bit better less of the "can't do" and giving the guys some encouragement.

South East Boy's been a bit quiet lately I know he's met a few UK based girls...... he might have some good tips. Hopefully he's usefully distracted at the moment :D

Wouldn't suggest it can't be done, but I can't ever remember a single Filipina in the UK, posting on this forum, who was looking? :Erm:

But it's true, someones sister, cousin, friend etc. may be in the right place, at the right time. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Tawi used to chat them up, at ATM's & supermarket check-outs, if my memory serves me right.

1st July 2010, 19:13
ATMs mmmm did he remember to withdraw,

Arthur Little
1st July 2010, 20:54
ATMs mmmm did he remember to withdraw,

Dunno :anerikke: ... he hasn't been seen or heard of since!