View Full Version : Ok this is going to be unbelievable!!!!!

29th July 2010, 07:58
As I read this i just got2 emails this is what it says

Dear xxxxx,

Your processed visa application reference no.xxxxx dispatched to you via 2GO Aboitiz on 07/29/2010 Please note this is an auto generated e-mail. Please do NOT reply to this email.

Visa Application Centre.


29th July 2010, 08:13
and here comes another lucky one!!! Congratulations!

you were just asking a few questions! Get the cakes ready then and a bottle of frizzy!!
i told you so it aint gonna be that long..ei!

29th July 2010, 08:36
I seriously think we should be sending the cake and bubbly to the Embassy :)

29th July 2010, 09:17
I seriously think we should be sending the cake and bubbly to the Embassy :)

Great Idea! Love it!

i wonder what would they say if we really did that?
And they will process all visa application in just 1 day!:Jump:

29th July 2010, 11:06
wow more good news - well done mate:xxgrinning--00xx3:

makes my 2 month wait seem like a lifetime to what the embassy are turning them round in now:censored:

29th July 2010, 11:17
Yeh it is crazy fast, i just hoping it does have a visa inside it! I am gobsmacked! I was worried we were not gonna make the grade needed but it seems it ws all fine, I cannot confirm until the passports been delivered that she got the visa for sure buts looking very positive...this week is unreal :):):):Sex::Sex::Wave:

29th July 2010, 11:23
The embassy deserves a good bonus this week LOL!

A while ago i would not have believed it possible to get your visa so quickly, now i seen it for myself, nothings impossible!!!!!!!!!!!

29th July 2010, 11:50
is this fast tracking :Erm:

btw congrats to you :D

29th July 2010, 12:59
Congratulations...... I hope

Wait and see though, the governmentwill soon start to realise and WHALLOP!!! pull the riegns in again. :angry:

James Hubbard
29th July 2010, 13:14
wow, this is amazing :D

well done and congrats in advance AP :D

get the champers ready ... although you're in the Phils, so u gotta do with yucky sparkling vino ;)

well done mate :)

James HubbaHubba

29th July 2010, 14:20
Congratulations Alesypalsy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th July 2010, 14:35
Thanks all for your kind words! :) I am shattered now, am going to join the wife in bed it 9.36 pm and the aircon is calling, it will be the other way round soon i will be putting the heating on lol , So should get the passport back tomorrow we hope will update asap.
Cheers all
p.s the bubblys gonna be flowing soon as we got the passport!:hubbahubba::Sex::do_it::xxaction-smiley-047:Jump:

29th July 2010, 18:07

Congratulations.. so happy for the both of you.


29th July 2010, 20:19
been to see mistermatty today in hospital- told him your news and he was well chuffed. lyn still hasnt been able to get to tacloban to pick up her couriered passport so they still aint sure for sure of the outcome as yet.

looks like he will be in there for a few days more yet- i was there when a doc came round and hes seeing the consultant in the morning but i reckon after the weekend at best before hes out by the look of his leg

29th July 2010, 21:04
well grat news again just like a bus wait for one then they all turn up , sparky whats up with his leg

29th July 2010, 21:36
well grat news again just like a bus wait for one then they all turn up , sparky whats up with his leg

he had a bike accident a few weeks ago and fell on his knee but this week it swelled up so he went to the docs and he got admitted.

they operated yesterday and it was infected. they have left the cut open to release all the infection hence his stay will be a lil longer than he thought.

but he is desperatly worried as he hasnt got internet access and the signal on the phone has been crap

he has got a couple of good friends over there tho who are trying to help at that end but his mrs is up in the sticks at present and cant get into tacloban itself

Arthur Little
29th July 2010, 22:46
Wait and see though, the governmentwill soon start to realise and WHALLOP!!! pull the riegns in again. :angry:

:gp:, Steve ... :rolleyes: ... I remember it happened not so long ago ... following a short spell when the Embassy seemed to be churning out visas like there was no tomorrow ... and you can bet your bottom dollar it'll happen AGAIN - especially once the new Government's tighter immigration measures come into operation! :doh

James Hubbard
29th July 2010, 23:03
Gosh, I am glad that my Mrs, Leah, 'Reese, and Alesy&wife ... have got in when we all did ;)

otherwise it'd be loads of kerfuffle ;)

29th July 2010, 23:21
wow more good news - well done mate:xxgrinning--00xx3:

makes my 2 month wait seem like a lifetime to what the embassy are turning them round in now:censored:

Didn't it take so much longer in the "old days" :yikes:
All the fees must be swelling their coffers

More importantly, congrats on your recent message alesypalsy :Jump:

James Hubbard
29th July 2010, 23:33
Didn't it take so much longer in the "old days" :yikes:

Actually, that's what's amazed me with all these decisions lately ....

I remember 3.5 years ago reading that it took (back then) from 6 months to 1 year --and occasionally longer, to get the visa back!

I am happy that my wife got in when she did (last week) :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th July 2010, 01:28
YES for sure I am so glad i did not leave the application until they changed the rules of the game, I was umm'ing and arrr'ing to do or not, blooming glad we did! Anyway hopefully we will get the passport today and it was a pass!! Until we see it's not 100%
Thanks all for your kind words!:Hellooo:

James Hubbard
30th July 2010, 01:40
looking forward to reading your happy celebration post after i've poured my tea in the mornin' :xxgrinning--00xx3: