View Full Version : do you believe in destiny???

6th September 2010, 17:49
hi guys,

do you believe in destiny? if so, why?
isn't it that life is what we make it?
and we have a free will to choose what we wanted?

your opinion friends :)

6th September 2010, 18:11
Yes we make our own path in life...but some things are just meant-to-be or It's such a nice sounding word for what it means: a fortunate accident.

6th September 2010, 18:18
It always seem to be destiny only after its happened :Erm:

6th September 2010, 18:21
It always seem to be destiny only after its happened :Erm:

i agree with u...life is what we make it!

6th September 2010, 18:22
It always seem to be destiny only after its happened :Erm:

so you mean its the choice that we made...:Erm:

6th September 2010, 18:36
so you mean its the choice that we made...:Erm:

destiny is not a matter of chance but its a matter of choice... so this is true?..

6th September 2010, 18:40
so you mean its the choice that we made...:Erm:

I mean often things happen and we think, "wow, that's fate". Why can't we see our destiny until it happens :Erm:

Would have saved me a lot of wasted effort and time :icon_lol:

6th September 2010, 18:44
I mean often things happen and we think, "wow, that's fate". Why can't we see our destiny until it happens :Erm:

Would have saved me a lot of wasted effort and time :icon_lol:

that's very true!!! that's why i dont believe in destiny.... otherwise, i will just sit down here and wait ;)

6th September 2010, 18:46
i agree with what others have said..it's the choices in life that we made, which create the future..every choice we make have different outcomes..it's just a matter of choosing which one is right or wrong.. ;)

7th September 2010, 10:11
If your future is already planned then you have no free will, and if that's the case you're already dead :Erm:

8th September 2010, 01:06
Now that's an awkward philosophical question Rani :Erm:

Whatever happened to you in the past and wherever you ended up now as a result of those events, was and is your destiny at this point in time. Right now all of us have an extremely large number of possible futures but once we get there it will have been destiny :)

The world gives us the impression that we have free will, whether we do or not is a totally different question, I used to think I knew the answer but now I am not so sure.


8th September 2010, 08:46
desitny, well rani , what we all chose in life is that destiny or just luck or worst,we all would like our lives to be perfect or as close as can be , but not many off us can have that, so we make do, the past is the past the future is getting there , hard work and kind words may get us there quicker we all hope, so destiny i would call it my dream in life and dreams do come true :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Doc Alan
8th September 2010, 14:57
I used to think I knew the answer but now I am not so sure.

I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure :doh
But seriously Rani, as I've explained elsewhere, I go on probabilities (100% that eventually i will die, and much less than 1% that I will first win the lottery :xxgrinning--00xx3:)

8th September 2010, 17:35
hi guys,

do you believe in destiny? if so, why?
isn't it that life is what we make it?
and we have a free will to choose what we wanted?

your opinion friends :)

we are the maker of our own destiny :D:icon_lol:

Arthur Little
8th September 2010, 23:30
Hmm ... well, Rani ... HERE in Scotland, :Kilt: we have an old saying: :olddude: "Whit's fur ye ... 'll nae gae by ye!" Translated, it means - "WHICHever path we choose in life, it cannot alter WHATever it be that the 'Good Lord' [I suppose!] has in store (planned) for us!". :NoNo: And if THIS statement is TRUE :cwm24: (which I fervently hope it ISN'T!) then it doesn't leave ANY of us with much control over our own destinies! :rolleyes:

10th September 2010, 00:05
Which would negate free will Arthur just cosmic puppets then?:icon_lol:

Arthur Little
10th September 2010, 00:35
Which would negate free will Arthur just cosmic puppets then?:icon_lol:

Ah ... Keith ... :welcomex: back to the fold ... where've YOU been lately?

10th September 2010, 01:06
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure :doh

lol :) :xxgrinning--00xx3:

But seriously Alan, I used to have good grounds for a world view that allowed the illusion of free will in a predestined individually threaded reality and oddly enough that was based on probabilities and probability theory.

The reason I am no longer so sure, is partly that the arrogance and certainty of youth has worn off over the years and also I have watched with fascination the developments in cosmology and fundamental physics which have extended many theories in extremely unforeseen directions and also closed off many interpretations that were considered pretty much dead certs only a couple of decades ago.

From a purely human perspective there are experiments in cognition that have shown actions and decisions being taken by people prior to conscious awareness of said actions, so does that imply destiny and denial of free will or not?

Perhaps self awareness is just an illusion, an emergent property of the physical organisation of an interconnected network of structures we call neurones, although personally I think it is more complex than that :)

The simple fact that the universe is capable of supporting what goes on inside my head, i.e. my personal experience of reality, is a quite staggering thought.... when you think about it deeply enough :) and I have spent a lot of time thinking about it over the years.

The problem with discussing conciousness and free will is that one always ends up with tautologies.

Destiny likewise being caught up in a human interpretation of reality will also largely result in tautological arguments.

By the way Alan there is always the probability that any one of us could find ourselves in a universe where we personally keep lucking out and new medical advances extend our lifespan just before our time is due to expire, ultimately that kind of evolution may probably lead to transfer of conciousness and experience to self replicating machines :) at least in one universe's thread.

The ultimate expiry date for all of us is the death of this specific universe and the way that happens depends on the precise amount of matter that exists right now :)

As a side note look at today's announcement of Vitamin B's effect on Alzheimer's patients, now that was a bit unexpected was it not?

Still a bit early though as I dare say there need to be many more studies done that confirm this finding but it is very interesting for all us oldies and I guess in particular for a Mr Terry Pratchett, a wonderful mind, who suffers from the early stages of this horrible disease.

Regards the 100% certainty that you will die one day?

It ain't over till the fat lady sings sir and even then you wont be around to know you were right.

x -> x tautology :)

(fat lady sings -> won't be around, my blah blah blah :) hehehehe sorry Alan poor equations on my part :))


P.S. Destiny can be very very painful.

My personal view?

It is destiny when one is optimistic about the future and about the results of past events. It is fate when you are depressed about the terrible things that have happened to you and the future is not clear.

Right now my future and my children's future is not clear. :(

Doc Alan
10th September 2010, 07:44
As a side note look at today's announcement of Vitamin B's effect on Alzheimer's patients, now that was a bit unexpected was it not?

Still a bit early though as I dare say there need to be many more studies done...

There are some thoughts for Rani, who started the thread...
As for the Alzheimer's study, it was on 168 patients, half of whom took the Vitamin B tablets and half took a placebo (if they remembered :omg:). It suggested that high dosage of Vitamin B may halve the rate of brain shrinkage (which occurs to greater degree in those people developing Alzheimer's). More research is needed and there may be other health risks with high dosage of Vitamin B. (It's found naturally in meat, fish, eggs, and green vegetables).