View Full Version : Processed Visa/Visa Application! Which?

James Hubbard
21st July 2010, 12:32
So my wife got an email today from VFS saying

Your processed visa application reference no. ************ dispatched to you via 2GO Aboitiz on 07/21/2010

Due to bad grammar, I am not sure whether to be excited or nervous! lol!

Is it

a) Your Processed Visa - Application ref number (Which would mean it's approved)

b) Your Processed Visa Application. Reference Number (Which could mean either Yes or No)


c) Something else.

Many Thanks

James Hubbard.

21st July 2010, 12:34
hi james

hoping its good news
all the best

James Hubbard
21st July 2010, 12:38
hi james

hoping its good news
all the best

Thanks ... me too :)

21st July 2010, 12:42
Hey james I feel so excited for the both of you...wow cant believe you heard from the vfs already...thats quick!
Processed means its done and dispatch to you means its now on the way to your wife's address!
Congratulations in advance!

Keep us posted,ok?

21st July 2010, 12:44
hope it be good news james...:)

James Hubbard
21st July 2010, 12:46
Thanks clarisse and gparry ....

I just hope that we will be celebrating tomorrow :D

I don't want to dance yet because it's not 100% certain yet lol

Arthur Little
21st July 2010, 12:50
James ... :rolleyes: if my memory serves me correctly, the wording reads: "Processed Passport returned [either] via or through courier". Relax ... it (generally) presages a successful outcome. Keep us updated, my friend.

James Hubbard
21st July 2010, 12:54
James ... :rolleyes: if my memory serves me correctly, the wording reads: "Processed Passport returned [either] via or through courier". Relax ... it (generally) presages a successful outcome. Keep us updated, my friend.

Hi arthur, is that the same as

"Your processed visa application reference no. ************ dispatched to you via 2GO Aboitiz on 07/21/2010"


i really hope it means a successful outcome, as we poured our hearts into this application process!

21st July 2010, 12:58
Hi arthur, is that the same as

"Your processed visa application reference no. ************ dispatched to you via 2GO Aboitiz on 07/21/2010"


i really hope it means a successful outcome, as we poured our hearts into this application process!

And so me and my husband did James! I feel a bit sad and worry now thinking when is the waiting gonna end:bigcry:. We just wonna be together again as a family but why do we have to feel this horrible feeling while waiting:cwm3:.
Im so happy for you and your wife that soon you're gonna be together! :)

21st July 2010, 13:13
sure its good news:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
21st July 2010, 13:32
Hi arthur, is that the same as

"Your processed visa application reference no. ************ dispatched to you via 2GO Aboitiz on 07/21/2010"


i really hope it means a successful outcome, as we poured our hearts into this application process!

Yes ... no worries ... I'm 99.9 percent sure it IS a positive result! :) As I implied, it's a while ago since Myrna received HER text, and therefore I cannot remember the EXACT wording. It seems to be standard language for the Embassy to use ... although why they can't simply notify applicants of the ACTUAL outcome - i.e., yea or nay in the text - is beyond me ... and remains one of life's mysteries! :doh

21st July 2010, 13:43
Hope it's good news James, fingers crossed. Keep us updated

21st July 2010, 13:54
Hey James! I hope this would be a good news for you and your wifey! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st July 2010, 14:29
Hi arthur, is that the same as

"Your processed visa application reference no. ************ dispatched to you via 2GO Aboitiz on 07/21/2010"


i really hope it means a successful outcome, as we poured our hearts into this application process!

thats the exact same sentence i received from embassy when i applied :) ....if theres a booklet inside the pack with UK flag it means theres stamped visa on the passport...congrats in advance

James Hubbard
21st July 2010, 14:46
thanks everyone for your words!

I am "on tenterhooks" now! lol

21st July 2010, 14:57
looks like you have your wife coming to you very soon :D

21st July 2010, 15:19
That's quick! I am sure it's good news :xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
21st July 2010, 16:41
fingeres crossed for you james im sure it will be the news you have been waiting for :xxgrinning--00xx3:

James Hubbard
21st July 2010, 16:41
thanks everyone for the encouraging words!

I have needed to hear them all :D

I just really hope and pray that it will be a Visa Granted status :D:D:D:D then, i can book her flight to come with me when i finish my holiday in phils in November :D

21st July 2010, 16:50
well james , it does sound like very good news maybe hes like me cant sphell very gud :icon_lol::icon_lol:, wish you all the best james :xxgrinning--00xx3:

James Hubbard
21st July 2010, 16:51
thanks :D hopefully tomorrow i'll be the bringer of good news :D

21st July 2010, 18:07
I wish you and your wife well James. I am sure it will all be fine.


James Hubbard
21st July 2010, 18:08
thanks LV, lets hope :D

James Hubbard
22nd July 2010, 22:48
So yes, my wife hasn't yet received her passport.

