View Full Version : ilr without a job

8th September 2010, 20:47
im raising a confusing question again :rolleyes: is having no job yet would be ok when the time to apply to ILR?:omg:
or does it really need to have job either me or husband to be able to apply and approve for ILR?
any help or advices please
thank you :)

8th September 2010, 20:59
The requirements are similar to the initial visa application; you have to show evidence of your finances. Bank statements, building society savings books, pay slips or other formal documents as evidence of your and your partner’s ability to maintain and accommodate yourselves and any dependants without recourse to public funds.

Therefore it is not important that you have a job if you have enough income to support yourselves. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th September 2010, 21:06
The requirements are similar to the initial visa application; you have to show evidence of your finances. Bank statements, building society savings books, pay slips or other formal documents as evidence of your and your partner’s ability to maintain and accommodate yourselves and any dependants without recourse to public funds.

Therefore it is not important that you have a job if you have enough income to support yourselves. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

but the thing is the husband is claiming public funds :omg::D obviously as he got no job and we got children..and it does in appear in his banks statements/building society those funds are :yikes: from revenue ..though i got banks accounts in my name active as am not sure if that evedence towards it but i know im not intitle to receive any public funds as im on spouse visa ..:rolleyes:

Arthur Little
9th September 2010, 01:10
May be wrong, here ... but - unlike if you were at the stage of applying for a Spousal Visa - I don't [think] they can refuse you ILR simply on the grounds that your husband is unemployed through no fault of his own. :NoNo: And bear in mind that it's HE - and not YOU - that is receiving Public Funds by way of Jobseekers' Allowance and/or *Income Support (if such an *allowance still exists!). Understandable ... otherwise how else could you afford to survive as a family unit!?

I believe, though, it might be advisable for your husband to retain copies of letters &c., relating to job applications - as evidence that he IS, in fact, actively LOOKING for work. And yes ... your bank savings SHOULD count too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th September 2010, 15:33
May be wrong, here ... but - unlike if you were at the stage of applying for a Spousal Visa - I don't [think] they can refuse you ILR simply on the grounds that your husband is unemployed through no fault of his own. :NoNo: And bear in mind that it's HE - and not YOU - that is receiving Public Funds by way of Jobseekers' Allowance and/or *Income Support (if such an *allowance still exists!). Understandable ... otherwise how else could you afford to survive as a family unit!?

I believe, though, it might be advisable for your husband to retain copies of letters &c., relating to job applications - as evidence that he IS, in fact, actively LOOKING for work. And yes ... your bank savings SHOULD count too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

thank you so much for the inf :) give me hopes and ill ask more question when i need too
this forum is superb indeed :xxgrinning--00xx3: but would love top hear more for those who gone throgh the process:Wave:

9th September 2010, 15:33
May be wrong, here ... but - unlike if you were at the stage of applying for a Spousal Visa - I don't [think] they can refuse you ILR simply on the grounds that your husband is unemployed through no fault of his own. :NoNo: And bear in mind that it's HE - and not YOU - that is receiving Public Funds by way of Jobseekers' Allowance and/or *Income Support (if such an *allowance still exists!). Understandable ... otherwise how else could you afford to survive as a family unit!?

I believe, though, it might be advisable for your husband to retain copies of letters &c., relating to job applications - as evidence that he IS, in fact, actively LOOKING for work. And yes ... your bank savings SHOULD count too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

thank you so much for the inf :) give me hopes and ill ask more question when i need too
this forum is superb indeed :xxgrinning--00xx3: but would love top hear more for those who gone throgh the process:Wave: