View Full Version : Briton slain over Philippine Internet love triangle

5th September 2010, 14:00
A British man who went to the Philippines to propose to a woman he met in an Internet chat room was stabbed to death by her jealous lover Sunday, police said.


This is really so sad:NoNo:

5th September 2010, 14:15
aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh... sad :doh

5th September 2010, 14:29
I'd say filipinas should always ensure the safety of their foreigner boyfriends. Imagine the Briton took all the hassles to fly thousands of miles away from home just to be with his filipina gf only to be slain here in the Phils? I think it is really embarrassing. I think if ever there is any risk or probability of danger, the couple should talk about it to defy it. Honesty and open communication are the vital keys here.

5th September 2010, 14:42
indeed sad , we all must take care when and who we meet

5th September 2010, 16:04
A British man who went to the Philippines to propose to a woman he met in an Internet chat room was stabbed to death by her jealous lover Sunday, police said.


This is really so sad:NoNo:

that is very sad, it could happen anywhere in the world i suppose, but probley more so in more corrupt countries like rp where ther is high poverty and corruption at high level. 2 billion dollars or 13% of rp budget is lost each year 2 corruption and is ramant in every level of goverment from bureau of customs to traffic police pulling over drivers to demand bribes, and i have experianced the police corruption personly. it dose not set a good standerd for most ordinary people from rp. and on internet dating i personly think its very dangerous to meet someone and certaintly from abroad that you no nothing about, only what the other person tells you about online. i personly have not and would never let my kids meet anybody that they met on a computer....

5th September 2010, 16:24
that is very sad, it could happen anywhere in the world i suppose, but probley more so in more corrupt countries like rp where ther is high poverty and corruption at high level. 2 billion dollars or 13% of rp budget is lost each year 2 corruption and is ramant in every level of goverment from bureau of customs to traffic police pulling over drivers to demand bribes, and i have experianced the police corruption personly. it dose not set a good standerd for most ordinary people from rp. and on internet dating i personly think its very dangerous to meet someone and certaintly from abroad that you no nothing about, only what the other person tells you about online. i personly have not and would never let my kids meet anybody that they met on a computer....

Yes it can be true BUT I don't agree that it does happen all the time. I mean, not all you chat on a computer wherever he or she lives is a bad person. Let us take for instance the woman in the news. She could really be in love with her Brit bf.....and decided to want to spend all her life with him.....but unfortunately the wrath of the scorned suitor went insanely ablaze. :crazy::xxaction-smiley-047

Ecclesiastes 3:17 ...."God will judge both the righteous man and the wicked man," for a time for every matter and for every deed is there.:olddude:

5th September 2010, 17:17
indeed sad , we all must take care when and who we meet

u got it there steve.. nowadays everything is getting bad everywhere... i remember few days aftr our wedding my mr and i walking within angeles pampanga and 2 guys who r riding in a motorcycle grab his necklace within a seconds... still thankful they didn't shot or done anything worst to us.. everyone should have to be careful with all the people around them...

5th September 2010, 18:00
Yes it can be true BUT I don't agree that it does happen all the time. I mean, not all you chat on a computer wherever he or she lives is a bad person. Let us take for instance the woman in the news. She could really be in love with her Brit bf.....and decided to want to spend all her life with him.....but unfortunately the wrath of the scorned suitor went insanely ablaze. :crazy::xxaction-smiley-047

Ecclesiastes 3:17 ...."God will judge both the righteous man and the wicked man," for a time for every matter and for every deed is there.:olddude:

yes your right les_lady not all people you talk to online that you mite meet are bad, but i certaintly would not let my 17 year old daughter meet a guy that she met by chatting to them on a computer..

5th September 2010, 18:08
Very sad and Im sure many of us both Brits and Phils have had worries and possibly even possible actual incidents where ex's have shown up or be about.

From my own experience no jealous lovers, but its worth making sure you know whats going my Wife had not told her Parents where she was when I first met her. Luckily nothing happened and once she let them know what was going on all was good. But it could have been so different if the cause of events on that trip had taken another path i guess.

A mate has just gone to Phill and although he has been a couple of times this time the situation is a bit complicated and luckily he has a plan B (my family over there as a refuge and to offer any assitance) Myself keeping in contact.

Im amazed how many Brits and possibly Phills especially on the first trip dont seem to tell those who actually know them in real life where they are going and what they are doing or even have a plan B.

What happens if the other doesn't turn up?

What happens if they are not what they appeared?

What happens if things dont seem to be safe for you?

Not sure if it would have saved this poor gentleman to have a plan B hard to say but still worth thinking what to do if things are not going to plan.

5th September 2010, 18:25
yes your right les_lady not all people you talk to online that you mite meet are bad, but i certaintly would not let my 17 year old daughter meet a guy that she met by chatting to them on a computer..

Would you worry about your Daughter meeting a guy when out? Lets be honest many men and women put on a different personna when out just as they might when online..

In some ways as long as supervised (if underage) or if older sensible steps are taken to check things out and get to know the person It may even be safer.

Lets be honest who is to say the person met in a cafe or bar (not saying your daughter goes drinking Junior) is who they claim to be? ID can be faked and plenty of people pretend to be what they aren't when out socializing:rolleyes:

I know there have been examples of perverts claiming to be young boys or girls when older, but now Webcams are so common place both on computers and also slowly on mobiles a sensible informed person should be able to make some basic checks and be fairly safe.

5th September 2010, 18:26
For me this situation was never an issue.
But we all know it can (although not normally) happen.
I agree with the comments of 'somebody'
But still it's so sad to hear of something like this.
Sometimes life is so 'cheap' in RP. We need to understand this.


5th September 2010, 19:04
I do think many fail to understand from the west how important honour and face mean to many. I think many of the issues with crime say in London (ie gang killings etc) which seem pointless are about not losing face or honour..
It doesn't matter what it costs personally, but face must not be lost, somebody needs to be taught a lesson and the issue avenged.
Look at family honour killings just the same doesn't matter what the cost is but the issue must be resolved.

In the UK indigenous population this happens so rarely it appears in comparison, that often it seems to make the headlines in the media. In populations where poverty means people have little but their own self respect it means far more it appears.

Dont think you can simply reason with a guy who thinks he has been humiliated because his "Lady" run of with a Joe. Phill culture just like every other culture on the planet is very complicated and not as simple as it seems to the outsider. Let the locals take the lead in resolving the issue..

Also another possibility is the Gentleman didn't even know of the other guy I have noticed Pinays can be selective in what they say sometimes not wanting to say things people dont want to hear or read. Hoping things will be ok or somehow sort themselves out:rolleyes:

PHILLS do tell your partner what they are going into be Honest about previous relationships and family setups (many Pinays seem to hesitate to mention Babies and children in case the man is put off)

6th September 2010, 01:04
sad sad story :NoNo: The news reports don't give away a lot at the moment. Hope they catch him.

6th September 2010, 01:32
This sort of story gives Filipinas a bad rep abroad, the way it is reported 'Impoverished Philippine women often use matchmaking websites to find foreign husbands in the hope of escaping the country for a better life.' although to an extent has some truth, it automatically brings a summary to the story that the woman concerned and by extension all filipinas who date a foreign man are doing so for a visa. I think generally the west still has a pretty racist attitude toward far eastern nations, I think the reporting on this article supports that.

6th September 2010, 01:36
The mention that the British embassy couldnt be reached for comment made me chuckle...the embassy isnt open on sunday-obviously even in the case of a British national being murdered.

6th September 2010, 14:09
This sort of story gives Filipinas a bad rep abroad, the way it is reported 'Impoverished Philippine women often use matchmaking websites to find foreign husbands in the hope of escaping the country for a better life.' although to an extent has some truth, it automatically brings a summary to the story that the woman concerned and by extension all filipinas who date a foreign man are doing so for a visa. I think generally the west still has a pretty racist attitude toward far eastern nations, I think the reporting on this article supports that.

That was my thoughts exactly. The reporter obviously knows very little on the story so is just adding cliches to bump up his word count.


Already one filipino comment putting the reporter in his place.

