View Full Version : for english daddys :)

22nd July 2010, 08:47
i am wondering how many of on this forum husband/daddys are waking up or feeds there little children during the nights..do you all allow you wives to do the tiring job..? :omg::omg::D:cwm3: any commets advices will be verr much appreaciated...:cwm24::cwm3:
thank you:)

22nd July 2010, 08:55
The woman has it... the woman can feed it ..... my tities aren't very nourishing :D

22nd July 2010, 09:02
but i dont mean with feeding tities :D:D this kids are ages 2 and 3 years old yet stil to wake up for them to feeds..bottled milk
or is the normal daddys go on sleeping during the night and wotn bother feeding the little one :D:D..am so tiredddd lol but i cnt ask to anybody nor my mum back to the philippines to do it just even for 3 seconds ..:D:D:cwm3:
was it noraml for dadays not to bother do the feeding specially night time :D:D.i think we are all human who feels very tired at times :cwm23::cwm3:

22nd July 2010, 09:16
Babies/kids are well known for causing issues in reationships that never existed before, one of them is resentment that one of the couples is not doing what the other expects. I've seen it happen soooo many times. I always say do a trial by getting a puppy first, at least if it doesn't work out you've got something to eat :rolleyes:

22nd July 2010, 09:22
Ross ur in UK now,so u have to adopt UK culture as well:D.We have 2 yrs old daughter as well but shes dont need to feed milk midnight at all.We bring her to bed 9pm give her 9oz of milk.

22nd July 2010, 09:25
:D:D:cwm24::Rasp: that a good ide boss but toooooooo late for u s:D:D:laugher: shameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:cwm3::icon_lol:

22nd July 2010, 09:30
Ross ur in UK now,so u have to adopt UK culture as well:D.We have 2 yrs old daughter as well but shes dont need to feed milk midnight at all.We bring her to bed 9pm give her 9oz of milk.

i know but it seems not right..while your other half stay bed .sometimes you felt very sick waking up on the middle of the night that your body hardlt can get up but u must for ther crying of you litle one..lol:D:D
its not about culture it about sympathy and sharing the responsibilty specilly night time lol:cwm3::cwm3:

22nd July 2010, 09:47
They shouldn't be waking up during the night at those ages :Erm: .... give them a nice a few spoonfuls of dried rice before bed time and then have them drink a glass of water :Cuckoo:

22nd July 2010, 10:15
They shouldn't be waking up during the night at those ages :Erm: .... give them a nice a few spoonfuls of dried rice before bed time and then have them drink a glass of water :Cuckoo:

yeah im still wondering why iit does like that :yikes::Dim confusee now after i hear to those u got chiild like mine and dont need to wake up during the night..:NoNo::NoNo::doh

22nd July 2010, 10:32
Apart from teething they should be sleeping through from at 12 months old at the most. If they are not it is solely due to the fact that the parents have trained the child to wake up, not that the child chooses to do so.

22nd July 2010, 10:36
oh no not training them at all it just the wake up crying and asking milk..we did feed them before going to bed :D:cwm24::Cuckoo:

22nd July 2010, 10:42
oh no not training them at all it just the wake up crying and asking milk..we did feed them before going to bed :D:cwm24::Cuckoo:

So the kid is controlling you, not the other way round. You're supposed to be the big bad boss. The kid doesn't need feeding, it's just a form of attention seeking that needs to be stopped. Easy enough. Next time the kid wakes up in the night you go in the room, sternly say no and go back to sleep, then let kido cry as long as it takes for him to fall back to sleep. It takes a few nights but the message sinks in eventually.

22nd July 2010, 11:12
They shouldn't be waking up during the night at those ages :Erm: .... give them a nice a few spoonfuls of dried rice before bed time and then have them drink a glass of water :Cuckoo:

or failing that a tot of whisky should do the trick:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd July 2010, 11:24
being a filipino and being a mum i understand your situation Ross...others can tell u which they thought is the right thing to do but hey we were brought up in different culture, they got good point which i myself hard to follow and adopt raising my lil boy...being a wife and mother doesnt mean u need to embrace all the household and responsibility on kids all the time...get hubby to do his share and be vocal about your feelings. about kid waking up in middle of the night..observing my son he just wake up and ask milk when he not feed enough before bedtime...

22nd July 2010, 11:42
Would love to see a Filipino father waking up to deal with the baby, haha. Think the british culture generally has a lot more involved fathers, but not always.

22nd July 2010, 16:01
i use to share in all the things that needed doing no matter how tired you was at the time to see there little faces looking at you while feeding them and the stupid noises you make while trying to talk to them too, and then getting there wind up too,but thekids are 12 years and 17 years now , do you think itstime to stop :icon_lol::icon_lol:

22nd July 2010, 17:33
Would love to see a Filipino father waking up to deal with the baby, haha. Think the british culture generally has a lot more involved fathers, but not always.

i agree with you...never i seen lots of filipino who's a hands on dad...probably b'coz in the philippines mothers normally get help from other member of the family/relative to assist them with kids or simply just get a nanny as its not that costly to have one...so the wife not that bother for their husband to get a hand on kids...

22nd July 2010, 18:25
Would love to see a Filipino father waking up to deal with the baby, haha. Think the british culture generally has a lot more involved fathers, but not always.

I might agree but maybe because our culture is helping each other like my Lola and aunt who were always there and we can afford nanny for kids sometimes. I remember my dad, he seldom helped my nanay when feeding us as he's already awake at 4 a.m. to go to farm and make money and during harvest seasons, he gives all his earnings to my Nanay. But I must say, I was more close to my dad than my Nanay. :D Every morning, I make coffee for him and bring him food at the farm if we have no classes. We eat and pray together as well!:) He do the planting and I do the selling.:icon_lol:
Bless all filipino dads as who are working for more than 10 hours / day in the farm!:D

23rd July 2010, 12:37
I'm not sure if my dad took his turn to wake up in the middle of the night to feed us when me and my siblings were still babies...but i remember that he was always the one there beside us and full hands on everytime we get sick..he would be the one awake and who took care of us (checking our temp, giving us meds, etc) coz he knows my mom has lots of other chores to do...hehehe..:D

24th July 2010, 05:56
I'm not sure if my dad took his turn to wake up in the middle of the night to feed us when me and my siblings were still babies...but i remember that he was always the one there beside us and full hands on everytime we get sick..he would be the one awake and who took care of us (checking our temp, giving us meds, etc) coz he knows my mom has lots of other chores to do...hehehe..:D

And we are close to our dad. :heartshape1:
How we love to serve our parents.
It is our pleasure to cook for them, being thoughtful for them and caring for them as well!:heartshape1:
And most of all, we highly respect them!:xxgrinning--00xx3::):love::love18::luv4:

24th July 2010, 07:49
well it seems that most kids in england thinks there dad is a taxi service a bank and anything else the kids wnat him or there mom to be these days

24th July 2010, 08:32
well it seems that most kids in england thinks there dad is a taxi service a bank and anything else the kids wnat him or there mom to be these days
I prefer the word 'slave' :rolleyes:

24th July 2010, 08:40
thats the word boss man:doh

24th July 2010, 08:55
well it seems that most kids in england thinks there dad is a taxi service a bank and anything else the kids wnat him or there mom to be these days

sounds like spoiled brats...:icon_lol:...i may say kids here in UK are more spoiled than the kids in philippines in such material ways...which i think not good :NoNo:

24th July 2010, 09:25
or is the normal daddys go on sleeping during the night and wotn bother feeding the little one

was it noraml for dadays not to bother do the feeding specially night time :D:D.i think we are all human who feels very tired at times :cwm23::cwm3:

I think its normal for dads to get a proper sleep at night especially if he got work the next day,you dont want him to be gurmpy all day and lost his job so theres no more milk for the babys to feed then?? but in some avoidable circumstances like if the babies are not feeling well or sick, the father or dads should help out taking care of the kids..
i guess what u need is time management ( take a rest/nap when ur kids are napping during the day,and when they are awake and about do ur extra chores,tire ur kids and let them play and play so they get a sound sleep at night) u will love the result when u get all of these sorted:xxgrinning--00xx3:
After all ,,,being a mother and the responsibility on how to take care of her husband & family is one true essence of being a woman...get it??:):heartshape1:

24th July 2010, 09:26
sounds like spoiled brats...:icon_lol:...i may say kids here in UK are more spoiled than the kids in philippines in such material ways...which i think not good :NoNo:

Maybe because they can afford to buy for their kids.
I understand that parents wants to give their children the very best especially material things.
Sometimes, they were born with it, been blessed with it which probably make them lack of discipline.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

When I was small, it was my dream to have a doll. But I was lucky and happy still as I can make paper dolls with different paper clothes.:D My Nanay always said, if you want something, you can have it if you will work it out. So study hard :blahblah:.
Now, I have load of dolls from car boot sales.
I love 'em all ! :heartshape1:

24th July 2010, 09:40
sounds like spoiled brats...:icon_lol:...i may say kids here in UK are more spoiled than the kids in philippines in such material ways...which i think not good :NoNo:

my hubby only give prezzie to our daughter if shes a good girl and she does well in school...kids are very lucky now they can have all the gadgets ,laptop,proper bike,scooter,new shoes every school term..i remember when i was young when i always do all the street games sticks and stones,chinese garter,piko(hop-step game)...i got united nation dolls and they are neatly kept inside the cupboards for display lolz...i only got one scary big doll which is named 'negra' and stays inside my bedroom,wonder why i cant sleep without her :icon_lol:

24th July 2010, 09:52
When I was a kid my parents used to give me bare wires plugged into the electric socket to play with :Cuckoo:

....... and strangely ... that's not far off the truth :cwm24:

24th July 2010, 09:52
After all ,,,being a mother and the responsibility on how to take care of her husband & family is one true essence of being a woman...get it??:):heartshape1:

You mean carry a life in her womb and give birth?

It's feminity no matter who she is. IHMO
There are more women who gave birth and that's all they knew. Desire?:Sex:
See how many street children we have?:omg:
They are not determined to work for baby's future. Isn't it?
There are women who adopt babies to play role as mother and they are more better that the biological mother.

If you can make yourself a wonderful, loving, and sincere mom and wife, then that is a plus!

24th July 2010, 09:58
See how many street children we have?:omg:
As you are so caring & understanding, I've put in the adoption papers for ALL the street children on your behalf.... no need to thank me :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th July 2010, 10:04
You mean carry a life in her womb and give birth?

No,not just carrying a life in the womb but the responsibility of being a good wife to your husband and good mother to your kids (wheter adopted or biological)...thats the true essence of being a woman for me

24th July 2010, 10:07
As you are so caring & understanding, I've put in the adoption papers for ALL the street children on your behalf.... no need to thank me :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Include also white babies boss.:D
If you also have adoption here in the UK.
I want mixed. Brown and white in my orphanage home.

24th July 2010, 10:59
See how many street children we have?:omg:

they multiply like gremlins in the Philippines!!

24th July 2010, 11:14
they multiply like gremlins in the Philippines!!
I wasn't aware Gremlins were any good at maths? :Erm:


24th July 2010, 11:26
I wasn't aware Gremlins were any good at maths? :Erm:


:icon_lol::icon_lol:wasnt sure what am watching boss as my pc doesnt have a sound:D:Rasp:

24th July 2010, 14:19
so for those who are single in there think not twice but millions before you go and multiply :yikes::yikes::D:D:cwm23::Erm::doh:Rasp::crazy::icon_lol:

24th July 2010, 14:31
I think its normal for dads to get a proper sleep at night especially if he got work the next day,you dont want him to be gurmpy all day and lost his job so theres no more milk for the babys to feed then?? but in some avoidable circumstances like if the babies are not feeling well or sick, the father or dads should help out taking care of the kids..
i guess what u need is time management ( take a rest/nap when ur kids are napping during the day,and when they are awake and about do ur extra chores,tire ur kids and let them play and play so they get a sound sleep at night) u will love the result when u get all of these sorted:xxgrinning--00xx3:
After all ,,,being a mother and the responsibility on how to take care of her husband & family is one true essence of being a woman...get it??:):heartshape1:

you sounds very funny why a mum does not need rest or proper slept..i bit you are coz you control over your hiubby lol..we are both not working because we have plenty of cash to live with :D:D:omg::omg:i exactly know the true and essence of being a mother i dunno you but im sure your too hehehehe right mrs viruses:D:D but thanks for the meaning ful advice you spot it on mate :):omg::omg::xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th July 2010, 14:42
:icon_lol::icon_lol:wasnt sure what am watching boss as my pc doesnt have a sound:D:Rasp:

lol come on...no sounds :D:D:D

James Hubbard
24th July 2010, 15:15

24th July 2010, 17:23

James Hubbard
25th July 2010, 02:01

25th July 2010, 03:37
Boys here are badly spoiled and pampered until they are in their 20`s and beyond...Girls not !! They are washing dishes and expert with the walis by age 6/7.
The father of the baby in our house has no choice but to wake up and feed her as his wife is dead..He does unskilled labour in the day time so he`s not best pleased...
As I often tell him...."TOUGH"!!!

James Hubbard
25th July 2010, 04:13
Boys here are badly spoiled and pampered until they are in their 20`s and beyond...Girls not !! They are washing dishes and expert with the walis by age 6/7.

you're right mate

guys in the Philippines are mommied even by their wives! /// oftentimes ... there are however some exceptions. . .

but i do think that modern involved males in the western hemisphere can be a bit more "enlightened" lol

25th July 2010, 07:34
It's a shame where you are.:Erm:

25th July 2010, 07:52
you're right mate

guys in the Philippines are mommied even by their wives! /// oftentimes ... there are however some exceptions. . .

but i do think that modern involved males in the western hemisphere can be a bit more "enlightened" lol

I hope your wife's dad wasn't mommied lols.
We usually treat our husband as king and husband treated us queen.
Wives talks a lot there whilst here different.
However, some exceptions as well!:laugher:

James Hubbard
25th July 2010, 15:00
I hope your wife's dad wasn't mommied lols.
We usually treat our husband as king and husband treated us queen.
Wives talks a lot there whilst here different.
However, some exceptions as well!:laugher:


King and Queen :D

25th July 2010, 17:12
you sounds very funny why a mum does not need rest or proper slept..i bit you are coz you control over your hiubby lol..we are both not working because we have plenty of cash to live with :D:D:omg::omg:i exactly know the true and essence of being a mother i dunno you but im sure your too hehehehe right mrs viruses:D:D but thanks for the meaning ful advice you spot it on mate :):omg::omg::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Its not funny at all,...sounds to me like you dont understand your own thread Ross:rolleyes:

James Hubbard
25th July 2010, 17:17
Its not funny at all,...sounds to me like you dont understand your own thread Ross:rolleyes:


25th July 2010, 17:23
lol come on...no sounds :D:D:D

with respect to the moderator Ms Pennybarry who edited the offensive message from Ross ..THANK YOU but i wish i could have chance to read it:icon_lol::icon_lol:

Anyway,Ross next time you put a thread on here u could include in your subject that only limited people with limited brain wave can suggest, give opinions and advice to you but it was on loose chat,off topic etc ..if you want to moan which i know u love doing put it in rant...:xxgrinning--00xx3::Rasp:alright????

25th July 2010, 17:25
but thanks for the meaning ful advice you spot it on mate :):omg::omg::xxgrinning--00xx3:

dont thank me Ross ....mate??? ( I dont like you to be my friend):Rasp:

James Hubbard
25th July 2010, 17:26

25th July 2010, 17:47
girls, girls, girls.....prrrrttttt!!!!....lets not be personal....peace not war :)

James Hubbard
25th July 2010, 17:50
girls, girls, girls.....prrrrttttt!!!!....lets not be personal....peace not war :)

Kiss and make up :D

oh, hold on, this is the internet ... i can find that elsewhere ... hmmm:Erm:

as you were! :)

25th July 2010, 17:50
Hey it was Boys Fight Week last week.... gotta let them have a turn :laugher:

25th July 2010, 17:54
Let's, please, be civil to each other.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

And if there are any wind-up merchants about, I would suggest to keep a low profile.... :yikes:

Oh, it is the boss.....:icon_sorry::icon_sorry:

25th July 2010, 17:56
Let's, please, be civil to each other.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

And if there are any wind-up merchants about, I would suggest to keep a low profile.... :yikes:

or Dom would smother you all with dried fish!!! :omg: :xxparty-smiley-004::Bolt:

25th July 2010, 18:00
http://filipinaroses.com/image.php?u=5178&dateline=1276967134 (http://filipinaroses.com/member.php?5178-raynaputi)
raynaputi (http://filipinaroses.com/member.php?5178-raynaputi)


http://filipinaroses.com/images/statusicon/user-online.png Moderator [URL="http://filipinaroses.com/vbgooglemapme.php?lat=14.6052312948&lng=120.985929966&zoom=10"]My location (http://filipinaroses.com/profile.php?do=addlist&userlist=buddy&u=5178) http://filipinaroses.com/images/reputation/reputation_green.gif http://filipinaroses.com/images/reputation/reputation_green.gif http://filipinaroses.com/images/reputation/reputation_green.gif http://filipinaroses.com/images/reputation/reputation_green.gif http://filipinaroses.com/images/reputation/reputation_green.gif http://filipinaroses.com/images/reputation/reputation_greenh.gif

http://filipinaroses.com/images/misc/im_yahoo.gif (javascript://) http://mystatus.skype.com/smallicon/raynaputi (javascript://)
http://filipinaroses.com/images/misc/facebook.png (http://www.facebook.com/raynaputi) http://filipinaroses.com/images/misc/twitter.png (http://www.twitter.com/raynaputi)

or Dom would smother you all with dried fish!!! :omg: :xxparty-smiley-004::Bolt:

There you go.....:D

25th July 2010, 18:01

25th July 2010, 18:05
:doh Now the Mods are fighting .... must be the water :rolleyes:

I suggest everyone just bows down to me :icon_sorry::icon_sorry::icon_sorry::icon_sorry::icon_sorry::icon_sorry::icon_sorry::icon_sorry::icon_sorry::icon_sorry::icon_sorry::icon_sorry::icon_sorry::icon_sorry::icon_sorry::icon_sorry: :action-smiley-081:

25th July 2010, 20:00
i am wondering how many of on this forum husband/daddys are waking up or feeds there little children during the nights..do you all allow you wives to do the tiring job..? :omg::omg::D:cwm3: any commets advices will be verr much appreaciated...:cwm24::cwm3:
thank you:)

i have 2 children from ex partner in uk, 19 and 16 years and 2 children 3 and 2 years from my wife in philippines. the most important thing being a father is working hard 2 support your kids, and if the father has time in changing nappys and feeding thats a plus, i personly have done both, like most of the fathers around the world...and any father that dosnt work to support or dose not help wife in the home with the kids, is a waste of space in my opinion...

25th July 2010, 20:20
Ross just try stop giving them bottle milk in the middle of the night it will be very difficult for the first few nights but once they get used to it they wont be asking anymore. Just make sure they have milk or snacks before bedtime. We stopped giving my wee boys ages 13 months and 27 months milk in the middle of the night when they were 11 months but i make sure after dindin they get fruit snacks and milk before bedtime and that really helps.

25th July 2010, 22:18
Its not funny at all,...sounds to me like you dont understand your own thread Ross:rolleyes:

and i dont understand you as well that u kept replying on my moaning.. lol..stay away at me please just for seconds lol..but i owe you..your advices are quitely good..well done donya !:D:D:icon_sorry:

25th July 2010, 22:27
Ross just try stop giving them bottle milk in the middle of the night it will be very difficult for the first few nights but once they get used to it they wont be asking anymore. Just make sure they have milk or snacks before bedtime. We stopped giving my wee boys ages 13 months and 27 months milk in the middle of the night when they were 11 months but i make sure after dindin they get fruit snacks and milk before bedtime and that really helps.oh hello ann..thank you very much for you friendly and genuine advice Ann..:D:D:heartshape1: UNLIKE SOME HERE :D:D u really dunno whats up with them ..lol oh well diffrent people diffrent opnion but only we know life is not always at up..what they do today will be soon go back to them...:D:D:hubbahubba:

25th July 2010, 22:36
dont thank me Ross ....mate??? ( I dont like you to be my friend):Rasp:

neither me..i call umate does not mean your my friend but every post i make you were there lol u must be following me eh ! come on grow up girl or shall i say..:D:yikes: manibalng nga guwang:D:D

25th July 2010, 23:37
and i dont understand you as well..but i owe you..your advices are quitely good..well done donya !:D:D:icon_sorry:

good u admit that u dont understand Ross,coz i really had a hard time understanding your spelling,grammar,and all ur threads but to be honest i still tried my best to give u good advices.

neither me..i call umate does not mean your my friend but every post i make you were there lol u must be following me eh ! come on grow up girl or shall i say..:D:yikes: manibalng nga guwang:D:D

guwang means old right???? i might be old Ross but i know what i want and what i am doing:):Rasp:


please dont call me mate.... i still dont like you to be my friend:)

26th July 2010, 06:17
neither me..i call umate does not mean your my friend u :D:D

please dont call me mate.... i still dont like you to be my friend:)

We seem to have reached and agreement of some kind... :rolleyes:

That is a huge relief indeed...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th July 2010, 07:04
oh hello ann..thank you very much for you friendly and genuine advice Ann..:D:D:heartshape1: UNLIKE SOME HERE :D:D u really dunno whats up with them ..lol oh well diffrent people diffrent opnion but only we know life is not always at up..what they do today will be soon go back to them...:D:D:hubbahubba:

It's nice to hear advice from expert Ross. SNV also given good advices. I don't know if you misunderstood her then given her some harsh comments. Although you click some smiley icons but still the impact is insulting.

I don't understand your last sentence. All I know is we can all reach the old age. Some are not because they died early. :)

I know you're not that bad. We chatted at yahoo once and you seems nice.
We are Pinays, we are kabayans and we should be friendly to each other. Helping each other is best, we're trying to give you good advices for help. Let's forget about bad attitude and bad trademark of being Pinay (utak talangka). Let's show the world how good we are and a good blogger as well.

Calm down and wish you the best of your family.

26th July 2010, 08:13
We seem to have reached and agreement of some kind... :rolleyes:

That is a huge relief indeed...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

They were busy getting out their sharpened talons and you are relieved??:icon_lol:

26th July 2010, 08:35
Well this is weird ..... even the Filipina's can't understand what Ross is saying some of the time :Rasp: I think that must be a first :cwm24:

26th July 2010, 08:36
It's nice to hear advice from expert Ross. SNV also given good advices. I don't know if you misunderstood her then given her some harsh comments. Although you click some smiley icons but still the impact is insulting.

I don't understand your last sentence. All I know is we can all reach the old age. Some are not because they died early. :)

I know you're not that bad. We chatted at yahoo once and you seems nice.
We are Pinays, we are kabayans and we should be friendly to each other. Helping each other is best, we're trying to give you good advices for help. Let's forget about bad attitude and bad trademark of being Pinay (utak talangka). Let's show the world how good we are and a good blogger as well.

Calm down and wish you the best of your family.

bad trademark?...i didnt know what that is hehehe update me...i love talangka..now am thinking if i got a brain of it lol....anyways english girls fight a lot worst than that...not all of course

26th July 2010, 11:30
bad trademark?...i didnt know what that is hehehe update me...i love talangka..now am thinking if i got a brain of it lol....anyways english girls fight a lot worst than that...not all of course

Thats true.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
A proper good old fashioned girl fight with proper hair pulling and eye gouging!!
Worth buying a tub of popcorn for.

26th July 2010, 13:34
Thats true.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
A proper good old fashioned girl fight with proper hair pulling and eye gouging!!
Worth buying a tub of popcorn for.

Cheers...!!! I'll get the Pepsi........:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st July 2010, 19:36
come on Mrs Mod with respect to our queen :) you obviously in one side of the road with that virus whats hre name..cant rem thought but i respect you as your big boss now..anyway conratutaltion i just notice now you wre not just a respected member..you deserve to that Mam..or shall i call sugar mom :) :yikes::icon_lol::D:D jokes but big congratulation again :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: well done dear !

31st July 2010, 19:37
It's nice to hear advice from expert Ross. SNV also given good advices. I don't know if you misunderstood her then given her some harsh comments. Although you click some smiley icons but still the impact is insulting.

I don't understand your last sentence. All I know is we can all reach the old age. Some are not because they died early. :)

I know you're not that bad. We chatted at yahoo once and you seems nice.
We are Pinays, we are kabayans and we should be friendly to each other. Helping each other is best, we're trying to give you good advices for help. Let's forget about bad attitude and bad trademark of being Pinay (utak talangka). Let's show the world how good we are and a good blogger as well.

Calm down and wish you the best of your family.

come on Mrs Mod with respect to our queen you obviously in one side of the road with that virus whats hre name..cant rem thought but i respect you as your big boss now..anyway conratutaltion i just notice now you wre not just a respected member..you deserve to that Mam..or shall i call sugar mom jokes but big congratulation again well done dear !

