View Full Version : advie needed

stevie c
14th July 2010, 08:24
HI everyone im currently in the process of writing a letter of spport for spouse visa application could anyone tell me if its better to type print then sign the letter or is better to submit a handwritten letter your viws woul be most heplfull

14th July 2010, 08:56
it doesnt matter whether type written or hand written as long as the thoughts and the message is in the letter...
Good luck :)

14th July 2010, 10:15
mine was typed and signed...and it was accepted..good luck dude

just use your spell checker...lol...only joking dude

14th July 2010, 10:42
typed and signed to make it formal

14th July 2010, 11:23
type it so you have a copy and you should have a copy of most things in case you never see them again :NoNo:

stevie c
14th July 2010, 12:49
thanks guys for the sound advice :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
14th July 2010, 13:50
It's probably immaterial really, Stevie. :anerikke: But since not everyone's handwriting is entirely legible these days, the letter is best typed and signed ... MINE certainly was! And as Joe advises, retain a copy of IT ... and most other documents too!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
14th July 2010, 13:52
thank you arthur i shall take your advice type then sign:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
14th July 2010, 13:57
thank you arthur i shall take your advice type then sign:xxgrinning--00xx3:

My pleasure, Stevie ... and all the best with your mahal's application. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2010, 13:58
and use spell check if your posts are anything to go by? :D

14th July 2010, 14:58
yo steve , steve ear, gust tipe hit on the cumphewter hand kheap a kopie chek four spheling lik they say ,:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: have you got my copy of sponser letter steve:Cuckoo:

stevie c
14th July 2010, 17:29
yes thanks steve i got it

14th July 2010, 18:00
thats good soon be all put together and sent then you will be married and looking back at all this thinking , that was easy:)

stevie c
14th July 2010, 18:06
hope so mate then when im married & florsel is here it will be a big relief & all the worrying will be over

14th July 2010, 18:15
wellmate it will be soon what you looking at before or after christmas

stevie c
14th July 2010, 18:23
i reckon mate if we get married september then wait for the marriage cert then wait for the visa application to be processed then the cfo it could run in to about feb next year what do you think the timescale will be

14th July 2010, 19:00
if you send of straight away could be this side of christmas

stevie c
14th July 2010, 19:02
hope so mate get married september then it depends how long we wait for the marriage cert from nso once that arrives we will apply for visa straight away:)

14th July 2010, 19:06
so steve when you mary florsel there and its time to come back here can florsel come back or not allowed till the cfo is given

stevie c
14th July 2010, 19:10
::no steve she has to have her visa applicationclearance first then she will get her cfo as im there for four weeks only she will have to do this herself as i will be back in the uk by then :NoNo:

14th July 2010, 19:13
thats **** then mate i know its there in black and white but when it does not concern yourself you dont take it in

stevie c
14th July 2010, 19:17
i know mate but you know how strict the british embassy are but im sure we will get there in the end

14th July 2010, 19:22
you will look at me and emma when we filled in those forms it was hard , emma was worried but i was happy with what we had done , we could not have done anymore in my eyes, we gave all they asked, either way what even the outcome was i knew we could have gave no more and look at us now

stevie c
14th July 2010, 19:27
thats exactly the outlook i have got i have done all i possibly can i happy but nervous :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2010, 19:33
i new steve that if i did not get the visa , my outlook would not have changed one bit , i still think emma is my future and if its here great if not then it will be there , i could not loose really in my eyes , i was not ready for marriage after 2 i did not need a third but it will help both of our futures and yes we do love each other,marrige is but just a peice of paper to me ,

stevie c
14th July 2010, 19:41
yes your right steve marriage is paper only but unfortunately to bring our girls here this is a requirement from the british goverment at my age its really impossible for me to live in the phils with flor asi have to have work but im confident she will make it here:)

14th July 2010, 19:44
so true all you say there steve cant add to that

stevie c
14th July 2010, 19:49
i have faith in god OOOPS SHOULD I HAVE SAID THAT:Erm:

14th July 2010, 19:58
:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:ups keep that to our emails daft aint it , get someone in the streets calling people to kill each other is ok but just talking about george michael song FAITH gets you listed:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

stevie c
14th July 2010, 20:02
youre not wrong there mate i love aretha franklins song say a little prayer opps i done it again:omg:

14th July 2010, 20:10
yep i head r.e.m may be releasing there song losing my religion again:yikes:

stevie c
14th July 2010, 20:12
really i heard the sex pistols are re releasing there song GOD SAVE THE QUEEN :omg:

14th July 2010, 20:16
yep and travaras , heaven must be missing a baby

stevie c
14th July 2010, 20:25
yeah & belida carlisle HEAVEN IS A PLACE ON :xxgrinning--00xx3:EARTH

14th July 2010, 20:29
start on country and western soon but we will get banned i am sure of it

stevie c
14th July 2010, 20:31
ok mate we will finish the subject god bless oooooopps:Cuckoo:

14th July 2010, 20:40
well its all done in fun not taking the micky just fun between adults , seems like to many folk are to serious sometimes , like i said dont have to reply or read it

14th July 2010, 20:42
anyway changing the subject what do you think of simples me picture

stevie c
14th July 2010, 20:42
yes we are all adults here everyone to there own

14th July 2010, 20:55
right steve time to turn the com off
take care mate talk soon

stevie c
14th July 2010, 20:56
yeah take care mate :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th July 2010, 00:55
are you two the same person :icon_lol:

15th July 2010, 02:23
that's what i was thinking too bab! Hahahaha..the steves are having fun! :D

James Hubbard
15th July 2010, 02:26

that's really funny

it's like when you're a kid and u have 2 mobiles and u pretend u have mates by using both fones at the same time!! hahaha


That's just me?

oh no! :yikes::yikes::NoNo:


18th July 2010, 10:52
Could I just ask what do you write? I am lost at what to say.

18th July 2010, 10:56
alespalsy , hi so you are wanting to know what to say in the letter

18th July 2010, 14:23
alespalsy , hi so you are wanting to know what to say in the letter

yes please! rough idea what to write would be great thanks!

18th July 2010, 14:33
well you talk from your heart mate dont be shy say what she means to you and what you mean to her write a little about yourself how you met and when you saw her for the first time too , what you are planningfor both of your futures , its a love letter you are writting and make it sound that it is asking permision to marry a daughter, sounds daft mate but its right, give me your email and i will send you a copy