View Full Version : Fiancee Visa Application? Problem Questions

20th June 2010, 19:18
Hi All

Maristela is now in the process of completing the Fiancee Visa Application however we have hit a couple of problem with the questions. I was hoping other forum members might be able to give us guidance.

The first problem question 8.4 where they ask about what arrangements have been made for notification of the marriage. Because Maristela will need to obtain a Certificate of Approval we cannot comply with the requirements to register for the marriage until she has a valid fiancee visa and is physically in the country. Can anyone explain how we get out of that conundrum? Following from this 8.8 and 8.9 cannot be completed because until she is her and we notified the intention to marry obviously we cannot make the marriage arrangements!!!!!!! :doh

The second problem which is baffling us are the initial questions on the form. For example the travel date, which we cannot book until the visa application is approved. They then ask the date Maristela intends to leave the UK. However, she will not be leaving once we are married we will apply for FLR and eventually ILR. We are only intending therefore to buy a one way ticket. So do we just leave these questions unanswered or what do we put there?

I also note from reading the forums that it is suggested that I provide evidence of supporting Maristela while she is in the Philippines. However, she does not need my financial support there as she is supported by her family. She has never asked for any money from me. Obviously, once she comes to the UK I will be supporting her from my earnings and pension until she gets an FLR and employment. Is the lack of financial support going to go against the application. It seems perverse if that is the case.

Sorry for so many questions. It is probable that they have been answered elsewhere but I haven't been able to find the answers.

Thanks for any help that you can give in advance.


20th June 2010, 19:47
I can answering your first few questions very easily - you are looking at the wrong form. You should be filling in a settlement visa form (vaf4a) rather than a marriage visit form (vaf1f).

20th June 2010, 20:02
hi there me and emma have just aplied and have gotten on fiancee visa sdo we could help, you cannot get a date for marriage so put in there as soon possible or as soon as maristela is in the country then we will aply,the travel dates think of a date say 2 months ahead and put that in , as darren-b says get the right form first, support her well if she is in no need of help then say so but if you have sent anything put it down too, if she is to become your partner they look at it if she needs help then you should provide it , any other help just call

New Shoes
20th June 2010, 22:06
Is the "Settlement Visa (VAF4A Dec 2008)" the current visa application form to use?

Also, is this the correct web site to use?

Arthur Little
20th June 2010, 22:41
Is the "Settlement Visa (VAF4A Dec 2008)" the current visa application form to use?

Also, is this the correct web site to use?

Yes, in each case ... I'm certainly unaware of any changes since. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st June 2010, 07:29
Thanks everyone, It helps a lot having the rigt form :doh:doh. Stupid me.

OK we will try again.

21st June 2010, 07:31
Thanks Stevewool, Is it OK to PM you if I have more questions?


New Shoes
21st June 2010, 08:46
Many thanks for the reply.

21st June 2010, 15:46
no probs just give me a shout anytime :)

13th July 2010, 04:13
Hi there!
My fiancee in Belfast just come over for a visit. He planned to get me as soon as possible. He suggested a tourist visa, but im doubt because i dont have work, they might asking me about my employment and savings. What do u think is the easy way to get there. would fiancee visa will be ok?


13th July 2010, 07:34
Hi there!
My fiancee in Belfast just come over for a visit. He planned to get me as soon as possible. He suggested a tourist visa, but im doubt because i dont have work, they might asking me about my employment and savings. What do u think is the easy way to get there. would fiancee visa will be ok?


Hello Ann, why go for a Fiancee visa? coz for the visit visa to be approved, you have to show proof that you're coming back to the Philippines after the visit. The proof maybe a regular job, your assets/properties, huge saving in the bank.

17th July 2010, 04:51
Hello Ann, why go for a Fiancee visa? coz for the visit visa to be approved, you have to show proof that you're coming back to the Philippines after the visit. The proof maybe a regular job, your assets/properties, huge saving in the bank.

Hello aryM, thanks for the thoughts. I may suggest that to him. We are still preparing of what documents to be prepare. We are not yet go to processing stage.. Thanks again