View Full Version : Donate Blood !

30th September 2010, 21:03
I just thought I'd put this on here.

Went along to give blood this week and the nurse said they are very short of B Negative and O Negative - they are also appealing on the radio

The procedure is painless, doesn't take long and you can pig out on free biscuits, crisps, tea and coffee whilst having a chat.

Sign up here


You won't notice they've taken it and it's a nice feeling to know you will be helping someone.

Go on, do it !

30th September 2010, 21:07
Bloody hell Dedworth you have talked sense at last:icon_lol:

Well done mate you deserve rep so here you go:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Aww sorry it says I have to spread some around before I give it to you!

30th September 2010, 21:08
if i give blood do i get a rep:icon_lol:

30th September 2010, 21:26
Bloody hell Dedworth you have talked sense at last:icon_lol:

Well done mate you deserve rep so here you go:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Aww sorry it says I have to spread some around before I give it to you!

:xxgrinning--00xx3: Thanks for the thought Les. Just off to the local to top up the liquid levels :Wave:

30th September 2010, 21:36
too bad im type AB :)

Doc Alan
30th September 2010, 23:01
All the information is there on the link provided by Dedworth . So in one week we've been reminded to think about health insurance for loved ones, write a will, arrange our own funeral and donate blood :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
30th September 2010, 23:33
Sign up here


Go on, do it !

Would if I could :rolleyes: ... but I cannae :NoNo: ... cos I'm over sixty-five! :doh

Arthur Little
1st October 2010, 00:17
I just thought I'd put this on here.


:xxgrinning--00xx3: Nice gesture, mate ...

Well done mate you deserve *rep so here you go :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Aww sorry it says I have to spread some around before I give it to you!

... have *one on me instead! :REGamblMoney01HL1:

1st October 2010, 00:37
:xxgrinning--00xx3: Nice gesture, mate ...

... have *one on me instead! :REGamblMoney01HL1:

A true Gent thanks Arthur :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st October 2010, 00:48
unfortunately im a B POSITVE..... :cwm3:

1st October 2010, 00:53
unfortunately im a B POSITVE..... :cwm3:

Its all needed they only have 8 - 11 days stocks of all groups


1st October 2010, 10:11
I can't give blood either .... being a scouser Im naturally topped up with all kinds of drugs :rolleyes:

1st October 2010, 12:57
Hi all,:Wave:
I have the silver badge?stud for past donations but am also too old now:omg:
Makes me wonder just what I am any good for now:crazy:

1st October 2010, 15:20
And for Filipinos/Residents of the Philippines, if you donate with Red Cross you and your family are entitled to take out whatever you put in, so it really is a blood bank! Donation is an investment should you ever have a family emergency!
But without that incentive, you should still donate for the good of society!

Good one dedworth

1st October 2010, 16:17
do they except welsh blood :Erm:


1st October 2010, 16:29
Hi all,:Wave:
I have the silver badge?stud for past donations but am also too old now:omg:
Makes me wonder just what I am any good for now:crazy:

you are good for donating your shirt of your back mick:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st October 2010, 16:59
there's a blood bank near our house..but i dnt knw why most i see that go there look like drug addicts :Erm:

1st October 2010, 17:33
there's a blood bank near our house..but i dnt knw why most i see that go there look like drug addicts :Erm:
I can see that could be a big problem if the donated blood is not screened, in the UK it is, but there were problems in the past.

1st October 2010, 17:37
indeed there was mick i know someone that got a blood transfutuion and the blood was afected, the poor man is dead now

Doc Alan
1st October 2010, 21:21
If you read Dedworth's link you will see just how strict the rules now are in the UK for donating blood, both to protect the donors and the recipients. Obviously errors can never be totally eliminated. Donors must be honest and very early infections may not be detected. There can be problems in storage and clerical errors in identifying the blood to be used.
Even "autotransfusion" (where a patient receives their own blood, usually pre-donated, or recovered from loss during surgery ) doesn't totally eliminate complications, such as changes in blood during storage and clerical errors. But it has advantages in countries where the rules for donation by other people are less strict than in the UK.

1st October 2010, 21:28
I had a blood transfusion a number of years ago and have to admit that I was very sceptical about doing so, but I am still here! :Cuckoo:

Since I've had a blood transfusion, I am also unable to give blood at the moment but will return the favour one day :)