View Full Version : Has any thread remained on subject matter?

14th July 2010, 12:09
Just being light-hearted,I notice that most threads end up turning into something else nothing to do with the subject matter:icon_lol:

I am guilty of it too and wondered what is the longest thread to continue with only the subject matter being discussed,

My guess is no more than 30 replies at best:)

(latest being my rant about moat now were talking bout lib-dems on it):doh

14th July 2010, 12:14
Just being light-hearted,I notice that most threads end up turning into something else nothing to do with the subject matter:icon_lol:

I am guilty of it too and wondered what is the longest thread to continue with only the subject matter being discussed,

My guess is no more than 30 replies at best:)

(latest being my rant about moat now were talking bout lib-dems on it):doh

you mean most are :hijacked: :Erm: :D

religion with apo are long running :blahblah:

Arthur Little
14th July 2010, 12:27
I notice that most threads end up turning into something else nothing to do with the subject matter:icon_lol

(latest being my rant about moat now were talking bout lib-dems on it):doh

Ah yes ... a moot point about a Moat thread! :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
14th July 2010, 12:33
you mean most are :hijacked: :Erm: :D

Here's ANOTHER :icon_offtopic: digression ... just noticed I'm exactly 1,000 postings ahead of you - as of this moment in time - my friend!

14th July 2010, 12:42
Here's ANOTHER :icon_offtopic: digression ... just noticed I'm exactly 1,000 postings ahead of you - as of this moment in time - my friend!

not any more :icon_lol:

14th July 2010, 12:43
Who loves chocolate :hubbahubba: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ok, the door is going to slam behind me!!!

14th July 2010, 12:44
i like slip on shoes :)

14th July 2010, 12:53
What type of alien was mr.spock?

14th July 2010, 12:56
(latest being my rant about moat now were talking bout lib-dems on it):doh

yes moat was CON-DEM :D

Arthur Little
14th July 2010, 13:10
What type of alien was mr.spock?

If my memory serves me correctly :rolleyes: ... he was a 'Vulcan', Les.

14th July 2010, 13:25
If my memory serves me correctly :rolleyes: ... he was a 'Vulcan', Les.

It doesen't wrong answer!:icon_lol:

14th July 2010, 13:33
half vulcan and half human :D

14th July 2010, 13:34
the god squad are proliferate at it given the practice they have:D:D


14th July 2010, 13:41
half vulcan and half human :D

Most people say vulcan:doh

staying on same thread I watched emmerdale last night:icon_lol:

James Hubbard
14th July 2010, 13:48
thread f**king is an art form that takes practice

the god squad are proliferate at it given the practice they have:D:D

Would you please stop insulting christians every chance you get?

It's like you're begging for a scrap :NoNo:

14th July 2010, 14:10
Would you please stop insulting christians every chance you get?

It's like you're begging for a scrap :NoNo:

It's all about free though....... no one rules...... only the Boss, he has the last say, get used to it !! :doh

Anyway, Spok was an illegal alien

14th July 2010, 14:20
Some forums are very strict on staying on topic.... I can see the reason for this if the the forum is about something like 'Intricate Brain Surgery Techniques" as you don't want a budding surgeon to be reading a thread that suddenly turns into how to remove the guts, brains and eyes from a fish only for him to get confused during his next operation and do the same to the patient :omg:

14th July 2010, 14:35
no one rules...... only the Boss, he has the last say, get used to it !! :doh

all hail the boss :icon_sorry: :D

James Hubbard
14th July 2010, 14:39
It's all about free though....... no one rules...... only the Boss, he has the last say, get used to it !! :doh

Anyway, Spok was an illegal alien

Oddly steve, you're rather cordial to everyone else on this forum, but you're nasty to me. As I have said before, it's bad form and it reveals your bias.

If something's deeply offensive, I will say it.

Regarding freedom: how much freedom? Your arbitrary measurements mean nothing for the very fact that they are ... well ... your arbitrary measurements.

