View Full Version : hello frm poole dorset

7th September 2010, 16:01
hello, recently arrived from manila and now happily living in poole, dorset, with my husband 2 be :Hellooo: . getting married in two weeks. just wanted to say hello and ask if there is anybody else from phili in the area?:)

8th September 2010, 07:49
Hello jAqi,:Wave:
Welcome to the forum.
I am from the Isle of Wight, not too far from you in Poole.
You will i hope find some Filipina's near you.

8th September 2010, 08:41
hi there a great place to be near poole and congrats for the wedding :)

8th September 2010, 10:27
Advanced congrats and welcome. Lovely place Poole :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th September 2010, 15:35
welcome to the forum jaqi.. congratulation to both of you and for the coming wedding... yipee... :Jump::Jump::Jump:

stevie c
8th September 2010, 17:39
welcome here jaqi :Hellooo:

Arthur Little
8th September 2010, 17:50
Hello again ... just popped in to wish you all the best on your fast-approaching wedding day ... since I've already welcomed you on another thread. :)

Arthur Little
8th September 2010, 18:01
And Stevie ... I'm conscious of the fact that YOU'RE about to fly off to the Phils this coming Saturday for YOUR :wedtoss:. So, my friend, allow me to take the opportunity of wishing YOU and Florsel all the very best in advance. God Bless!

8th October 2010, 19:04
:Hellooo:hello guys my account is just activated right now and i just read all your messages for me,im so happy to read all your response :) thank you all guys Wave:

9th October 2010, 04:49
best wishes and welcome to the forum jaqi :Wave:

9th October 2010, 06:37
:Hellooo: Hi jAqi, welcome to the forum. :Wave:
Best wishes to you both for wedding :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th October 2010, 07:27
I guess you must be married now Jaqi .......... congratulations to you and your new husband! I hope that you will both be very happy in your new life together :heartshape1:

9th October 2010, 08:23

Just in case you do not already know.

There is a Filipino community in your area called
Wessex Anglo Filipino Community.
Their information website is:-

They are based in the Poole/Bournemouth area.

It seems they are holding a Halloween BBQ Buffet & Disco Party on Saturday
30th October
A Christmas Buffet & Disco Party on Saturday 18th December at
Newtown Conservative Club Ringwood Road Parkstone Poole

You can contact their Secretary (Peter Mitton) Tel: 01202 824185
or 07709030189
email address: petermitton@onetel.com

I know it's a little tough to attend these type of events if you don't know anyone, but I'm sure if you mention this to their secretary he will fully understand and organise someone to welcome you and introduce to lots of new friends.

Please try jAqi, I'm sure you would enjoy the events.

9th October 2010, 09:39
Well, I'm in Poole right now, going to be going shopping after work at 11.30 maybeI'll look out for a forum member in the Dolphin Centre :Wave:

10th October 2010, 17:11
its a lovely day today specially here in poole, steve pls send my regards to your wife i know she's a filipina im glad that you guys lived here poole as well :Wave:

10th October 2010, 17:15
tnx for the info terpe :Wave:

10th October 2010, 17:53
hello jaqi, guess wot?.....am not so far away from u....:Jump:

10th October 2010, 17:54
Hello and welcome