View Full Version : Visa is ready but not cleared

4th October 2010, 10:34
Hi everyone,

I have replied to some post here regarding the recent family visit visa that I lodged last month sept. 3 and it took 1 day for the embassy to refuse it. However, my husband/sponsor appealed in the UK along with the letter and additional proof that I can be accommodated in the UK posted it exactly 2 weeks ago.
And now I received a call from VFS saying that my visa is ready and cannot be cleared because of the payment receipt made through Unionbank. It was under the name of my husband. We were together at that day when I submitted the application but since we hailed from Cebu, I need to be in the VFS office for my appointment whilst he went to Unionbank to make payment for the visa. The lady from VFS i was speaking with informed to write an email or by fax explaining everything so that my visa will be cleared.
I have sent them an email and asked my husband to do the same. I wonder if the UK Embassy don't have that data in their system as to who is the sponsor or relation of the applicant.
Anyway, I am happy with the good news and can't wait to be with my husband and meet his family and friends. I am also excited about coming back here in the Phils. by April or May because I love my country so much and those months are special to me.
I'd like to thank everyone here for supportive ideas and giving me lots of details. This site is truly valuable and have helped so many people like me.


4th October 2010, 11:43
It's always so nice to hear of these happy endings:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th October 2010, 13:10
:xxgrinning--00xx3: good news
they can access a lot fo data these days, as much of gov data can be share btw departments, probably somebody cant be bothered doing their job:doh

4th October 2010, 14:15
Good news...Congratulations Purple!!!..hope u have a nice and safe trip to uk and enjoy ur time with husband ,families and friends:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th October 2010, 14:32
thanks SNV, joeblogs and terpe. I understand it is not a good time of year to visit UK. but being with hubby is most important!

4th October 2010, 15:04
congrats :Jump:
have a nice trip and enjoy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th October 2010, 18:29
If we have winter like last year you can play in the snow:icon_lol::icon_lol: