View Full Version : The first of many I'm sure!

1st July 2010, 08:24
After posting in another thread that it's our 6 month anniversary, I managed to get my first "look" the other day from Yam! I mean one of those looks where you know you've done something wrong! :yikes:

Admittedly, when I was given "the look", it may have had something to do with me sitting in the car holding an ipad after stating on Facebook that I didn't know if I could justify spending £600 on one to the missus! Lucky for me, it was just one work had bought for us to play with. Sorry, I mean test with! :D

Even though this time around, I really hadn't done anything wrong, I took it as a shot across the bow that I know my place in this relationship! :D

1st July 2010, 08:55
Wait till you get a taste of full blown Tampo :D

1st July 2010, 09:01
Yeah, over the last 2 years I think I've been lucky not to see it full blown yet! :)

1st July 2010, 09:31
I've been lucky not to see it full blown yet! :)

i would say thats unlucky ;)

1st July 2010, 09:56
Yeah, over the last 2 years I think I've been lucky not to see it full blown yet! :)

Your still in the honeymoon period, don't worry the full blown tampo will come soon enough....... just watch out for the period of moody silence that usually precedes the tampo..... and then get ready to duck when she explodes.

1st July 2010, 12:37
Your still in the honeymoon period, don't worry the full blown tampo will come soon enough....... just watch out for the period of moody silence that usually precedes the tampo..... and then get ready to duck when she explodes.


1st July 2010, 12:45
Your still in the honeymoon period, don't worry the full blown tampo will come soon enough....... just watch out for the period of moody silence that usually precedes the tampo..... and then get ready to duck when she explodes.

Oh I've seen the silences. Guilty of them myself. Just not seem the full storm after the "calm" yet! :)

1st July 2010, 20:09
whats this tampo thing, am i thinking its some monthly thing, fred may have been right about some thickos on here:Cuckoo::Cuckoo:help me emma is soon to be here i need to prepare for everything and anything too,

1st July 2010, 20:24
The month thing is different .... but beware Tampo + Period = Atomic Bomb :icon_sorry:

1st July 2010, 20:35
well thats answered the question thanks:)

2nd July 2010, 08:27
The month thing is different .... but beware Tampo + Period = Atomic Bomb :icon_sorry:

Oh No!!!!! that's the worst one. :xxmixed-smiley-017::xxmixed-smiley-017::xxmixed-smiley-017::xxmixed-smiley-017::xxmixed-smiley-017::xxmixed-smiley-017::xxmixed-smiley-017:

2nd July 2010, 08:31
whats this tampo thing, am i thinking its some monthly thing, fred may have been right about some thickos on here:Cuckoo::Cuckoo:help me emma is soon to be here i need to prepare for everything and anything too,

You can never prepare for the full blown tampo...... it will probably happen when your least expecting it and it might even have been brought on by something you said, done, did or didn't do a few days ago. :Erm::Erm::Erm: The best description of the tampo that I've heard went something like "an extremely irrational reaction to something which on the surface appears to be quite a simple problem" that's because it's not usually about the event that triggered it, it's usually about something else that they've been bottling up for a couple of days.

2nd July 2010, 08:43
That makes me even more scared of it than I already was. I live on an island so there's no chance of an escape!!!! Well not an easy one anyway! :yikes:

2nd July 2010, 08:45
That makes me even more scared of it than I already was. I live on an island so there's no chance of an escape!!!! Well not an easy one anyway! :yikes:

Alcatraz! :Erm:

2nd July 2010, 08:47
Alcatraz! :Erm:

No if it was alcatraz, there'd be more things to do than there is here! :)

2nd July 2010, 08:59
The month thing is different .... but beware Tampo + Period = Atomic Bomb :icon_sorry:

:icon_lol: best get out of the way then or give the attention she wants!:D:Jump:

2nd July 2010, 14:08
Im told that a tampo attack is due to a general lack of lambing when previously it was in ample supply...Bound to happen in many cases after the "honeymoon period" IMO..
My advice... Start as you mean to carry on...That`l cancel out the need for tampo and nip it in the bud.
Bahala ka!

2nd July 2010, 20:16
That makes me even more scared of it than I already was. I live on an island so there's no chance of an escape!!!! Well not an easy one anyway! :yikes:

maybe a island dave but some very fast roads to escape on

3rd July 2010, 09:06
That makes me even more scared of it than I already was. I live on an island so there's no chance of an escape!!!! Well not an easy one anyway! :yikes:

I keep an overnight bag next to the back door at all times. It contains 4 days worth of clothes, money and passport. Given 3 minutes warning, i've calculated i have a 76% chance of survival...........but only if i distract her long enough by telling her the rice is burning :D

3rd July 2010, 12:08
Why fear the tampo jeez most married blokes i know would love the Wife to stop talking:D Best way I found is to mirror if you shut up I shut and trust me far harder for a lady to stop talking for a length of time than a bloke:D

Dave you ever wonder why your Dad Grandad had a shed or workshop or an "office" in the gaff? That or bowls off to football, the pub or fishing...

I found i can go days with out chating if needed at home so the missus has learned that she shouldn't act like a spolit brat.

Two adults if they cant talk though the problems or agree to give one another some space need to think whats going wrong..
Dont tell me its culture and tradtion otherwise maybe the Brits should bring back the stocks for nagging women:Rasp:
Just because its tradtion or always been done doesn't make it right.

The Wife still occasionally goes to have a tantrum and I have learned a few different responses (always best to mix them up) the carry on as if nothing happened, blank them, or the stroll off. Also often we walk along in the vincity of one another but no passer by would notice we were a couple..

Oh the other one you get is as Boss Admin says is the missus thinking she manny paquino :rolleyes:

Again never thought much of Women who are happy to hit out and know they wont get hit back.. I know from previous experiences than in my circles of friends n family the women actually frown on this as well. I can think of a number of times where a woman happy to punch n slap a hubby who cant give it back get a visit from the guys female friends totally uninstigated by the guy..

5th July 2010, 13:03
maybe a island dave but some very fast roads to escape on

But they always come back to the same place! :yikes:

I keep an overnight bag next to the back door at all times. It contains 4 days worth of clothes, money and passport. Given 3 minutes warning, i've calculated i have a 76% chance of survival...........but only if i distract her long enough by telling her the rice is burning :D

Out of laziness, we've still got a tent and sleeping bag near the front door from when we went camping a while back. Maybe there's a sub-conscious reason why I've left them there this long! :)

Dave you ever wonder why your Dad Grandad had a shed or workshop or an "office" in the gaff? .

But I only have an outside cupboard under the stairs, and I don't want to have to go through my childhood again! :omg: