View Full Version : Happy Christmas!

31st August 2010, 23:15
On my first trip to the Philippines in october 08 I was surprised to see Christmas trees up already. I was told Christmas starts in September because it has a "ber" at the end like December :Erm:

Anybody's Christmas celebrations starting already with it being September 1st?

31st August 2010, 23:23
Happy Christmas to all our friends in the Philippines. :)
Lots of neighbours had their christmas trees up & tinsel etc. when I arrived last year in early septemBER :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st September 2010, 03:43
Lots of us are already planning for Christmas gifts! Saving a part of our salary for it..:NoNo: jeez i have to count now how many nephews/nieces, godsons/goddaughters i have now! :doh

1st September 2010, 04:27
looking forward to spending christmas holidays in the philippines even though i will be in the air christmas day i hope

trying to find little gifts from here to take for everyone there

1st September 2010, 07:51
first time i went to the phils i arrived on xmas eve and was :yikes: and :NoNo: to see many of the malls open on xmas day

1st September 2010, 08:15
yep i was tere last xmas and is a very nice site so is xmas day every day for our friend BhER:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

1st September 2010, 09:26
Christmas songs playing in our home this morning, I was feeling happy that Christmas will be here soon but then I realized I won't be spending Christmas here at home :bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

1st September 2010, 10:49
Christmas songs playing in our home this morning, I was feeling happy that Christmas will be here soon but then I realized I won't be spending Christmas here at home :bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

yes but you might see a white xmas :rolleyes:
we had 1ft of snow earlier this yr, I even missed a day off work becuase of the snow :Jump::icon_sorry:

1st September 2010, 10:51
Happy Christmas!

My mother-in-law is already planning for Christmas lunch since last week...
Me and hubby is redecorating our bedroom and living room...
Time for bargain/sale hunting to put inside the balikbayan box for families in Philippines..
Glowing sticks,Glowing lights!!!!
JOY!!!!!....Our first proper Christmas together!!! :heartshape1::heartshape1:

Arthur Little
1st September 2010, 12:18
Yes, I, too, was surprised :cwm24: to see the malls stocked with Christmassy items during my first trip to the Phils in early September 2008. Then ... when I arrived again, two months later, the seasonal festivities :xxparty-smiley-050: were in full swing! :holiday08:

1st September 2010, 15:50
curious' in UK when do you decorate your xmas trees and your houses? coz my husband said' he's doing his 3 days b4 xmas.. and is it a bad luck if u play xmas songs even if its not yet xmas?...

1st September 2010, 18:28
It was the begining of last week when I was talking to my mahal on yahoo. When she moved I saw what looked like a christmas tree in her house, I said to her, 'that isn't a christmas tree is it?' and she said yes, we start early in phils. It wasn't even September ...... it was August :doh:doh :crazy:

1st September 2010, 18:31
aaargh see what you have done now triple5:NoNo:

Got people discussing it already:Rasp:

1st September 2010, 20:28
the shop i work for is starting our xmas section next week, halloween started this week. so from next monday we will be selling xmas items.

1st September 2010, 20:30
i love xmas hope it sbows loads this year so emma can see it :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st September 2010, 20:58
i love xmas hope it sbows loads this year so emma can see it :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Yeah, I'm looking forward to sbow too :icon_lol:

1st September 2010, 21:01
r you taking the hiss steve r

4th September 2010, 14:31
yes but you might see a white xmas :rolleyes:
we had 1ft of snow earlier this yr, I even missed a day off work becuase of the snow :Jump::icon_sorry:

white xmas sounds good (halo-halo time) :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th September 2010, 15:35
:Jump: My wife gets excited as soon as it’s the first ‘ber’
I’ve been in the Philippines twice at Christmas time & New Year.
I do enjoy the Philippine Christmas and the Church programes.The atmosphere is so wonderful .
New Year celebrations are a once in a lifetime experience!!!!!!
The way those firecrackers get tossed about is just not for me!!!! I definitely need to wear my brown corduroy trousers! :crazy: