View Full Version : sending money to phils

29th July 2010, 15:54
anyone ever used pay pal to send money to the philippines

29th July 2010, 16:32
Yes, bit cheaper than WU, only problem is the 3-5 day wait the other end to withdraw to bank.

29th July 2010, 17:18
I tried this method once and for whatever reason ended up with both our accounts being closed with suspected fraud and the money held by paypal for about a month while we went through some process of getting the accounts reactivated and never tried it again. We may have been just unlucky.

29th July 2010, 17:26
This has been covered many times, hit the search button :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th July 2010, 18:30
We always use Western Union to be honest - it only charges £4.90 for ( i think ) up to £200 and gives an exchange rate only 1% below the bank rate - not bad really when you consider the rip off rates in airports and some travel agents.

1st August 2010, 14:48
This has been covered many times, hit the search button :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I agree and we don't stop suggesting PNB europe:D, give you a very good rate:xxgrinning--00xx3: and quick transfer:)


1st August 2010, 15:10
We always use Western Union to be honest - it only charges £4.90 for ( i think ) up to £200 and gives an exchange rate only 1% below the bank rate - not bad really when you consider the rip off rates in airports and some travel agents.

That does not seem that good.

It's 2.45% plus 1% ( and that also relies on the exchange rate being the inter bank rate, something which is not always so with transfers).

I am still using the FREE Nationwide CASH CARD, although that is just about to be withdrawn.

I am fairly sure when it is, we will use a Nationwide DEBIT CARD. That will I believe cost 1% fee and, if the exchange rate is as good as it always has been, it will be just a small fraction of 1% different from inter bank rate.

An advantage using 'our system' is that I can transfer the sum I want to send, on line, to the account that we use for Phil, and my wife's cousin can immediately draw that amount from a 'VISA' ATM.

2nd August 2010, 15:06
I just drew some euros, in Spain, on my Nationwide Visa Debit Card.

Got 1.198 euros to the £1.

The Bank rates shows 1.208 (so the total cost on £100 was 65 pence)

And no charges (until Nov when there will be !!! )