View Full Version : Last Minute Las Vegas Deals

19th June 2010, 12:01
Last Minute Las Vegas Deals (http://www.lastminutelasvegasdeals.co.uk/)

Last Minute Las Vegas Deals. Discover great deals to Las Vegas and surrounding areas, as well as information on flights, hotels, etc

*New Blog

19th June 2010, 20:48
vauxhall viva las vagas

19th June 2010, 21:01
:Erm: Just my 9th Blog in just over a week as I build my empire :xxgrinning--00xx3: .... only takes an hour to do one, and then I cna set'n'forget it, although I manually add my own content as well with keywords :D

Indexed in Google in less than 48hrs... and one of them is already No.1 in Yahoo, 5 others in the top 5

19th June 2010, 21:03
whats a blog then and how do i make one:Hellooo:

19th June 2010, 21:16

19th June 2010, 21:18
have to start somewhere and i was always told if i dont know always ask, plus if its your 9th blog how come it says blog entries 1:)

19th June 2010, 21:26
... and one of them is already No.1 in Yahoo, 5 others in the top 5

:omg: Really????? :Erm: people actually have read it??? or u posted the links somewhere that people accidentally would click it??? :Cuckoo:

20th June 2010, 09:34
:omg: Really????? :Erm: people actually have read it??? or u posted the links somewhere that people accidentally would click it??? :Cuckoo:
Well if it's No.1 of course people read it, although that isn't the intention, the point is that it gives more powerful inbound links to my main sites, and they also make money from ads :xxgrinning--00xx3:

This is the one, launched 10 days ago and ranked already above all the main immigration sites on Yahoo http://uk.search.yahoo.com/search?vc=&p=immigration+help&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-702