View Full Version : is there any medical test needed for spouse visa?

17th September 2010, 03:04
i will just ask if is there any need for chest xray or any medical test if you are going to apply for spouse visa?my husband is from UK..i have problems with my lungs and diagnosed having PTB. Im having my medication at this moment but im not sure if i will get well soon..im worried if this may affect my application for spouse and cant enter to UK specially at thier airport since they ask for medical check..:bigcry:

17th September 2010, 07:51
Hello starbright!

dont worry about having PTB as you are on your treatment now. How long have you been treating your lung problems? 2 weeks of treatment will no longer communicable but you have to carry on taking your medicines until the time what your Doctor told you. Normally its 6 to 8 months treatment and you'll get another chest xray to see if you have anymore spots or signs of PTB.

With regards to your visa application, there is no need for you to get a medical but when you get your visa you will need to show your latest chest xray at the heathrow airport and show them your diagnosis and prescriptions that you are under madication. Then i think they will refer you to the nearest General Practitioner (GP) round where you will stay and live for further monitoring.

Oryt? Hope that helps! Goodluck and hope you get better...:):):)

Doc Alan
17th September 2010, 08:44
Sillybilly has answered your questions correctly as far as I'm aware.
Just to remind you (and every member) that tuberculosis affects about a third of the world's population. Almost all of these are in developing countries, so immigration is the major reason for cases in the UK. It's vital to have the correct treatment which means with 2 or 3 drugs for several months. Your GP should make sure the drugs are correct, in which case there's an excellent chance of cure :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th September 2010, 11:17
Thank you for the reply. May i ask what if the case is I already treated last year and my previous xray was essentially normal but leaving a TB scar and when I had my latest x ray last week, it says stable PTB , which means my xray before and the latest are just the same.. there are already TB scars leaving in my lungs, so my Doctor says everytime I will have my x-ray , it will be shown that I have a history in TB because of the scar...My Doctor give me some anti biotics at this moment but will not undergo anymore medication for six months because I already treated but these anti biotics could not guarantee that the scar will removed when I will have my xray again soon..I am worried because of the scar..

..If it happen that my visa will approve, Is this scar on my chest xray will be a problem during my entry in the airport at UK?are they going to deport me when they will see that I had TB history? my husband didnt know about my case..Should I open it to Him?

17th September 2010, 12:08
Thank you for the reply. May i ask what if the case is I already treated last year and my previous xray was essentially normal but leaving a TB scar and when I had my latest x ray last week, it says stable PTB , which means my xray before and the latest are just the same.. there are already TB scars leaving in my lungs, so my Doctor says everytime I will have my x-ray , it will be shown that I have a history in TB because of the scar...My Doctor give me some anti biotics at this moment but will not undergo anymore medication for six months because I already treated but these anti biotics could not guarantee that the scar will removed when I will have my xray again soon..I am worried because of the scar..

..If it happen that my visa will approve, Is this scar on my chest xray will be a problem during my entry in the airport at UK?are they going to deport me when they will see that I had TB history? my husband didnt know about my case..Should I open it to Him?

It will never be a problem. The TB scar on your lungs will probably gonna be there for life but as long as you get a written report from your doctor and some of your medical records saying that you have been treated by such and such and that your TB is no longer active and communicable.

The only problem is it might come back when you are expose again with someone who is a carrier or who have TB. Thats why you need to be very careful with your lungs now. And its best to keep a copy of all your medical treatment and xrays for future reference.

So when you get your visa and you get to the Health Control Area at the airport, just show them all your xrays and written report from your doctor. There shouldnt be a problem with that. But i think they will ask you to register to your nearest GP so they could keep a record and monitor your health.

Hope that it helps you out with your worries..:):)

Doc Alan
17th September 2010, 12:31
Guess I can retire now !
There is a new expert on the forum :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th September 2010, 12:44
Guess I can retire now !
There is a new expert on the forum :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Too young to retire Doc! :D:D

it was part of my nursing studies and experienced so got a bit of knowlege to share....which is good.:D:D

And if you're thinking having your own clinic, you need an experienced nurse dont you? so "ehem!" :D:D

17th September 2010, 12:44
thank u so much for the assistance which keeps my worries free.:).Should I open this to my husband ?he didn't knew about my physical condition..

Arthur Little
17th September 2010, 13:24
Several years ago, in the course of a routine healthcheck, I had a chest x-ray which revealed slight scarring on my lungs ... indicative of my having had tuberculosis as a young child. Oddly enough, shortly after my eighth birthday in 1952, I was signed-off school and confined to a period of 3 months' bed rest suffering from - what my mother had always believed - had been enlarged glands in my back. :rolleyes:

Yet, here I am ... nearer 70 than 60 ... apparently a healthy specimen - despite advancing age. Whatever it was the doctors had diagnosed in my dim and distant past, modern medicine has rendered TB as being no longer the scourge it once was. :nono-1-1:

So follow Doc Alan's advice, try not to worry overmuch and :welcomex: to the filipino/uk forum.

Arthur Little
17th September 2010, 13:44
thank u so much for the assistance which keeps my worries free.:).Should I open this to my husband ?he didn't knew about my physical condition..

I don't [think] it would do any harm. :NoNo: Besides it's normal for husbands and wives to confide in one another. But there again, :rolleyes: it is your decision entirely! :anerikke:

17th September 2010, 14:19
thank you so much ..I really appreciate your message..:Jump:

Doc Alan
17th September 2010, 14:33
Too young to retire Doc! :D:D

it was part of my nursing studies and experienced so got a bit of knowlege to share....which is good.:D:D

And if you're thinking having your own clinic, you need an experienced nurse dont you? so "ehem!" :D:D
Of course the forum needs you Sillybilly (Nurse Clarice would be far better!). I'm actually retired (from paid work) but contributing to the forum keeps my brain active (which MAY prevent Alzheimer's).
I'm not thinking of a clinic , but a nurse to give me 24 hour care might be useful :xxgrinning--00xx3:
However TB is a serious condition and members may not have realised how common it is still, but as we have said, treatable with the right drugs :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th September 2010, 13:39
Not sure you would be turned away at UK border control , my wife arrived 2 weeks ago with NO x ray and was told she would get a follow up letter inviting her to a local hospital for a x ray , so far we have not recevied anything !!