View Full Version : The Hell O' A' Diseases ...

Arthur Little
28th June 2010, 17:31
... toothache, in other words - according to Scotland's :Kilt: National Bard, Rabbie Burns. And he was spot-on THERE!

MINE began on Friday ... with a few twinges. By the next day, it had escalated ... despite doping myself up on painkillers at intervals throughout the ensuing 24 hours [odd that an onslaught of this magnitude invariably happens at weekends - when there never seem to be any dentists on call! :doh].

Yesterday was an absolute nightmare - with me stumbling along like some kind of zombie most of the time, having barely slept at all for two nights. Plus I'd developed a large abscess to reinforce this impression. I resembled the one-eyed gunner, in fact and, with my right cheek swollen and all puffed-up I was, as they say in these parts, "No' boannie!". :NoNo:

But thankfully, I managed to be seen as a dental emergency first thing this morning, and was provided with high-strength antibiotics (Amoxicillin 3 g sachets) to be taken in two doses and shall return again early tomorrow for assessment and further treatment.

It would be fair to say, I've never before experienced such a prolonged period of pain without relief. It's something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy - if I had one (which, hopefully, I don't!). "The hell o' a' diseases", right enough!. :cwm23:

28th June 2010, 19:37
Best way to lower the pain is to get your wifey to wack you in the nuts with a baseball bat.... you're toothache will vanish for a while until you get your testicles from the back of your throat to where they started .... no need to thank me for such excellent advice :D

Arthur Little
28th June 2010, 19:54
Best way to lower the pain is to get your wifey to wack you in the nuts with a baseball bat....

... :omg:! I remember getting hit there once with a particularly hard snowball :cwm24: ... excruciating!

28th June 2010, 20:06
see it worked then arthur took your mind of your tooth for the split second:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

28th June 2010, 20:49
I sympathise enormously Arthur!!! I have always had 'tooth trouble' even though I have looked after them - no sweet stuff etc..........
To compound this, I am one of the millions who has an irrational fear of dental treatment!!
I really need to have all mine extracted and replaced with screw-ins or whatever (No set of choppers PLEASE!!) however, I would never be brave enough!!!

P.S. Don't tell Hanna she married a sissy!!!!!

P.P.S. Anyone else got the 'Denist phobia?'

P.P.P.S. England were total crap weren't they?


28th June 2010, 20:49
Hope it clears up soon Arthur. :)

Yeah, Alan, I hate them too, maybe they hate me.......hmm

Last time i went for a check-up, just before I went away to Phils, the bugger made my mouth bleed for 2 days with all his bloody poking around with his prick thing. I should have made his mouth bleed too....... will do next time ha ha!!

28th June 2010, 20:53
i to have a fear of dentist alan i have to take some one with me still, it all started with tyhe crap school dentist :Cuckoo::Cuckoo:

Arthur Little
28th June 2010, 21:14
:68711_thanx:, guys. I guess I'm lucky with the dentist I have ... when he saw me this morning his first words, on seeing my swollen face were: Wow ... that's a beauty you've got THERE, eh!? An altogether different - and welcome - approach from the archetypal, grim looking practitioners of my childhood; :Erm: ... which calls to mind the old :joke: which goes something like this:

Q. Why do dentists have a reputation for being depressed? ... A. Because they're always looking down in the mouth! :icon_lol:

28th June 2010, 21:23
i to have a fear of dentist alan i have to take some one with me still, it all started with tyhe crap school dentist :Cuckoo::Cuckoo:

Hi all,:Wave:
I am anouther who fears the dentist, mine also started with a butcher of a school one!

To make it even worse getting a dentist here is difficult with long waiting list as they seem to have all gone private:Erm:

All is ok at the moment:xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th June 2010, 21:27
:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: nice one arthur , what does the dentish of the year get ???? a little plaque:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

28th June 2010, 21:53
..... with all his bloody poking around with his prick thing....

