View Full Version : Cni

6th July 2010, 18:40
To obtain your CNI from the embassy in Manilla now cost £64-80 :omg: bloody crooks.

stevie c
6th July 2010, 18:42
get it in the uk only £33.80 plus makes life easier when get married in the phils

James Hubbard
6th July 2010, 18:44
get it in the uk only £33.80 plus makes life easier when get married in the phils

i got one in the UK, but they still made me get one in the Phils too....

they told me the UK one was not relevant, so still had to shell out the extra kwarta sadly

6th July 2010, 18:44
You have to exchange the english one for a local one

stevie c
6th July 2010, 18:47
yes mate you exchange that cni for a legal capacity to marry but sadlly as james says still a fee of about 600 odd peso:cwm23:

stevie c
6th July 2010, 18:48
sorry 6000 odd peso should i say my mistake wish it was 600 peso lol

6th July 2010, 18:51
4,796.00 peso to be exact

James Hubbard
6th July 2010, 18:52
yes mate you exchange that cni for a legal capacity to marry but sadlly as james says still a fee of about 600 odd peso:cwm23:

this is the thing i wasn't prepared for...

in the UK before i left, i was told that the one from here would cover me, and so i thought, fantastic, just bring it with me

then u get hit with incessant demands for money in the philippines

6th July 2010, 18:52
You have to exchange the english one for a local one

yes you are correct you have to convert it for a local cni 5040 peso

stevie c
6th July 2010, 18:55
yes james thats what i thought just a straight forward exchange but no before the british embassy will release that they want yet more money the only good thing is they release it the same day mostly

6th July 2010, 18:55
Hi James,yes but the best one is the tax to leave the country.Wonder what they would say if you said I have no money left I have spent it all.

stevie c
6th July 2010, 18:57
thats true i wonder :Erm:

6th July 2010, 19:01
To obtain your CNI from the embassy in Manilla now cost £64-80 :omg: bloody crooks.

dont forget you have to have pre marriage counseling and get a cert to take to the local city hall to get a marriage licence b4 u can get wed cant remember what the licence cost but not that much but it all takes time in phils

stevie c
6th July 2010, 19:06
yes mate i looked in tall that once i exchange my cni will apply for marriage cert the next day i have four weeks so hopefully i have time as the marriage liscence take ten days to recieve

6th July 2010, 19:07
Hi James,yes but the best one is the tax to leave the country.Wonder what they would say if you said I have no money left I have spent it all.

they would give you a hard time then they would have let u go but you would get black listed and you would find it very hard ever to enter phils again

Arthur Little
7th July 2010, 15:02
this is the thing i wasn't prepared for...

in the UK before i left, i was told that the one from here would cover me, and so i thought, fantastic, just bring it with me

then u get hit with incessant demands for money in the philippines

:iagree: ... that's the THING ... it "bugs" :angry: ME no end, too!! I mean, WHY the need to shell out on exchanging a perfectly legitimate UK CNI for a far less-detailed Philippine version? However, James, I should add that the fact the 4,796Php is payable at the British Embassy's premises at McKinlay Hill suggests to me, it's not so much a Philippines' requirement ... as a UK Government one. Which REALLY infuriates :cwm23: me!

James Hubbard
7th July 2010, 17:43
Hi James,yes but the best one is the tax to leave the country.Wonder what they would say if you said I have no money left I have spent it all.


The first time they asked me to pay the money after my first time in the Philippines, i knew nothing of this tax, so i had handed all my pesos to the Mrs (gf at the time)!:icon_lol:

So then, i had to be escorted back to the bit where my mrs was waiting, so i could ask her for money, then we said goodbye AGAIN lolz, it was devastatingly embarrasing!:doh


i asked the airport people - "tax? I've already paid my taxes when i booked my flight?!!!":NoNo:

what a stinking corrupt scam that is! grrrr:Brick:

pay to leave the blinking country? huh? :crazy:

Arthur Little
7th July 2010, 22:03
Same thing happened to ME on going home after MY first visit! :doh I'd just handed over my last Php1,000 to the driver who'd conveyed us ... my [NOW] wife, a relative of hers and myself ... to Davao International Airport, checked-in and was immediately directed upstairs to pay the 'Terminal Fee'. "TERMINAL FEE?", I echoed ... puzzled at this request ... "WHAT terminal fee?" "You have to pay 500 peso terminal fee before you can leave da country, sir!", I was informed. "But I have no Philippine currency left", I explained ... to no avail. "Do you have any friends who can give you da money, sir?", asked the airport official, somewhat pointedly, whilst his colleague nodded in firm agreement ... making it abundantly clear :xxsmilie_auslachen: neither was prepared to brook any argument on MY part!

So ... like YOU, James, I'd to be escorted back outside to the Waiting Area where [luckily] Myrna and her relative still stood to :Wave: their fond farewells. Highly embarrassing, as you say!

James Hubbard
7th July 2010, 22:09
So you know that 'orrible gut-wrenching feeling of emasculation when that happens!

lolz, can laugh about it now though:icon_lol:

Arthur Little
7th July 2010, 22:27
So you know that 'orrible gut-wrenching feeling of emasculation when that happens!

:rolleyes: ... don't I JUST!

lolz, can laugh about it now though:icon_lol:

JUST about ... certainly came prepared next time round. :rolleyes:

James Hubbard
7th July 2010, 22:29
JUST about ... certainly came prepared next time round. :rolleyes:

Thats for sure!:icon_lol: