View Full Version : Looking for Janice Donaldson aka scotsfiancee

19th August 2010, 21:20
I'm looking for an old pal her name is Janice Donaldson that I met 4 years ago during the times were processing our visa application. I tried to contact her for years now but I havent heard from her. I tried to fone on her old mobile but I dont get any answer and I send letters/ Christmas cards too on the address she gave me, so im not really sure if she is okay just now. Ill be happy if someone can tell me if she is doin fine?

Thank you,

20th August 2010, 08:19
hi janice is my friend...She is doing fine..I'l send her message to tell her your looking for her..:-)

20th August 2010, 10:54
Blimey ..... wonder if I can find a long lost rich aunt that fast ..... apart from the one that lives in Nigeria :rolleyes:

20th August 2010, 13:45
Thank you so much for letting me know x:Jump:

20th August 2010, 14:40
Keith your aunt wanted me to tell you she is still waiting for you to pay the 1000 pound fee to release your 10,000,000 pound inheritance from nigeria.

20th August 2010, 14:59
Keith your aunt wanted me to tell you she is still waiting for you to pay the 1000 pound fee to release your 10,000,000 pound inheritance from nigeria.
Brilliant :Jump: .... I'll put the cheque in your name so you can sort it out ;)

20th August 2010, 15:23
ur welcome...ALready sent her a message... Maybe later she will be online..;-)tc

20th August 2010, 19:15
Hello! Just to ket you know that Janice was able to find me in facebook and sent me message. Im sooo happy :-) Thanksss so much for all the help. Ta xxxxx