View Full Version : ...settlement visa as a child...

1st October 2010, 12:06
hi to all,

im planning to apply for a settlement visa as a child in UK because my parents and sisters are all in UK already im all alone here so my mother is planning to get me, i am denied bebore as dependant to my mother. ryt nowim already 23yrs.old single, and live alone at home do you think is there abig chance that they can grant me a visa.... tnx to all

1st October 2010, 13:31
do you work ?
what was the reason they gave for the refusal before ?
very difficult because of your age..

1st October 2010, 15:43
As far as I'm aware you have to be under 18 to be regarded as a child.

I have brought 2(step) children to UK on settlement visas, but they were aged 7 and 9 years at the time.

The only alternative would be to apply as a dependent relative.

VERY difficult.

Maybe you could look for a British guy to start a relationship with...if you are genuinely unattached, and going to be absolutely truthful to him. :)

4th October 2010, 15:48
ah okei tnx for the dvice,,,

so can you help me for an alternative visa i could get to go to UK?

4th October 2010, 17:56
You could try for a visitor visa.

I think a work visa would be almost impossible to get.

Should be some information here.


You'd need someone to sponsor you ( like a UK resident family member)

5th October 2010, 13:39
can i apply for a student visa, but i did'nt take the ielts yet,,, do you think its possible to apply for student visa even without ielts exam?

5th October 2010, 17:51
I think you need to check that with our govt. website (try google also, as you may find forums discussing this).

Sadly because you're from the Phils, you will find prejudice from the govt. here, though they would never admit that.

It is VERY VERY expensive for a foreigner to study on a recognised course here.