View Full Version : What Mortgage Documents Do I Need For Fiance Visa Application?

New Shoes
3rd October 2010, 19:09
Hi guys,

I'm busy going through the checklist guidance requirements to support a fiance visa application.
Section 2 asks for proof of adequate accommodation "mortgage documents are acceptable"
My question is:

What mortgage documents do I need?

I have the original Estate Agents' description of my property as when I bought it.
I also have the mortgage statement showing monthly payments, but this does not show any details of the house.

Many thanks for any advice


3rd October 2010, 19:23
hi there ns , send some pictures off your hose inside and outside , plus your anual statements if you have them:)

New Shoes
5th October 2010, 08:48
Hi Steve, many thanks for the reply Steve.

Anything else which would be useful to submit?

5th October 2010, 11:45
pics of the house as evidences too.. rooms pics too..

5th October 2010, 22:23
well there are lots more you need other then just your house but you may have those, bank statements any letters , phone calls, pictures of you both together , with her family too, and a sponsership letter too, the most important thing is not being overdraw on your bank statements :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th October 2010, 22:49
the mortgage statements would need to at least detail the property address and have your name on them. I dont think it unrealistic to ask your mortgage provider for a letter stating that you are the owner of the house and what the current mortgage is. I am issued a letter every time the interest rate changes - but it has been constant over the last 18 months, so no letter issued. If you are going to put together all the paperwork associated with a Fiance visa, then would recommend you do this. good luck NS

New Shoes
6th October 2010, 12:41
Many thanks for the additional information.

BTW Steve, "Anything else which would be useful to submit? " this was in relation to mortgage docs. I should have been clearer, but thank you for you other input too.

It's all good info to have.

many thanks....