View Full Version : Filipina`s marry Belgian farmers.

19th August 2010, 01:41
Forget the joke thread...This is hilarious..(1 of 5 parts)


19th August 2010, 06:25
Sorry about the first dodgy link.:icon_sorry:

19th August 2010, 08:18
'can you sniff her yet':doh
very very strange man

19th August 2010, 09:20
'can you sniff her yet':doh
Im still in pain from laughing..
We have a Belgian tenant in Manila that comes out with this type of thing..Has me in stiches!:icon_lol:

19th August 2010, 11:26
Good one Fred,
the old man is sex mad, we have another pussy in the house, but his wife is sparky, Lisa looked disappointed though. They seem able to look for new wives when they get fed up, and they still have their farm so the Belgium divorce laws seem ok for the men.:)

19th August 2010, 15:44
Good one Fred,
the old man is sex mad, we have another pussy in the house, but his wife is sparky, Lisa looked disappointed though. They seem able to look for new wives when they get fed up, and they still have their farm so the Belgium divorce laws seem ok for the men.:)

I know!! I think it was the son who said he would never marry a Filipina because of his fathers disappointments is now on his second or third!!
These girls marry these peasants quite often not realising they are far better off at home..

I saw a docu soap once of 2 Filipino girls that married Chinese peasants..These Chinese farmers decided to go to the R.P as all the Chinese women had all gone to Beijing.(or had been kidnapped since the 1 child policy)
These guys were borrowing money over ten years for the marriage trip..
When the Filipinas arrived they had to deal with the mother in law who taught them how to work in the padi fields and how to cook and teach them how to be generally good wives to their peasant husbands..
I suppose at least in Belgium they can get their EU passports and get the **** out at some stage!!

19th August 2010, 15:57
I remember posting about this a year or so back - a great laugh



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19th August 2010, 16:27
Remember it well, my wife and I used to get a lot of nudge nudge wink winks after that was shown, weren`t they all Welsh and one was a farmer :)

19th August 2010, 17:40
Remember it well, my wife and I used to get a lot of nudge nudge wink winks after that was shown, weren`t they all Welsh and one was a farmer :)

That's the one !

19th August 2010, 18:47
Who would you choose??? A Belgian farmer or Bill Maynard and Charlie Drake? Tough one,I know!

19th August 2010, 19:07
i hope he treated her better than he treats his dog :NoNo:
anyway he has a horse he doesn't need a wife :rolleyes:

19th August 2010, 19:45
At least the son started to put his front teeth in when his wife arrived:icon_lol:

on a serious note it did`nt seem to take long for him to bring his wife to Belgium:Erm:

22nd August 2010, 23:13
Strange pair of guys in the first video. Watched all five clips, seemed quite depressing for the two women.

At first I thought the first clip at the top of this thread was some sort of comedy show - "tie my shoelaces" to the son :omg:

22nd August 2010, 23:27
Love the way he blames the rabbit breeder for his bad advice :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
23rd August 2010, 00:24
And under EEA laws, *continental Europeans pay sod all :NoNo: to take THEIR South East Asian wives to whichever EU country *they belong ... yet it costs US Brits [who are supposedly EQUAL citizens of the "United States of Europe"] a :censored: fortune to bring OURS to the UK!!! :crazy:

24th August 2010, 08:24
Just watched the first part of that...incredible :icon_lol: Are there really still people like that? :doh
I'll enjoy watching the other parts :laugher:

He looks a lot older than 45 :omg:

24th August 2010, 12:23
Just watched the first part of that...incredible :icon_lol: Are there really still people like that? :doh
I'll enjoy watching the other parts :laugher:

He looks a lot older than 45 :omg:

im sure some got lost in translation :Erm:, i bet theres many farmers/country folk in rural britain still think and talk like that and i wonder if she enjoyed the sex as much as him :icon_lol:

24th August 2010, 12:43
The son was probably the result of only knowing his sister......seems a strange one.Reminds me of the film Deliverance....hehe

Arthur Little
24th August 2010, 12:56
He looks a lot older than 45 :omg:

:iagree: ... and his son 18? :NoNo: Mind you, both of them WERE a lot older by the *end of the series ... which, I reckon, :rolleyes: must've been the *video clip YOU'VE seen so far, Simon.

Arthur Little
24th August 2010, 13:11
im sure some got lost in translation

Yup ... that's what I thought! :rolleyes:

:Erm:, i bet theres many farmers/country folk in rural britain still think and talk like that

:rolleyes: ... I'm sure there ARE!

and i wonder if she enjoyed the sex as much as him :icon_lol:

:gp: ... I very much DOUBT it!

24th August 2010, 13:22
Yeah! I know BAB...I've met a few...but he seems particularly bad, making his son tie his shoelaces. :NoNo: I Remember in the local paper, not long ago when an old boy died, it said he'd never been further than 5 miles in his whole life...I suppose he was proud of that? :crazy:

Arthur Little
24th August 2010, 13:30
:gp: ... I very much DOUBT it!

I mean ... the mother of the :olddude:'s child seemed not much more than a "slip of a girl", and must have felt "old age creeping upon her" :do_it: in the middle of the night! :cwm24:

24th August 2010, 14:29
I mean ... the mother of the :olddude:'s child seemed not much more than a "slip of a girl", and must have felt "old age creeping upon her" :do_it: in the middle of the night! :cwm24:

I think the clue was when he brought up the sex subject and she started crying :NoNo:

25th August 2010, 20:08
I think the clue was when he brought up the sex subject and she started crying :NoNo:

Totally agree with you on that. In the clip where I first saw her, she did not look all that comfortable.

I also felt sorry for the second lady, she appeared not very comfortable. I think her body language said it all in the final scene of clip 5 where she and the younger farmer both go into the bedroom.

27th August 2010, 20:27
I've watched all of these now & have to say I started warming to the farmers, though felt sorry for the put upon Filipina's.

It was an odd set up, but maybe that's how others view us? :Erm:

27th August 2010, 21:11
I've watched all of these now & have to say I started warming to the farmers, though felt sorry for the put upon Filipina's.

It was an odd set up, but maybe that's how others view us? :Erm:

I only watched the first one, but the way the farmer reffered to his wife - like he had just acquired some new cattle - I found it hard to sympathize with him.

28th August 2010, 06:53
I only watched the first one, but the way the farmer reffered to his wife - like he had just acquired some new cattle - I found it hard to sympathize with him.

The next parts were filmed 10 years later. :)

28th August 2010, 21:15
Even having watched those clips a few days ago, the thought of those two farmers does still bring a smile to my face. Never have I seen such characters as those :omg: