View Full Version : A newbie from Manila

17th August 2010, 05:01
Hellooooo guys:Wave:
I registered my account here just a few minutes ago.. and yes :Jump: I am glad to be here.
if you don't mind...I would like to go straight to my intention of joining this site.
I am seriously looking for some enlightenment about some things concerning my marriage :confused::confused::confused:
I am getting married next year in March, My Fiancee is a non-catholic and a divorcee - I am a Catholic, all requirements needed from him for our planned church wedding are all set except for the declaration of Nullity that the Catholic Chansery office here in Manila is requiring my fiancee to provide, without it, we cannot be allowed to have our wed done in church.. :bigcry::NoNo::NoNo::
I do not understand why things have to be so complicated, provided he has all the legal docs- divorce decree, a CNI that he can get from the local registrar of the UK saying he is free to marry..
Please..please.. help me, everything you can advise about my case will be highly appreciated guys....

17th August 2010, 07:09
We were in the same situation, which we easily resolved by having a civil wedding, without Church involvement....:D

They will be asking for a "donation", normally quite a largish amount of money, and believe me, it ain't worth the hassle...:NoNo:
Besides, it will take a long time to get that piece of paper...:doh

It may be nice to marry in Church, for some people, but it is not the only option.:rolleyes:

17th August 2010, 07:56
Thanks for that Aromulus... :bigcry: it hurts me to agree with what you say...but it's true because I also did my own research about this document that they are requiring, it's just sad really because church wedding is the only option I am and my family are looking into for my big event, but reality just keeps preventing me to have it.:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:
But as an alternative, i would like to consider a garden wedding, will this set up not affect my future application for spouse visa? because it says this has to be done in a registered place- cityhall and church?

17th August 2010, 07:56
[SIZE=4]It may be nice to marry in Church, for some people, but it is not the only option.:rolleyes:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: yes its not, you can have a much better wedding without the church, we were married by a judge in the evening on a candle lit pool in the gardens of a nice hotel on Palawan :rolleyes:, well thats what i remember :Erm:

17th August 2010, 08:07
But as an alternative, i would like to consider a garden wedding, will this set up not affect my future application for spouse visa? because it says this has to be done in a registered place- cityhall and church?
it wont affect your spouse visa application...I had a garden wedding...Got my marriage certificate in NSO...applied for a spouse visa...now im here in UK...

17th August 2010, 08:28
Wow... that's really nice of you guys making an active response to my inquiry.. Love yah all.....:smileybigtmouth: Now i think I am more convinced to move on with my wedding without the involvement of the church... but still kind of disappointed though....

17th August 2010, 08:37
but still kind of disappointed though....

Don't be.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

You will find that a Civil Ceremony will not be as stressing as a Church wedding, a lot cheaper, and just as legal....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th August 2010, 08:57
Thank you guys, Thank you Aromulus :gp: , I agree with you on that...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th August 2010, 10:46

17th August 2010, 13:52
Welcome to the forum :Hellooo:
It would be better to have the civil wedding as the church will require too much documents. Try to have a hassle free wedding :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th August 2010, 14:23
It will be a fine practical reason to have a civil wedding. Make most of the memories in the reception..Im sure it will be memorable. Good luck to u Ms Mylittle UK. My fiance and I intend to marry in Feb next year.


17th August 2010, 15:59
hi there myself and emma will be getting wed this november, and its going to be a civil wedding, just close friends and then back home for a party, that is what emma wanted but a nice honeymoon will be had that will be my department, but its down to each other what they want and the cost too comes into it:)

18th August 2010, 00:05

hmmm just an option if you want the church involved in the wedding, maybe you could have a garden wedding then have a blessing in church? i dont think you need the papers for a blessing.

Arthur Little
18th August 2010, 00:49
I have to say :iagree: with the opinions expressed by the others here. Nice as it IS to have a Church Wedding ... from a practical standpoint, it's simply not worth the hassle involved. :NoNo:

My wife has been a committed Christian all her life. But we were both aware that a Civil Ceremony meant our original Marriage Certificate would be sent off post-haste to be verified by the NSO in Manila ... whereas we'd *heard that the Catholic Church tended to submit such documents periodically, in bulk - leading to lengthy and unnecessary delays in their being processed and returned to couples for inclusion with visa applications. And frankly, we just weren't prepared to risk putting this *rumour to the test. :nono-1-1:

Arthur Little
18th August 2010, 01:40
Slightly :icon_offtopic: ... but nonetheless ... I'm intrigued by your pseudonymn; it's kinda like a shortened version of MY wife's married name: Myrna Little ... now with me in the UK!

18th August 2010, 04:33
I agree with you guys.. and thank you for all your posts here...all suggestions are considerable :):):) I know as we go along in this journey we will be encountering more questions about paper matters, I hope I can still have you guys for back up...:xxgrinning--00xx3:
@Arthur Little - I found this site very helpful for people like me who has so many questions in mind about flying to UK.. that's why I called it MyLittleUk, everything I want to know is in here... 2 thumbs up guys :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: