View Full Version : London break

23rd August 2010, 12:39

Decided to treat the wife to a weekend in london as I'll have been away from home for a good while. We'll go in october for about 4 nights I think. So firstly does anyone have any recommendations for where to stay and secondly what to see in London. Thirdly I'm open to some sort of package deals but not really for the theatre.

I want to try to do it all in one go as I'm not really a fan of cities, Last time in london I lasted about 5 hours before legging it to the station and home!


23rd August 2010, 14:01
Not a big fan of London village myself, but when I was there for a visit a few years ago really enjoyed the Tate Modern and History museum. Would also recommend Belgo restaurant for a bite to eat and some strong beers brewed in belgium monastries.


23rd August 2010, 15:27
hi subseastu looking for a deal give me a call my daughter works for a big holiday company hotels and shows is included and discount too plus train cost too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd August 2010, 17:59
hi subseastu looking for a deal give me a call my daughter works for a big holiday company hotels and shows is included and discount too plus train cost too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Fantastic!!! I'm still looking about at the mo but I'm looking for 4 nights from 14th oct onwards, with a show included and first class rail travel. Hotel somewhere near covent garden I think.........Easy!!!

23rd August 2010, 18:16
well the hotel they use is in russel square and any show and travel too she works for superbreaks give them a call and see what the price is then call me