View Full Version : English Identity

15th June 2010, 11:02
I was thinking of posting this in the Culture and Food section, but I thought it best to post it here as a reply to jimeve's lament about the demise of England. It seems to me that we haven't latched on to an item of clothing like the Scottish kilt or the Filipino barong to express our national identity at formal occasions such as weddings, which is the natural right of every ethnic group. How about English Clogs? Pretty authentic, unlike some of the wackier suggestions for an item of English national dress. Unlike Dutch clogs, they have leather uppers. Here are two sites to peruse: www.clogmaker.co.uk
www.//ourfamilyatkinson.com For the second link, click on "Mike Cahill" under the word "Barclays".
By the way, for those who say that clogs are just for northern England, one of these clog makers is in Herefordshire.

15th June 2010, 11:19
Bow Ties? Tweed Jackets?

15th June 2010, 17:51
To me, bow ties and tweed jackets aren't quite ethnic enough. Most national costumes are based on an idealised version of what a prosperous working man would wear between about 1800 and 1850; maybe knee britches or something like that, something you'd feel a bit daft wearing in everyday life. Anyway, keep on with the ideas guys.

15th June 2010, 18:03
shell suit and white trianers

15th June 2010, 18:04
the hoody of course :D

Arthur Little
15th June 2010, 18:22
jimeve's *lament about the demise of England. It seems to me that we haven't latched on to an item of clothing like the Scottish kilt or the Filipino barong to express our national identity at formal occasions such as weddings

Interesting word, *'lament'! :rolleyes: According to the Chambers Dictionary, its origins date back to early Biblical times (wailing :bigcry: and gnashing of teeth :D &c.). However, the word has certain Scots' :Kilt: connotations too ... as in it being a mournful tune played [usually by a solitary piper] on the bagpipes as an expression of grief at some funerals.

15th June 2010, 18:23
straw hat or filipina wife?

15th June 2010, 18:23
straw hat or filipina wife?

or a kilt with underpants underneath.

Arthur Little
15th June 2010, 18:50
It seems to me that we haven't latched on to an item of clothing like the Scottish kilt or the Filipino barong to express our national identity at formal occasions such as weddings.

As for happier formal occasions ... like :wedtoss: ... I'M not English, :NoNo: but I wore what's often (?mistakenly) referred to as a "Morning Suit" [black 'tailcoat', grey waistcoat and striped trousers combining both sombre shades of "colour"] at my first wedding 42 years ago - even though it actually took place in the early afternoon :icon_lol: - but minus the traditional grey topper that completed the outfit for bridegrooms in England. So how's THAT for a suggestion ... albeit not to be worn as everyday attire?!

Arthur Little
15th June 2010, 19:08
or a kilt with underpants underneath.

Well, of COURSE, my friend :rolleyes: ... you don't REALLY believe all that poppy*cock [oops :cwm24: wrong choice of *word in the circumstances!] about what's worn (or NOT, as you imply) underneath :Kilt:s, up here, do you!?

18th June 2010, 17:32
"There is nothing worn under a Scotsmans kilt, it's all in perfect working order!" - Spike Milligan
