View Full Version : SMS status tracking service

14th August 2010, 02:07
Is it worth paying the additional P110? Is there an advantage or more information provided to using this service? :Erm: or does tracking the application online (for free) enough?

14th August 2010, 05:42
What visa are you applying for?

Based from our experienced, well few of us here in the forum have paid P110 for the sms to inform you the status of your application. And as soon as we got an sms from the VFS containing.."Visa application ref no #### is couriered back to you via 2go Abotiz on blah blah" it was a mixed emotion that you wanted to have your passport right away on your hand to see the visa inside it. Some of us couldnt sleep, yes i consider myself:D, some couldnt eat and we get all the support and positive greetings from all the members here in the forum. Until we have the visa!

If you have an internet access everyday you can choose to opt out from paying the sms and just check the status of your application online.

That is all up to you.:):)