I don't think he's a dentist Steve :cwm24:

28th June 2010, 22:08
I don't think he's a dentist Steve :cwm24:

Well he showed me his credentials as he was preparing his prick. He gave me a funny mouth-wash too ........ yuk :Cuckoo:

Maybe you're right Keith, ........darn it, and I was the one paying too :Erm:

28th June 2010, 22:16
so did you swill it round your mouth then spit steve:doh

28th June 2010, 22:24
so did you swill it round your mouth then spit steve:doh
I am afraid you can never avoid swallowing some of it Steve, I am sure we can all share that experience :omg:

28th June 2010, 22:33
indeed we can

28th June 2010, 22:51
indeed we can

:cwm24: ...erm.... :NoNo:

28th June 2010, 23:10
Hope it clears up soon Arthur. :)

Yeah, Alan, I hate them too, maybe they hate me.......hmm

Last time i went for a check-up, just before I went away to Phils, the bugger made my mouth bleed for 2 days with all his bloody poking around with his prick thing. I should have made his mouth bleed too....... will do next time ha ha!!

A-Ha! Hey Steve you should have had your teeth done here in the Philippines. Dentist here are much better. My husband had his' here and it was cheaper.

28th June 2010, 23:26
A-Ha! Hey Steve you should have had your teeth done here in the Philippines. Dentist here are much better. My husband had his' here and it was cheaper.
Yes, you see many people with great teeth in Phils, maybe I get a check up during my next visit.
But, on the flip side, there are many people who cannot afford a dentist and have terrible teeth. I saw many children with rotten teeth, is that just an education thing or a diet problem ? :Erm:


29th June 2010, 00:01
i know the feeling of having a really bad abscess, a week of work feeling dizzy and faint, a throbbing painful tooth while you wait until you can take the next antibiotic kicks in.

strangely i had the abscess on a tooth which already had root canal done on it :censored: i could feel the pressure under the tooth and i wanted it to pop so much, in fact i called mr potato head due to the swelling :laugher:

29th June 2010, 02:36
:omg: i'm surprised that a lot of guys here are afraid of the dentists..hehe.. :D are u guys afraid of injections, blood, or something related to medical procedure too?

29th June 2010, 06:23
:omg: i'm surprised that a lot of guys here are afraid of the dentists..hehe.. :D are u guys afraid of injections, blood, or something related to medical procedure too?
The hit on the wallet Rayna :omg:

29th June 2010, 09:45
:omg: i'm surprised that a lot of guys here are afraid of the dentists..hehe.. :D are u guys afraid of injections, blood, or something related to medical procedure too?
Hi raynaputi, :Wave:
No I do not mind needles even injections in my mouth, its the dam drilling!

29th June 2010, 09:54
Hope it clears up soon Arthur. :)

the bugger made my mouth bleed for 2 days with all his bloody poking around with his prick thing.

Oh, yeah...?:Erm:

29th June 2010, 10:06
Hello Arthur,:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Ihope your pain and swelling is reducing!

Do you know if they are planning on any further treatment?

29th June 2010, 10:08
Oh, yeah...?:Erm:

There is always a denial stage :doh

29th June 2010, 14:33
Hope your feeling better now Sir Arthur. Just take some mefenamic and amoxicillin :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
29th June 2010, 17:11
:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: nice one arthur , what does the dentish of the year get ???? a little plaque:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

:icon_lol: ... good one of yours too, Steve! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
29th June 2010, 17:20
Hope your feeling better now Sir Arthur. Just take some mefenamic and amoxicillin :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I AM ... a LOT better, :68711_thanx:, Liane! And, d'you know ... the antibiotics you mention are EXACTLY the ones my dentist prescribed!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
29th June 2010, 17:38
Hope it clears up soon Arthur. :)

Last time i went for a check-up, just before I went away to Phils, the bugger made my mouth bleed for 2 days with all his bloody poking around with his prick thing.

And :68711_thanx:, Steve; NOW, tell me ... what's all this about YOUR dentist poking about with his ... :Erm: ... "tool"? :cwm24: Seems a bit kinky to me! :rolleyes:

Arthur Little
29th June 2010, 17:55
Hello Arthur,:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Ihope your pain and swelling is reducing!

Do you know if they are planning on any further treatment?

It HAS, Mick ... :68711_thanx: I've to go back again in two weeks' time for a check-up and assessment - as my dentist is hopeful of saving the affected tooth - whereas at one time, it would've been simply yanked-out! :cwm24: (the tooth, I mean! :icon_lol:)

29th June 2010, 18:26
.... (the tooth, I mean! :icon_lol:)

Yes, it is best to make thing clear on this forum, some people take things the wrong way :rolleyes:

29th June 2010, 20:43
:icon_lol::icon_lol: really :icon_lol::icon_lol:

Doc Alan
30th June 2010, 18:33
I managed to be seen as a dental emergency first thing this morning, and was provided with high-strength antibiotics ...
Did you ask for an appointment at 2.30 (tooth-hurty...:doh)
But, to take this thread seriously, and with no dentist on the forum (to my knowledge), I have to say that all dentists allowed to practise by the UK General Dental Council are highly professional. They don't enjoy causing pain to their patients in the course of treatment ; indeed, it's highly stressful to them. Modern dental treatment is immeasurably better than even a few years ago, with the emphasis on conservative dentistry and far better pain control. This applies here and in the Philippines:).

30th June 2010, 19:31
Did you ask for an appointment at 2.30 (tooth-hurty...:doh)
But, to take this thread seriously, and with no dentist on the forum (to my knowledge), I have to say that all dentists allowed to practise by the UK General Dental Council are highly professional. They don't enjoy causing pain to their patients in the course of treatment ; indeed, it's highly stressful to them. Modern dental treatment is immeasurably better than even a few years ago, with the emphasis on conservative dentistry and far better pain control. This applies here and in the Philippines:).

Nope!! Sorry Alan - I'm still 'scared of the dentist!!'


30th June 2010, 19:33
Did you ask for an appointment at 2.30 (tooth-hurty...:doh)

I was going to say that, but was too embarrassed to go through with it. :D

I heard Mad Frankie Fraser, was good at dentistry, with a pair of pliers (Krays gang). :yikes:

Never really suffered with toothache, though wifey seems to occassionally, but wont go to the dentist. I don't like going myself. :NoNo:

My sympathies are with you Arthur.

Arthur Little
1st July 2010, 00:05
Did you ask for an appointment at 2.30 (tooth-hurty...:doh)

:xxgrinning--00xx3: ... nice one, Alan! With the additional responsibilities inherent in my new, moderatorial duties, it's only now, I'm getting around to reading replies to earlier threads I've contributed. :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
1st July 2010, 00:18
Never really suffered with toothache

Eh? ... are you SERIOUS? Never? Ooooooooooooh :cwm24: ... thank your lucky stars, my friend! Ouch!

My sympathies are with you Arthur.

:68711_thanx:, Simon ... MY sympathies were with ME too!! :Brick:

1st July 2010, 06:59
Did you ask for an appointment at 2.30 (tooth-hurty...:doh)
But, to take this thread seriously, and with no dentist on the forum (to my knowledge), I have to say that all dentists allowed to practise by the UK General Dental Council are highly professional. They don't enjoy causing pain to their patients in the course of treatment ; indeed, it's highly stressful to them. Modern dental treatment is immeasurably better than even a few years ago, with the emphasis on conservative dentistry and far better pain control. This applies here and in the Philippines:).

Hi Doc Alan,:Wave:
As I said I am one of thoes really scared of going to the dentist, I realise it sounds stupid but I am.

I did used to go regularly to try and avoid pain, but my then dentist went private and I was relived I could not find anouther here on the Isle of Wight.

I have heard od some dentist that will take un people like me, but how do I find one?

If age has anything to do with it I am 66.


1st July 2010, 10:04
Last time I visited the dentist she broke my tooth in half, and drilled into my mouth twice :doh .... after putting in an official complaint I'm just waiting for her to leave before going back :cwm24:

Doc Alan
1st July 2010, 16:39
Hi Doc Alan,:Wave:
As I said I am one of thoes really scared of going to the dentist, I realise it sounds stupid but I am.

I did used to go regularly to try and avoid pain, but my then dentist went private and I was relived I could not find anouther here on the Isle of Wight.

Mick.:olddude:Of course nobody likes going to the dentist and my dental colleagues tell me no one ever pretends to have toothache (unlike other malingerers - people who pretend to be ill for various reasons). There is always a reason for toothache!
But it's also true that present day dentists do not enjoy inflicting
pain. So if your dentist does not empathise (understand and share) with you, then change to another! There are insufficient numbers of NHS dentists (they have good reasons for going private, not just related to money, but to their contractual arrangements, but that's another matter). However, the situation varies somewhat depending on where you live ; I also never forget the fact that this forum is for the Philippines as well as UK. So my advice is to ask around wherever you live (word of mouth as Arthur might say :yikes:) All dentists (NHS or private) must reach and maintain high standards, and these days that includes empathy with their patients :xxgrinning--00xx3: