View Full Version : On the Rizal Park Hostage Crisis - When will we ever learn

24th August 2010, 13:30
The entire nation and the rest of the world has witnessed many negative things about our country during the 12-hour hostage crisis instigated by a dismissed Police officer yesterday at the heart of Manila. The aftermath: 8 tourists from Hong Kong dead, many injured with some still being reported as unaccounted for. Gross shortcomings of [...]

The entire nation and the rest of the world has witnessed many negative things about our country during the 12-hour hostage crisis (http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/inquirerheadlines/nation/view/20100824-288458/Bloodbath-at-Rizal-Park) instigated by a dismissed Police officer yesterday at the heart of Manila. The aftermath: 8 tourists from Hong Kong dead, many injured with some still being reported as unaccounted for.

Gross shortcomings of the PNP

On live TV, we saw how the PNP units who handled the hostage-taking incident severely lacked the training, equipment and tactics to resolve the crisis effectively and with minimal casualties as possible.

From the police officers who took command down to the assault teams, all three, who stormed the bus it’s crystal clear that the PNP needs a complete rehabilitation. The recent video footage of a police officer torturing a civilian suspected of crime showed how the PNP lacked respect for human rights while the disastrous outcome of the hostage-taking incident showed foreign nationals that our own security forces cannot assure their safety.

From all these, I could surmise one thing; if the PNP is good at something it is the brutal dispersal of protest marches and the harassment of demonstrators. Surely a far cry from their official motto: “We Serve and Protect“.

Media’s Greed for Ratings

Media’s coverage of the incident showed how their lust for exclusivity and ratings could also be as dangerous as the PNP’s lack of training, equipment and tactics. Last night, it wasn’t only a danger to the lives of the hostages and to the police operations. It was a big contributing factor that led to the incident ending in a bloodbath.

All their pretty slogans about the truth, objectivity, and serving the Filipino nation just sickens me when I recall the way they went gung-ho on the relatives of the hostage taker while being manhandled by the police. They repeatedly ignored the request of the police to turn off their lights pointed at the bus which made visibility for the assault team difficult and undoubtedly aided the hostage taker in reading its movements. Sure the incident was headline maker, but giving the public a blow-by-blow coverage was far less important that safety of the hostage’s lives dependent on how well the police operations will be executed.

With the PNP and its assault teams handicapped by lack of training, experience and equipment, constant and persistent live media coverage only made things worse. The Guidelines for Covering Hostage-Taking Crises, Prison Uprisings, Terrorist Actions (http://www.poynter.org/content/content_view.asp?id=4640), completely flew out the window or our own local media is ignorant of it.

I’m glad though that the PNP has openly admitted its shortcomings (http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingnews/nation/view/20100824-288510/Police-admit-blunders-in-hostage-crisis). How about the media outfits who are also to blame for the bloodbath? Their arrogance, corporate greed and self-righteousness would keep them in their ivory tower and put the blame elsewhere.

AS a blogger on Facebook is quoted by Sassy Lawyer (http://houseonahill.net/hk-residents-advised-to-avoid-all-travel-to-the-philippines) puts it so eloquently:


So it’s only natural that Hong Kong authorities issue a travel ban advisory to its nationals against the Philippines (http://www.sb.gov.hk/eng/ota/index.htm). It’s not just the police that are unreliable, you have media outfits ready to make things worse just to get their scoop.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that what Rolando Mendoza did was justified. What he did deserves condemnation and also all those who made mistakes which made the whole incident worse.
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24th August 2010, 13:50
i still can't believe on the tactical operation made.. they had long hours of preparation before the sun sets in but it was a disaster.. in this country, where we fight non-stop with the local terrorists, our military team should have been expert already... it was so disappointing to see the supposed to be "SWAT" team jumped out of the bus when the hostage-taker fired his gun...

i am not an expert on this but i strongly believe that there were no concrete / alternative plans made during the day... it lacks planning, organizing, coordinating etc. :NoNo::NoNo::NoNo::doh:doh:doh

24th August 2010, 14:06
They took him out with a sniper in the end... they should have done that in the first place.... but the seem to have taken on the Western perspective that you must protect the hijackers life at all costs :doh

24th August 2010, 14:25
Well I just hope the same situation never arises here as all the cutbacks planned are having a withering affect on our armed forces and our police forces.The front line professionals are being culled, look how long it took to resolve the loose gunman issue up north and he was found around the same area it all started. They are cutting back sniffer dog units in the police and loosening our border controls.
Then there is the Health and safety issues with fire and ambulance men not being able (or maybe willing) to go in on dangerous situations. They might have tried to starve him to death over here. I can remember one man holed up in a flat in London a few years ago where they isolated the street and surrounding areas for over a week until he eventually got so bored he shot himself :doh

24th August 2010, 17:05
When will they learn?????(never)

cops/swat etc..???? i hate them sorry.

1.they were the first one to come in late in any crimes,accident etc:doh
2. and worst ...they dont anticipate the behaviour of their ex mate:crazy:

Oh again..do they really know what they are doing????