6th September 2010, 14:37
That was my thoughts exactly. The reporter obviously knows very little on the story so is just adding cliches to bump up his word count.


Already one filipino comment putting the reporter in his place.

Crass "tabloid type" report very short on detail. Who's to say the murderer isn't an enraged jealous ex boyfriend from a relationship that finished months ago ?

6th September 2010, 16:32
That was my thoughts exactly. The reporter obviously knows very little on the story so is just adding cliches to bump up his word count.


Already one filipino comment putting the reporter in his place.

Yes I agree to that filipino who made the comment. I wanted to add my comments too but I don't wanna register.

Anyway, I think it is very common for our very own kababayan and also by other countries to regard filipinas having relationship or just plain friendship with the foreigners as impoverished, hoping to find foreign husbands to escape life in the third world. Lets say for instance in my case, when my relatives and friends learned that I subscribed to internet connection in 2004, most of them advised me to find a foreigner partner to improve my life....and that really annoyed me :furious3: coz that time my only purpose is to be able to access the internet for my son's school homeworks. It is so sad that people tend to generalize the Philippine women as impoverished and failed to see that some pinays can be like Gabriela! :action-smiley-060:

6th September 2010, 17:41
That was my thoughts exactly. The reporter obviously knows very little on the story so is just adding cliches to bump up his word count.


Already one filipino comment putting the reporter in his place.

Nice comment trip :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th September 2010, 17:50
It's a sad story really, probably we'll never know?

One wonders whether he'd ever met her before? & wanted to declare his undying love for her, which would have been stupid on his part? Sounds likely?

Whether she was stringing him along & had forgot (conveniently) to mention the boyfriend?
Who knows?

Lots of questions? :Erm:

6th September 2010, 22:42
i very much doubt a british merchant navy officer would have not even met this "loved up over any white guy with a passport" filipino. of course he would have met her before! it's 100% likely he met her through his job.

i've seen those type of girls before, but they're everywhere, thailand, china, philippines. as soon as a white british guy shows any interest, they're all over them, and 'in a second' will ditch their current native asian bfs........... in this case, obviously this filipino broad was "extremely" dumb

having travelled a lot, and seen a lot, i would be hard pressed to find any girl in asia who didnt immediately think of 'money' or a 'passport' when meeting a white guy, especially a british guy. you can say what you want in reply, scathe me all you want, but i've both seen it and experienced it.

6th September 2010, 22:43
better article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/philippines/7985769/Merchant-navy-officer-stabbed-to-death-by-Filipino-internet-girlfriends-boyfriend.html

6th September 2010, 22:50
ok, i just found the article and it says he met her through a chatroom, my bad, although its hardly likely this would have the been the very first meeting between them both

Arthur Little
6th September 2010, 23:50
sad sad story :NoNo: The news reports don't give away a lot at the moment.

:iagree:, Paul; for the most RECENT update ... see Laurel's thread: 'More Bad News from the Phils', posted on here a couple of hours' ago. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
7th September 2010, 02:03
this "loved up over any white guy with a passport" filipino.

i've seen those type of girls before, but they're everywhere, thailand, china, philippines. as soon as a white british guy shows any interest, they're all over them, and 'in a second' will ditch their current native asian bfs........... in this case, obviously this filipino broad was "extremely" dumb

having travelled a lot, and seen a lot, i would be hard pressed to find any girl in asia who didnt immediately think of 'money' or a 'passport' when meeting a white guy, especially a british guy. you can say what you want in reply, scathe me all you want, but i've both seen it and experienced it.

:angry: In case you aren't fully aware of the fact, :rolleyes: THIS is a FILIPINO/UK forum ... therefore, kindly refrain from making generalised derogatory statements - that are both unfair, and far from the truth - about Asian women!

Arthur Little
7th September 2010, 02:33
i very much doubt a british merchant navy officer would have not even met her before! it's 100% likely he met her through his job.

Says who? ... :ReadIt:

ok, i just found the article and it says he met her through a chatroom,

Exactly! ... which proves my point that some people ought to engage their brains before jumping to conclusions and/or passing comment! :doh

7th September 2010, 03:46
having travelled a lot, and seen a lot, i would be hard pressed to find any girl in asia who didnt immediately think of 'money' or a 'passport' when meeting a white guy, especially a british guy. you can say what you want in reply, scathe me all you want, but i've both seen it and experienced it.

errr...obviously, you haven't traveled and seen that much! :doh NOT ALL GIRLS IN ASIA are what you are saying...NOT ALL GIRLS WHO ARE MARRIED/IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH A WESTERNER OR JUST PLAINLY MEET THEM THINK OF MONEY/PASSPORT...I am working in a multinational company and all of us there meet lots of foreigners...and what do we immediately think when meeting them? MORE OVERTIME WORK AND STRESSFUL DAYS! there are even lots of employees in the company who doesn't want to be assigned onshore and refused to get a visa...maybe you only traveled and met these girls that you say in places which offers :Sex: in return for a payment...but even in those places, not all of them like what they do for a living and often just because of poverty...yes they may want westerners because they can offer a lot in terms of money...but DO NOT GENERALIZED. :NoNo:

7th September 2010, 07:55
:angry: In case you aren't fully aware of the fact, :rolleyes: THIS is a FILIPINO/UK forum ... therefore, kindly refrain from making generalised derogatory statements - that are both unfair, and far from the truth - about Asian women!

i agree with you sir arthur.. skinnyenglishgu is generalizing all asain women w/c is all :censored: and lied.. and as rayna said he obviously not travelled much.. so how dare he say these things.. :cwm23:

7th September 2010, 10:20
i very much doubt a british merchant navy officer would have not even met this "loved up over any white guy with a passport" filipino. of course he would have met her before! it's 100% likely he met her through his job.

i've seen those type of girls before, but they're everywhere, thailand, china, philippines. as soon as a white british guy shows any interest, they're all over them, and 'in a second' will ditch their current native asian bfs........... in this case, obviously this filipino broad was "extremely" dumb

having travelled a lot, and seen a lot, i would be hard pressed to find any girl in asia who didnt immediately think of 'money' or a 'passport' when meeting a white guy, especially a british guy. you can say what you want in reply, scathe me all you want, but i've both seen it and experienced it.
Are you the author of "How NOT to make friends on a Filipino/UK Forum"? :crazy:

I've lived in Britain for 40+ years and all I can say about the majority of birds these days is they are all slappers, and would jump in bed with any guy for a ciggie, or a ping of guiness. Generalising I know, but that makes them not better than the women you are generalising.

By travelled a lot you mean you have interacted with the whole population of the countries you have been in? You see If I was from Asia and just visited Moss Side, in Manchester, I wouldn't have a high opion of the UK, nor all it's people.

7th September 2010, 10:31
A twist in the story, some things don't seem to ring true!

7th September 2010, 10:33
i very much doubt a british merchant navy officer would have not even met this "loved up over any white guy with a passport" filipino. of course he would have met her before! it's 100% likely he met her through his job.

i've seen those type of girls before, but they're everywhere, thailand, china, philippines. as soon as a white british guy shows any interest, they're all over them, and 'in a second' will ditch their current native asian bfs........... in this case, obviously this filipino broad was "extremely" dumb

having travelled a lot, and seen a lot, i would be hard pressed to find any girl in asia who didnt immediately think of 'money' or a 'passport' when meeting a white guy, especially a british guy. you can say what you want in reply, scathe me all you want, but i've both seen it and experienced it.

Where are you getting your info to assume the girl was "extremely dumb" :Erm: The reports I've read there's hardly any mention of her. You should venture out of the bars a bit more when you're on your travels, you'll be surprised whose out there :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th September 2010, 11:14
sad news indeed...always take extra care if you go to a place you're not familiar with...entrusting ur safety to someone whom you hardly know requires a lot of caution...it's true that a lot of filipina and let me point out NOT ALL seek foreigner BF and husband just for the sake of money and visa...and that is a shame truth...so be very careful.

7th September 2010, 11:22
having travelled a lot, and seen a lot, i would be hard pressed to find any girl in asia who didnt immediately think of 'money' or a 'passport' when meeting a white guy, especially a british guy. you can say what you want in reply, scathe me all you want, but i've both seen it and experienced it.

Excuse me????? '''Dont tar us all with the same brush'''

7th September 2010, 11:31
For me this situation was never an issue.
But we all know it can (although not normally) happen.
But still it's so sad to hear of something like this.

This is true!!! no place is called safe and unsafe these days...we just need to trust our senses everytime we go out.

13th September 2010, 00:54
i'm teetotal, i dont goto bars :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i've lived in many asian countries over the years thankyou very much, since birth in fact;)

it's just my own experience, i've seen since growing up in asia. a lot, a hell of a lot, seem to want to mention about passports or money at some stage when friends with a brit. :cwm3:

it's the stereotype most older generations in england have of asia (money/visa hunters) but in my experience, it's been mostly true:cwm24:

re: arthur little. you obviously have never lived in asia before

re: bher grow up a bit. i was born in manila, and i live in the philippines. i'm currently visiting friends here in england

this is a public forum for opinions and experience, and i'm sharing mine:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th September 2010, 01:29
So what keeps you over there all this time :Erm: Must be quite a paranoid existence with all those natives after your money and passport :rolleyes:

13th September 2010, 11:09
i'm teetotal, i dont goto bars :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i've lived in many asian countries over the years thankyou very much, since birth in fact;)

it's just my own experience, i've seen since growing up in asia. a lot, a hell of a lot, seem to want to mention about passports or money at some stage when friends with a brit. :cwm3:

it's the stereotype most older generations in england have of asia (money/visa hunters) but in my experience, it's been mostly true:cwm24:

this is a public forum for opinions and experience, and i'm sharing mine:xxgrinning--00xx3:

indeed....but not all...

Arthur Little
13th September 2010, 13:43
re: arthur little. you obviously have never lived in asia before

Wrong! I've been to China - AND lived in the Phils twice ... on the first occasion, for three weeks ... and the second time, for 3 months. Plus, I'm married to a Filipina ... and am inclined to take rather a dim view of anyone casting aspersions on the womenfolk of her country as a whole. And I think you'll find most of us on here are of the same mind in this respect. :ReadIt:

re: *bher grow up a bit. i was born in manila, and i live in the philippines ...

... and my *friend was ALSO born and grew up in the Philippines; so please try to be a little more sensitive - and grown up - with your critical remarks!!! :rolleyes:

Arthur Little
13th September 2010, 14:13
i'm currently visiting friends here in *england

:Erm: ... Whilst you're *THERE ... wandering around, people-watching with your dog and binoculars - as your avatar suggests - it might be worth trying to gain some insight :idea: into the BRITISH lifestyle ... and thereafter, thanking your lucky stars you are Filipino! :icon_lol:

13th September 2010, 16:54
re: bher grow up a bit. i was born in manila, and i live in the philippines. i'm currently visiting friends here in england

Same as my eldest son..He`s 21,born in R.P etc ect etc. Not visiting but studying in the U.K.
Just observing how you construct a post,I would say he`s probably a bit older than you and perhaps a little less naive.
Dont read anything into that..It was merely an observation.

14th September 2010, 12:36
i very much doubt a british merchant navy officer would have not even met this "loved up over any white guy with a passport" filipino. of course he would have met her before! it's 100% likely he met her through his job.

i've seen those type of girls before, but they're everywhere, thailand, china, philippines. as soon as a white british guy shows any interest, they're all over them, and 'in a second' will ditch their current native asian bfs........... in this case, obviously this filipino broad was "extremely" dumb

having travelled a lot, and seen a lot, i would be hard pressed to find any girl in asia who didnt immediately think of 'money' or a 'passport' when meeting a white guy, especially a british guy. you can say what you want in reply, scathe me all you want, but i've both seen it and experienced it.

wow hard pressed to find a girl not looking for money or passport??

I find a statement like that amazing and can only assume the places you frequent are not the type I have done. I have met girls in Phils that show no interest in money or passport, in fact i will go to work in manila on a fraction of what i earn right now as my girl wants her life in phils, shes not marrying or asking me for anything, only that we can live somewhere where we are both happy to be, in addition i meet many girls here while working in saudi who show no interest too, they are here working as nurses etc to help provide for their families back home. dont tarnish all asian girls with the same brush. it would be like saying every english girl on a friday night at the local bar is easy and wants easy sex, or that every guy who goes to spain during the summer wants to get laid.(sure some may do, but what about the remaining 80% or so who are there with wives kids etc. come on, look at yourself and consider the people you have met, maybe reconsider where you spend your free time in future.YOU ARE CLEARLY NOT MIXING WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE


IS IT NOT TRUE that the uk is so close to dropping into recession again, that unemployment continues to rise faster than in many years, and that most british live their lives on credit etc.. we are not rich, there are many richer countries and not all are white. check it out online before we flatter ourselves about our great country

Arthur Little
14th September 2010, 14:38

IS IT NOT TRUE that the uk is so close to dropping into recession again, that unemployment continues to rise faster than in many years, and that most british live their lives on credit etc.. we are not rich, there are many richer countries and not all are white. check it out online before we flatter ourselves about our great country

:gp: ... that's precisely what I meant in my concluding paragraph above.

14th September 2010, 14:58
I know Arthur, i was just re stressing what you said, it "does my head in" when people assume just because we are British that we are something special.. the only thing special about britain is Man Utd lol :Jump:

Arthur Little
14th September 2010, 18:12
the only thing special about britain is Man Utd lol ... :Jump:

:icon_lol: ... and that's because it's managed by a Scotsman!

20th September 2010, 15:22
geez arthur little i'm sooooo sorry,

your few months experience of asia, and being married to a filipino certainly counts far above me living in the Philippines "pretty much most of my entire life" lol

you ****

20th September 2010, 15:30
geez arthur little i'm sooooo sorry,

your few months experience of asia, and being married to a filipino certainly counts far above me living in the Philippines "pretty much most of my entire life" lol

you ****

Strange, you didn't seem such a veteran of Asia when you first joined here last year :Erm: "i lived in china for a while, met some nice filipina people there" :Erm::icon_lol:


Something tells me you won't get chance to reply to me though :Hellooo:

20th September 2010, 15:46
geez arthur little i'm sooooo sorry,

your few months experience of asia, and being married to a filipino certainly counts far above me living in the Philippines "pretty much most of my entire life" lol

you ****

you should try to find work with the phillipines tourist authority, you are clearly a master at it already,,

unlike you ive only visited phils about 20 times now so didnt have the luxury of mingling in your area, this is a great shame as then my view of filipinos would but much better balanced. Sadly for now my understanding of the country and culture will have to stay as it is. but the minute i wish to meet some low life i will be sure to contact you and hopefully meet some of your interesting friends and contacts. thats if i can dig deep and low enough to get to such a level

20th September 2010, 15:51
geez arthur little i'm sooooo sorry,

your few months experience of asia, and being married to a filipino certainly counts far above me living in the Philippines "pretty much most of my entire life" lol

you ****

The longest you have spent in Asia is that time you went to Brick lane for a chicken tikka.:icon_lol:

20th September 2010, 16:13
From bad mouthing to banned in less than 1 hour :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
20th September 2010, 18:18

Something tells me you won't get chance to reply to me though :Hellooo:

:nono-1-1: Too right, Paul ... he didn't! :NoNo:

20th September 2010, 19:14
From bad mouthing to banned in less than 1 hour :xxgrinning--00xx3:

now that's efficient, pity scouser Keith doesn't work for the border agency :icon_lol:

20th September 2010, 20:49
now that's efficient, pity scouser Keith doesn't work for the border agency :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
21st September 2010, 11:32
geez arthur little i'm sooooo sorry,

your few months experience of asia, and being married to a filipino certainly counts far above me living in the Philippines "pretty much most of my entire life" lol

you ****

:68711_thanx:, guys for your solid support in dealing with this "****" [whatever it was he called me ] ... and to Keith for banning him!

21st September 2010, 11:38
:68711_thanx:, guys for your solid support in dealing with this "****"[whatever it was he called me ] ... and to Keith for banning him!

A knuckledragger of the highest order Arthur - good job he was swiftly evicted :)