If it's about freedom and tolerance, that's ok, but lets have Nazis have their view enforced here ...

but tolerance on these forums with the likes of you doesn't seem to extend to Christians.

14th July 2010, 14:43
lions ate christians too :Cuckoo::Cuckoo:

James Hubbard
14th July 2010, 14:52
lions ate christians too :Cuckoo::Cuckoo:

They're not fussy. They'll eat anything thrown to them. Perfect example of the much touted "tolerance"

14th July 2010, 14:54
What happend to Lion Bars? :Erm:

Arthur Little
14th July 2010, 14:59
Would you please stop insulting christians every chance you get?

It's like you're begging for a scrap :NoNo:

It's all about free though....... no one rules...... only the Boss, he has the last say, get used to it !! :doh

Up to a point, Steve. But Moderators are also empowered to judge as to which posts are acceptable ... and those that are NOT. :xxsmilie_auslachen: The one in question clearly falls into the latter category!

:iagree: entirely with James's statement! I, too, find blatant denigration of Christian people offensive ... as must at least 90 percent of our Filipino membership - who are committed to their faith. And accordingly, I have removed the post concerned, in the hope that salutory lessons will be learnt.

14th July 2010, 15:00
i have some in my fridge can you still eat them when the chocs turned white and the wrapping breaks in your hands :icon_lol:

14th July 2010, 15:12
i have some in my fridge can you still eat them when the chocs turned white and the wrapping breaks in your hands :icon_lol:

Are you talking about Lion Bars or Christians? :D

14th July 2010, 15:15
thats a tricky answer to give , and with arthur watching over it may be took off, so to be safe ,its christains :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2010, 15:21
Oddly steve, you're rather cordial to everyone else on this forum, but you're nasty to me. As I have said before, it's bad form and it reveals your bias.

If something's deeply offensive, I will say it.

Regarding freedom: how much freedom? Your arbitrary measurements mean nothing for the very fact that they are ... well ... your arbitrary measurements.

If it's about freedom and tolerance, that's ok, but lets have Nazis have their view enforced here ...

but tolerance on these forums with the likes of you doesn't seem to extend to Christians.

Then I do not appreciate you pm'ing me telling that 'I' insulted you, when you called me a lower class than yourself. Teacher or no teacher, you are no better than anyone here. Get it all out in the open. Or am I being a bounder ?

By the way, I am a christian, and I go to church, but I dont need to have christianity forced down my throat, I am quite able to respect and appreciate everyones point of view. But when your view is the only one that we must adhere to, I do not appreciate it.
My reply post to your did not offend anyone, only you, and judging by the tone of your pm to me, you just dont like me, not my problem I wont lose sleep, so not to worry.

Arthur, yes, sorry I neglected to think of our dear Mods, I did mean to offend, anyone of any faith, it just gets blown up so much by so few.

14th July 2010, 15:34
no no boys , girls ,men and women even aliens too, its called freedom of speech, and lets face it read a paper or watch the news then you understand that the freedon of speech is for only a few, i have the view if you dont like what is said well tell them and then dont bother reading any more again , simplys the meerkat

14th July 2010, 15:44
no no boys , girls ,men and women even aliens too, its called freedom of speech, and lets face it read a paper or watch the news then you understand that the freedon of speech is for only a few, i have the view if you dont like what is said well tell them and then dont bother reading any more again , simplys the meerkat
My head is in that lions mouth i think Steve :doh :xxaction-smiley-047

James Hubbard
14th July 2010, 15:50

14th July 2010, 15:54
allelujah , carry a kipper in your pocket steve always and if it closes its mouth just pope that in, upssssssssssssss:yikes: thats a sea lion:icon_lol: just say a little pray as aretha would say:icon_lol:

14th July 2010, 15:56
lets get back on thread here and stop over reacting!! :D

14th July 2010, 16:01
If you continue to say things with the desired intent of offending me, it will be harassment. Seriously steve, please LEAVE me alone. Don't pick on me. Don't bully me. Don't throw stones at me to hurt me. Yes it hurts and offends me. Stop it. Stop it now. It's bullying.

No more of this, ....

Mods, please do something here, please!

have i missed something here boys, is this a sketch to monty phytons life of brian

14th July 2010, 16:02
None of you know what you are talking about:doh

The christians were a mildly successful pop group from the late 80s.

I quite liked them at the time:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Staying true to this thread I see the chicken did come before the egg. I already knew that as I explained to Maricel last week so I beat the scientists:D

14th July 2010, 16:03
yes but the thread is a thread about more then one thread coming into the first thread , what was the first one:doh:doh

14th July 2010, 16:05
to right les , harvest for the world, pease to all

14th July 2010, 16:18
Some forums are very strict on staying on topic.... I can see the reason for this if the the forum is about something like 'Intricate Brain Surgery Techniques" as you don't want a budding surgeon to be reading a thread that suddenly turns into how to remove the guts, brains and eyes from a fish only for him to get confused during his next operation and do the same to the patient :omg:

:icon_lol:Thats a good one Keith I'm still chuckling at that.

I remember a song or video about fish heads it was quite catchy at the time:)

14th July 2010, 16:23
fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads fish heads fish heads eat them up:icon_lol:

14th July 2010, 16:31
fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads fish heads fish heads eat them up:icon_lol:

Yes that was it and odd couple sang it,I'm sure i first saw it on the james whale show:icon_lol:

James whale's son owns an italian restaraunt near me:)

Linda nolan once did a stint on the James whale show too when she was in her size 38d glory:Cuckoo:

14th July 2010, 16:35
urmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm to much imformation there les, 38d :yikes:, was that a song from beautiful south

14th July 2010, 16:46
urmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm to much imformation there les, 38d :yikes:, was that a song from beautiful south

She looked so good that "i was in the mood for dancing" oops I mean:Sex:

Beautiful south well whats left of them have just appeared in harrogate,front man formed housemartins who were from hull where you get lots of fish heads:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2010, 16:49
indeed and fishy fingers depending what part of hull you went to, ups thats another thread :icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th July 2010, 16:53
indeed and fishy fingers depending what part of hull you went to, ups thats another thread :icon_lol::icon_lol:

It was good marketing selling fish fingers as clearly fish dont have fingers:icon_lol:

It's a bit like launching a new product called cat giblets or pony wings.

14th July 2010, 17:22
When you get to this point of the thread, please click the following link and read through all the posts..... CLICK HERE (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php?25997-Has-any-thread-remained-on-subject-matter&p=233210#post233210)

PS: That should keep Nigel busy for hours....

14th July 2010, 17:27
wow took 1 minute :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th July 2010, 17:28
now guys (Steve.r and James), cool down..just ignore each other's posts if u both don't like it.. ;) there would come a time that u both might need each other's advice.. :)

i wonder where's gwapito.. :Erm: he had a row with apo before regarding Christianity.. :Rasp: Lol! :D

stevie c
14th July 2010, 17:38
have i missed something here boys, is this a sketch to monty phytons life of brian

come on boys were all friends together on here 0ne big family a friend in need is a friend in deed as they say

Arthur Little
14th July 2010, 17:45
come on boys were all friends together on here 0ne big family.

:iagree: ... and THIS thread started out in a light-hearted fashion ... let's KEEP it that way!

14th July 2010, 17:48
I'm so light I am floating, just call me Bob

14th July 2010, 17:58
bob who:Cuckoo:

stevie c
14th July 2010, 17:59

14th July 2010, 18:02
bob carolgees and spit the dog

14th July 2010, 18:04
Bob or Bab? :Erm: Lol! Hehe..peace! :D:Rasp:

Arthur Little
14th July 2010, 18:06
i wonder where's gwapito.. :Erm: he had a row with apo before regarding Christianity.. :Rasp: Lol! :D

Gwapito, I understand, returned to work a few weeks ago ... after a period of prolonged *sick leave - which accounts for his spate of posts in response to Apo's at *THAT particular time. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
14th July 2010, 18:09
bob carolgees and spit the dog

bob monkhouse :)

14th July 2010, 18:12
bob,ing along on the botton of the beautiful briny sea:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th July 2010, 18:13
bob monkhouse :) I am not even going to mention the 'Monk' :NoNo:

14th July 2010, 18:16
I have organic light bulbs :xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
14th July 2010, 18:17
i am not even going to mention the 'monk' :nono:

:laugher:smart move steve r :laugher: DNT WNT 2 UPSET ANYONE

14th July 2010, 18:18
do you mean having a monk on :bigcry::bigcry:

14th July 2010, 18:19
i just realized..we have 3 steves here..any other steves? :Erm::Rasp::D

14th July 2010, 18:21
you have all missed the point here

by simply inflaming a sensitive (to some ) subject - i have completely thread :censored: the thread as per the OP's title:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2010, 18:21
do you mean having a monk on :bigcry::bigcry:

Some do......... some dont :icon_sorry:

As for the Boss's orgasmic light bulbs, what colour do they come in ???? Red by any chance ?

14th July 2010, 18:24
i just realized..we have 3 steves here..any other steves? :Erm::Rasp::D
You want to be in the chat box when we are all there ....... talk about confusing :crazy:

14th July 2010, 18:25
you have all missed the point here

by simply inflaming a sensitive (to some ) subject - i have completely thread f**ked the thread as per the OP's title:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

ok:Cuckoo: hows life for you two

14th July 2010, 18:26
You want to be in the chat box when we are all there ....... talk about confusing :crazy:

to right ups , thats 3 right:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th July 2010, 18:28
looks like the god squad got to my original post??

so can someone explain why it was deleted- it wasnt rude- just an observation

or isnt free speech allowed now?:erotic4:

14th July 2010, 18:30
lol! U guys will be confused once the girls start talking in the chatbox again..we ruled in there before..lol! :D

stevie c
14th July 2010, 18:32
that was before now you have some competition:icon_lol:

14th July 2010, 18:34
As for the Boss's orgasmic light bulbs, what colour do they come in ???? Red by any chance ?

They are green at the moment .... if I leave them on the windowsill for a few days they should turn red :crazy:

14th July 2010, 18:34

14th July 2010, 18:35
hahaha..well true..i don't use the chatbox now..it crashes my browser for some reasons..:Erm:

14th July 2010, 18:35
keith i think your orgasmic bulbs are really potatoes

stevie c
14th July 2010, 18:37
thats a shame rayna its always nice to have a bit of joking looks like us steves will have to confuse everyone:icon_lol:

14th July 2010, 18:43
you were right steve c to add that, just like steve r did i wonder how many more will arrive

14th July 2010, 18:47
hahahaha..oh i wont ruin any fun you 3 are having in the chat box..haha..

stevie c
14th July 2010, 18:48
rayna you are always welcome more the merrier:)

14th July 2010, 18:50
" Who did you sleep with last night?" ........
"Steve.... Steve.... Steve"
"Oh sorry, you have a stutter?"
"....noooooo it was a gangbang" :hubbahubba:

14th July 2010, 18:52
gangbang..i know that's ur fantasy Keith..hahaha..join the 3 steves! :Rasp:

14th July 2010, 18:53
on my own :bigcry::bigcry::bigcry: not for much longer :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:16 more sleeps alone then no sleep for ages:Sex::Sex::Sex:

14th July 2010, 18:54
gangbang..i know that's ur fantasy Keith..hahaha..join the 3 steves! :Rasp:

have to change his name to doris firts:icon_lol::icon_lol:

Arthur Little
14th July 2010, 19:40
looks like the god squad got to my original post??

Correct! :xxgrinning--00xx3: ... as a Moderator, I take full responsibility for its deletion!

so can someone explain why it was deleted

I received a complaint ... which I felt was fully justified ... and would be failing in my duty if I'd simply ignored it. :rolleyes:

it wasnt rude

I beg to differ ... it was an ill-timed and irresponsible remark that not only the complainant found offensive - but I myself did also - and, I don't doubt most of our predominantly-religious Filipino membership would've too, had they read it! #23 refers.

just an observation

And the kind which is best kept to oneself ... for everyone's sake.

14th July 2010, 19:44
i think you 2 need to get a room

what exactly was rude about it pray tell? :rolleyes:

Arthur Little
14th July 2010, 19:47
or isnt free speech allowed now?:erotic4:

Of course it IS ... within reason. But it is NOT a good idea to mock nor undermine people's religious faith! :NoNo:

14th July 2010, 19:52
what did i say that undermined your god or your faith?

all i mentioned was godsquad- so its only terminology that your upset by?

if i had said our more christian members nothing would have been said:doh

14th July 2010, 20:06
now you can see how faith starts wars misunderstanding the wrong word mistook , i feel that nothing is wrong in what anyone on here as said , but that is my opioniun go back to other threads and someone is asking for advice and respeckted members tell them to search for it rather then helping them, to me is wrong ,

14th July 2010, 20:17
......but tolerance on these forums with the likes of you doesn't seem to extend to Christians.

Why should "christians" expect tolerance. They are discredited in most peoples' eyes in the UK.

Arthur Little
14th July 2010, 20:17
what exactly was rude about it pray tell? :rolleyes:

:doh It was YOU who first mentioned the word 'rude'. And, as far as I'M concerned, if someONE says someTHING that deeply upsets another member ... to the extent of a complaint being lodged ... then that's reason enough for a Moderator to step in. Matter closed!

14th July 2010, 20:24
Up to a point, Steve. But Moderators are also empowered to judge as to which posts are acceptable ... and those that are NOT. :xxsmilie_auslachen: The one in question clearly falls into the latter category!

:iagree: entirely with James's statement! I, too, find blatant denigration of Christian people offensive ... as must at least 90 percent of our Filipino membership - who are committed to their faith. And accordingly, I have removed the post concerned, in the hope that salutory lessons will be learnt.

I was concerned that this would happen Arthur.

Because you are a christian does not give you the right to delete posts on religion.

This forum has taken a very serious turn for the worse now.

How can a moderator be moderate when he/she pushes religion too much?

Dear me :NoNo:

14th July 2010, 21:12
Well this thread started by me was meant to be light-hearted highlighting how we all go off topic most of the time.

I think we should all relax with the religion discussion and to be fair to Arthur he has not been moderator for long so maybe he was hasty but lets not fall out about things on here.

We all have points of view and we not going to agree on everything.

This forum for the most is bloody brilliant and helps us all,we all like a bit of banter (check out me and Dedworth when the footie season starts again):doh

You will also see we don't always take ourselves to seriously and even agree on lots of things but not all.

The Forum has not taken a turn for worse and will continue to grow and help us all:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2010, 21:19
......The Forum has not taken a turn for worse and will continue to grow and help us all:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I hope you're right, I really do.

14th July 2010, 22:21
Luckily I always stay on topic:D only another 5043 unread posts:icon_lol:

Not wishing to be contraversial I wont comment about imaginary friends and that each to his/her own:Rasp:

James Hubbard
14th July 2010, 22:24
I wont comment about imaginary friends:Rasp:

you just did.

14th July 2010, 22:33
welcome back KeithAngel! :Hellooo: :Jump:

14th July 2010, 22:38
Well this thread started by me was meant to be light-hearted highlighting how we all go off topic most of the time.

I think we should all relax with the religion discussion and to be fair to Arthur he has not been moderator for long so maybe he was hasty but lets not fall out about things on here.

We all have points of view and we not going to agree on everything.

This forum for the most is bloody brilliant and helps us all,we all like a bit of banter (check out me and Dedworth when the footie season starts again):doh

You will also see we don't always take ourselves to seriously and even agree on lots of things but not all.

The Forum has not taken a turn for worse and will continue to grow and help us all:xxgrinning--00xx3:


14th July 2010, 23:44
My daughter used to have one when she was little but strangly doesnt remember then of course theres Harvey but perhaps he was a real rabbit:rolleyes:

14th July 2010, 23:45
Thanks momentary though Im at Latitude

15th July 2010, 00:46
respeckted members tell them to search for it rather then helping them, to me is wrong ,

why do new members ask such dopey questions like "how do i get a visa" without even doing any research and yet come into this forum and expect a answer, if they used the search function they will find that everything they need to know but their to lazy to read the threads to bother with and it would be quicker than waiting for a reply :D

How can a moderator be moderate when he/she pushes religion too much?

Dear me :NoNo:

when does this ever happen, your rambling really make you sound silly. :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:

James Hubbard
15th July 2010, 00:54
born at birth ....

Caustic, but I can't help but love the guy :D

15th July 2010, 05:44
why do new members ask such dopey questions like "how do i get a visa" without even doing any research and yet come into this forum and expect a answer, if they used the search function they will find that everything they need to know but their to lazy to read the threads to bother with and it would be quicker than waiting for a reply :D

when does this ever happen, your rambling really make you sound silly. :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:

why are you always so objectionable.
In case you didn't know, I am not a moderator.
Keep up.

15th July 2010, 05:56
why do new members ask such dopey questions like "how do i get a visa" without even doing any research and yet come into this forum and expect a answer, if they used the search function they will find that everything they need to know but their to lazy to read the threads to bother with and it would be quicker than waiting for a reply :D

when does this ever happen, your rambling really make you sound silly. :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:

They are most likely new polite members wanting quick answers to their question about visa. :omg::D

15th July 2010, 08:28
The next person to annoy me today over religion believer/non will get a BAN. I do not run this forum to stay up late taking care of morons.

respeckted members tell them to search for it rather then helping them, to me is wrong ,

I'll tell you what then, you are now the OFFICIAL FORUM ANSWERER .... therefore you stay on the forum 24/7, and answer the same question again and again.... :doh .... I suppose when you use a search engine looking for something you expect someone to hastily put up a brand new site on the subject for you rather than read the previous sites with the same info? :crazy:

15th July 2010, 15:17
why do new members ask such dopey questions like "how do i get a visa" without even doing any research and yet come into this forum and expect a answer, if they used the search function they will find that everything they need to know but their to lazy to read the threads to bother with and it would be quicker than waiting for a reply

well just like i said most are very unsure what to look for at first , but its folk that cant be bothered to tell them other then point , thats your choice , i like to talk back and you never know you might have to ask someone something one day too, unless you know everything :NoNo:

stevie c
15th July 2010, 15:21
well put steve some peple when there new to the forum dont have a clue what to do so why not ask the more experianced members who have the knowledge & who have been there & done it all before like you say its nice to have a chat also:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th July 2010, 15:23
So what's the point of search engines? :Erm:

Oh yeah .... it's so people can find answer to information that's already been published.... silly me ... forgot :doh

15th July 2010, 15:25
They are most likely new polite members wanting quick answers to their question about visa. :omg::D

yes they are polite , but not wanting quicjk answers just being pointed in the right direction, i was new on here a few months ago, and still dont know which way to turn sometimes, are we all on here to help and learn from our own experiances and then help othere too, well thanks to the many on here that are there to give advice i thank them all , if you cant be bothered other then say look it up , i would rather not have a answer at all

15th July 2010, 15:27
hi steve,

what Keith's just trying to say is, the new members should just have initiatives in searching first..just like when searching at google..if they cant find anything im sure people here will help them freely.. :)

15th July 2010, 15:29
like i have said , you dont have to answer but i have made more friends on here in these last few months then for a long time, and i will do my best to help others too, its about making someone who thinks they are up against the hole goverment feeling he is not alone

I'll tell you what then, you are now the OFFICIAL FORUM ANSWERER .... therefore you stay on the forum 24/7, and answer the same question again and again.... :doh .... I suppose when you use a search engine looking for something you expect someone to hastily put up a brand new site on the subject for you rather than read the previous sites with the same info? :crazy:

15th July 2010, 15:31
well just like i said most are very unsure what to look for at first , but its folk that cant be bothered to tell them other then point , thats your choice , i like to talk back and you never know you might have to ask someone something one day too, unless you know everything :NoNo:

well put steve some peple when there new to the forum dont have a clue what to do so why not ask the more experianced members who have the knowledge & who have been there & done it all before like you say its nice to have a chat also:xxgrinning--00xx3:

you two have to be the same person? :Erm:

15th July 2010, 15:32
search engines are great real are but when i found this site and joined i had no idea what to look for , a visa yes you find the site and its frightning, yes after you have done it and have the visa you wanted you realize its easy , thats when you can just reasure others and like steve c says its nice to start talking to new people too

15th July 2010, 15:33
Who remembers the dog on That's Life? .... 'sausages' .... :D

15th July 2010, 15:34
like i have said , you dont have to answer but i have made more friends on here in these last few months then for a long time, and i will do my best to help others too, its about making someone who thinks they are up against the hole goverment feeling he is not alone

your missing the point, its quicker to search than wait for a reply, simples :D

15th July 2010, 15:36
hi steve,

what Keith's just trying to say is, the new members should just have initiatives in searching first..just like when searching at google..if they cant find anything im sure people here will help them freely.. :)

hi rayna , i understand what keith is saying and i do thank him for this great site too, i did all you have just said went to google and i was going to pay agents for what this site has showed me what i can do myself with everyones help, sometimes the path is not so clear for the few

15th July 2010, 15:37
you two have to be the same person? :Erm:

same person you wait there are 3 off us

15th July 2010, 15:38
oh i'm sure steve that if u can do a simple search, they can do that too.. ;)

stevie c
15th July 2010, 15:41
oh i'm sure steve that if u can do a simple search, they can do that too.. ;)

hi rayna i dont think its a matter of doing a simple search some new members like to post a question & wait a reply as this makes them feel a part of the forum

15th July 2010, 15:47
i just did a search for thats lifes dog nothing there so can anyone help whats his name, simples

15th July 2010, 15:49
anyway its a thread of a thread so move on,whos been to whistling sands , not been there for years so just wondering has it changed

15th July 2010, 15:53
i just did a search for thats lifes dog nothing there so can anyone help whats his name, simples

http://elbo.ws/video/MXal3BIwuU4/, there you go :D

15th July 2010, 15:56
ok so how did you do that ??? thick no i am not but i put in seach thats life dog but nothing happened so just tell me the once, then i wont bother you

15th July 2010, 15:56
i know that steve..i was once a new member too..;) but since not all here have all the time answering questions that has been answered lots of times before, it's just appropriate to do a search first..there are folder descriptions anyway about visas, help & advices, news, humour, etc. so i dont think they'd be that lost.. :D And i know if they really cant see a thing about certain issues, someone would really offer a help..so directing a new member for the advance search should not be any trouble at the start.. :)

15th July 2010, 15:58
thanks rayna , its nice to just talk sometimes too but i understand what everyone is saying :)

stevie c
15th July 2010, 16:01
point taken rayna but my own personal opinion is that its still nice to chat ask questions & join in with all the good people on here if people dont have time to answer im sure there is many that do have time to answer i enjoy doing so:)

15th July 2010, 16:02
ok so how did you do that ??? thick no i am not but i put in seach thats life dog but nothing happened so just tell me the once, then i wont bother you

your using google or some other search engine arent you?, whats your home page for your internet search :Erm: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th July 2010, 16:02
i am changing my name to derick, simples

15th July 2010, 16:03
haha...u two steves are freaking me out..:yikes: are u sure ur not the same person? :Erm: haha

15th July 2010, 16:04
yes i use google and my page is msn and i know google will find lots too

stevie c
15th July 2010, 16:05
Im sure ask simples:laugher:

15th July 2010, 16:06
in mind and soul we are the same but steve c has the looks, steve r has the wealth and me well i have emma in 16 days yippiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:icon_lol:

15th July 2010, 16:07
have you skype steve c

stevie c
15th July 2010, 16:08
no i dont have skype steve

15th July 2010, 16:10
hows florsel , emma still has no internet or power

stevie c
15th July 2010, 16:11
florsels fine thanks steve all her electric is up & running again:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th July 2010, 16:11

I love this video...I showed my wife this one, when we were in the Philippines.
Just about everybody, watched this in the UK & knows the dog that says 'sausages'. :D

15th July 2010, 16:13
did it say sausages?? i thought it said there be blue birds over the white cliffs of dover,simples:Cuckoo:

15th July 2010, 16:14
The dog that could say "sausages" belonged to my best mates uncles friend as he used to remind us:doh

To find dog that says sausages type in exactly that sentence and you will find it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th July 2010, 16:16
hello les , you started this thread of a thread:Cuckoo:

15th July 2010, 16:27
hello les , you started this thread of a thread:Cuckoo:

Yes I am to blame and what a popular thread it's been confirming that we are all nutters:icon_lol:

15th July 2010, 16:29
yep sometimes its good to be daft:icon_lol:

15th July 2010, 16:30
yep sometimes its good to be daft:icon_lol:

Well in light of some of the rough stuff being going on here it's a relief to be off topic and slightly nuts:icon_lol:

stevie c
15th July 2010, 16:31
yep sometimes its good to be daft:icon_lol:


15th July 2010, 16:33
Just search for the main keywords "that's life sausages"

15th July 2010, 16:34
well we all have opinions and most of the time we just voice them we all cant be the same , i just thought is what we have just experinced, is that a tampo or like wise:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

15th July 2010, 16:36
just making a curry whos intrested :yikes:

15th July 2010, 16:46
just making a curry whos intrested :yikes:

Is it a vindaloo:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th July 2010, 16:54
noooooooooooo they burn my bum:action-smiley-081:

15th July 2010, 16:56
noooooooooooo they burn my bum:action-smiley-081:

you are supposed to eat them not sit on them:doh

15th July 2010, 17:01
well you learn something new everyday , i bet the advance search button would have told me that:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

15th July 2010, 17:56
well you learn something new everyday , i bet the advance search button would have told me that:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

No... That would have told you not to go anywhere near his food :D

15th July 2010, 20:03
I'm just playing the new kylie album and I will come back with my expert rating in 1 hour:Jump:

15th July 2010, 21:16
I'm just playing the new kylie album and I will come back with my expert rating in 1 hour:Jump:

I read that quickly and thought Jeremy Kyle had made a record................ now wouldn't that be something to dance to. Maybe he could help solve some of our problems ...... anyone up for it :Help1:

15th July 2010, 21:25
iam in the moooooood for ranting and moaning and i could"nt giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive a dammmmmmmmmmmm sorry :yikes::yikes:

16th July 2010, 03:41
yes they are polite , but not wanting quicjk answers just being pointed in the right direction, i was new on here a few months ago, and still dont know which way to turn sometimes, are we all on here to help and learn from our own experiances and then help othere too, well thanks to the many on here that are there to give advice i thank them all , if you cant be bothered other then say look it up , i would rather not have a answer at all

You are right but not all computer users are very good in research.
I used to manage an internet cafe in the Philippines and noticed more customers are just familiar using games, dating site and friendster.:omg::icon_sorry::D:icon_lol:

16th July 2010, 06:54
A very self explanatory thread indeed.....:Erm:

I always thought that our members were kind of disfunctional, and this thread does confirm it....:doh

Do carry on as you were....:crazy: