View Full Version : I been Scammed

9th September 2010, 21:35
Hi everyone.

I thought I meet the special someone. This time last year. Then in March she started chatting with a richer man and said she loved me but he was offering enough money to go to college and look after her family. In May she told me she was no longer in contact with this other man, from May she always had a reason why she needed more money then her allowance so she was getting double. Last week she said she was going to stay with her brother in Manila to look for work. On Sunday she told me she was going the next day by bus and since then her phone been off. I found out on Tuesday that she went to Manila to meet the other man and she already had her visa for flying out and the last few months was all about getting as much money from as she could from me this is not the first time I have heard of this happening. So I ask does every Filipino have such low morals as many seem to behave like this.

9th September 2010, 22:53
You'll find just as many Asian are scammed by Westerners, but the majority are scammed by their own kind. It is rare in the grand scheme of things, but the golden rule is don't send anything until you've at least met. They survived without your money before, so can do so while you are courting.

Sorry you got screwed though not a nice thing to happen to anyone, and you won't be the last.

9th September 2010, 23:01
So I ask does every Filipino have such low morals as many seem to behave like this.

Sorry to hear what happened. The answer to the above is no, it's an inaccurate generalisation to say "many" but I guess there are a number of online reports of scammers. Better luck next time, I'd second the sound advice of don't send money or anything until you've met the person.

9th September 2010, 23:04
Hi everyone.

I thought I meet the special someone. This time last year. Then in March she started chatting with a richer man and said she loved me but he was offering enough money to go to college and look after her family. In May she told me she was no longer in contact with this other man, from May she always had a reason why she needed more money then her allowance so she was getting double. Last week she said she was going to stay with her brother in Manila to look for work. On Sunday she told me she was going the next day by bus and since then her phone been off. I found out on Tuesday that she went to Manila to meet the other man and she already had her visa for flying out and the last few months was all about getting as much money from as she could from me this is not the first time I have heard of this happening. So I ask does every Filipino have such low morals as many seem to behave like this.

not all but when talking about money :cwm24: i think people all over the world being deceive by this diabolic thingy :D

9th September 2010, 23:06
That's unlucky mate, similar thing happened to me. A lot you'll find have higher morals than you'll find here, but it happens often what you've been through. A lot of these girls play the field until you've got a ring on their finger.

Forget about her. Money lost. Lesson learned. Plenty more out there :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Doc Alan
9th September 2010, 23:25
Forget about her. Money lost. Lesson learned. Plenty more out there :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Honest comments and sensible advice from all the posts here. It's also happened to me, and I would add that it's VITAL to actually meet the girl as soon as possible :xxgrinning--00xx3: Yes, there is the cost of the return trip to the Philippines but that's money far better spent than frittering it away before you meet :NoNo:. Find out as much as possible about the country and its culture before you go :) Most filipinos speak English, which may be reassuring, but there are cultural differences. Buying a travel guide and phrase book could be a very good investment.

9th September 2010, 23:25
This happened to me once - and once only. Not a nice experience :(

Arthur Little
10th September 2010, 01:55
Touch wood, it hasn't happened to ME ... yet ... perhaps because I'm a :Kilt:. We 'Jocks' tend to keep a tight grip on our sporrans ... and the moths usually get a "breath of fresh air" whenever we deign to open our wallets. :joke:

But seriously, I fully concur with what the others here have already stressed. NEVER - in ANY circumstances - send "money" to someone you haven't already met ... regardless of the sob stories you're deluged with!!! :nono-1-1: And no, not all Filipinas are like your "friend"! :NoNo: Very FEW are, in actual fact.

So please ... DON'T let this nasty experience put you off. :welcomex: to the forum ... and better luck next time. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th September 2010, 06:56
This happened to me once - and once only. Not a nice experience :(

This is sad to know that you have experienced this before. :NoNo:

10th September 2010, 08:15
i'm so sorry to hear experiences like this :angry:

nope, not all filipinas are the same :NoNo: it just so happened that you encountered and interacted with the wrong girl/lady/woman... just be very careful in choosing and like some of the views and opinions here in the forum, dont give in to all the request of your love one especially if you haven't met each other yet... if she asked for money on an early stage of your relationship then i really dont think that the love she shows is genuine... but dont lose hope, there are more decent and honest single women left.. just keep on looking and you will be very happy one day :xxgrinning--00xx3:

good luck to you! keep on smiling :)

10th September 2010, 08:28
Im sorry to hear what happened. Not all filipinas are the same. Its just that you have to be very careful now a days and not to trust and give everything specially when you havent met each other.

She has lived fooling herself and messing about people's feelings and so we cant expect to live her life happily with the guy shes with.
She couldnt settle and stick to someone then her relationship will never settle. I guess her karma will come soon.
I feel awful and ashame to hear stories about this specially when pinays are involved.
I do apologize, you'll find the right one soon.

10th September 2010, 09:19
sorry to hear your bad story....be very careful next time.

10th September 2010, 10:10
I sent money to a filipina before we met....but now she is here with me in the UK and is my wife. Sorry to hear about your bad experience but please dont be put off.

I have a very nice sister-in-law if your interested in meeting someone genuine.

10th September 2010, 12:33
Hi everyone.

I thought I meet the special someone. This time last year. Then in March she started chatting with a richer man and said she loved me but he was offering enough money to go to college and look after her family. In May she told me she was no longer in contact with this other man, from May she always had a reason why she needed more money then her allowance so she was getting double. Last week she said she was going to stay with her brother in Manila to look for work. On Sunday she told me she was going the next day by bus and since then her phone been off. I found out on Tuesday that she went to Manila to meet the other man and she already had her visa for flying out and the last few months was all about getting as much money from as she could from me this is not the first time I have heard of this happening. So I ask does every Filipino have such low morals as many seem to behave like this.

Hello!!!:Hellooo:..Welcome to Fil-UK!!!
Please be very careful next time and dont put your heart on your sleeve....there are still lots of genuine filipina in the world..
chin up!!!
cheer up!!:):xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th September 2010, 16:38
Alright mate. Sorry to hear your story. It has also happened to myself, although I was "lucky" enough that my experience only last for a couple of months. Even more luckily, I came across this website at the time which not only helped me recognise what was going on, but also lead me to meet, fall in love with, marry and now happily live together with my beautiful filipina wife here in the UK.

Stick around here with us mate and between us all here we'll help you come to terms with your experience and hopefully better things in the future! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th September 2010, 16:51
.... Even more luckily, I came across this website at the time which not only helped me recognise what was going on, but also lead me to meet, fall in love with, marry and now happily live together with my beautiful filipina wife here in the UK.....
Did I ever get Rep for that? :rolleyes:

11th September 2010, 19:12
A few months ago that girl I broke up with long ago reappeared and told me tales of poverty which would make a crocodile have tears in his eyes...


I recently found she just got married and she kept on writing me even after the pics of her and the lucky sucker who married her were on her Facebook! :icon_lol::icon_lol:

Honestly I found that funny and shocking at the same time. She thinks I am a dumbo and I never heard of Facebook. Of course I stopped writing her even before I found about her wedding and she must be wondering what happened... but don't worry, most Pinays are really great! :)

11th September 2010, 20:24
A few months ago that girl I broke up with long ago reappeared and told me tales of poverty which would make a crocodile have tears in his eyes...


I recently found she just got married and she kept on writing me even after the pics of her and the lucky sucker who married her were on her Facebook! :icon_lol::icon_lol:

Honestly I found that funny and shocking at the same time. She thinks I am a dumbo and I never heard of Facebook. Of course I stopped writing her even before I found about her wedding and she must be wondering what happened... but don't worry, most Pinays are really great! :)
your lucky, i met my wife in rp through my now brit ex mate that was married to filipina since 82 and she was cousin, i lived out ther on and off and until last year for 3 year stint, my big mistake was getting married ther and even bigger mistake was having kids with her, i dont want to go into detail, but you can get scammed after you have been married to filipina and you can get scammed on computer, and i only started using computer last year, but i supouse its better to be told bullshit and get crocodile tears on computer rather than after you married a girl and find out after. but thers always a silver clould on the horizan, and i have since met a lovley english girl that works in my local lidl store,all i want now and i will get is my kids back 2 england..

11th September 2010, 21:29
your lucky, i met my wife in rp through my now brit ex mate that was married to filipina since 82 and she was cousin, i lived out ther on and off and until last year for 3 year stint, my big mistake was getting married ther and even bigger mistake was having kids with her, i dont want to go into detail, but you can get scammed after you have been married to filipina and you can get scammed on computer, and i only started using computer last year, but i supouse its better to be told bullshit and get crocodile tears on computer rather than after you married a girl and find out after. but thers always a silver clould on the horizan, and i have since met a lovley english girl that works in my local lidl store,all i want now and i will get is my kids back 2 england..

scammed by a wife?...:omg::omg::omg:

11th September 2010, 23:13
in a way i have been scammed by my wife, the main reason is, wen i was living in rp my kids got very ill and my youngest was in icu wen born, i came bak 2 uk end of last year and since ive been bak my wife called me saying she wanted extra cash as kids ill and in hospital again, i sent the extra cash, she did this 3 times then i thought somthing not right, so i called hospital and they told me that my kids wer not admitted on the dates my wife said they wer. so in my way of thinkng thats being scammed, and how low can a filipina go to get money wen they use ther own kids to get money, and i met my wife in rp a long time ago... also i hope that warns people to be carefull wen u get into relationship with filipina and certaintly wen you met them on computer and then send them money:yikes: you must be mad..

12th September 2010, 00:14
in a way i have been scammed by my wife, the main reason is, wen i was living in rp my kids got very ill and my youngest was in icu wen born, i came bak 2 uk end of last year and since ive been bak my wife called me saying she wanted extra cash as kids ill and in hospital again, i sent the extra cash, she did this 3 times then i thought somthing not right, so i called hospital and they told me that my kids wer not admitted on the dates my wife said they wer. so in my way of thinkng thats being scammed, and how low can a filipina go to get money wen they use ther own kids to get money, and i met my wife in rp a long time ago... also i hope that warns people to be carefull wen u get into relationship with filipina and certaintly wen you met them on computer and then send them money:yikes: you must be mad..

did she told you that they were admitted to hospital?..coz sometimes when children are sick they dont need to admit them...just a visit and prescription is only needed...when we were in the philippines my son always sick almost every month b'coz of the warm and changing weather...and doctors fee and medicine aren't cheap to get...

12th September 2010, 11:28
in a way i have been scammed by my wife, the main reason is, wen i was living in rp my kids got very ill and my youngest was in icu wen born, i came bak 2 uk end of last year and since ive been bak my wife called me saying she wanted extra cash as kids ill and in hospital again, i sent the extra cash, she did this 3 times then i thought somthing not right, so i called hospital and they told me that my kids wer not admitted on the dates my wife said they wer. so in my way of thinkng thats being scammed, and how low can a filipina go to get money wen they use ther own kids to get money, and i met my wife in rp a long time ago... also i hope that warns people to be carefull wen u get into relationship with filipina and certaintly wen you met them on computer and then send them money:yikes: you must be mad..

sad to say junior your not the first or last to be 'scammed' or 'used' by your wife or girlfriend ( a number of members on here have to) , but it happens everywhere not just in the phils :NoNo:

12th September 2010, 13:56
Hi everyone.

I thought I meet the special someone. This time last year. Then in March she started chatting with a richer man and said she loved me but he was offering enough money to go to college and look after her family. In May she told me she was no longer in contact with this other man, from May she always had a reason why she needed more money then her allowance so she was getting double. Last week she said she was going to stay with her brother in Manila to look for work. On Sunday she told me she was going the next day by bus and since then her phone been off. I found out on Tuesday that she went to Manila to meet the other man and she already had her visa for flying out and the last few months was all about getting as much money from as she could from me this is not the first time I have heard of this happening. So I ask does every Filipino have such low morals as many seem to behave like this.

Im sorry you got 'scammed' as you call it but not all ladies from philippines are the same. Im sure every country has men/women who want one thing and will be dis honest as possible to get it. Please be positive and dont judge us in nasty way

Take care

12th September 2010, 22:12
I'm sorry to read about your problems. I echo everyone elses sentiments, and like many of the guys on here it didn't work out with my first Filipina g/f either. Please don't judge all Filipina's by one bad experience. The ladies on here are all genuine professional ladies, honest, intelligent, educated and independent women. I am sure they are horrified at some of the things they hear and what some westerners say about Pinays.
I had my own problems a few months ago, I knew I was being ripped off both financially and emotionally. The ladies on here restored my faith in Filipina's and I have since met a beautiful and lovely new g/f who has all of the good qualities I've mentioned above.
This forum is invaluable, many of the members have faced the same problems I have, they've been there, seen it and worn the T-shirt. Their advice is priceless. The ladies also provide an honest Pinay perspective and very frequently point out what you should be looking for.
Without this forum and the members I would either be bankrupt or an emotional wreck:icon_lol:

13th September 2010, 07:58
I'm sorry to read about your problems. I echo everyone elses sentiments, and like many of the guys on here it didn't work out with my first Filipina g/f either. Please don't judge all Filipina's by one bad experience. The ladies on here are all genuine professional ladies, honest, intelligent, educated and independent women. I am sure they are horrified at some of the things they hear and what some westerners say about Pinays.
I had my own problems a few months ago, I knew I was being ripped off both financially and emotionally. The ladies on here restored my faith in Filipina's and I have since met a beautiful and lovely new g/f who has all of the good qualities I've mentioned above.
This forum is invaluable, many of the members have faced the same problems I have, they've been there, seen it and worn the T-shirt. Their advice is priceless. The ladies also provide an honest Pinay perspective and very frequently point out what you should be looking for.
Without this forum and the members I would either be bankrupt or an emotional wreck:icon_lol:

very well said ian :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th September 2010, 12:27
Did I ever get Rep for that? :rolleyes:

Would you believe me if I said I was still a newbie back then and didn't know how to do it, and I promise to do it today?! :D

13th September 2010, 19:32
very well said ian :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You are most welcome Rani, you and indeed most of the regular ladies have helped me enormously both on here and Facebook:)

13th September 2010, 20:59
we all have been burnt someway or another , just be carefull in life , when i first started looking for a friend , partner for myself you had so many to chose, looking back i was foolish once a young atractive lady saying hi to me and silly steve got took in , it felt good and it did not cost me much a few pound here and there some gifts in total £30 or less, my advice is to be yourself always ask questions and never send mony until yourself is very very sure , that is unless you want too,:)

13th September 2010, 21:50
Hi every one all good advice thank you.

20th September 2010, 03:12
I have just found out she as got married I am talking to the man's friend on facebook.hand Have posted to him the letter i posted on her cities facebook pages.

20th September 2010, 06:32
oh well...lesson learned. next time, you'll be more careful. :D:D

hmmm, i've been chatting for sooo many years now, but why cant i get to switch to the rich men. as far as i can remember, i had all the chance :Erm::Erm: i chose someone who's also broke :Erm::Erm:

oh well....love. i think i'll be known as the martyr of Fil-UK forum. :Cuckoo::Cuckoo::Cuckoo:

ooops, btw -- WELCOME to the forum!!

seriously, sometimes you just have to experience some things to learn from it. i have given so many advice to my favorite early 90s site "asian singles connection" and made lotsa friends there, i reported suspicious pinay pages too. you're not alone and i hate knowing some pinays ruin it for all of us. gosh, im poor myself. but after learning about them, i never asked my ex from many years ago even a single cent even if he offered many times ( i guess i should've -- he offered anyway :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:)

23rd September 2010, 13:24
Im sorry you got 'scammed' as you call it but not all ladies from philippines are the same. Im sure every country has men/women who want one thing and will be dis honest as possible to get it. Please be positive and dont judge us in nasty way

Take care

It doesn't only happen to foreigners. My ex's mother does that to her filipino husband who work's abroad. Some women are after the money and become materialistic. Not only filipina/filipino do that... I think everywhere in the world some people are like that. Just need to be mindful.

24th September 2010, 00:26
Crikey, I'm new to this site and had no idea that this type of "scamming" happened so frequently. What a horrible experience and I hope that it is not one to be repeated. Please do remember that, as we say in the UK ....... What goes around comes around ...........!

24th September 2010, 00:51
Please do remember that, as we say in the UK.......What goes around comes around...........!

we say this everywhere :rolleyes::rolleyes:

24th September 2010, 20:55

We all have problems in our lives at times, whether it is with people in the UK or from other countries.

Don't give up on Filipinas.

Anything worth having is worth waiting for and there are many people on this forum who have come through bad times to find the right person.

In my experience, there is nothing like the love that a Filipina imparts :)

28th September 2010, 12:49
I had this message sent to my on my facebook I wondered whether anyone agrees that you can love someone you meet on line. I would welcome comments from anyone who met their wives or husbands in chat rooms before actually meeting the person and feel in love.

This guy thinks I am a teenager with teenage emotions by the messages he sends me. I have removed her name as there is no need to name her here.

and since you never have actually physically met her,i don't think you really met her,i think you were infatuated by her coy demure behavior on the web cam ,and fell in love with an artificial woman,pretending to love you,a woman who played the role of someone you could trust and love to the t,i think you should wake up and smell the coffee,because life is short and not worth pondering over people you never actually met ,i think you should save some money and make the trip here to the philippines and see for yourself what a third world country is like,and see how desperate people here are

28th September 2010, 12:54
I'm sorry to hear those bad experience :doh:NoNo:

28th September 2010, 16:47
I had this message sent to my on my facebook I wondered whether anyone agrees that you can love someone you meet on line. I would welcome comments from anyone who met their wives or husbands in chat rooms before actually meeting the person and feel in love.

i am still single but i definitely agree that you can fall in love with someone you meet online... isn't it why you spend a large amount of money to meet her/him in person coz you are falling for her/him?

and since you never have actually physically met her,i don't think you really met her,i think you were infatuated by her coy demure behavior on the web cam ,and fell in love with an artificial woman,pretending to love you,a woman who played the role of someone you could trust and love to the t,i think you should wake up and smell the coffee,because life is short and not worth pondering over people you never actually met ,i think you should save some money and make the trip here to the philippines and see for yourself what a third world country is like,and see how desperate people here are
this comment is very uncalled for... whoever wrote this must be desperately desperate :icon_lol:

28th September 2010, 16:55
........I wondered whether anyone agrees that you can love someone you meet on line..................

I think it depends on the person.
I could never love anyone without meeting first, but my wife said many Filipinos fall in love via text for example.

As long as it makes you happy, as the song goes :Rasp:

1st October 2010, 17:08
Unfortunately scamming by Filipinas on dating sites seems to be rife now....especially by the ones who state that they are 'students'.
It's a racket that is catching on fast.

Yes of course there are millions of genuine nice ladies waiting to meet you too, but putting your sensible head on is a MUST.

Why would anyone send money to someone they've never even met, and to someone who may not even be the person they purport to be ?

You've fallen in love with the idea of being with this gorgeous person. You're acting like a lovesick schoolboy, and you're not thinking straight. Get a grip !

It's quite easy to judge whether they're scamming you or not....IF you read between the lines, and bother to learn something about Filipino culture.

Go to the Phils, meet the lady and treat it as a normal relationship. If you can't do that, or have no intention of doing that, then don't bother corresponding with her at all...not fair to lead her/them on.

2nd October 2010, 17:38
I think some people lose their mind when they enter the world of online dating. This definately isn't limited to Filipina's, you also have Thai, Chinese, Russians etc doing the same. Then we have the Male and Female golddigging scammers from the Western Countries, who can be very evil.
It may be that someone who has been lonely or unhappy, clings on to the good and positive messages that are being sent to them, they will themselves to believe in that person, despite the obvious signs of being taken for a ride. Then even after meeting that person, they convince themselves that it's cultural differences that are the barrier, and they everything will be ok eventually.
But why commit yourself to someone, that your not really ready to be with, only once your comfortable with each other and know each other should you make that commitment. That also includes the financial commitments, because even through your speaking to someone from a poverty stricken country, if the are have a truly good Filipino Heart, they will have far more pride then to ask you for support at this stage. In fact, many of the upstanding girls from the hard backgrounds, will even deny themselves support from you once they are in the UK, and want to work.

The good girls in the Philippines are there, and plentiful. I have met many couples from this forum and another Cebu based forum, and have seen some real success stories. I met some intelligent, beautiful and interesting Filipina's, who's relationship works because both sides have made it work.
The unlucky situations with scamming exist, and sometimes you get a little bite from one, but learn from it and move on. If you really want to find a wonderful Filipina, and are struggling and nervous via the internet dating, then maybe it's time to head out to the Philippines.
Once you've been to the Philippines, you'll understand a lot more the culture, and you'll be able to relate a lot more to the women knowing the reality.

2nd October 2010, 17:47
The good girls in the Philippines are there, and plentiful....................................
Once you've been to the Philippines, you'll understand a lot more the culture, and you'll be able to relate a lot more to the women knowing the reality.

:iagree: Absolutely spot on! Go there!!:Bolt:

2nd October 2010, 18:56
The good girls in the Philippines are there, and plentiful.

The unlucky situations with scamming exist, and sometimes you get a little bite from one, but learn from it and move on. If you really want to find a wonderful Filipina, and are struggling and nervous via the internet dating, then maybe it's time to head out to the Philippines.

i'm an axe murderer...lemme see your wallet...i snore...i fart a lot...

my boyfriend is a very lucky man. :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

2nd October 2010, 19:46
i'm an axe murderer...lemme see your wallet...i snore...i fart a lot...

my boyfriend is a very lucky man. :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

ha ha :cwm3:

2nd October 2010, 19:47
i'm an axe murderer...lemme see your wallet...i snore...i fart a lot...

my boyfriend is a very lucky man. :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

a filipina with a sense of humour :D

3rd October 2010, 00:39
a filipina with a sense of humour :D

who says im joking :rolleyes::rolleyes:


3rd October 2010, 09:18
we say this everywhere :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Karma most assuredly has a long memory too :)

3rd October 2010, 09:30
thats very ouchieeeee... theres many people like that nationwide and worldwide.... forget her and move on.. ur even lucky u didnot end up with her or else u will be sleeping and living in a deceitful woman.. so better forget her, take a step to heal all burdens, and always remember... God has plans for everything.. and theres always light after the dark.... :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd October 2010, 10:39
Karma most assuredly has a long memory too :)

indeed! ;)

thats very ouchieeeee... theres many people like that nationwide and worldwide.... forget her and move on.. ur even lucky u didnot end up with her or else u will be sleeping and living in a deceitful woman.. so better forget her, take a step to heal all burdens, and always remember... God has plans for everything.. and theres always light after the dark.... :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

yes. time has a way of healing things and is also useful to know someone, we can never know someone overnight. and even if you live with that person, you will still discover a lot of things.

ahhh...did i mention im an axe murderer? :Erm: oh yes! :D

3rd October 2010, 10:47
sorry to hear..not all filipina coz my husband sent me money before we met,im here now in glasgow happily married..

3rd October 2010, 11:36
Ah well, you see I had to spend money on my missus from the minute we first spoke to each other, because I met her at work, and every date cost me money

3rd October 2010, 12:34
if anyone is sending money then its there own choice, what makes grown men and women send money to some they have only seen on cam , it takes some trust to do that, start off with something small and see how it goes, but always remember to only send what you can, there was a thread started how much to send not long ago, again if its your own money then its up to you what you do with it , :)

3rd October 2010, 18:04
Ah well, you see I had to spend money on my missus from the minute we first spoke to each other, because I met her at work, and every date cost me money

at least your engaged to her ricky :D, i did one better and married her :xxgrinning--00xx3:
not so easy to say no sometimes, not until you've been in that persons situation, but like my misses use to say when she asked for for things 'it's only money' :icon_lol:
and i've said many times on here, it's easy to spend someone else's hard earned money' :angry:

scammed and used i think are 2 different things :D

3rd October 2010, 18:37
haha I agree, we already have linked bank accounts, I earn, she spends. on the last day of the month we normally have 23 pence in the account.

3rd October 2010, 18:48
haha I agree, we already have linked bank accounts, I earn, she spends. on the last day of the month we normally have 23 pence in the account.

i normally have -£499 (my free overdraft limit) :cwm24:
i think its hard to tell if your being 'scammed' or 'used' until you've met the person, even then it's not always possible to tell, as some members on here have married them, only to find out later :NoNo:

so those on here who say you would never send money to someone you've not met, you've not been in the same situation as them, and remember some have even married them only to discover later they were 'used' or 'scammed' :NoNo:

but dont send money to anyone you've not met :NoNo: and even if you have still be aware there are people who will 'use' or 'scam' you :NoNo:

3rd October 2010, 20:42
so far so good for me and emma , like i have said so many things on here about my life, well my last 3 years, since knowing emma she or her family have never ever asked for anything from me , yes her nieces and nephews have the little buggers, but what kids dont, but giving them 20 pesos here and there you can see the smiles and thanks, xmas time i gave the kids again some pesos and took them shopping in total i think i spent between 10 and 12 pounds on the five off them, emma still never asks for anything but i do put £40 a month into her own account and £10 cash, we shop together no shopping comes out of that money so i am happy giving her that amount and emma so far says its ok, like i said her family have never asked for anything and when the time comes for emma to get work if she can , well things might change then , but i have all the trust in the world for emma i hope she never ever lets me down i wont let her down i know,

5th October 2010, 23:22
I met my wife online (we didnt marry online :P) but she was the second filipina I knew, the first would ask for money constantly due to a new tragedy every few days, but it was always an amount like £500 and I knew I was being scammed, I used to joke about it with my now wife who also knew the person concerned, but I can see how it might seem genuine. I once saw a youtube video of some guy ranting about Filipinas and was saying he owned some website that was like a support group for men who'd been ripped off by Filipinas, he said their most recent guy lost $700usd, but the guy before that was $7000. The guy was pretty jaded towards Filipinos I think but he did offer one bit of advice which I think is crucial: Never send money to somoene you havent ever met.

Ok, I broke the guys one bit of good advice myself, I sent my now wife money before I met her - not huge amounts, and she never asked for it but I knew she needed it, it did cross my mind that she could be a genius scammer who'd lured me into offering money, but she seemed genuine and I took a leap of faith and got lucky, if it was another girl it could've just as easily I know seemed real and I could've been scammed as you were.

As for the first filipina who did try to scam me, even now I wonder if one of her stories might have been true, and my wife and I are still friendly with her-say hi on facebook etc. I think the problem is if you are using chat rooms etc-thats where scammers hang out, regardless of nationality-online really isnt financially safe, even job recruitment sites are filled up with fake employers trying to scam people out of thier hard earned cash, my advice would be that if you want to meet nice Filipinos you're better off going to the Philippines and meeting them there rather than online where you dont even know if the person you are talking to is who they say they are.

I know online dating is equally difficult for girls for different reasons, men may have to dodge the occasional scammer, but my wife said she'd chatted with dozens of men before me and I was the first one who didnt either expose myself or try to get her to expose herself within the first few converstaions. Its a sick virtual-world out there, I think because people can convince themselves its not quite real if its just on the net, so they can behave in a way they wouldnt normally to either extract money or their pervert desires on the person on the other keyboard.

5th October 2010, 23:26
Good post. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Are you from York ? :)

6th October 2010, 00:20
I had this message sent to my on my facebook I wondered whether anyone agrees that you can love someone you meet on line. I would welcome comments from anyone who met their wives or husbands in chat rooms before actually meeting the person and feel in love.

This guy thinks I am a teenager with teenage emotions by the messages he sends me. I have removed her name as there is no need to name her here.

and since you never have actually physically met her,i don't think you really met her,i think you were infatuated by her coy demure behavior on the web cam ,and fell in love with an artificial woman,pretending to love you,a woman who played the role of someone you could trust and love to the t,i think you should wake up and smell the coffee,because life is short and not worth pondering over people you never actually met ,i think you should save some money and make the trip here to the philippines and see for yourself what a third world country is like,and see how desperate people here are

:yikes:Dang! It sounds like she's got him wrapped around her little finger. I'm sorry you went through all that. :( Please believe that not all Filipinas are untrustworthy. In fact, if you look around here, you'll see lots of regulars who are quite happy in their relationships. If you can, just stay away from that couple. You've done your part by trying to warn the guy about her, and now whatever happens between them is no longer your problem.

6th October 2010, 01:11
:yikes:Dang! It sounds like she's got him wrapped around her little finger. I'm sorry you went through all that. :( Please believe that not all Filipinas are untrustworthy. In fact, if you look around here, you'll see lots of regulars who are quite happy in their relationships. If you can, just stay away from that couple. You've done your part by trying to warn the guy about her, and now whatever happens between them is no longer your problem.

i agree here. try to move on now and forget her :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

I know online dating is equally difficult for girls for different reasons, men may have to dodge the occasional scammer, but my wife said she'd chatted with dozens of men before me and I was the first one who didnt either expose myself or try to get her to expose herself within the first few converstaions. Its a sick virtual-world out there, I think because people can convince themselves its not quite real if its just on the net, so they can behave in a way they wouldnt normally to either extract money or their pervert desires on the person on the other keyboard.

GHEE<----pervert :D:D

but you know, in 9 months before i met my boyfriend in person, i could never get him to expose himself :icon_lol::icon_lol: no matter how i bribed him :icon_lol::icon_lol:

now when im angry, i just say, "STRIP!! bend over!! :xxaction-smiley-047"

then he replies, "why dont you strip?" :rolleyes::rolleyes:

i say, "YES, sir!!" :Rasp: right away, sir! :hubbahubba:

6th October 2010, 05:09
:icon_lol: hahaha Ghee! You're such a :crazy: woman! :D you made me laugh again! :Cuckoo:

6th October 2010, 10:42
:icon_lol::icon_lol:thats true Ghee
I also been scammed by my husband ,i thought he love me so dearly and gives whatever pleases me but now we are living together and he only wants my body:D:Rasp:
Anyway, i found a fare solution to this: His properties is ours,his money is ours ,his car is ours and my earnings and money is only ?? MINE:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th October 2010, 11:21
How about the othe way around...met the guy I have been chatting for months and fallen in love..he was british, then got me pregnant and just vanished in thin air...next thing, he was sorry, then gone with the wind again...no support, nothing...found out, he met someone else. So you see, we all had our shares of awful times...guess we should just learned our lesson and move on.

6th October 2010, 11:28
:icon_lol::icon_lol:thats true Ghee
I also been scammed by my husband ,i thought he love me so dearly and gives whatever pleases me but now we are living together and he only wants my body:D:Rasp:
Anyway, i found a fare solution to this: His properties is ours,his money is ours ,his car is ours and my earnings and money is only ?? MINE:xxgrinning--00xx3:

yay :Jump::Jump::Jump:

6th October 2010, 22:24
How about the othe way around...met the guy I have been chatting for months and fallen in love..he was british, then got me pregnant and just vanished in thin air...next thing, he was sorry, then gone with the wind again...no support, nothing...found out, he met someone else. So you see, we all had our shares of awful times...guess we should just learned our lesson and move on.

That is awful behaviour, I'm sorry to hear about that. Should you continue with the child, you can claim maintenance support from him, since the UK and Philippines courts have a linked agreement.

6th October 2010, 23:12
Don't wish to be horrid, but I suppose the above post also demonstrates the importance of using contraception in such situations....where lust may over-ride good sense.

'Takes two to Tango'....but we (naughty men) always seem to end up paying.

6th October 2010, 23:20
'Takes two to Tango'....but we (naughty men) always seem to end up paying.

Well, if the naughty men would raise the children, then the naughty women would be the ones paying, wouldn't they?:icon_lol:

6th October 2010, 23:26
Well I'm raising mine (+ hers before they left home), and never seen a brass farthing from her.

Funny how the cash usually only goes in one direction...and yes she does have a good job.

6th October 2010, 23:42
Well I'm raising mine (+ hers before they left home), and never seen a brass farthing from her.

Funny how the cash usually only goes in one direction...and yes she does have a good job.

:omg: Say what? Please tell me that's not what the law requires. Someone needs to be making changes if that's how it goes in the UK...:crazy: I know I'm a woman and some people would expect me to side with other women, but I think she needs to be responsible for at least some of the expenses.

7th October 2010, 00:33
:icon_lol::icon_lol:thats true Ghee
I also been scammed by my husband ,i thought he love me so dearly and gives whatever pleases me but now we are living together and he only wants my body:D:Rasp:
Anyway, i found a fare solution to this: His properties is ours,his money is ours ,his car is ours and my earnings and money is only ?? MINE:xxgrinning--00xx3:

"what is yours is mine...what's mine is only mine." :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

oh yeah, and did i mention he is only after my body. my VERY sexy body??? :NoNo::NoNo: he loves my fats and my bulges! :Erm::Erm:

he said he won't go for slim women coz only dogs like bones :Cuckoo::Cuckoo:

7th October 2010, 00:35
That is awful behaviour, I'm sorry to hear about that. Should you continue with the child, you can claim maintenance support from him, since the UK and Philippines courts have a linked agreement.

at least...

7th October 2010, 00:47
:icon_lol: hahaha Ghee! You're such a :crazy: woman! :D you made me laugh again! :Cuckoo:

i was born with a built-in straitjacket :rolleyes:

11th October 2010, 07:58
How about the othe way around...met the guy I have been chatting for months and fallen in love..he was british, then got me pregnant and just vanished in thin air...next thing, he was sorry, then gone with the wind again...no support, nothing...found out, he met someone else. So you see, we all had our shares of awful times...guess we should just learned our lesson and move on.

I just heard first hand the reverse of that guy dates here in Cebu after 2 weeks he ends the relationship and the next month the lady informs him she is pregnant.........could he send money

What the lady didnt know was he had had a vasectomy 20 years befor so unless its biblical no chance

11th October 2010, 20:07
Scamming must be a myth as according to Myleene Klass "People in the Philippines don't really ever lie - it's not part of their culture" :laugher:

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/woman/3173472/Myleene-Klass-What-my-mother-taught-me.html#ixzz124wbWJZy

13th October 2010, 08:43
Scamming must be a myth as according to Myleene Klass "People in the Philippines don't really ever lie - it's not part of their culture" :laugher:

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/woman/3173472/Myleene-Klass-What-my-mother-taught-me.html#ixzz124wbWJZy

looks like this woman raised very well by her mother...and all the comments sounds just jealousy to my ears...lol

13th October 2010, 09:50
Scamming must be a myth as according to Myleene Klass "People in the Philippines don't really ever lie - it's not part of their culture" :laugher:

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/woman/3173472/Myleene-Klass-What-my-mother-taught-me.html#ixzz124wbWJZy

She may have no Idea about the Philippines but she classed all filipinos as how she was brought up by her parents, sounds like a real good girl:rolleyes:

'' It's better to live openly and honestly ''

13th October 2010, 10:10
She's gorgeous....and I didn't realise her mum is a Filipina.

Silly me ! :rolleyes:

13th October 2010, 12:12
looks like this woman raised very well by her mother...and all the comments sounds just jealousy to my ears...lol

my same opinion too, sis.

13th October 2010, 12:15
Scamming must be a myth as according to Myleene Klass "People in the Philippines don't really ever lie - it's not part of their culture" :laugher:

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/woman/3173472/Myleene-Klass-What-my-mother-taught-me.html#ixzz124wbWJZy

I wonder how much time Myleene has spent in the Philuippines herself?

As for "People in the Philippines don't really ever lie" my soon to be ex was the exception to that everything was a lie!


16th October 2010, 21:37
Haha! If we were completely unable to lie, we'd all be in trouble as a country. Imagine just how many other people would take advantage of that trait.:rolleyes:

And I hope you find someone better, Mick.

19th October 2010, 01:38
It's scary how many bad filipinas are out there. That being said, they are far far far outweighed by the decent ones were married too. There isnt a country on earth who doesnt have good peeps and bad peeps. And if you think Filipinas are bad, try doing the dating thing with ex USSR girl, boy , they can skin u alive before you know yer dead hehehe.
Like everyones said, be cautious in the early days, a decent girl wont ask for money, if she does refuse and see what happens. If you never hear from her again you've had a lucky escape.

22nd October 2010, 23:10
As for "People in the Philippines don't really ever lie" my soon to be ex was the exception to that everything was a lie!

Her statements are a bit naive but clearly driven from her own experience of her family, you tend to believe what your parents tell you.

I know you had a terrible dreadful time Mick and I will not diminish that but I think Dedworth is maybe being a bit unkind to this lassie, the story is a typical Filipino "made good" story and they are not all fiction.

The modern generation of Filipino youth are probably more worldly wise and pay lip service to the values of the previous generation, that is certainly true in some cases but let's not stereotype all Filipino's.

Regards lying, it is a skill that I have always had trouble with as I am not good at it and yes the inability to socially lie can be a real problem in life, often a white lie can smooth over otherwise difficult circumstances but I'd rather avoid lying in the first place, it makes me uncomfortable.


I should read all the posts before I comment lots of folk already said what I said :)

22nd October 2010, 23:39
:omg: Say what? Please tell me that's not what the law requires. Someone needs to be making changes if that's how it goes in the UK...:crazy: I know I'm a woman and some people would expect me to side with other women, but I think she needs to be responsible for at least some of the expenses.

British Law requires both parents to contribute, if the children are resident in the UK and both parents are resident in the UK then the calculations of support for the children are worked out based on who has custody of the children and on a proportionate basis of the earnings of both parents.

Saying that the system is vastly unfair and causes great pain to all concerned.

My personal knowledge of this? Well I have a lovely 24 year old daughter and one way or another we managed to avoid the Child Support Agency for 19 years. We did both contribute my ex partner (a Scottish lassie) worked sometimes and I gave everything I could whether Shona was working or not, it was not easy for either of us but our reward is our grown up daughter Gemma who has made us both proud.

I hope I do as well for my new Filipino daughter Gemma's little sister who is only 3 years old just now :)


Not the first time I have posted this picture here :) I am very proud of my daughter!

23rd October 2010, 00:18
My ex (Filipina) and I had the same arrangement with my boy when he was living with her...just a mutually agreed amount and no court involvement.

Just as the child support people tried to poke their noses in, he came to live with me anyway,
and still does.

No money from her though. :rolleyes:

23rd October 2010, 00:29
I wonder how much time Myleene has spent in the Philuippines herself?

i remember watching Mylene Class on a gameshow are you smarter than a 10yr old and was quite impressed to hear her speak a little tagalog!

23rd October 2010, 00:52
Myleene Klass.:hubbahubba:

23rd October 2010, 06:20
Scamming must be a myth as according to Myleene Klass "People in the Philippines don't really ever lie - it's not part of their culture" :laugher:

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/woman/3173472/Myleene-Klass-What-my-mother-taught-me.html#ixzz124wbWJZy

:laugher: Just goes to show Myleene knows absolutley nothing of the filipino culture! :olddude:

I been living in the philippines for 5 years before anyone wants to bash me :)
Am glad my wife and i are off next friday back to freezing uk. LOL myleene she really needs to visit her roots!

24th October 2010, 21:26
I just heard first hand the reverse of that guy dates here in Cebu after 2 weeks he ends the relationship and the next month the lady informs him she is pregnant.........could he send money

What the lady didnt know was he had had a vasectomy 20 years befor so unless its biblical no chance

I've heard of this happening before. :crazy:

25th October 2010, 03:39
Reading this from the uk guys perspective is no different than someone pointed out earlier for OFW's, I have about 50 filipino guys working for me right now, they earn very very good money but not one of them tells their families the real amount they earn.

They all send back agreed amounts but make sure they keep most of it to themselves, the reason? they send enough to help support their families with food and rent and school,these they see as necessities. They all say they dont and wont send more as their siblings will just enjoy/waste it. Very often when they go home for a month they take their immediate families on holiday for this time to avoid going back to their own towns/provinces and being begged by other family members for money.

its just the way it is. And is similar all over the world, if your living at home and your brother is away working hard and sending lots of money home for you to waste, suddenly there is no motivation to work.

I have one guy whose brother i fired 6 months ago is back in phils, he came to me the other day saying hes off on vacation and is going to give his brother money to help him out for now,, i asked if his brother had found work back in manila, yes he had tried a couple of jobs but didnt like them so quit them, suddenly some of his colleagues heard us chatting and came over, after 2 mins of advice from them he decided its maybe better his brother found another job instead of him giving the money.

25th October 2010, 07:18
I've posted on here many times its easy to spend someone else's hard earned money..:cwm24:

when does helping someone become being taken advantage of :Erm:

26th October 2010, 23:12
Haha I love it ..... "I have been cheated by my husband, he just wants my body ....." :xxgrinning-00xx3:

Will recognize much of the discussion here from Thailand. It is sad that some poor girls must destroy the reputation of all girls ... I know there are lots of nice honest girls in Thailand and at philippines. Sure you have to be a bit alert and react to everything that seems fishy.

Maybe I got lucky, but the first girl I met in Asia, had a good job and earned almost as much money as me. She insisted to come to Sweden and visit me. I helped her with the visa but she paid her own plane ticket. In addition, she paid trip for a girl friend who went with her.
Now I'm not stingy, so I paid her back by helping her build the house ready for her parents. She herself lives in a pretty fairly house about 40 minutes from Bkk center.

I still have contact with her and we talk quite often on the phone. She wants me to move down to her. She has even offered to support me ...! Some say I'm crazy not accept the offer. What do you think? But I think she is a little young for me .... she is 33 and I'm 54 ..... I also think I'm too young for a stable relationship ..... there is much more to discover .... :hubbahubba:

Write this with tongue in cheek :Wave:

26th October 2010, 23:57
When the person you're helping has stopped working to earn what you're offering and has learned to just ask you for what they could otherwise have gotten on their own. This includes people who don't really ask but tell you their sob stories anyway. Also, there's no denying that people will ask for necessities and not just frivolous wants, but if they rely on you to provide whatver they could have gotten themselves if they got off their lazy asses, that's already them taking advantage of you.

LOL. It happens to the best of us. Just cut them off as soon as you notice the change.

12th November 2010, 12:32
:doh The topic was quite frustrating, and it seems very bad experience, yeah in my side, it is really
on how you dig up that woman's background even if you never see in person, as for example, knowing her family, friends, and other, that may help you what

her real intentions.My boyfriend is an Italian citizen, who work
in UK for 12 years, we do not meet
in person eversince and our relationships lasted for almost 2 years
now.And sincerely, I do love him truly.There is no faking or etc. and now we are engaged. He also send me money just for almost 4 months from now.:Rasp::Rasp:It is because he is also the reason why I fired out on the firm I worked. He never let me go to strategic planning held in Bohol
for two months, the reason is he will be missing me, of course there
wouldn't be phones calls,He let me choose between him or the project I have,of course, I became scared of losing him so I go for him...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th November 2010, 14:07
she is 33 and I'm 54 ..... I also think I'm too young for a stable relationship ..... there is much more to discover .... :hubbahubba:

it says in your window that you're 44.... which is which???? :rolleyes:

12th November 2010, 14:14
:My boyfriend is an Italian citizen, who work
in UK for 12 years, we do not meet
in person eversince and our relationships lasted for almost 2 years
now.And sincerely, I do love him truly.There is no faking or etc. and now we are engaged.

you've never met him after 2yrs :Erm:, if you have not, why ? , and why are you planning to come to the uk and your b/f is not visiting you in the phils, its so easier for him to go to the phils than for you to get a visit visa to the UK.

12th November 2010, 19:58
:doh The topic was quite frustrating, and it seems very bad experience, yeah in my side, it is really
on how you dig up that woman's background even if you never see in person, as for example, knowing her family, friends, and other, that may help you what

her real intentions.My boyfriend is an Italian citizen, who work
in UK for 12 years, we do not meet
in person eversince and our relationships lasted for almost 2 years
now.And sincerely, I do love him truly.There is no faking or etc. and now we are engaged. He also send me money just for almost 4 months from now.:Rasp::Rasp:It is because he is also the reason why I fired out on the firm I worked. He never let me go to strategic planning held in Bohol
for two months, the reason is he will be missing me, of course there
wouldn't be phones calls,He let me choose between him or the project I have,of course, I became scared of losing him so I go for him...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Please read back your reply to yourself, and discover what a selfish **** you have been saving yourself for. :NoNo:

Sorry to be so blunt, but no other way of saying it.

Find yourself a new man who loves you enough to want to be WITH you, and to want YOU to be happy and successful in whatever YOU choose to do.

Start looking now !

2nd December 2010, 06:35
Just been back, anyway thank you for the advice graham, and right joe,..so scary to think but it is all true, and know we see each other for a long time, and exactly what we feel is real. And to keep you not in doubts...He is now in Philippines having two weeks holiday...We are spending each time to my family. and to ourselves together...:D Thank you anyway for all the concerns..;)

6th December 2010, 13:13

sorry to hear about your bad experiences with your girl. i know all of us looking for someone that we could love and trust.

i hate to say this, but like this woman some descent woman also affected with their scams.

i chat for awhile with a nice man in skype but because he had also bad experienced with a woman here in the philippines with regards to money, he stopped our communication. even though i told him and been honest to him that i am educated and looking for real relationship. i dont need his money because i am working hard for my family. even worked abroad for over 10 years to give my children good education. now i am free again and wants some happiness.

good luck for both us. hope we could find the true person.

19th December 2010, 12:50

sorry to hear about your bad experiences with your girl. i know all of us looking for someone that we could love and trust.

i hate to say this, but like this woman some descent woman also affected with their scams.

i chat for awhile with a nice man in skype but because he had also bad experienced with a woman here in the philippines with regards to money, he stopped our communication. even though i told him and been honest to him that i am educated and looking for real relationship. i dont need his money because i am working hard for my family. even worked abroad for over 10 years to give my children good education. now i am free again and wants some happiness.

good luck for both us. hope we could find the true person.

Hi Angel 04,:Wave:
You and I also have a lot in common it seems I am divorcing a Filipina who I loved very much but she used my love to deceive and scam me, for a lot of money, and a visa to be in the UK.

Hopefully we will be able to trust another to form a relationship but it will take time.
Being able to trust your partner is so important to me, there can be no relationship without it.

19th December 2010, 13:50
Hope you get someone decent Mick,your ex was rotten to the core,scheming and manipulative,she certainly didnt deserve the decency and respect she got from a guy like you,I know a very nice lady aged 44,she is a psychiatrist,a very pure lady living in Davao,she would be ideal for a guy like you,happy christmas Mick.

19th December 2010, 14:31
Hope you get someone decent Mick,your ex was rotten to the core,scheming and manipulative,she certainly didnt deserve the decency and respect she got from a guy like you,I know a very nice lady aged 44,she is a psychiatrist,a very pure lady living in Davao,she would be ideal for a guy like you,happy christmas Mick.

Thank you Tawi2,:Wave:
I have been introduced to a very nice Filipina by another member here,
We are getting to know each other.

I am concerned that I do not inflict anything in our friendship that my past wife taught me the hard way.

My biggest worry is that now I am retired and do receive some housing benefit towards my rent, that along with having only small savings I will not be able to show that I could support her if we were to develop our friendship into a relationship.

I am worried I could be stringing her along, at the moment I could not even afford to visit her,
She does know how I feel and is ok with taking things as we can.


19th December 2010, 14:44
Hope things turn out well for you Mick,and never worry about finances mate,money comes and goes like tide,your not stringing her along,your just being honest with her,true love has a habit of resolving situations which seem impossible at first;) as my kid always tells me when I am feeling a little low "You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think"(a quote he always remembered from Winnie the Pooh)be lucky in love Mick,merry christmas:)

19th December 2010, 15:19
wishing you all the best mick :)

19th December 2010, 15:57
Yes, good luck Mick.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I have to admit...no woman deserves a miserable broke halfwit like me...well, according to my ever-loving son anyway. :icon_lol:

19th December 2010, 16:02
Yes, good luck Mick.:xxgrinning--00xx

Thank you Tawi2, Rani and Grahamw48.

stevie c
19th December 2010, 16:36
mick i wish you all the happiness in the world &i hope your new found friendship is a happy one :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th December 2010, 00:52
Mick, life has strange ways of changing for us. dont forget to do the lottery this week :)

20th December 2010, 02:06
Mick, life has strange ways of changing for us. dont forget to do the lottery this week :)

I have never had a go on it as yet, perhaps with the new year I should:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th December 2010, 05:44
Just been back, anyway thank you for the advice graham, and right joe,..

20th December 2010, 10:45
I am so pleased for you.
I also believe our lifetime experiences build up over time and define ever new envirnoments for us. Sometimes ones we would never have predicted, and may not even recognise.

It may be wonderful, it may not, but it will always be different.

Life happens and changes shape over the minutes, days and years.

Mick, you're an honest decent bloke live for the minutes. Don't worry about the days and years. Enjoy what you can.
One morning you will wake up in that different life hopefully it will be wonderful.

God Bless, Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2011

20th December 2010, 10:54
I am so pleased for you.
I also believe our lifetime experiences build up over time and define ever new envirnoments for us. Sometimes ones we would never have predicted, and may not even recognise.

It may be wonderful, it may not, but it will always be different.

Life happens and changes shape over the minutes, days and years.

Mick, you're an honest decent bloke live for the minutes. Don't worry about the days and years. Enjoy what you can.
One morning you will wake up in that different life hopefully it will be wonderful.

God Bless, Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2011

Thank you Terpe:Jump:
All the best for Christmas and new year to you and yours too.

20th December 2010, 11:29
Hi Angel 04,:Wave:
You and I also have a lot in common it seems I am divorcing a Filipina who I loved very much but she used my love to deceive and scam me, for a lot of money, and a visa to be in the UK.

Hopefully we will be able to trust another to form a relationship but it will take time.
Being able to trust your partner is so important to me, there can be no relationship without it.

hi mick

i read about your bad relationship with your wife. i know for sure you still deserve to have another chance, she's only one of a bad fish in the ocean. hope you will not give up to find another girl in the philippines. so many stories in forum that testified how great to have a filipina wife.

take care and good luck

Doc Alan
20th December 2010, 11:31
Thank you Tawi2,:Wave:
I have been introduced to a very nice Filipina by another member here,
We are getting to know each other.

This is good news Mick, it deserves to be in the "Celebration" category :xxgrinning--00xx3:
While I can fully understand your caution, you should have the confidence which comes from self-respect and also the respect you have here on the forum. Those people who believe they are always right and never make mistakes simply lack insight ! We all experience unfair events in life. My private messages (here and on facebook), phone calls, and relationships (professional and social) with others are daily reminders ! That's why I can sincerely wish you all the best :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

20th December 2010, 11:32
Hi Mick,

Hope things will go for best in the coming years. Year 2010 got its own surprises:xxgrinning--00xx3:
You deserve someone who does not after any money or whatever material things you can offer.

20th December 2010, 11:38
This is good news Mick, it deserves to be in the "Celebration" category :xxgrinning--00xx3:
While I can fully understand your caution, you should have the confidence which comes from self-respect and also the respect you have here on the forum. Those people who believe they are always right and never make mistakes simply lack insight ! We all experience unfair events in life. My private messages (here and on facebook), phone calls, and relationships (professional and social) with others are daily reminders ! That's why I can sincerely wish you all the best :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

Thank you Angel04 and Doc Alan:Wave:
I am still waiting for my Decree absolute which will now be in early Jan hopefully and so am not free untill then anyhow.
Despite how my wife acted I belive if you act honestly you have more hope of having honesty returned.

We will move into the new year with renewed hope:xxgrinning--00xx3:

All the best,

20th December 2010, 18:36
hi Mick, well who knows what may happen in the future , you have started right by saying how it is , so the only way now is forward, wish you all the happiness in the world Mick really do , have a happy xmas and a great new year , p s the barong is still here waiting if ever you might need it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
20th December 2010, 18:43
I have been introduced to a very nice Filipina by another member here,
We are getting to know each other.

She does know how I feel and is ok with taking things as we can.


Mick, my friend ... I'm delighted :BouncyHappy: to read your great news. In my "book" all of us deserve true happiness ... and none more so than a thoroughly decent man like your goodself - who's gone through so much emotional pain and turmoil in recent years!!!

You're also very well-respected here, as being a guy with a lot of common sense ... hence it's understandable you'll wish to take things slowly at this early stage ... and each of your many friends and co-forumers wish you all the luck in the world! :xxgrinning--00xx3: Is she already living in the UK, MicK?

20th December 2010, 19:11
Mick, my friend ... I'm delighted :BouncyHappy: to read your great news. In my "book" all of us deserve true happiness ... and none more so than a thoroughly decent man like your goodself - who's gone through so much emotional pain and turmoil in recent years!!!

You're also very well-respected here, as being a guy with a lot of common sense ... hence it's understandable you'll wish to take things slowly at this early stage ... and each of your many friends and co-forumers wish you all the luck in the world! :xxgrinning--00xx3: Is she already living in the UK, MicK?

Thank you Steve and Arthur for your kind words and good wishes:Jump:

The lady lives in the Philippines, and if we were to proceed to being together after meeting, I have real worries if I could show that I could support her, in line with requirements as they are now, as I do now since retiring get some housing benift.

Plus of course the other expenses, I do of course realise it is well worth it if it works out ok, but we are very early day as yet.


21st December 2010, 11:17
Hi Mick

too soon to worry, one step at a time. just be honest with her about your situation now and if she stayed by your side, means she's real too.

wish you Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year...

4th January 2011, 05:50
Hi everyone.

I thought I meet the special someone. This time last year. Then in March she started chatting with a richer man and said she loved me but he was offering enough money to go to college and look after her family. In May she told me she was no longer in contact with this other man, from May she always had a reason why she needed more money then her allowance so she was getting double. Last week she said she was going to stay with her brother in Manila to look for work. On Sunday she told me she was going the next day by bus and since then her phone been off. I found out on Tuesday that she went to Manila to meet the other man and she already had her visa for flying out and the last few months was all about getting as much money from as she could from me this is not the first time I have heard of this happening. So I ask does every Filipino have such low morals as many seem to behave like this.

<I'm really sorry to hear that well I can say that were in the same situation Yes I am a filipina and I know how it feels to be treated like a door mat by somebody you love, as you can see I'm married with a filipino as well we have 2 kids my eldest is 3 and my youngest is just 6 months old, you know what sucks I never ever ever compelled him to support us even when I was pregnant I purdued my studies and when I gave birth I started to work as a student assistant with my parents patience I was able to graduate and started to work in a call centerthen he came back and we had another baby which is my youngest it sucks cause he was cheating, "he said that his going to leave I never stopped him, he wanted to take my child of course I reacted and did not allowed him to do that on 12/26/2010 I was admitted to the hospital to have my forehead stitched because of him..<stupid me> anyway thats the time when I realized that his better off without us. Thanks to my parent's hopefully by march i would be able to leave the country and study and work in the UK...

And I know a lot of people who do those kind of things.. so next time <an advice to both of us> NEVER GIVE YOUR HEART TO ANY1 JUST LIKE THAT... God Speed...wew that was long:icon_lol:

4th January 2011, 06:01
Hi everyone.

. So I ask does every Filipino have such low morals as many seem to behave like this.
I'm sorry to hear that and I know how you feel I'm a Filipina as well and I beg to disagree...well I do know some people ho does that but not all Filipina's are the same. I can tell how it hurts its so unfair to be treated like a doormat by somebody you loved, well as for me and my "KIND HUSBAND/filipino" his better off without me and his kids, thanks to him after christmas just got my forehead stitched, and thank's to my parent's patience hopefully in God's will I would be able to study and work in UK this march....<an advice for the both of us> NEVER GIVE UR HEART 2 ANY1 JUST LIKE THAT...God Speed <wew that was long :icon_lol:>

4th January 2011, 06:04
so true

4th January 2011, 08:23
<I'm really sorry to hear that well I can say that were in the same situation Yes I am a filipina and I know how it feels to be treated like a door mat by somebody you love, as you can see I'm married with a filipino as well we have 2 kids my eldest is 3 and my youngest is just 6 months old, you know what sucks I never ever ever compelled him to support us even when I was pregnant I purdued my studies and when I gave birth I started to work as a student assistant with my parents patience I was able to graduate and started to work in a call centerthen he came back and we had another baby which is my youngest it sucks cause he was cheating, "he said that his going to leave I never stopped him, he wanted to take my child of course I reacted and did not allowed him to do that on 12/26/2010 I was admitted to the hospital to have my forehead stitched because of him..<stupid me> anyway thats the time when I realized that his better off without us. Thanks to my parent's hopefully by march i would be able to leave the country and study and work in the UK...

And I know a lot of people who do those kind of things.. so next time <an advice to both of us> NEVER GIVE YOUR HEART TO ANY1 JUST LIKE THAT... God Speed...wew that was long:icon_lol:

Hi Ana082385,:Wave:
You have been treated very badly by a man you seem to have truly loved!
From what you have said, its not that he is better off without him,
It is you who are better off without him.

I hope he will at least help support his children.

4th January 2011, 08:41
Thank you Angel04 and Doc Alan:Wave:
I am still waiting for my Decree absolute which will now be in early Jan hopefully and so am not free untill then anyhow.
Despite how my wife acted I belive if you act honestly you have more hope of having honesty returned.

We will move into the new year with renewed hope:xxgrinning--00xx3:

All the best,

Hi Mick,
Just catching up on missed threads (due to punishing work schedule) and noticed this one.
Your situation looks promising.
Although most of us don't really know the other people here in the forum personally, you seem a nice bloke.
I would just like to wish you and your new lady friendship, happiness and good luck :)

14th February 2011, 17:19
:love::love::love:very well said Engliishman2010 ,,, not all filipina are the same, sorry for all of you who had a bad experience with pinays and congratulation to the rest who was never put off by one experience and still went to find the pinay of their dream,,,good luck to all of you and happy hearts day to all

14th February 2011, 22:22
:omg: Say what? Please tell me that's not what the law requires. Someone needs to be making changes if that's how it goes in the UK...:crazy: I know I'm a woman and some people would expect me to side with other women, but I think she needs to be responsible for at least some of the expenses.

im reading through this older post for the 1st time, children and maintenence mmmm,
my x after being married for 13 years, she went off left me with 3 daughters after she had broken and broke me, and took every penny house furniture, everything, a week after she left she offered to me easy leagal custody of my daughters in exchange for me agreeing to a quick divorce,
i took her to court for maintenence for my 3 daughters , she objected to paying, finaly a measly pitence was agreed by the court, it was well under £5 for all 3 girls not each, now what i want to say is about the descrimination, had this been the other way around, i would have been taken for every penny i had, mind you she had already seen to that lol, hows that for a scammer and thats an english woman, :laugher:

14th February 2011, 22:54
Sounds familiar. :rolleyes:

My (Filipina) ex went off with someone else after we'd been married 12 years.

I supported and had full access to our son until 3 years ago (I picked him up every weekend), whereupon, and with 2 weeks notice she let me know (through my then 14 year-old son) that she would be moving to Sweden, and my son would be living with me.

At this time I lived 60 miles away from them...so I had 2 weeks to sort out a home for us close to my boy's school.

I'm delighted to have custody of my son, but of course I've never received a penny in support from her....but it doesn't work that way, does it. :NoNo:

I also supported and brought up her other 2 children (my step-children) from them being toddlers, including bringing them to England of course, but they'd gone off to University when she decided to up and leave. I still have a good relationship with them, and they do come and stay sometimes.

15th February 2011, 05:33
i have two kids form my first marriage, i currently have to pay, 650 quid a month in maintenance for them. (which i wouldnt mind if i knew the money was being spent on the kids, but my ex is remarried and they have a kids together, )he also has 2 kids from his firdt mariage staying with them.

I end up paying for everyone.

Hopefully moving back to UK soon, and the girls will be much more than what they are now so money will be reduced significantly (can see this turning into huge argurements.....

15th February 2011, 09:11
:yikes::yikes::yikes:,,,,wow that is too much for two kids if they are in the philippines,,,,she and her new husband dont need to work anymore,,,,,dont be too soft,,,,,:xxaction-smiley-047:xxaction-smiley-047:xxaction-smiley-047,,,,,

Ako Si Jamie
15th February 2011, 23:17
Who says you have to pay £650 per month?

16th February 2011, 01:14
Guys, please do not fall for a Filipina who asks for money. It's definitely not acceptable. There are loads in the Philippines, who are sincere and looking for lifetime commitment and not financial stability ONLY. So please, i beg of you, be wise in choosing your ONE and ONLY and not the one who asks for MONEY. :)

16th February 2011, 01:16
No chance with me. :icon_lol: