View Full Version : In need of some help or advice!

27th July 2010, 15:27
Hi all,
Really hoping that someone out there can help me out....
My husband, our 18 months old daughter and I came to visit his family in the UK in May after getting married in Jan. I entered on a spousal tourist visa. We had been living in Thailand together for 5 years and had just planned this as a visit with the intention of returning to Thailand after 3 months but my husbands contract there wasn't renewed and he has been offered a job here in the UK. Also a week before we came I found out I was pregnant so we want to stay on in the UK.
Returning to the Philippines and applying there isn't really an option so I am hoping that some one can help with a way around it....
Thank you so much....

James Hubbard
27th July 2010, 18:11
Oh gosh, that sounds like a really difficult situation you're in. There are plenty of people here who can help. Sadly I don't have any advice to offer, but hopefully by my reply, this thread will become more noticeable and someone who can help will :)