For all of you Filipina wives here who got your Spousal Visa, ... how long did you wait from the time when the text "your processed visa has been dispatched" until you got it? 2 days or more?

Also ... she's in Negros Oriental... Anyone know how long a courier takes to get it from Manila to Neg-Or?

Many thanks to all and any who can help


23rd July 2010, 03:06
hi james was hoping to read the news you have been waiting for mate , well there is allways another day , it will come just a little later then you want :)

James Hubbard
23rd July 2010, 03:08
hi james was hoping to read the news you have been waiting for mate , well there is allways another day , it will come just a little later then you want :)

yeh mate, you're tellin me! I was waiting for it too! lolz!:icon_lol:

23rd July 2010, 03:36
So yes, my wife hasn't yet received her passport.

For all of you Filipina wives here who got your Spousal Visa, ... how long did you wait from the time when the text "your processed visa has been dispatched" until you got it? 2 days or more?

Also ... she's in Negros Oriental... Anyone know how long a courier takes to get it from Manila to Neg-Or?

Many thanks to all and any who can help


It usually takes a day only in manila. But in your wife's case, since she's in negros oriental, it might take longer but should not go over 5 days. Perhaps she'll have her passport in her hands by monday.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Congratulations in advance!

James Hubbard
23rd July 2010, 03:40
It usually takes a day only in manila. But in your wife's case, since she's in negros oriental, it might take longer but should not go over 5 days. Perhaps she'll have her passport in her hands by monday.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Congratulations in advance!

thanks for that!

i was hoping by later today (Friday) lolz, but maybe I should expect for a tense weekend lolz hahaha!

thanks for that :X

James "the waiter" Hubbard!

23rd July 2010, 05:50
she should have it soon James. just relax and it will be a good news. hope there is someone who is present to receive her passport and hope it's got visa stamped on. wish you all the best!

23rd July 2010, 06:14
Wow! Congratulations for both of you! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Be positive! :)

23rd July 2010, 06:59
Good luck mate...i do hope its good news with all the positive vibes.

However my G/F had exactly the same worded message last week and unfortunately was unsuccessful:doh....


stevie c
23rd July 2010, 09:54
i have my fingers crossed for you james but im sure its good news as the saying goes good things come to them who wait :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd July 2010, 10:01
I'm sure its good news:) That's also the email and text message I received before...wish u all the best :)

James Hubbard
23rd July 2010, 12:21
oh i feel a bit worse after seeing alan's post :NoNo:

i really hope it will be positive ...

still not received yet

23rd July 2010, 12:43
if the txt message u received is like this.......VISA APPLICATION, REF NO. VFS-PH XXXXXX has been dispatched to brtiish embassy on for processing then u have to wait for at least a month for the result. but if the message is like this PROCESSED VISA APPLICATION REF NO. VFS-PH XXXXX couriered to you via 2GO Aboitiz on xxxxx then wait for 2 days , for sure it will be there tomorrow or weekend.. 2Go will still deliver on weekends....CONGRATULATIONS TO BOTH OF YOU

23rd July 2010, 12:48
ALWAYS THINK POSITIVE............ I was nervous too while waiting the results, but i always think positive......

23rd July 2010, 13:58
I got the same txt and email arrived around 3pm here...:Erm:so I am a waiter as well:D

Thinking and hoping positive,

James Hubbard
23rd July 2010, 18:12
Yes leah, lets hope :D

thanks for the encouragement badrock


still waiting and waiting! :NoNo:

23rd July 2010, 20:18
Hey Jim,

I would think that just means the visa application is processed and ready for somebody to decide yay or nay over it, and that everything is complete and somebody went over it and is happy everything is there..

Though as I have read here many times, visas can take days, weeks or months before a decision is made. And I know that until you get that confirmation you will be climbing the walls waiting for it:rolleyes:

So, I wish you good luck with the application and hope your wife is with you in the UK asap:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd July 2010, 20:34
HI James...anxious feeling??? relax!!!
Congrats in Advance:xxgrinning--00xx3::)

James Hubbard
23rd July 2010, 21:07
Thanks Sean and S_N_V for your words! :)

Sean, I think that the words to the effect of "dispatched and couriered" mean that it's already been fully processed and the decision has been made, they're just not telling til Mrs Hubbard gets her passport back.

S_N_V ...I wish i was as confident in it as you were lolz! Lets hope it comes tomorrow, otherwise it'll be a fairly anxious weekend lolz!

James Hubbard
24th July 2010, 11:17


Visa Granted!

Job's a good'un

thank you, good night, and much love!

thanks to everyone who helped :) Please skip over to that other post where I wet my pants with excitement :D:D:D

James (Wet Pants) Hubbard!

24th July 2010, 11:29
gratz james...hapi for u both :)

James Hubbard
24th July 2010, 11:33
gratz james...hapi for u both :)

thanks G Parry :)

James HubbaHubba