24th August 2010, 17:17
i don't hate cops..i just lack trust in them..yes, there are still few good men among them, but most are incapable of doing their jobs and are just in the position because of the 'padrino' system..:NoNo: i wonder if the ones shown in international movies and tv shows (like CSI, NCIS, etc.), which shows how great and efficient the law enforcers are, will ever happen..especially here in the Philippines..:Erm:

The media too played their fault in this tragedy, by covering EVERYTHING that's happening outside the bus, which we all know that the hostage taker can clearly watch thru the TV inside the bus! :doh

24th August 2010, 17:38
When will they learn?????(never)

cops/swat etc..???? i hate them sorry.

1.they were the first one to come in late in any crimes,accident etc:doh
2. and worst ...they dont anticipate the behaviour of their ex mate:crazy:

Oh again..do they really know what they are doing????

this is so true!!! after i experienced a very horrible gun-point robbery/carnapping right inside my house, i HATE all of them!!!! they are so useless, they even asked me for gasoline allowance when they go and haunt the robbers/suspect :doh:cwm23:

24th August 2010, 17:59
No police are like CSI/NCIS :icon_lol: ... it's TV :rolleyes: ..... if it was and the women looked like Ziva I'd already have my job application in :hubbahubba:

24th August 2010, 18:06
i know no police are like those in CSI/NCIS..hence the word 'wondering'! :doh

Anyway, i have a very pretty cousin who's a police..though i'm not sure if she's still in service coz the last time i talked to her, she said her superiors are harrassing her, verbally though (saying bastos stuffs and offering her a higher position in return of 'something'), coz of her looks..she's a lesbian though :omg:

25th August 2010, 09:36
coz of her looks..she's a lesbian though :omg:

she could say yes and sleep with their wifes :icon_lol:

25th August 2010, 12:05
I got this from a friend..not sure where he got this though...


Postcripts Of A BloodBath
by Bang Lu Min
(One of the Hostages)

Mr. Mendoza was already upset even before he saw on television what the policemen did to his brother. The other tourists who remained inside the bus were complaining. Wei Ji Jiang wanted to go to the bathroom. Dao Chi Yu was hungry and the rest were just groaning and whining like they have forgotten that our lives rest in Mr. Mendoza's hands.

The hostage taker, as you know him was really nice. He treated us okay and even let the elders and the children leave the bus. He said your policemen treated him unfairly. He was a policeman too and was accused of doing something he had no knowledge of. But your government didn't listen so he used us to get everyone's attention.

Things would have never turned for the worst if he didn't see how his family was dragged out of their house and taken into custody. He was watching the news all the time as we huddled around each other behind the bus. He shouted some words in your language then started shooting in the air. A girl about my age started screaming. Mr. Mendoza demanded her to stop but she didn't understand English. God, he had to slash her neck with a knife just to put her to rest. Her boyfriend who tried to hit him was shot in the head.

Tension was rising. You can see in his face how scared and confused he was. The bus driver ran away leaving him alone with strangers from a distant land. I can see him walking across the aisle, sometimes pointing his machine gun to one of the tourists. But he tried his best not to hurt us, especially those who really cooperate.

I guess its in your nature not to inflict pain on others unless it was necessary. I remember him saying that he will free us before sundown and implored us to forget everything when we return home. But his words don't matter now. The policemen were trying to force their way in, while we all lied down to shield ourselves from bullets. Mister Mendoza blindly shoots at his enemies which I think kept them from rescuing us. I hear sobs under the chairs. Some were even shouting the names of their loved ones even when the air merely eat their words. Kevin Tang tried to escape when the glass door was was shattered, but one shot and he slumped on the floor with blood gushing from his mouth.

Heavy rain pitter-pattered on the rooftop. In old Chinese saying, it means an end to a struggle. Finally, somebody was able to open the escape hatch at the back of the bus. Freedom. But I knew Mister Mendoza was still alive. I knew he was just waiting for a chance to strike back at his enemies. So I told those around me not to escape. Let the authorities come for us instead. Then there was gunfire. He was firing at his enemies with a machine gun. Those who were at the escape hatch fled abandoning us once again. It's like a nightmare with no end and to wake up means a certain death. Then somebody from outside the bus threw a canister. It forced out a black smoke that is so painful to the eyes and putrid smelling to the nose. People started screaming. We cannot breathe. Some ran in front of the bus but Mister Mendoza warned them of stray bullets. It was too late. One was hit on the head, the other was hit on the shoulders. Bullets were now flying. Its like the authorities thought we were all dead. Mister Mendoza finally realizes his mistake and said sorry to everyone, dead or alive. He then ran towards the front of the bus where he would meet his maker. As he passed by my chair with bullets whistling overhead, I clutched my hand on the velvet curtain and wrapped it around my face. All I could think of was to stay alive - for my child who is waiting for me back in Xinjang. I know I will survive, I will come home.

Bang Lu Min
Survivor, Quirino Bloodbath

25th August 2010, 15:49
very sad :bigcry: