View Full Version : Only in The Philippines - Electric Cables

3rd September 2010, 00:10

4th September 2010, 21:45
Nice one gave me and the wife a good laugh halfway though:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th September 2010, 22:01
I got held up in a traffic jam in Bacoor by the SM Mall on Thursday. A lorry hit a Pylon and knocked it over into the road, it pulled about 2 toones of spaghetti down with it, sparks were flying but it didn't bother the locals, they just carried on with their business as usual. The wiring over there is a bit scary at times.

4th September 2010, 23:18
I can remeber on the way from the airport to the place where you board a boat to Boracay there was suddenly a heavy rainstorm and some power cables fell down slightly so the coach could not pass. So a few kids were given a tip to hold bamboo sticks and let us and the other transport pass:omg:

5th September 2010, 09:34
scary yes but life still goes on can you imagine it happening here , what a great life to look forward to :icon_lol::icon_lol:

5th September 2010, 12:11
It's in the USA too.
American electrics companies preferred overhead cables instead of underground :NoNo:
They did the same in the Philippines.

5th September 2010, 18:47
In the UK we are possibly OTT on electrical safety compared even to many european countries yet we allow piped gas under pressure in the house, which I was told is thought of as crazy by people from other countries:rolleyes:

But having said that having seen more than one full LPG canisster held in one hand by a guy riding a motorbike in phill im not so sure that so crazy:Rasp:

9th September 2010, 08:00
So when the heavy rain or strong wind comes, we get power cuts for hours or days as it needs fixing the cable!:NoNo:

9th September 2010, 08:39
The house we are renting at the moment, I've fitted circuit breakers and anti-surge protection on each socket and bought socket covers to prevent the kids touching anything.
Drove past a pilon near the new mactan bridge yesterday with sparks flying all over the road from a loose cable. Explains why I end up with 13,000 php a month electricity bills!!!!

11th September 2010, 14:48
ohhhh welll..it's only a bit of electrics. Getting a shock could be a therapy. lol.