View Full Version : why most filipina chooses to marry a foreigner

20th September 2010, 13:07
lets reverse bhers question lol....

as for me i never planned nor wanted to marry a foreigner before but seeing this lovely half filipino half foreigner kids on TV's , commercials etc...and having met a wonderful person made me change my mind :)

20th September 2010, 13:11
lets reverse bhers question lol....

as for me i never planned nor wanted to marry a foreigner before but seeing this lovely half filipino half foreigner kids on TV's , commercials etc...and having met a wonderful person made me change my mind :)

and they say no matter what you mix with filipino blood, the end result is always good ;);) i still hope i'll have one.

as for me, i dont see myself with another filipino. and i have always hated our weather and polution, it's killing me slowly. it's for health reasons too since i'm diabetic. i like cold, rain, snow and sunshine. i want a place with 4 seasons thats why i love it when my choir travels. it made me addicted to airplanes.

i may not get my white picket fence but i dreamed of taking care of a family in a nice setting. i love cooking, gardening, pets, im the DIY kind too, not afraid to hold a hammer, i split things to know how to put it together hahaha.

a plain jane but can be glamorous when needed ^_^

20th September 2010, 13:23
Not sure why my missus went for a foreigner because she was horrified by the idea when we first met, but after a lot of chasing, taking her out on dates and plying her with red wine, she eventually came around to the idea and fell in love with me. She'd probably have been happy with any nationality if they treated her right, including Filipino.

20th September 2010, 13:35
Same as Ricky, I think the idea seemed quite absurd to her when we first met. She saw me as nothing more than a penpal at first, at least until I said I'd like to visit her and try and win her heart.

20th September 2010, 16:23
It was never planned ..i just call it a fortunate accident meeting my husband and after years of deliberation we finally got married..

It was more of his character/attitude/values/faith and degree of hilarity that knocks me off my feet and makes me fall in love even more each day and him being a (whitey/blue eyes/sexy) is just a bonus!!!

20th September 2010, 17:32
because we are funny and we love our ladies so much :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th September 2010, 18:08
lets reverse bhers question lol....

as for me i never planned nor wanted to marry a foreigner before but seeing this lovely half filipino half foreigner kids on TV's , commercials etc...and having met a wonderful person made me change my mind :)

same as you te grace its not on my vocabulary or dream to have foreigner husband.. my family status, were in middle class.. so i dont really need to marry a foreigner.. bcoz we get want we want coz dad is working abroad.. just got also facinated seeing white babies on english movies/commercials, tv's.. love the color of their eyes and brown/blode hair.. but i realized its not jst all about that, now i am married' and its all because of LOVE and what my husband really is...

20th September 2010, 22:10
Not sure why my missus went for a foreigner because she was horrified by the idea when we first met, but after a lot of chasing, taking her out on dates and plying her with red wine, she eventually came around to the idea and fell in love with me. She'd probably have been happy with any nationality if they treated her right, including Filipino.

same as me who would not melt a heart on a guy who calls u everyday for hours causing him a phone bills of thousand and thousands of pounds lol

21st September 2010, 05:03
It was never planned ..i just call it a fortunate accident meeting my husband and after years of deliberation we finally got married..

It was more of his character/attitude/values/faith and degree of hilarity that knocks me off my feet and makes me fall in love even more each day and him being a (whitey/blue eyes/sexy) is just a bonus!!!

Same here, i never intend to fall inlove again after the death of my husband. This was changed when i personally meet my fiance in 2008. Its just very fortunate that we meet and then fell inlove,,,, :heartshape1: i fell inlove with him because he treated me right. And you right Ma'am Sars, its more of the character and attitude...,and very passionate...:heartshape1:

21st September 2010, 08:36
same as me who would not melt a heart on a guy who calls u everyday for hours causing him a phone bills of thousand and thousands of pounds lol

I'm surprised his employers Accounts Dept didn't spot it :D

21st September 2010, 09:56
I'm surprised his employers Accounts Dept didn't spot it :D

lol..he was using his mobile phone...and almost gave him a heart attack when the first bill came :icon_lol:

21st September 2010, 09:59
lol..he was using his mobile phone...and almost gave him a heart attack when the first bill came :icon_lol:

:yikes: I bet it did - he's lucky to have survived it

21st September 2010, 10:17
all pretty obvious really, cos i/ we am/are

1. handsome, strong hunk
2. young
3. with big... wallet, bank account, a big house, white picket fence
4. good cook
5. good with his hands. great at massages
6. handy at home
7. got strong knees and can last for hours
8. kind, nice, clean, sweet outside
9. bad inside --- or the other way around
10. who will always adore me and

21st September 2010, 10:44
:yikes: I bet it did - he's lucky to have survived it

yeah..took him five years to pay his credit card lol...

23rd September 2010, 00:36
i think it depend on the person some a wolve in sheep clothing, to separate between race i dunno....i never generalise with ppl,
i guess money has some part to play tho....i always notice majority have much older guys and for real some know the game they playin, and others it true love.....blessup all of you that find true LOVE:)

23rd September 2010, 13:46
Why most Filipinos choose to marry a foreigner

I would think that is way off reality, in that most, probably practically all, marry fellow citizens. I can't find the statistical info though.

23rd September 2010, 23:51
lets reverse bhers question lol....

as for me i never planned nor wanted to marry a foreigner before but seeing this lovely half filipino half foreigner kids on TV's , commercials etc...and having met a wonderful person made me change my mind :)

I have four VERY handsome young nephews who are half Filipino and I am very proud of them. Two have been in TV commercials so far, one of which is still being screened in the Philippines but the oldest has decided not to pursue his latest offer from Jollibee as it's not good for his street cred! :omg:

24th September 2010, 00:21
awww..Rosie, they must be so good looking to have been offered commercials! :D

24th September 2010, 00:33
awww..Rosie, they must be so good looking to have been offered commercials! :D

They are Rayna and have lots of little girls running after them too! :icon_lol:

24th September 2010, 00:34
all pretty obvious really, cos i/ we am/are

1. handsome, strong hunk
2. young
3. with big... wallet, bank account, a big house, white picket fence
4. good cook
5. good with his hands. great at massages
6. handy at home
7. got strong knees and can last for hours
8. kind, nice, clean, sweet outside
9. bad inside --- or the other way around
10. who will always adore me and

thief!! :cwm23::cwm23:

i thought it's agreed that "that" man doesn't exist!? hahahahaha!!:icon_lol::icon_lol:

24th September 2010, 06:23
They are Rayna and have lots of little girls running after them too! :icon_lol:

this makes me worried lol...wonder if i can achieve this no gf till finish uni for my son....lol

24th September 2010, 09:15
Since when i was a child one of my dream was to marry foriegner...Because i want to have cutie kids...huhuhu....And now i have one

24th September 2010, 09:41
I never expected to be married to a foreigner or local. You see, I already had two kids from previous and different relationship. Happy and enjoying the freedom and independence of a entrepreneur/single mother. Getting married was never in my plan in the first place. I was skeptic about marriage and thought of it as only a piece of paper that will hunt anyone who get into to it and wants to get out. But when I met my hubby it changes everything in an instant. I fell in love and keep loving for more, and being married is the greatest in the world. I even got cold feet the night before we got married.

24th September 2010, 11:14
Since when i was a child one of my dream was to marry foriegner...Because i want to have cutie kids...huhuhu....And now i have one

oh lovely...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

i used to envy parents in phils with half foreigner child...mostly i've seen are so lovely and cutie...and having one makes me too proud :)

24th September 2010, 14:30
hey grace, your son looks soooo cute!!! :heartshape1:

24th September 2010, 15:49
thank you rayna..he made my dream come true :)

24th September 2010, 15:53
A very cuty son.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

We don't really knows where our life goes. Be a single blessedness or widow or marriage.. For me, I never expected to marry a foreigner but it was a destiny in my life and happy to have my buggy now :heartshape1::heartshape1::heartshape1:

24th September 2010, 15:54
lots of girls would really have a crush on him when he gets older! :D

24th September 2010, 16:01
lots of girls would really have a crush on him when he gets older! :D

am training myself now how to be an anabelle rama :icon_lol:

24th September 2010, 18:10
hey grace, your son looks soooo cute!!! :heartshape1:

yes!!! :hubbahubba: i want!

24th September 2010, 18:27
oh lovely...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

i used to envy parents in phils with half foreigner child...mostly i've seen are so lovely and cutie...and having one makes me too proud :)

little joe looks whiter than me thou :Erm:
my wife went to pick little joe up from school, in the class room another mother said to my misses "oh your son is crying" pointing at a brown skinned boy, my misses said "thats not my son, my son is the one behind him" , the other mother said "oh, sorry" :cwm24:


my misses is use to it, i tell everyone my misses is little joes nanny :laugher::cwm3:

24th September 2010, 19:33
.... my misses said "thats not my son, my son is the one behind him" , the other mother said "oh, sorry" :cwm24:

24th September 2010, 22:52
yes!!! :hubbahubba: i want!

lol ghee...thanks

24th September 2010, 22:55
little joe looks whiter than me thou :Erm:
my wife went to pick little joe up from school, in the class room another mother said to my misses "oh your son is crying" pointing at a brown skinned boy, my misses said "thats not my son, my son is the one behind him" , the other mother said "oh, sorry" :cwm24:


my misses is use to it, i tell everyone my misses is little joes nanny :laugher::cwm3:

lol joe...its the same i got in philippines...people always ask me if im the mother :doh...

25th September 2010, 00:46
lol ghee...thanks

i can just imagine how cute mine will be...just a whiter version of us because many ppl say mark and i got similar looks. he is english/arab, i am fipino/spanish.

his hair is black and eyes are brown, so the kid's look wont be too far from me. and he cant say im the nanny of our kid or i'll kick him in the :action-smiley-081:


25th September 2010, 08:16
a little bit of you and a little bit of your partner , then what comes out , well no matter how they look i am sure they will be loved and cared for :)

25th September 2010, 08:50
a little bit of you and a little bit of your partner , then what comes out , well no matter how they look i am sure they will be loved and cared for :)

yes but little joe is mostly me, and little of his mom (except he has got brown hair and i'm blonde, but he has a patch of blonde on the back of his head :icon_lol:)

but your right it dont matter, so you still :heartshape1: them even when they break stuff :cwm3::bigcry:

25th September 2010, 08:57
yes but little joe is mostly me, and little of his mom (except he has got brown hair and i'm blonde, but he has a patch of blonde on the back of his head :icon_lol:)

but your right it dont matter, so you still :heartshape1: them even when they break stuff :cwm3::bigcry:

thats why i cant wait to have a baby... excited how my husband and i our baby look like with our genes... and excited to run aftr them and clean wat ever they breaks and mess they will do..:Jump:

25th September 2010, 10:29
thats why i cant wait to have a baby... excited how my husband and i our baby look like with our genes... and excited to run aftr them and clean wat ever they breaks and mess they will do..:Jump:

well so you can practise i can send you little joe for a while.. years maybe :rolleyes:


25th September 2010, 10:58
after a few minutes with my grandson i am counting the time till his mum comes for him , hes ok when hes doing his stuff but wo be tied if you ignore him, talk about in your face till he gets a answer gandad , gandad, gandad, i feel a headach coming on just writting this :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

25th September 2010, 11:29
bher come over and look after my son then as im tired now of singing winkle, winkle( he's own version of twinkle, twinkle) nonstop lol

25th September 2010, 12:11
bher come over and look after my son then as im tired now of singing winkle, winkle( he's own version of twinkle, twinkle) nonstop lol

how olds your son ?
maybe we can lock ur son and little joe in a room for a few hours and wear themselves out :rolleyes:

25th September 2010, 13:38
how olds your son ?
maybe we can lock ur son and little joe in a room for a few hours and wear themselves out :rolleyes:

thats a good idea joe :) he is 2 years 4 months...such a pain i can say lol

25th September 2010, 14:46
well so you can practise i can send you little joe for a while.. years maybe :rolleyes:


aaaww,i LOVE kids esp mixed nationality' so cute... send him here as soon as posible joe...lol:icon_lol:

25th September 2010, 14:48
bher come over and look after my son then as im tired now of singing winkle, winkle( he's own version of twinkle, twinkle) nonstop lol

jst send him here te grace like joe son... but make sure that send their monthly allowance ok?.. :icon_lol::icon_lol:

25th September 2010, 21:17
thats a good idea joe :) he is 2 years 4 months...such a pain i can say lol

and their still a pain in the :action-smiley-081: at 3yrs and 10 months :icon_lol:
little joes just done his first week at school :xxgrinning--00xx3:
hes so tired now, only 1/2 a pain :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

jst send him here te grace like joe son... but make sure that send their monthly allowance ok?.. :icon_lol::icon_lol:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: there is a special balik bayan box offer at the pinoy shop near me ;):Jump:

his allowance is 1,000 a month, not £ but PHP :D

i'll ship him monday he b there in 1 months time :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th September 2010, 07:59
ok 1,000 php is enough JOE.. other everyday needs ill jst pay for it... but when the time u will get little joe u pay me back and take note with the INTEREST....:icon_lol::ReadIt::Jump:

26th September 2010, 09:03
and their still a pain in the :action-smiley-081: at 3yrs and 10 months :icon_lol:
little joes just done his first week at school :xxgrinning--00xx3:
hes so tired now, only 1/2 a pain :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

bher come over and look after my son then as im tired now of singing winkle, winkle( he's own version of twinkle, twinkle) nonstop lol

GHEE <= nanny for hire :Rasp::Rasp:

26th September 2010, 09:20
and their still a pain in the :action-smiley-081: at 3yrs and 10 months :icon_lol:
little joes just done his first week at school :xxgrinning--00xx3:
hes so tired now, only 1/2 a pain :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

:doh thought they would behave at the age of three...cant wait for him to go to school next year so me and my husband can have little time without poobum :)....we love him to bits but my gosh he gets on our nerves at times lol

26th September 2010, 09:21
GHEE <= nanny for hire :Rasp::Rasp:

ur hired lol...get in the plane now!!!

26th September 2010, 09:33
cant wait for him to go to school next year so me and my husband can have little time without poobum http://filipinaroses.com/images/smilies/smile.gif....we love him to bits but my gosh he gets on our nerves at times lol
That's the thing with kids, no matter how much you want them, and how much you love them ...... your always pleased to see the back of them, and unlike a pet you can't have them put down :rolleyes:

26th September 2010, 13:07
That's the thing with kids, no matter how much you want them, and how much you love them ...... your always pleased to see the back of them, and unlike a pet you can't have them put down :rolleyes:

no but you can send kids to your misses family in the phils :Jump::D
yes little joe can be a :action-smiley-081: but i wouldn't swap him for a 50in plasma tv :D maybe a 60inch thou :rolleyes:

26th September 2010, 14:18
:doh thought they would behave at the age of three...cant wait for him to go to school next year so me and my husband can have little time without poobum :)....we love him to bits but my gosh he gets on our nerves at times lol

thats when they are more active. 3 up

26th September 2010, 14:20
no but you can send kids to your misses family in the phils :Jump::D

thats what in-laws are for -- they say :rolleyes::rolleyes:

26th September 2010, 19:10
That's the thing with kids, no matter how much you want them, and how much you love them ...... your always pleased to see the back of them, and unlike a pet you can't have them put down :rolleyes:

exactly...very pleased when they about to go away and am excited having time for myself but wanted him back after few mins lol...

26th September 2010, 20:04
I have news for you guys, Kids get worse as they get older, as they grow so do the problems:omg: You wait til they want to start travelling to see the world:doh

I went grey overnight when my daughter went missing in Malawi for 4 weeks at about the same time as a British detectives daughter was murdered in Kenya. Thank God we had a happy ending.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th September 2010, 20:33
total agree there pete, they never grow up, they want to be older when they are 10 and act younger when they are 20+:icon_lol::icon_lol:

26th September 2010, 21:18
My asawa told me yesterday that she wants 3 more ...... cool!!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th September 2010, 06:05
My asawa told me yesterday that she wants 3 more ...... cool!!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

wow! she must be fond of kids :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th September 2010, 13:29
wow! she must be fond of kids :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I hope so Rani, I dont have my own and would like to start soon :)

27th September 2010, 17:21
better get back there then steve:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th November 2010, 16:34
this topic really caught my attention, for me it never comes out my mind
to love a foreigner,it just the long chase over,..Being his friend for a quite2 years, finally proposed me the love he felt and eventually formally announced the engagement:laugher: It's really
makes me laugh
and got confused. But later,I did realize that I fall in love with his corny

am happy that he do, and I don't
about the races
or nationality, it is on how you manage to love each other

11th November 2010, 21:45
Good for you. :rolleyes::xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th November 2010, 21:23
It was never planned ..i just call it a fortunate accident meeting my husband and after years of deliberation we finally got married..

It was more of his character/attitude/values/faith and degree of hilarity that knocks me off my feet and makes me fall in love even more each day and him being a (whitey/blue eyes/sexy) is just a bonus!!!

Oi you married me just for my Bonus ?

13th November 2010, 21:30
Oi you married me just for my Bonus ?

hmmm talking about your 'extra' bonus...yes hunnie and THAT:hubbahubba: