View Full Version : what do you guys talk about when you are apart and how often do you chat.

29th June 2010, 19:54
I was just wondering what does everyone talk about when they are not together and how often you chat with each other. :Jump:

29th June 2010, 20:16
as not together you mean talking to other people but being together talking to our partners:Cuckoo:

29th June 2010, 20:17
sex . money and food :)

29th June 2010, 20:34
sex . money and food :) Not sure if you qualify to answer this one mistermatty :doh :Brick: :icon_lol:

29th June 2010, 20:42
nice one steve:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

29th June 2010, 20:51
nice one steve:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You know Mary-Drew, with the internet and yahoo messenger you can talk for hours about anything you would normally talk about if she/he were sitting right next to you. Family to weather what's on TV to watching a movie together.....yeah, we have even done that!! Staying in contact everyday is a must I think. It is not always easy to make it work with the time difference, but I think many of us here can work around the early/later hours of contact, and why not, we love our Mahal's right.

29th June 2010, 21:07
Like steve.r say's....Everything & anything. Sometimes, it just flows & other times, there's not much to say?

But everyday & often a phone call too.

If we can't get online, because I'm away working, or a brown out etc. then I will definately phone her. :)

29th June 2010, 22:10
hi sim glad you siad that , sometimes not much to say, i feel horrible when you do have that silent bit even though you have been looking forword to seeing or talking to your partner , at the moment i am having problems with the phone connection over there , not all the time but sometimes , but soon all that will be gone july 31 talk face to face :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th June 2010, 22:15
Surely, you cant mean that I have to talk to her ??? Tell me it aint so :icon_sorry:

29th June 2010, 22:39

You know Mary-Drew, with the internet and yahoo messenger you can talk for hours about anything you would normally talk about if she/he were sitting right next to you. Family to weather what's on TV to watching a movie together.....yeah, we have even done that!! Staying in contact everyday is a must I think. It is not always easy to make it work with the time difference, but I think many of us here can work around the early/later hours of contact, and why not, we love our Mahal's right.

Totally agree Steve

29th June 2010, 22:54
hi sim glad you siad that , sometimes not much to say, i feel horrible when you do have that silent bit even though you have been looking forword to seeing or talking to your partner , at the moment i am having problems with the phone connection over there , not all the time but sometimes , but soon all that will be gone july 31 talk face to face :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Don't worry steve, if you are comfortable in each others company, it dosen't matter. We all probably feel awkward at times.
As for the phones, yeah they can be temperamental...like this morning. :cwm23:

Better start a countdown, 1 month to go, until your Emma is here! :Jump:

30th June 2010, 00:12
A countdown goody:icon_lol:

30th June 2010, 07:09
anything under sun...

30th June 2010, 07:13
just for you keithangel 31

30th June 2010, 07:24
Make it bigger, so it's more exciting! 31 :D

30th June 2010, 07:30
i have been trying to do that sim and as keithangel said use the seach button:icon_lol: but still cant do it because no one has answered that question yet :icon_lol::icon_lol:, so it just goes to show us all that we do need to ask questions still keithangel:Cuckoo:

30th June 2010, 07:31

30th June 2010, 07:42
31 found it :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

30th June 2010, 07:49
Not sure if you qualify to answer this one mistermatty :doh :Brick: :icon_lol:

Thanks for your support

30th June 2010, 07:58
how is it going fo you and your wife mistermatty

30th June 2010, 08:04
how is it going fo you and your wife mistermatty

ok after our little blip , no one ever said marriage was easy especially when yiu are 6000 miles apart .

30th June 2010, 08:10
thats good news , never is mate even if you are in the same room, its down to misunderstanding most times , myself and emma sometimes miss the point we are trying to make and if there is only a little tie or the connection is bad , well it makes it twice as hard to explain , but we get there

1st July 2010, 07:20
30 to go

1st July 2010, 19:57
Steve & Sim, Totally agreed on this one. Amazing how somedays you can chat for ever about seemingly nothing and then other times there is that awkward silence. We are living in a very fortunate time with internet connection and so many ways to connect & communicate. Yahoo messenger, MSN, Skype as well as old fashioned phone calls letters and postcards etc.
I feel very fortunate than Arlene & I can Ym every morning & afternoon and evening!
the joys of modern technology and smart phones etc.

Makes me think how difficult it was for those members who met there partners 10 or more years ago.
Bosses forum wouldnt have been around also to help us all in so many ways!

Such a great place with such great people..... the forum & the Philippines!!!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st July 2010, 20:18
Makes me think how difficult it was for those members who met there partners 10 or more years ago.
Bosses forum wouldnt have been around also to help us all in so many ways!

Been here online since 2001 :xxgrinning--00xx3: .... I'm responsible for a lot of babies :omg:

1st July 2010, 20:20
hi there alanmf 1 , indeed we are lucky , but at the moment the mobile is not working very good , so getting a little anoyed sometimes but hey ho soon be talking face to face , then there better not be any arkward moments or there will be whats wrong have i done something :icon_lol::icon_lol:nag nag nag nag nag

1st July 2010, 20:21
how many babies there then and any named after you , or are you anyones god father, if not fancy it:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

1st July 2010, 20:25
Too right...........Steve W... glad u are in to the last days before Emma's arrival.
Arlene is off the VFS this coming week to apply for her Visa so fingers crossed:doh

1st July 2010, 20:27
good luck it took us just 3 weeks so it can happen to anyone :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st July 2010, 20:47
we are so lucky with technology and innovations. stevewool, I can recommend you get skype if phone is not working. I pay for my skype to call my fiance in UK and it cost less, or u can setup for your mahal back home, but you will be together soon.

as for me and fiance, I work at home and have to synch with my boss in the US so I get to talk to him for straight 8 hours if he works at home. If not then we can always call each other. YM mobile works best as how things are doing between you both. I think there is so many things to talk about because it is a way of knowing the person better, the one you are spending the rest of your life with. It is important to keep the communication line open. It is also great to hear your special one's voice because you are not yet physically together. For me it completes my day.
We talk everything under the sun.. from work, plans, day to day errands, frustrations, etc. Its good to know you are sharing everything even though you are 7000 miles away.

1st July 2010, 20:51
how many babies there then and any named after you , or are you anyones god father, if not fancy it:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

I tend to stay clear as once the wife sets eyes on me they want my body :Jump: ......... usually for strange rituals though :angry: :voodoo:

1st July 2010, 21:52
I was just wondering what does everyone talk about when they are not together and how often you chat with each other. :Jump:

me and hubby is online 24/7 talking of being together :heartshape1::heartshape1:
and now we are together we still cant believe it sometimes...talk and think of nice things and it will all happen in the right time

1st July 2010, 22:12
me and hubby is online 24/7 talking of being together :heartshape1::heartshape1:
and now we are together we still cant believe it sometimes...talk and think of nice things and it will all happen in the right time

I had skype on my phone its free with 3 network so we were able to talk often...very often...now she is holding me to all the things we said we would do...ive been very busy since she has been here and hope we can leave the house soon.....Love you hunnie