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David House
12th July 2010, 16:50
I have updated my blog as I have now had my first check up after surgery. Those who are interested please go to :- http://david-atthecrossroads.blogspot.com/

Regards to all.

12th July 2010, 16:57
hi there all i and the rest of us can say is good luck just take each day as they come

12th July 2010, 17:07
Good luck David and my thoughts are with you.

If it's any help, we'd only been married for about 5 months when my wife was diagnosed with cancer of the thyroid gland. It required a complete removal of the gland an an aggressive course of radiotherapy. That was 32 years ago and she's doing fine.

12th July 2010, 19:45
Good luck David and my thoughts are with you.

If it's any help, we'd only been married for about 5 months when my wife was diagnosed with cancer of the thyroid gland. It required a complete removal of the gland an an aggressive course of radiotherapy. That was 32 years ago and she's doing fine.

Coincidence you should say that, maybe there is a predominance of thyroid problems in the P.I., my wife also suffers with the same problem. She had the radioactive capsule and takes thyroxin to keep her stabalised. She still has some problems now and again but copes well.