View Full Version : Some really bad people find this forum by searching.

James Hubbard
30th July 2010, 01:38
I find it a very interesting thing to do - when I am bored, I'll go and look at some of the really old posts that the spiders and bots are looking at. Occasionally, it really interests me and I'll find myself reading for a few hours. Yes... I am that kind of nerd.

But I just saw something that raised my ire so much.

It was on a thread (this one ... click here) (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php?15637-amatuer-sex-videos) and it was a troll trying to sell porno. It was quickly stopped by mod Aromulus.

So far so good.

Then I had to go and look at the SEO bit at the bottom - the bit that shows what the "searcher" was typing into google to find this page ... and I was :angry::angry::cwm23::cwm23: at what i saw :(

Visitors found this page by searching for:
fourteen year old girls sex vids,

what kind of sick, twisted, perverted :censored: grrrr :angry::cwm23::angry:

30th July 2010, 13:08
When I was with Vodaphone trying to look at flights and costs, their "adult content" used to block me when I typed in "Philippines" :yikes:

I moved ISP asap :Cuckoo:

James Hubbard
30th July 2010, 13:28
When I was with Vodaphone trying to look at flights and costs, their "adult content" used to block me when I typed in "Philippines" :yikes:

I moved ISP asap :Cuckoo:


Are you sure you weren't typing anything else ;) :icon_lol:

30th July 2010, 16:45
Rather than just banning people like that why aren't the threads deleted :Erm:

30th July 2010, 16:50
Rather than just banning people like that why aren't the threads deleted :Erm:

The thread was not deleted by me, because it was a topic open to discussion at the time.:crazy:

30th July 2010, 19:28
What? :omg: "amatuer sex videos" used to be open for discussion on here?.
And the post is just a string of pervy words :Erm: