View Full Version : more CNI question?....

15th July 2010, 08:11
Do i need to be with my fiancé in getting his CNI (Philippine version) in the UK embassy? or Does the Embassy requires that the both of us should be there personally ? Does he need to present my CENOMAR in applying for that Philippine version of CNI? Do we need to register the marriage there (UK embassy)? :Erm:

15th July 2010, 10:18
am not sure about this but i've seen some who's getting their CNI always with their partner and showing some papers...u better be there i guess :)

15th July 2010, 11:15
When I applied back in 2008, I was alone when I applied and the CENOMAR was needed.

As the requirements may be subject to change, it is always best to check on the website http://ukinthephilippines.fco.gov.uk/en/help-for-british-nationals/living-in-the-philippines/how-to-apply-for-a-cni/

Whilst reading the latest requirements, it seem that it is possible to send in the application by courier, therefore, neither party needs to attend. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

"You can post/courier your application to the Embassy/Consulate in Cebu. However, you must enclose all original documents, one set of copies, return prepaid courier envelope and corresponding payment."

15th July 2010, 11:20
Do i need to be with my fiancé in getting his CNI (Philippine version) in the UK embassy? or Does the Embassy requires that the both of us should be there personally ? Does he need to present my CENOMAR in applying for that Philippine version of CNI? Do we need to register the marriage there (UK embassy)? :Erm:

we just applied last april and few didnt have their partners with them but they had all their fiancee's documents and you will get the local CNI on the day. CENOMAR and BirthCertificate of your fiancee is required.
And no need to register your marriage at the embassy as it will be registered as soon as you apply for the visa.

16th July 2010, 05:53
am not sure about this but i've seen some who's getting their CNI always with their partner and showing some papers...u better be there i guess :)

Thanks gparry, :)

16th July 2010, 05:57
thanks sillybilly and rusty for the info. We can now move to the next step :-D cheers!Wave:

23rd July 2010, 14:25
just a heads up though.

recently this month of June there has been changes made, of which the hubby-to-be needs to be here for 21 days in the Phils. British Embassy's new policy to avoid human trafficking (they will look the stamp on your passport) and get the CNI from the british embassy on the 22nd day here in Phils or you can get a certificate from the civil registrars ofc near your area and pay 34 quid, as soon as you arrive in the Phils you can have it converted to your embassy or british consulate near the area of your wife to be for CNI and pay the same or a little more.

when you apply for marriage license in the phils. local civil registrar's office, they will require CENOMAR for both the bride and groom to be.. so you can apply ahead of time and have it delivered to your fiancee's address. you can go to www.e-census.gov.ph which will cost you 415php they are asking this as there were many foreigners who have been married to few filipinas before.

I know so because me and my fiance just applied for marriage license yesterday and happy to know that it will be for pick up on the 2nd of august. Not so keen on big wedding as I have so many work to do and really don't like throwing my hubby's money for wedding.

so here are the things you will need if you want to be married here:

- (3) photocopies of the passport with the date of arrival in the phils
- (3) Cenomar for both
- (3) certificate from DSWD (both of you need to register and attend either half day or whole day DSWD seminar)
- (3) on each birth certificates (both of you and wife to be)
- (3) passport with your photo and info in it
- (3) barangay clearance of your wife to be
- (3) cedula or community tax certificate

Hope this will help and good luck!

stevie c
23rd July 2010, 14:43
Hi purple as i understand it if you receive the cni from your local registrar here in the uk then you can exchange that at the british embassy in manila the same day please anyone correct me if im wrong:Erm:

Arthur Little
23rd July 2010, 15:01
Hi purple as i understand it if you receive the cni from your local registrar here in the uk then you can exchange that at the british embassy in manila the same day please anyone correct me if im wrong:Erm:

:gp:, Stevie ... same day up until 12-noon. Myrna was with ME when I exchanged MINE ... but as to whether a partner actually NEEDS to be there or not, I can't be entirely certain. :NoNo:

stevie c
23rd July 2010, 15:05
:xxgrinning--00xx3: thank you arthur im a bit confused with purples last post about the waiting of 21 days as i have just recently applied for my cni here in the uk & im due to collect that on the 5th august as im getting married in the phils this sept arthur could you please confirm i can exchange my cni the same day at the british embassy:xxgrinning--00xx3:

James Hubbard
23rd July 2010, 15:08
From what i can remember, (and this is going back almost 2 years)

To the Philippines officials, the paperwork that you get from here doesn't count for squat. You'll still need to spend 5000 peso (approx) in the British Embassy to get it converted to a Filipino one!

Grrr .. it's a very frustrating thing.

Just budget generously for it ... that way you won't deplete all your funds and find yourself in a tight situation! :Cuckoo:

James "The Advisor" Hubbard

stevie c
23rd July 2010, 15:13
thanks james i understand that but what i want confirmed is if i receive my cni here from the uk the present that to the british embassy can i exchange that the same day or the next day as i really dont have time to wait 21 days thats the reason i applied for my cni here in the uk:Erm:

James Hubbard
23rd July 2010, 15:15
thanks james i understand that but what i want confirmed is if i receive my cni here from the uk the present that to the british embassy can i exchange that the same day or the next day as i really dont have time to wait 21 days thats the reason i applied for my cni here in the uk:Erm:

You need to make an appointment... Depending on where you will be, it can be in Manila or Cebu.

Regarding the 21 day thing, i'll need to think back 2 years ... (and for me i was there for a month before the wedding anyway - and a further 11 after it) ....

i'll get back to you on that one, but i've got a funny feeling it sounds about right

You should budget generously with your time as well!

James "the forgetful fart" Hubbard

stevie c
23rd July 2010, 15:20
Reading on the british consul website its states that if you aquirre your cni in the uk then present that to the british embassy there in manila then you can exchange that cni the same day or the day after i hope this is still the case if anyone can confirm this i woul be most gratefull as im getting a touch worried now:Erm:

James Hubbard
23rd July 2010, 15:21
Purple said:
recently this month of June there has been changes made, of which the hubby-to-be needs to be here for 21 days in the Phils.

Ahh, i see where the problem lies.

According to Purps here, it's a new policy from last month, so none of us on here - other than those who got married in phils in the last several weeks- will know about

so it's best to budget as GENEROUSLY with your time as possible

if the new policy is 21 days, then make it a month, just to make sure :)

James "No-poo-Sherlock" Hubbard

James Hubbard
23rd July 2010, 15:23
Reading on the british consul website its states that if you aquirre your cni in the uk then present that to the british embassy there in manila then you can exchange that cni the same day or the day after i hope this is still the case if anyone can confirm this i woul be most gratefull as im getting a touch worried now:Erm:

And ... also budget yourself psychologically for how horrendously disorganised things are gonna be ... because they will be!

James "Old Cynic" Hubbard!

stevie c
23rd July 2010, 15:24
im not sure if this is correct as i have jus been on the british consular website & it makes no mention of this it still states a local cni here in the uk can be exchanganged the same day:Erm:

James Hubbard
23rd July 2010, 15:26
im not sure if this is correct as i have jus been on the british consular website & it makes no mention of this it still states a local cni here in the uk can be exchanganged the same day:Erm:

in this regard, please let me reiterate the above, below.

And ... also budget yourself psychologically for how horrendously disorganised things are gonna be ... because they will be!

it's inexplicable the disorganisation and crap you're gonna need to wade through! :bigcry:

James "Pragmatic" Hubbard

stevie c
23rd July 2010, 15:31
thanks for the support james:icon_lol: i think i will need to contact the british consular section in manila to confirm this:doh

23rd July 2010, 15:36
yes you can have it exchange the same day as long as you have the CNI from UK.. but if you wanted to get the CNI here in the Phils (without the cni uk version) then that is the time you have to wait for 21 days.

James Hubbard
23rd July 2010, 15:52
Ahh, cool, everything's cleared up now! :)

But steve,, remember, you'll be swimming through a sea of disorganisation and crap soon enough, so steel yourself for the worst ... and if it's not so bad, then you'll be happy :) lol

James "Real Deal" Hubbard

stevie c
23rd July 2010, 15:55
yes you can have it exchange the same day as long as you have the CNI from UK.. but if you wanted to get the CNI here in the Phils (without the cni uk version) then that is the time you have to wait for 21 days.
thank you purple you have me very worried:omg: yes i have my cni here from uk so i can exchange that the same day:Jump::xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
23rd July 2010, 15:57
Ahh, cool, everything's cleared up now! :)

But steve,, remember, you'll be swimming through a sea of disorganisation and crap soon enough, so steel yourself for the worst ... and if it's not so bad, then you'll be happy :) lol

thanks james im ready for the crap im there for 4 weeks so im hoping everything will be sorted before i return home oh good luck with your spouse visa result i have genuinley got my fingers crossed for you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

James Hubbard
23rd July 2010, 15:59
thanks james im ready for the crap im there for 4 weeks so im hoping everything will be sorted before i return home oh good luck with your spouse visa result i have genuinley got my fingers crossed for you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks for that mate :)

I can't wait for the good news to arrive to my wifey :D

James "on tenterhooks" Hubbard

stevie c
23rd July 2010, 16:03
i can imagine the excitement but also the feeling of being anxious at the same time relax mate im sure it will be a positive outcome lol i will be exactly the same totally bricking it:action-smiley-081: :icon_lol:

James Hubbard
23rd July 2010, 16:09

cheers mate

23rd July 2010, 17:07
thanks james im ready for the crap im there for 4 weeks so im hoping everything will be sorted before i return home oh good luck with your spouse visa result i have genuinley got my fingers crossed for you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Stevie mate , i got married this past May , i was there in Phils for 24 days and got everything done from start to finish with a few days to spare ....if you want any advice or to go through your timetable i can give you my yahoo messanger and we can chat .

stevie c
23rd July 2010, 17:39
thank you mistermatty i would be most gratefull for any help & advice you could give me this is my pm stephen.clark67@yahoo.co.uki look forward to hearing from you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
23rd July 2010, 20:19
:xxgrinning--00xx3: thank you arthur im a bit confused with purples last post about the waiting of 21 days as i have just recently applied for my cni here in the uk & im due to collect that on the 5th august as im getting married in the phils this sept arthur could you please confirm i can exchange my cni the same day at the british embassy:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:Erm: ... indeed, I was :confused: myself, Stevie! So much so, that I tried SEVERAL times to respond to this particular post of yours I've quoted here. And EACH time I'd finished typing out an account of my OWN experience, it disappeared - just as I was on the point of sending it off! Grrr ... :censored: computers!!! Who'd have 'em, eh? Okay, okay ... I'd be kinda lost without mine!

But ... I reckon my spiel's a bit irrelevant now anyway, mate - since I see you've been inundated with replies of one kind or another in the interim. I hope the matter is now resolved to your satisfaction. Evidently, the mix-up can be attributed to further changes of which both you and I were previously unaware. :rolleyes:

And ... yes, you CAN exchange your CNI at the British Embassy the same day (costly ... but straightforward!). :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th July 2010, 00:52
:xxgrinning--00xx3: thank you arthur im a bit confused with purples last post about the waiting of 21 days as i have just recently applied for my cni here in the uk & im due to collect that on the 5th august as im getting married in the phils this sept arthur could you please confirm i can exchange my cni the same day at the british embassy:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hi Steve,

sorry about the confusion.. I meant, in case you come here without the CNI from the UK of which you need to exchange for CNI filipino version at the embassy for same day. Otherwise, coming here without the CNI from UK for exchange will cause further 21 days delay.
Hope this will clarify everything.
Best of luck

James Hubbard
24th July 2010, 00:53
everything is cleared up now :D

24th July 2010, 08:30

this site says that the CNI Philippine version cannot be released on the same day of request, instead the applicant can get it the following day (24 hours after the request has been made):)

stevie c
24th July 2010, 10:06

this site says that the CNI Philippine version cannot be released on the same day of request, instead the applicant can get it the following day (24 hours after the request has been made):)

Hi arym i think that is just a guideline most people who get there early enough get the cni exchanged the same day but if you arrive later a bit later then thats when i think you will need to collect the cni the next day as i understand its about a 3-4 hour wait:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th July 2010, 11:03
Hi arym i think that is just a guideline most people who get there early enough get the cni exchanged the same day but if you arrive later a bit later then thats when i think you will need to collect the cni the next day as i understand its about a 3-4 hour wait:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes always advisable to get there early...we were first ones there, on the morning we went. We took a taxi, to see exactly where it was, the day before. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th July 2010, 12:45
Simon did you already have your CNI with you .. I mean done in the UK .. and taken to the consulate in Cebu? I've been trying to search this in the forum but only see Manila mentioned, even the British Embassy doesn't make it clear if it can be exchanged in Cebu. :Rasp:

25th July 2010, 13:03
Simon did you already have your CNI with you .. I mean done in the UK .. and taken to the consulate in Cebu? I've been trying to search this in the forum but only see Manila mentioned, even the British Embassy doesn't make it clear if it can be exchanged in Cebu. :Rasp:

hi ther yes you can get cni changed for local 1 the same day in cebu, you will have 2 call moya jackson at consulate tel 0063323460525 to make an appointment cost is 5040peso, a word of warning she is posh and wont even shake anybodys hand and go there on your own as she gets a bit mad if you take your wife and family with you, you will have to wait by the pool in the function area of complex while she sorts out the paper work takes about 30 to 40 minutes

