View Full Version : Our family caught in grenade attack

31st August 2010, 17:41
My wifes (Ladybug_sim) Mother & Father were caught in a grenade attack, on sunday morning, whilst attending church, in Kalilangan, Bukidnon Province, on Mindanao. :angry:

2 grenades were thrown at the church & it seems one didn't explode? & the other just reached the entrance? 2 or 3 people were injured & as you can imagine, there was panic, people fainting etc.

Just so glad, there were no fatalities & especially glad my Mother & Father in-law are safe & that both grenades didn't quite reach their intended targets...Well, that dosen't bear thinking about. :NoNo::NoNo:


More stories seem to be coming to light.

31st August 2010, 17:45
oh jeez! :yikes: good thing your parents in law are both safe..please tell them to take extra care..though we can't really tell where the safe and unsafe place now.. :NoNo:

31st August 2010, 17:47
Could have been a lot worse by the sounds of things. Glad to hear your in-laws are ok Sim :xxgrinning--00xx3: What's a 12 year old doing throwing hand grenades at churches :Erm:

31st August 2010, 18:30
too bad!!! what's happening in our country... let me share my experience with you too :ReadIt:


31st August 2010, 23:31
Thanks all. :) was shocked to be told. There seems to have been quite a bit of trouble recently in the area...Love my trips over there, but sometimes it makes you stop & think?

31st August 2010, 23:38
too bad!!! what's happening in our country... let me share my experience with you too :ReadIt:


Was that you Rani, the 2nd story? :omg: That is terrible, how do you get over something like that?
Well I hope you are getting your life back, to how it used to be. Sorry!

Arthur Little
1st September 2010, 00:10
:omg: ... a bomb scare at an early-morning church service! What next? Thankfully your in-laws were unscathed - apart from shock - and there appears to have been few casualties otherwise. But of course YOU would've got a hell of a fright yourself when you heard about it, Simon. :cwm24:

Arthur Little
1st September 2010, 00:38
:doh ... I've just read about YOUR experience too, Rani. I did notice your mention of "carnapping" in the chatbox earlier :rolleyes: ... but it's only when I clicked onto your link containing press coverage of the incident that I realised the full extent of what happened. I'm so sorry to learn you'd gone through such a "nightmare" ... how awful! Hopefully you're at least managing to come to terms with this ordeal, and can, eventually, put it firmly behind you. Take care & God Bless. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st September 2010, 00:40
Glad all are safe and hopefully well:)

1st September 2010, 07:40
glad nothing bad happend to your family :)

1st September 2010, 09:36
Sorry to hear about these news. Glad that everyone are safe.

1st September 2010, 10:00
:NoNo: ..... no differernt really than this country with the kids going around stabbing each other, we only here of the ones that die.

1st September 2010, 10:40
yeah nothing is safe in this world now...we only have to trust our senses everytime we go out...
anyway,happy to hear ur in-laws are safe Sim.

1st September 2010, 12:23
good news ur inlaws safe...

1st September 2010, 12:36
:NoNo: ..... no differernt really than this country with the kids going around stabbing each other, we only here of the ones that die.

How many kids in the UK carry grenades? :Erm: If they'd been thrown properly through the entrance & both exploded, it would have caused mayhem.

1st September 2010, 13:36
:Erm: I said knives!!! The point was that kids don't care much for life in either country regardless of the means used. :doh

1st September 2010, 19:49
:doh ... I've just read about YOUR experience too, Rani. I did notice your mention of "carnapping" in the chatbox earlier :rolleyes: ... but it's only when I clicked onto your link containing press coverage of the incident that I realised the full extent of what happened. I'm so sorry to learn you'd gone through such a "nightmare" ... how awful! Hopefully you're at least managing to come to terms with this ordeal, and can, eventually, put it firmly behind you. Take care & God Bless. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i am having a hard time to cope up with everything but such is a part of my life and i just have to move on.... hard but slowly i will fully recover...

the story of that incident didnt stop there.. noticed the car's plate number (wfj 968)... after months of waiting for the police report and insurance claims, me and my son were browsing the net for a second hand car, he googled our car's plate number, and guess what we discovered... :ReadIt:



1st September 2010, 19:57
Was that you Rani, the 2nd story? :omg: That is terrible, how do you get over something like that?
Well I hope you are getting your life back, to how it used to be. Sorry!

yes it was me but i am not an indian trader.. i'm half indian but not a trader (i wish i am) lol... and my name was mixed up :( ahhhhh... even the reports are not accurate :doh

1st September 2010, 20:38
yes it was me but i am not an indian trader.. i'm half indian but not a trader (i wish i am) lol... and my name was mixed up :( ahhhhh... even the reports are not accurate :doh

Trader or non-trader, glad you're safe even though the story takes another twist. :yikes:

1st September 2010, 20:47
Thanks again everyone, have heard some disturbing rumours :NoNo:

The Philippines sometimes, is just too complicated & crazy? :crazy: though I still love the place & will be going back again in a few weeks.

1st September 2010, 20:48
Makes you wonder how some people think and what they get out of it. :angry:

I am so happy your wife's family are safe and not injured Sim, also Rani, how terrible !!

1st September 2010, 21:30
Unfortunately kids seem to be getting more violent everywhere :rolleyes:


Its often the innocent people who get caught in the crossfire :NoNo: