View Full Version : hi!

1st July 2010, 12:55
hello im marist.just new to this site....so....help me out folks! have so many queries about everything...about love,getting married....getting to Uk...be with my babe!!!! im dying to be with him....really really need help..please?!:)

1st July 2010, 12:57
Hi Babe, welcome to the site, you made it then.

I know that the good people on the site will help you.

I notice you didn't tell them about me. hahahaha


1st July 2010, 13:00
hi babe.thanks for the very warm welcome....how sweet!!!!mwaaaaah mwaaah mwaaaah!!!!!!

1st July 2010, 13:22
:Erm: Now that's quick courting :D

Arthur Little
1st July 2010, 13:39
hello im marist.just new to this site....so....help me out folks! have so many queries about everything...about love,getting married....getting to Uk...be with my babe!!!! im dying to be with him....really really need help..please?!:)

Hi Babe, welcome to the site, you made it then.

I know that the good people on the site will help you.

I notice you didn't tell them about me. hahahaha


Ah yes ... I recognise the connection here :rolleyes: - having communicated with your mahal, Marist. Don't know HIS name, though ... since he's always posted under LV. Anyway, :welcomex: to the forum ... and be assured of there being many friendly folk - who will be more than happy to share their areas of expertise with you. Just ask ... :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st July 2010, 13:55
Welcome to the forum Marist :Hellooo:

1st July 2010, 14:18
wow that was quick better then the post

2nd July 2010, 01:07
welcome here :)

2nd July 2010, 08:49
Welcome to the forum! :)

2nd July 2010, 11:20
Welcome to the forum!:welcomex:

2nd July 2010, 11:41
Hi Marist, welcome to the forum :Hellooo:

2nd July 2010, 11:46

5th July 2010, 12:43
yeah, we already met and LV said I should join the site. :icon_lol: Not sure now what to do, I am still learning about the forum.


James Hubbard
5th July 2010, 12:53
welcome, and ya, any questions, just post them :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th July 2010, 15:30
thank you,liane!!!!

5th July 2010, 15:31
thank you:)

5th July 2010, 15:32
welcome, and ya, any questions, just post them :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks I will

11th July 2010, 05:18
hi liane.how are you? are you married already? how long? are you now living in UK?my husband to be is just on the process of bringing me to England.hoping and praying for a visa approval in no time for i want to be with him the soonest time possible!!!!!

11th July 2010, 05:20
Hi Marist, welcome to the forum :Hellooo:

thank you.may i ask how long have you been married? was there any difficulties or problems you encountered in filling or applying for a visa? i have filled up a "settlement form" my mahal think this is the best way i can be with him for good.any advice please? thanks.GOD BLESS.

11th July 2010, 05:22

thank you mikey.if there are any tips or anything you would want to share with me about life in UK and all the things i need to do and avoid in applying for a visa...would be very much appreciated.again,thank you.GOD BLESS!

11th July 2010, 05:24
Hi Babe, welcome to the site, you made it then.

I know that the good people on the site will help you.

I notice you didn't tell them about me. hahahaha


hi babe.i miss you already...hahaha...it was like an hour since we last talked....but....there....I MISS YOU na talaga!!!!goooooooood morning:Jump:

11th July 2010, 05:25
welcome here :)


11th July 2010, 05:27
hi babe.i miss you already...hahaha...it was like an hour since we last talked....but....there....I MISS YOU na talaga!!!!goooooooood morning:Jump:
mahal kong mervyn(LV) what would you want me to tell everyone about you then? that i love you so much....that i always go crazy about not talking or web chatting with you even just for an hour....you want them to know how head over hills i am with you...what? tell me? hehehehe.mahal na mahal kita,babe!!!! mwaaaaah!!!!!!

11th July 2010, 05:29
:Erm: Now that's quick courting :D


11th July 2010, 05:33
Ah yes ... I recognise the connection here :rolleyes: - having communicated with your mahal, Marist. Don't know HIS name, though ... since he's always posted under LV. Anyway, :welcomex: to the forum ... and be assured of there being many friendly folk - who will be more than happy to share their areas of expertise with you. Just ask ... :xxgrinning--00xx3:

ei mr arthur:Hellooo: my mahal is mervyn aka LV.hehehe.we've known each other for just 6months but....the happiness we felt together and now apart 6,000 miles is really really something.......beautiful.....something we want to continue nurturing with more love and understanding......hope i can be with him the soonest time possible :heartshape1:

11th July 2010, 05:38
Ah yes ... I recognise the connection here :rolleyes: - having communicated with your mahal, Marist. Don't know HIS name, though ... since he's always posted under LV. Anyway, :welcomex: to the forum ... and be assured of there being many friendly folk - who will be more than happy to share their areas of expertise with you. Just ask ... :xxgrinning--00xx3:
hi again mr arthur.mervyn(LV) and i are planning to be married in England....i am in the process of filling up application form for a "settlement visa" any advice you got there would be very much appreciated.thanks in advance.take care.

11th July 2010, 06:01
hi liane.how are you? are you married already? how long? are you now living in UK?my husband to be is just on the process of bringing me to England.hoping and praying for a visa approval in no time for i want to be with him the soonest time possible!!!!!

Hi once again Marist :)
I am married for nearly six months and just about to process my application this coming week. I wish you luck on your application so you could be with LV :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th July 2010, 06:55
Hi once again Marist :)
I am married for nearly six months and just about to process my application this coming week. I wish you luck on your application so you could be with LV :xxgrinning--00xx3:

so you got married here in the Philippines? so you would be applying for a spousal visa then? we'll just gonna get married in England...so,im on a different situation here.Im filling up a settlement visa form.if you have any advice you can get from your husband re my situation and the form i am filling for...that would be very great!!!!! mwaaaah!!!!

17th July 2010, 00:50
Hello Marist :Hellooo:
Hmnnn sounds familiar :)
Anyway, welcome to the forum :)

17th July 2010, 04:21
in 6 months me and my husband known eachother for almost 3 years before married hehe and now is 2nd monthsery

18th July 2010, 06:04
Welcome to the forum Marist, just keep posting and update us here... good luck to your visa application soon :Hellooo:

2nd August 2010, 14:40
thank you.i have just passed all my documents today.hoping and praying for a positive answer:)

2nd August 2010, 18:00
Hi Babes Marist and Mervyn...sweet!!!!
goodluck on ur visa application:):xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd August 2010, 01:41
thank you.i have just passed all my documents today.hoping and praying for a positive answer:)

:)good luck with your application, hoping for a quick and positive response.

3rd August 2010, 12:27
Hi Babes Marist and Mervyn...sweet!!!!
goodluck on ur visa application:):xxgrinning--00xx3:
thanks!!!!! please help me and my love Mervyn pray for a positive result:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
3rd August 2010, 13:07
i have just passed all my documents
today. hoping and praying for a positive answer:)

:68711_thanx: for your update. Pleased to read your application has been submitted. :BouncyHappy: Good luck with it ... and hopefully you and Mervyn will soon be together in the UK. :xxgrinning--00xx3: