View Full Version : visa processing times

30th July 2010, 11:29
there has been a lot of discussion elsewhere here over the recent 2 day visa application successes but i thought i would open this thread to open it up for a wider discussion and not in someones visa success thread

so why do we think that recent processings are only taking 2 days?

is it something to do with the new UK govt?

perhaps its to do with target settings by the immigration bosses?

not many applicants therefore those that have applied sail straight thru?

i appreciate that some applications are more complicated and may require more time to process but how can you go from 2 months + to 2 days in a matter of weeks?

over to you lot for your thoughts

30th July 2010, 11:35
they did this before last year and cut the time but not down to 2 days, there must be a huge backlog and have been told to hurry up, my spouse visa took 6 weeks so should i get a refund or discount for waiting longer? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th July 2010, 11:38
they did this before last year and cut the time but not down to 2 days, there must be a huge backlog and have been told to hurry up, my spouse visa took 6 weeks so should i get a refund or discount for waiting longer? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

but if there was a backlog wouldnt they process older applications first rather than new ones?:Erm:

James Hubbard
30th July 2010, 11:44
What i was wondering was ... why was Marlyn's done in 6 weeks, rather than a few days?

I have a theory that hers was perhaps more complicated, therefore required more ECO time.

Re: Leah's: She was already in UK on settlement visa before, so easy to prove most things they need you to prove.

SillyBilly - has been here before, although I'm not sure on which visa.

My wife: ... hmmm, well, guess we just got lucky - and were "neurotically well prepared" lol:Jump:

James Hubbard
30th July 2010, 11:44
really sorry, getting double posts again (unintentional) :(

30th July 2010, 13:22
What i was wondering was ... why was Marlyn's done in 6 weeks, rather than a few days?

I have a theory that hers was perhaps more complicated, therefore required more ECO time.

Re: Leah's: She was already in UK on settlement visa before, so easy to prove most things they need you to prove.

SillyBilly - has been here before, although I'm not sure on which visa.

My wife: ... hmmm, well, guess we just got lucky - and were "neurotically well prepared" lol:Jump:

umm...ehem! Mr. Hubba! Hubba!

Yours truly was the one on a settlement visa and Leah was on a finacee visa i fink and now both on spouses visas..:D

i was told by one of the staff that these season visas are quite pretty fast processed..she didnt mention why but i think they just have enough staff at the moment. No more people on holiday.:D

Seriously speaking they have probably sorted out their backlogs and must have employed more staff for quick process and to avoid another backlogs!
A lot of applicants have been complaining specially for student visas. I can remember that i have heard about the issues and UK Embassy have apologizes for the long wait processing of visas. So they must have sorted it out now.

30th July 2010, 13:33
its got nothing to do with the new gov, why when its the same people who work in the embassy who worked in the embassy under the labour gov :doh

infact the tories want a cap on those coming from outside europe (not spouses thou) so if anything you would have thought they would drag the process out..

its got little to do with how well you've arranged your papers, you really think if someone sent their papers ogranised gets their visa in 2 days, yet someone who sends the same papers muddled up takes 6 wks ! ?

of course it helps the case worker if its organised, but most cases are pretty straight forward... so why are most not done in 2 days, you really think it takes more than 1hr to check your papers ? (look how quick they process most visa's at PEO's here in the UK, in a matter of hours)

how many people here have been asked for further evidence from the embassy?? harldy anyone.. most if not all cases are straight forward if you've supllied the evidence your asked for..

delays are caused by the time of year (peeps on holidays, more visa apps) but the old excuse was carrying out local checks, which i bet they dont do as much now or a random number to get backlogs down,,

its just luck that you've got it in 2 days, how long it will take someone next week or next month is anyone guess !

30th July 2010, 13:51
and i fully understand why VFS wouldnt accept your application if they werent arranged properly and will ask you to go back to your seat and wait to be called out again.

Also, ive realized that the VFS doesnt think about making their job easier but its for the applicant's sake as well, to have their visas processed as soon as possible.
Which is really good.

I know we were the lucky ones who got the visas in just 2 days but were still here spreading the "TIPS" and "ADVISES" so that everybody could read it and will get a succesful application in a short time.

Im not being funny but i even thought and was praying, thinking that since i have all my documents needed and was properly arranged...maybe they can asked me to wait for the results on that day!:crazy:

30th July 2010, 16:37
Having applied for a family permit, I thought it would be as quick as Belfast dude's case but it's been 9 days and I haven't got the result yet.

I am trying not to worry because according to VFS text message, this is currently their peak but reading all these applications in a matter of 2 days they got the results, it makes me wonder what went wrong with mine???:cwm3::bigcry:

I arranged the papers properly and neatly and I think I provided all the documents (including supporting documents) required on the list. I am starting to feel anxious, not a very nice feeling, but it's normal I guess.

I know I don't have much reasons to complain so the least thing I can do is be more patient :doh

I just hope and pray that I would soon have the good news and be with my hubby :pray: :heartshape1:

30th July 2010, 18:40
48 hours for Lyn and so far 96 hours and counting for courrier delivery !!:icon_lol:

30th July 2010, 18:44
48 hours for Lyn and so far 96 hours and counting for courrier delivery !!:icon_lol:

good to see you back online mate:xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
30th July 2010, 18:54
Hi matty mate welcome back :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st July 2010, 05:17
Having applied for a family permit, I thought it would be as quick as Belfast dude's case but it's been 9 days and I haven't got the result yet.

family permits should be processed first as a priority before spouse/fiancée and other types of permits.(EU immigration law)

:icon_lol: whats gone wrong, nothing gone wrong, they are just lucky they got their visa in a couple of days, nothing to worry about you will almost certanily get your family permit, its virtually a legal right of your husbands being a European citiizen :xxgrinning--00xx3:

some people not long ago were waiting 3 months or more for their visas :NoNo:

31st July 2010, 08:02
Although a well presented application will help speed up the application process, timing is a big factor.

According to http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/customerservices/customerservicestandards/

Visa application processing times

Non-Settlement applications
To complete 90 per cent of visa applications (except settlement categories), in not more than three weeks, 98 per cent in six weeks and 100 per cent in 12 weeks.

Settlement applications
To complete 95 per cent of applications for settlement visas in not more than 12 weeks and 100 per cent in not more 24 weeks.

Therefore if you apply towards the end of these periods, then decisions may be made sooner?

I also feel that as they have changed the requirements for work and student visas, the total number of application is less and applications can be processed quicker.

31st July 2010, 08:17
maybe, if you mean like most companies at the end of the month they want as much dispatched as possible, so they are on that months sales figures :D

so yes maybe to hit their targets they just grant them with the minimum of checks done :D, its knowing how often and when they calculate their targets :Erm:

they might have changed requirements but i bet the number of visa apps are increasing every year, remember many visas are not as expensive as a settlement visa and so your not losing much by applying..

also this time of year is busy with the summer hols and visit visas, also with embassy staff going on hols to (back to the uk !)

31st July 2010, 22:17
I was really impressed when mine was approved in 5 weeks, 2 days just wow

1st August 2010, 15:37
Still shocked at 2 day processing !!

Now was it on this forum i read they might be shifting visa processing to the Regional center in Hong Kong next year ?

James Hubbard
1st August 2010, 16:26
I was really impressed when mine was approved in 5 weeks, 2 days just wow

Yes, not long ago, 5 weeks was a very short time! lol! People on here I remember were saying how quick 5 wk or 6wk, and now, 2 days lolz!

3.5 years ago when i first started reading on the (now defunct) british-filipino website about spousal visas, he mentioned something like "expect to be waiting 6-13 months)!

Wow, how time has changed :D wonderful :D:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st August 2010, 17:54
Now was it on this forum i read they might be shifting visa processing to the Regional center in Hong Kong next year ?

I think that it will only be passport renewal applications that will be processed in Hong Kong from the 16th September. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st August 2010, 18:26
I think that it will only be passport renewal applications that will be processed in Hong Kong from the 16th September. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

That your correct on , its been like this at the UK embassy in Thailand for some time now .

But i have heard unconfirmed rumors that Visas might be the next to be actioned at the Regional center in H.K.

1st August 2010, 21:45
I seem to remember about a year ago, visas were being processed very quickly, then they suddenly went back to roughly 3 months?...One person here, got their spouse visa next day, not the current 2 day turn-around.