View Full Version : Chicken Adobo recipe

16th August 2010, 20:58
Hi all, can anyone help me with a recipe for Chicken Adobo? Problem is I need it for a meal for 8, to be served next Sunday ( 22nd Aug.) and I really need step by step instructions. Thanks in advance. :Help1:

16th August 2010, 21:16
Hi George,
I KNOW u will get much better recipes than this , but this is how I cook adobo.....im just a beginner so any more tips u get will benefit me as swell.

first get your chicken preferably thigh pieces.
I then marinate it for a few hrs in :
4 tablespoons of Soy Sauce

2 and a half Tablespoons of vinegar (pref white)
1 and a half cups of water
1 and a half Tablespoons of Brown sugar.
Add some black pepper and a clove of crushed garlic.

Boil untill cooked aprox 20 mins or so

Serve with rice and vegetables.
Thats just my very basic way of doing it , hope it helps..................im still learning cos I know its my turn to cook when I go back:)

If your doing it for 8 you may want to add to those measurements.............those i gave would do 4-5 people.
Good luck

16th August 2010, 21:30
Thanks so much Laurel, I will try that and let you know how it goes!

16th August 2010, 21:59
Chicken Adobo

6 lbs chicken thighs or one whole chicken and slice according to the size you want
3/4 cup white vinegar (I prefer lime juice to avoid smell in our house)
1/4 cup soy sauce ( If you can buy calamansi soy sauce in filipino grocery just add a 2 spoons of dark soy sauce if using camansi soy sauce to make it a bit darker look)
1/2 ts peppercorns (crushed)
1/2 ts salt
4-5 cloves garlic (chopped or crushed)
4 bay leaves
1 pc of star anise
1 chicken cube flavour
1 onion (chopped)
glass of water ( I prefer seven up it's entirely up to you)


Wash and drain chicken. Put in a non sticky sauce pan or casserole mix all the ingredients.Let it marinate for 2-3 hours or over night for good result and absorb the ingredients. Boil and simmer for 2 and a half hours in a very low fire. Keep checking make sure the sauce will a bit thick but not dry. Just add water or seven up if become dry and simmer for another 15 - 30 minutes till sauce thick.

I hope this will help :Jump:

16th August 2010, 22:24
Again, many thanks, my mouth is watering already!!