View Full Version : Accomodation in UK

10th July 2010, 23:04
Hi everyone,:)

Just a quick question about accomodation requirements in the UK.
My gaff is pretty small and i think i may need to rent a bigger place before we apply for spouse visa.I understand the authorities are quite fussy that you have somewhere half decent to live.

From experience can anyone tell me what sort of checks they do on this? Apart from providing rent agreements,letters from landlords etc do they ever go round and inspect your property or make telephone calls to the landlord? :)

Thanks in advance


James Hubbard
11th July 2010, 01:12
Hi there Axis.

You didn't say one thing that would help us out here.

---Are you living in shared accommodation? Is it a flat your own use that's just small?

My advice below is relevant to a spousal visa.

Re: Your Accommodation
It is my understanding that they will not require you to have any sort of extravagant home, but that your home is suitable for 2 people to live in without it being over-crowded. In other words, you must supply enough evidence to satisfy them that you have a dedicated bedroom with enough space for you and your wife to live.

So for strictly visa purposes - they are looking for satisfactory evidence that you're not living in over-crowded conditions.

But, from a personal point-of-view, if you feel that your current gaff isn't gonna cut it with regards space and comfort when your lady comes over here, then by all means upgrade - if you have the £££ to do so :icon_lol:

Regarding the checks, I don't think they'll do much if it doesn't seem dodgy.

If you give them the least amount of work to do, they'll reward you - by doing only a little work!:laugher:

I hope this helped.


James Hubbard
11th July 2010, 21:52
I take it my answer was the definitive one as no one else replied :icon_sorry::hubbahubba:

12th July 2010, 00:01
aside from rent agreement, book rent, etc...i submitted some photos of the house...i agree with james..i dont think they check :)

13th July 2010, 14:03
does it really make a diffrence by enclsoing pictures of your house ??

or is it going to be a bit of overkill ??

James Hubbard
13th July 2010, 14:51
my wifey simply included a photo on the outside of the house, and description of the inside accommodation :)

13th July 2010, 17:04
my wifey simply included a photo on the outside of the house, and description of the inside accommodation :)

Ok i deceided to add 3 pics and a brief descrition of my condo along with a supporting letter from the propety owner ( my farther ) hopefully this will be sufficent ...

James Hubbard
13th July 2010, 18:01
Ok i deceided to add 3 pics and a brief descrition of my condo along with a supporting letter from the propety owner ( my farther ) hopefully this will be sufficent ...

that's completely sufficient

13th July 2010, 18:35
that's completely sufficient

was also going to add a copy of the last years council tax as extra proof of residence ..

stevie c
13th July 2010, 18:37
i have added two up to date household bills showing me as the occupier of that address

James Hubbard
13th July 2010, 18:40
Ya, I can't really comment on that, coz for that part, I just got the solicitor who holds the deeds to confirm in writing that i am the sole outright owner of my house :)

13th July 2010, 18:50
i have added two up to date household bills showing me as the occupier of that address

Good idea but most of bills are online these days , i do have some polling cards from last month though and i have already included bank statements which have my address on ??

stevie c
13th July 2010, 18:52
you are perfectly entitled to have a copy of your bills posted to you :)

13th July 2010, 22:16
i got my visa no problem and enclosed a few pics of my caravan as my accommodation- was never queried:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th August 2010, 15:20
Big thanks to everyone for the responses:):)
Apologies for delay in replying.

I have been living a batchelor existence in pretty sparse accomodation,just 2 small rooms and quite unsuitable for 2.

My plan is to save and hopefully get a mortgage in the new year.In the meantime i thought we could stay with my brother who has a large council house.I'm told this is ok providing i get permission first from the council and then pay the extra.This would also save us a lot on the high cost of renting.

Would this be acceptable to the visa people as the property is a rented council property? I have a job and some savings also.

kind regards to everyone and thanks again:):)