View Full Version : what is the cost to you personally of your stay in the UK?

1st August 2010, 13:15
Anyone please? My sister is filling her family visit visa application today and there is a question ' What is the cost to you personally of your stay in UK?' she will stay for 18 days only. Is £ 5,000 enough? or higher? she will stay with us so food & accomodation is not a problem. thanks

1st August 2010, 13:33
Hi Sis my friend's sister put only 1500 pounds, we based it on her bank savings...ie..airfare and allowances, we computed 10 pounds per day...same like you food and accommodation will charge to my friend and her hubby:D, so i suggest make it lower since she will be staying 18 days only:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st August 2010, 13:57
Anyone please? My sister is filling her family visit visa application today and there is a question ' What is the cost to you personally of your stay in UK?' she will stay for 18 days only. Is £ 5,000 enough? or higher? she will stay with us so food & accomodation is not a problem. thanks

hi scottishbride your sister basicly needs 2 total up expencise like airfare etc and if she is staying with you at no cost to her, she needs to state that in supporting letter. my wife applied and was refused early last year, at the time i was living in phlis with my wife and kids and my wife owns her home ther and had 250,000 peso in her account and kids got brit pports and philippine pports, she put 0 in the personal cost to her, and stated in supporting letter that i was paying for the trip(that prob did not help) she was refused as the eco didnt think she would return to phils after visit even though i was living with her and was going back with her and the kids. the family visit visa is the hardest to get and i have been told that by an immigration lawyer here in uk. but if she works and has a high salary and owns a house and lot and high savings in her bank, your sis prob stand a good chance in getting her visa.. good luck.

1st August 2010, 14:01
Ay sis goodluck to your sis...dalhin mo sya dito ha hehehehehe miss you and AIsha xxxxxx