25th July 2010, 13:31
Thanks Junior for the info,
I found her name on the consulate website Mrs Moya Jackson MBE, thanks for the run down on her personality also :laugher:

25th July 2010, 13:41
Thanks Junior for the info,
I found her name on the consulate website Mrs Moya Jackson MBE, thanks for the run down on her personality also :laugher:

no probs mate, she actually said to me she hates the filipino people and the country, felt like giving her a piece of my mind but thought i better not, i upset her from the off because i took wife and 6 of her family, like i said b4 much better you go on your own:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th July 2010, 13:56
I can see why you dislike her, it makes me sad to think she represents our country there, my guess is she's never seen past her pool hehe. Thanx again for your advice :xxgrinning--00xx3:
:action-smiley-081: to her :

25th July 2010, 14:03
If Mrs Moya Jacson is by any chance reading this thread, we wish to categorically state that personal members views are not the views and opinions of the forum management.:NoNo:

25th July 2010, 14:09
If Mrs Moya Jacson is by any chance reading this thread, we wish to categorically state that personal members views are not the views and opinions of the forum management.:NoNo:

ive met her 3 times and im 100% certain she would not be or never would be on this forum, but if by a slim chance she is, just 1 thing moya show some respect to the filipino people:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th July 2010, 14:10
In case you guys haven't realized, we are monitored regularly, and it ain't smart calling, officials, names in a public forum...:NoNo:

So, cool it.................. and edit..!:cwm23:

25th July 2010, 14:13
I can see why you dislike her, it makes me sad to think she represents our country there, my guess is she's never seen past her pool hehe. Thanx again for your advice :xxgrinning--00xx3:
:action-smiley-081: to her :

your welcome for the advice mate, ps i see your from somerset, im not far from you, its a small world:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th July 2010, 14:14
In case you guys haven't realized, we are monitored regularly, and it ain't smart calling, officials, names in a public forum...:NoNo:

So, cool it.................. and edit..!:cwm23:

edit what

25th July 2010, 14:22
ive met her 3 times and im 100% certain she would not be or never would be on this forum, but if by a slim chance she is, just 1 thing moya show some respect to the filipino people:xxgrinning--00xx3:

She may not personally, but I know most companies and organisation will now if even slightly internet savy monitor all Websites, blogs and forums even major social media ie facebook and Twitter etc which are in their field. I work in a totally different field but we have members of staff in various departments who have as part of their Job specification to do just this task.

25th July 2010, 14:23
Sorry boss :ARsurrender:

25th July 2010, 14:38
ive met her 3 times and im 100% certain she would not be or never would be on this forum, but if by a slim chance she is, just 1 thing moya show some respect to the filipino people:xxgrinning--00xx3:

If you have personally met the lady, spoken to her, and can prove the allegations you have against her, you can directly complain to her superiors, and not use our forum to vent your anger.:NoNo:

25th July 2010, 15:57
If you have personally met the lady, spoken to her, and can prove the allegations you have against her, you can directly complain to her superiors, and not use our forum to vent your anger.:NoNo:

i see your point and i was not venting my anger as she has her opinion of others everybody is differrent i was just writing my experiance i had with her to share with another member, but if you think that what i wrote wont be good for this forum by all means delete the thread i wrote, i would do it my self if i new how to, and apologise

James Hubbard
25th July 2010, 15:59
i see your point and i was not venting my anger as she has her opinion of others everybody is differrent i was just writing my experiance i had with her to share with another member, but if you think that what i wrote wont be good for this forum by all means delete the thread i wrote, i would do it my self if i new how to, and apologise

If you want to delete your posts, just go to the post in question, hit "edit" and put a full stop in the big white box :) That will effectively remove your words.

Hope that helps :)


25th July 2010, 16:12
If you want to delete your posts, just go to the post in question, hit "edit" and put a full stop in the big white box :) That will effectively remove your words.

Hope that helps :)

thanks for the info, went to do it but its been already done by the forum,:xxgrinning--00xx3:

James Hubbard
25th July 2010, 16:14
thanks for the info, went to do it but its been already done by the forum,:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Nice one, saves you the bother :)

25th July 2010, 21:41
Simon did you already have your CNI with you .. I mean done in the UK .. and taken to the consulate in Cebu? I've been trying to search this in the forum but only see Manila mentioned, even the British Embassy doesn't make it clear if it can be exchanged in Cebu. :Rasp:

Yes I had my CNI with me & my wife to be had her CENOMAR, but we exchanged it in Manila. I have no experience, of the consulate in Cebu. :)