31st July 2010, 19:44
good u admit that u dont understand Ross,coz i really had a hard time understanding your spelling,grammar,and all ur threads but to be honest i still tried my best to give u good advices.

guwang means old right???? i might be old Ross but i know what i want and what i am doing:):Rasp:


please dont call me mate.... i still dont like you to be my friend:)

wow really..well done because even my english friends accept that i speak english well but i know they were wrong hehehe coz i admit my english are bad :NoNo::NoNo::rolleyes: sadly but i dont let it bother me because any way im not enlglish...:D:D and im proud of that ..how about you u think you have that right to crtize how my grmmar was worst than yours...anyway i dont go the level that you have..cheers amiga..and dont let your angry and being slang make you love youself..:D:D..too much :omg::omg: u never know behind you someone was :Rasp::Rasp: thinking you were a half english in asianic aura :D:D:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:
but well done mrs viruses..cant rem your name here and my grmmar and spelling im sure you corrcet it please:hubbahubba::omg::omg::D:Cuckoo::icon_lol::icon_lol::omg:

South-east boy
1st August 2010, 02:48
There is a program on Tuesday night at 9pm, Channel 4 called 'Who knows best: Can't sleep kids' with 2 experts who have totally different ideas.

1st August 2010, 08:54
come on Mrs Mod with respect to our queen you obviously in one side of the road with that virus whats hre name..cant rem thought but i respect you as your big boss now..anyway conratutaltion i just notice now you wre not just a respected member..you deserve to that Mam..or shall i call sugar mom jokes but big congratulation again well done dear !

Thanks Jercy Leads for the congrats and wish it was really from your heart but I'm not the big boss here . :D

If you think I was wrong you have the chance to make complaint.
But for me, you are so lucky still. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You are the real mom,:xxgrinning--00xx3: I just experienced the role of being a mom to my nieces and nephews and they are all professionals now and finished their uni. So I am looking forward to moms that reasons to live are insulting those women without children. Galingan nyo at baka mapahiya kayo sa bandang huli kapag naging burdens of society ang inyong mga anak. Aabangan ko ang pagiging dakilang ina nyo.

Maybe if I had collections of men in my past, I have many children by now with different fathers. But never in my imagination.:D But wrong time now as I have medical issues so I prefer to focus my time with my education, travel, volunteering, more time with hubby and working my other goals and that makes me simply happy. I'm also concerned with overpopulation!

1st August 2010, 09:03
...... I just experienced the role of being a mom to my nieces and nephews.....
That's the best way .... give them back at the end of the day .... no sleepless nights.... :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st August 2010, 09:17
That's the best way .... give them back at the end of the day .... no sleepless nights.... :xxgrinning--00xx3:
I agree all moms had sleepless nights as baby's behaviour is always hungry and sleepy.
Even the daddy's behaviour are also hungry at the middle of the night touching/rubbing wife until she respond. Ignoring won't help and wife will not like her husband feel grumpy. Isn't it?:heartshape1::D:icon_lol::laugher:

1st August 2010, 10:16
Thanks Jercy Leads for the congrats and wish it was really from your heart but I'm not the big boss here . :D

If you think I was wrong you have the chance to make complaint.
But for me, you are so lucky still. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You are the real mom,:xxgrinning--00xx3: I just experienced the role of being a mom to my nieces and nephews and they are all professionals now and finished their uni. So I am looking forward to moms that reasons to live are insulting those women without children. Galingan nyo at baka mapahiya kayo sa bandang huli kapag naging burdens of society ang inyong mga anak. Aabangan ko ang pagiging dakilang ina nyo.

Maybe if I had collections of men in my past, I have many children by now with different fathers. But never in my imagination.:D But wrong time now as I have medical issues so I prefer to focus my time with my education, travel, volunteering, more time with hubby and working my other goals and that makes me simply happy. I'm also concerned with overpopulation!

kawawa ka naman pala.ano pero in other side you wre so luck you sound too down too earth as well but quitely helpless in some way i pity your sitaution anway i know your not the big boss but your one :) of them and im proud of you as being my co-pinay you done well in your choosen career,,and talking about the kids in ever they will be burden in the community we never know some day you will beg to your husband to get men just to bear child for him or you ask your husband to ask women to bear child for you...ang galeng ko ano sana maging masaya ka penny barry:omg::omg::D:D:augher::yikes::yikes::Cuckoo::crazy::xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st August 2010, 10:26
Thanks Jercy Leads for the congrats and wish it was really from your heart but I'm not the big boss here . :D

If you think I was wrong you have the chance to make complaint.
But for me, you are so lucky still. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You are the real mom,:xxgrinning--00xx3: I just experienced the role of being a mom to my nieces and nephews and they are all professionals now and finished their uni. So I am looking forward to moms that reasons to live are insulting those women without children. Galingan nyo at baka mapahiya kayo sa bandang huli kapag naging burdens of society ang inyong mga anak. Aabangan ko ang pagiging dakilang ina nyo.

Maybe if I had collections of men in my past, I have many children by now with different fathers. But never in my imagination.:D But wrong time now as I have medical issues so I prefer to focus my time with my education, travel, volunteering, more time with hubby and working my other goals and that makes me simply happy. I'm also concerned with overpopulation!

at the susunod po penn :):D:D:hubbahubba: kung gusto mo mag research nang real name ko you check to the NSO IN THE PHILIPPINES BAKA u will be lucky u will found my real name..and not mentioning the false name jercy..kawawa ka namn lol:D:D..whats your purpose of mentioning a name in a forum that u think it was my real name come on :) i thought you reserach well..:D:D ..:icon_lol::icon_lol:

1st August 2010, 10:43
Ross you've had enough warnings, and after what you said to Penny a couple of months back no one on the forum likes or respects you anyway: BANNED

1st August 2010, 11:39
I don't know if I will get up in the middle of the night soon when I have work to do in the morning that could be potentially dangerous to others. I hope to help if I can.

I must draw the line at using these though :doh

There's something just not right with that picture, must be the suit and tie :icon_lol:

1st August 2010, 15:53
wow really..well done because even my english friends accept that i speak english well but i know they were wrong hehehe coz i admit my english are bad :NoNo::NoNo::rolleyes: sadly but i dont let it bother me because any way im not enlglish...:D:D and im proud of that ..how about you u think you have that right to crtize how my grmmar was worst than yours...anyway i dont go the level that you have..cheers amiga..and dont let your angry and being slang make you love youself..:D:D..too much :omg::omg: u never know behind you someone was :Rasp::Rasp: thinking you were a half english in asianic aura :D:D:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:
but well done mrs viruses..cant rem your name here and my grmmar and spelling im sure you corrcet it please:hubbahubba::omg::omg::D:Cuckoo::icon_lol::icon_lol::omg:

i know this is getting non sense Mrs Leads ,i hate long insensible chats and arguments,... if i have time and not too busy i can come and visit you in Plympton then we can meet in real and that would be fun

1st August 2010, 16:02
Hi sars_notd_virus (http://filipinaroses.com/member.php?4810-sars_notd_virus), Ross has been banned now!

1st August 2010, 16:09
.....i can come and visit you in Plympton then we can meet in real and that would be fun
You're gonna :hubbahubba: her to death? :cwm24:

1st August 2010, 16:25
You're gonna :hubbahubba: her to death? :cwm24:

Am not that sort of person boss i dont :hubbahubba: anybody:Rasp:
i just want her to meet me so she be more sensible with her attacks and insults

1st August 2010, 16:41
Crikey! Sorry to hear that! :doh
I have never experience begging. Did you?:Erm:
I'm still here to understand you being naff and plank to our wonderful forum.:)
You need forty winks and more winks:NEW5:.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st August 2010, 16:51
Hello ate Pen!!!!
you know i was just being pedantic:Rasp::xxgrinning--00xx3::heartshape1:

1st August 2010, 17:07
It's boring to be pedantic Mari! :omg::icon_lol:
Just be happy to be a whiz one!:Rasp::Rasp:

1st August 2010, 17:19
It's boring to be pedantic Mari! :omg::icon_lol:
Just be happy to be a whiz one!:Rasp::Rasp:

i like that ate pen..cheers!!!:veryhappy::veryhappy:

1st August 2010, 17:26
:gost: <-------- :laughitupsmilie::laughitupsmilie::laughitupsmilie:

1st August 2010, 18:31
huhhhh,at last trouble maker has banned.....byeeeeeee forever ROSS.