View Full Version : not better

15th September 2010, 16:52
i caught my old boy in my zip yesterday so i put margerine on it :xxgrinning--00xx3:woke up this morning and cant believe its not better!!!!!:Help1:

15th September 2010, 20:02
was that butter or better and no wonder you are still alone :icon_lol::icon_lol:,

15th September 2010, 22:52
Hi, that makes mt eyes water thinking about it:bigcry:

16th September 2010, 00:34
should of used marmite :Erm:

16th September 2010, 09:19
toothpaste is the answer, smothered all over lol if it dont work, try acid :omg:

Agree..Toothpaste is a miracle cure.

Arthur Little
16th September 2010, 15:54
i caught my old boy in my zip yesterday

:cwm24: ... ouuuuuuch! Know the feeling, Ash!

16th September 2010, 17:02
should have used vaseline petroleum jelly! urgh! that must hurt? :NoNo:

werent you wearing a pants? :hubbahubba:

Arthur Little
16th September 2010, 17:11
werent you wearing a pants? :hubbahubba:

:icon_lol: ... he probably would've been, Clarice ... since he's Welsh ... and therefore unlikely to wear a :Kilt:

16th September 2010, 17:23
:icon_lol: ... he probably would've been, Clarice ... since he's Welsh ... and therefore unlikely to wear a :Kilt:

oh blimey! :doh:doh

hey ash! how soar it is now then? does it need medical attention or love attention? :D:D:D

Arthur Little
16th September 2010, 18:54
oh blimey! :doh:doh

"Blimey!?" ... now there's a right 'English' expression if ever there was!

hey ash! how soar it is now then? does it need medical attention or love attention? :D:D:D

Hmm ... :rolleyes: reckon he's hoping to be "buttered-up" ... since he's already ""tried"" Marg.

16th September 2010, 19:33
You wanna get a button fly :NoNo:

Doc Alan
16th September 2010, 21:21
does it need medical attention or love attention? :D:D:D
I'm off duty :yikes:

17th September 2010, 16:41

17th September 2010, 17:08
Reminds me of the Catholic man who found the face of Jesus in his margarine. Excited, he ran to tell his Asian neighbour, who took a look at it and said, "I can't believe it's not Buddha!"

18th September 2010, 16:21
oh thats baddddddd :xxgrinning--00xx3: