View Full Version : Converting to Catholicism

9th September 2010, 16:13
Hi guys,

I’m Converting to Catholicism so we can get married in the Philippines; I was christened by the Church of England so I am a Christian. I was just wondering if anyone has converted before so I have an understanding of the process from someone who has converted before.

9th September 2010, 16:14
Do you have to be a Catholic to marry in The Philippines :Erm:

9th September 2010, 16:28
to marry in a Catholic yes. I have read about this and also been told about it

9th September 2010, 16:40
I had no problems in getting married in the Philippines as a non catholic, divorced and in church.

I think it’s at the discretion of the local church, so I would ask first if it is possible. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th September 2010, 17:43
I'm atheist and got married in a catholic church in the phils. The vicar asked what religon I was I replied, he raised his eyebrows, asked if I was going to convert, I said no, that was it no probs. Also meant the length of the service was considerably shorter. THe wife just had to say that any kids we have will be brought up in the catholic faith. I decided not to argue that one there and then!

9th September 2010, 17:56
I'm atheist and got married in a catholic church in the phils. The vicar asked what religon I was I replied, he raised his eyebrows, asked if I was going to convert, I said no, that was it no probs. Also meant the length of the service was considerably shorter. THe wife just had to say that any kids we have will be brought up in the catholic faith. I decided not to argue that one there and then!

:yikes:Fire and Brimstone for you then

I reckon that would sound about right over there, together with a nice donation to smooth things along. Funny enough though, you would not get away with it here in the UK:icon_lol:

9th September 2010, 18:23
It's best to get converted to the "church of Old trafford" most popular church of it's kind:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th September 2010, 18:26
nope i would never convert :NoNo:
we got married by a woman judge who was telling jokes non stop (friend of the mother in law) at a hotel, just as it was getting dark, the pool was lit by floating candles, better than any church :D


9th September 2010, 19:00
It's best to get converted to the "church of Old trafford" most popular church of it's kind:xxgrinning--00xx3:

And go to hell with the red devils :icon_lol:

I think like Joe I'd go for a hotel or beach or garden wedding.

9th September 2010, 19:05
It's best to get converted to the "church of Old trafford" most popular church of it's kind:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Is that a church or a cult (is that the correct spelling) :icon_lol:

9th September 2010, 20:24
things we do for love:NoNo::NoNo:

9th September 2010, 20:27
I had no problems in getting married in the Philippines as a non catholic, divorced and in church.

I think it’s at the discretion of the local church, so I would ask first if it is possible. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I guess a folding stuff contribution to "Church funds" doesn't go amiss

9th September 2010, 20:31
Tell them you're a Pagan :Erm:

9th September 2010, 20:50
whats fagin got to do with it

9th September 2010, 20:51
....the same a 'love'

9th September 2010, 21:08
Hi guys,

I’m Converting to Catholicism so we can get married in the Philippines; I was christened by the Church of England so I am a Christian. I was just wondering if anyone has converted before so I have an understanding of the process from someone who has converted before.

Hi Drew, I am an atheist and I got married in a civil ceremony in Phils.
Just tell whoever asks what religion you were born, that's all there is to it.
Seems a bit drastic to convert when it is not required.
There have been many bad stories about the delays caused by the church in Phils.
Many Brits have given up on marrying in the church there because of all the obstacles that are put in the way, and have gone civil :yikes:

9th September 2010, 21:17
well friends me and emma are going to marry sooner then later we are looking at late october derby register office followed by nibbles at somewhere not desided yet , plus dont know how many are being catered for so hopfully a big bag of nuts or pork scratchings will be enough:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th September 2010, 21:41
well friends me and emma are going to marry sooner then later we are looking at late october derby register office followed by nibbles at somewhere not desided yet , plus dont know how many are being catered for so hopfully a big bag of nuts or pork scratchings will be enough:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Congratulations - if you can push the boat out I'm partial to Tyrrells Sweet Chilli & Red Pepper Crisps :D

9th September 2010, 21:45
a long way to come for a bag of tyrrells sweet chilliand red pepper crisps Dedworth, but a family pack would be brought just in case :D

English Rose
9th September 2010, 21:52
:yikes:Fire and Brimstone for you then

I reckon that would sound about right over there, together with a nice donation to smooth things along. Funny enough though, you would not get away with it here in the UK:icon_lol:

My sister, a Christian, was divorced with a child when she married a Catholic. They were both English, getting married in England. She just had to agree to bring the children up as Catholics.

9th September 2010, 21:57
I'm atheist and got married in a catholic church in the phils. The vicar asked what religon I was I replied, he raised his eyebrows, asked if I was going to convert, I said no, that was it no probs. Also meant the length of the service was considerably shorter. THe wife just had to say that any kids we have will be brought up in the catholic faith. I decided not to argue that one there and then!

im also an atheist, and had no problems getting married in rp,and i also had 1 or 2 raised eyebrows wen i told them im a atheist...

9th September 2010, 22:26
My sister, a Christian, was divorced with a child when she married a Catholic. They were both English, getting married in England. She just had to agree to bring the children up as Catholics.

That`s the first time I have heard of a divorced person being allowed to be married in a Catholic Church, or was it annulled :Erm:

I was wrong on my other statement though as I married my first wife (non catholic) in a catholic church, forgot all about it:icon_lol:

10th September 2010, 10:33
Is that a church or a cult (is that the correct spelling) :icon_lol:

Its a cult for people who generally don't live in manchester or indeed have ever been!!! Always stay true to local - up the brewers!

10th September 2010, 10:37
well friends me and emma are going to marry sooner then later we are looking at late october derby register office followed by nibbles at somewhere not desided yet , plus dont know how many are being catered for so hopfully a big bag of nuts or pork scratchings will be enough:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Don't forget cheese and onion cobs and some pork pies! I'm assuming Bass and Pedi on tap as well?

10th September 2010, 10:41
Just tell them you ARE Catholic!!
Not sure how they could expect you to prove it? Pretty sure the Catholic church in UK dont issue Baptismal certs? My eldest son didnt get one...Just a couple of used candles.

10th September 2010, 11:11
Hi guys,

I’m Converting to Catholicism so we can get married in the Philippines; I was christened by the Church of England so I am a Christian. I was just wondering if anyone has converted before so I have an understanding of the process from someone who has converted before.

Do you really want to convert??? its not mandatory.. My foreigner friend attended for some sort of classes ,how to raise children into a catholic church etc etc before the wedding and becoz she is pregnant and needs to go back to US after the wedding,she ends up converting:rolleyes:..
I think you need to get specifics from the parish first coz they are not exactly the same ruling.

10th September 2010, 11:12
Fred :yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:

10th September 2010, 11:17
why not have a civil wedding first and then get married in a church :Erm:

10th September 2010, 17:28
Thanks very much guys for the information given. been a non catholic does it inpact on the time scales for the processing of the documents? :Erm:

stevie c
10th September 2010, 17:34
Hi Drew, I am an atheist and I got married in a civil ceremony in Phils.
Just tell whoever asks what religion you were born, that's all there is to it.
Seems a bit drastic to convert when it is not required.
There have been many bad stories about the delays caused by the church in Phils.
Many Brits have given up on marrying in the church there because of all the obstacles that are put in the way, and have gone civil :yikes:

i couldnt agree more:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
10th September 2010, 18:35
There have been many bad stories about the delays caused by the church in Phils.
Many Brits have given up on marrying in the church there because of all the obstacles that are put in the way, and have gone civil :yikes:

Refreshingly, I'm in total agreement with you on both counts, here. :ARsurrender: Myrna and myself are both committed Christians ... but opted for a civil ceremony in order to cut down on all the falderals you alude to and, in turn, minimise the waiting time :xxaction-smiley-047 for the release of a marriage certificate that weddings held in the Catholic Church allegedly entails. :rolleyes:

10th September 2010, 18:45
Just tell them you ARE Catholic!!
Not sure how they could expect you to prove it? Pretty sure the Catholic church in UK dont issue Baptismal certs? My eldest son didnt get one...Just a couple of used candles.

They do, I've got one, found it last year :)


10th September 2010, 18:46
Duplicate post, getting database errors Boss?

Arthur Little
10th September 2010, 22:23
getting database errors Boss?

Same with me, Jim ... but the site seems to be "back in business" again now! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th September 2010, 00:05
Duplicate post, getting database errors Boss?

Should be working now.... I got a few thousand emails reporting errors :omg:

11th September 2010, 01:14
well friends me and emma are going to marry sooner then later we are looking at late october derby register office followed by nibbles at somewhere not desided yet , plus dont know how many are being catered for so hopfully a big bag of nuts or pork scratchings will be enough:xxgrinning--00xx3:

are we invited???....lol....i go for pork scratchings...yummy ( cholesterol should behave lol)

11th September 2010, 01:23
if u believe in catholic faith then go for it..but if it just for the sake of wedding (if i am in your shoe) i wouldn't do that...

11th September 2010, 11:11
Thanks very much guys for the information given. been a non catholic does it inpact on the time scales for the processing of the documents? :Erm:

Not really. Don't know if it's still the case but you'll have to attend a marriage guidence course for a day. THey wheel out good old catholic couples and tell the young kids they must have 6 kids or they'll go to hell and contraseptives are the work of the devil basically. Then show a early 80's video showing an abortion to really scare them, that was a bit ott to be honest. I wanted to stand up and tell them its nonsense, especailly the abortion method shown.

But I was tild after that if you throw a bit of cash at the chap at the start then he'll sign your attendence papers and your free to go to the pub! At the end of the day as with most things out there a little money pressed into the right palm can have amazing effects.

11th September 2010, 13:26
I am all religions... and yet I am none :)

11th September 2010, 16:22
Not really. Don't know if it's still the case but you'll have to attend a marriage guidence course for a day. THey wheel out good old catholic couples and tell the young kids they must have 6 kids or they'll go to hell and contraseptives are the work of the devil basically. Then show a early 80's video showing an abortion to really scare them, that was a bit ott to be honest. I wanted to stand up and tell them its nonsense, especailly the abortion method shown.

But I was tild after that if you throw a bit of cash at the chap at the start then he'll sign your attendence papers and your free to go to the pub! At the end of the day as with most things out there a little money pressed into the right palm can have amazing effects.

yes your right mate, a few pesos pressed in the right hands have amazing effects,and in most departments in rp. its the way ther if you want to get things done in reasonble time, money talks in rp and opens many doors that get in your way..

11th September 2010, 16:50
and when you consider that the average wage for a worker in lets say middle range job in town hall in rp, the average wage is 120,000 peso per year, so thats why a few extra quid opens doors ther, i would do the same in there shoes. and remember 120,000 per year is considerd a good wage ther, but its not for most, when you have family and kids to support..

11th September 2010, 17:00
and just one more thing, dont feel as though you have been ripped off or conned if you give a 1000 peso to get things done faster, just remember 1000peso will buy a sack of bigas that will last a month or 2 for the average family in rp..

11th September 2010, 18:26
....a sack of bigas ....
Are yiu saying ny big ass :action-smiley-081: looks like a sack of something? :Erm: :D

11th September 2010, 20:03
yes your right mate, a few pesos pressed in the right hands have amazing effects,and in most departments in rp. its the way ther if you want to get things done in reasonble time, money talks in rp and opens many doors that get in your way..

To get the marrage licence I had to stay in the phils for 54 days I think it was before the city council town hall would issue it when we got maried in olongapo. Needless to say I couldn't manage that long so we asked to speak to the girl on the counter privately, went round the side of the building, had a chat, think I bung a couple of thousand, hey presto about a week later got out licence!

Its a great system you just have to know how much to give with out causing offence or getting ripped off