View Full Version : 21

4th October 2010, 21:47
has anyone applied for a fiancee visa for someone under 21 just noticed that it say 21 is mimumin but why is that

can i apply or not we have ben together over 2 years she lied about age to start with should have known i no but we still together but want tyo bring er here and marry here
can i apply if under 21
and if not what can i do is their any coarse i can take has anyone else come up against this stupid rule

4th October 2010, 21:53
err...no, you will have to wait until shes 21 to apply for the visa, it use to be 18 and was changed a few years ago.

4th October 2010, 22:37
so its inpossiable to get a fiancee visa for under 21 wht a joke i have looked cant see another country with that age
so i suppose its the samer if you are married as it is leagal in phills nad here to matty at 18 i no younger with family permission but 18 leagal both countries

4th October 2010, 22:42
i think its to protect the young ladies :Erm:

4th October 2010, 22:49
thanks for the reply
dont like it but what can you do ever tried court of human rights ?

got to be wrong and protecting them yea like all the other rules which seem strange they apply to philippines and not lots other countries just another hurdle to overcome

4th October 2010, 22:55
how old is she, did you say that she lied about her age?

i guess you wait until shes 21 and apply for the fiancee visa or marry in the philipines and apply for a spouse visa depending which ever is quicker for you :Erm:

4th October 2010, 23:00
yea and her parents lied
so good advice to all check good id but never gave it a thought till passport questions came up but lack of id was the excuse and gettiung it wasent easy
maybe should have pushed it and easy to see now when i looked back but you would believe the parents just 19 now is the answer to the question

i will try to look other options do you think getting married in phillipines now would make a differance or still have to be 21

4th October 2010, 23:02
does 21 apply is already married

and then if it dosent what do i need to get married someone said had to be in phills 59 days before you cvan get married havent checked this yet so dont know but would belive its true

4th October 2010, 23:03
does 21 apply IF already married

4th October 2010, 23:10
its best you get her real age before you do anything else.

you wont be able to apply for either visa until shes 21 but with a spouse visa you will save a few months and save a few ££ :D

4th October 2010, 23:17
ah ok
i no the age now she was 19 on march 02 got the pasport

so now what do i need to get married thier
not in a hurry but is it also true you have to be their 59 days i have looked checked anything yet but wuld like any info on this

Arthur Little
4th October 2010, 23:23
does 21 apply IF already married

:yeahthat: ... it does, I'm afraid ... irrespective of whether married or not ... 21 has been the minimum legal age since November 2009. However, as my colleague has explained, you can choose to wed in the Philippines ... but your fiancee/wife will require to wait until after her twenty-first birthday to be lawfully eligible to apply for settlement in the UK.

4th October 2010, 23:25
you only need 10 working days after getting the cni in the uk, getting it exchanged in the philipines and then waiting the 10 days for the marriage license.

have a look and search in the forum as this as been covered in much more detail many times :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th October 2010, 23:26
i will thanks
will be a start
thanks for the replys

4th October 2010, 23:27
only since nov 2009 i am gutted now should have applied just before that

5th October 2010, 00:14
Regarding the European Court of 'Uman Rites - have a look here http://www.matrixlaw.co.uk/ if you are quick a Mrs Cherie Blair might take your case up as long as there's some legal aid bunce behind it. You need to be fast as I suspect this source of finance might soon be slashed :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
5th October 2010, 00:51
she lied about age to start with

Never a good idea when dealing with officialdom :nono-1-1: ... sooner or later the deception will come to light and cause untold problems.

yea and her parents lied

Why? :rolleyes: ... very foolish of them!!

anyone else come up against this stupid rule ... dont like it but what can you do ever tried court of human rights

This "stupid rule" as you call it, was implemented by the British Government in order to protect the human rights of young immigrants under the age of 21 years! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th October 2010, 12:08
but applying a fiancee visa not an imagrant so y can i marry thier can marry any european here under 21 so y is it to protect your fiancee

5th October 2010, 12:31
thanks i have replied to the matrixlax see what happends thanks for the site

and aas for the rule no other country finds the need to protect under 21 only here but i can understand where you coming from but she is a fiancee i have been with her for over two years
if i had known she was that young at the time i would have walked away but she said 20 and got to admit i was wrong but i believed her and her family and she looked it sometimes never acted it but put down to age differance my fault but thier should be special cases not hard and fast rule and if i was aussie us no prob

5th October 2010, 12:34
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/newsnight/8245411.stm :Wave::Wave::Wave::Wave:

5th October 2010, 12:34

5th October 2010, 13:39
thanks looked at that so not really to protect alll mostly for pakistanis and indians
well another blanket rule completly against all the other europeon contriesbut not help them and not help me but maybe get revised in a hundred years

5th October 2010, 13:40
thanks for taking the time to post the info

5th October 2010, 15:38
not long to wait a few years dont stop you going there for a few times and making sure she is the one for you also , 19 is so very young to leave your homeland and start a new life here i beleive but each to there own, good luck in what ever you both chose:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th October 2010, 16:00
yea but we have been together over two years so was what we wwanted and i have spent at leweast a year their in the last two years
just so wrong and that poor welse man and his wife from canada its just all wrong
who knows wht will happen but a blanket rule is not right
but its also their attutude to you that annoys
they even took they visa fee after the only 3 questions they asked were NAME AGE DATE OF BIRTH
as soo as she said 19 y they take the fee take the fee and the application that is just wrong
and bet i wont get it back

5th October 2010, 16:11

the reason why they sent the canadian girl is becoz she is overstaying/illegal in the uk for her visa and not because they implemented the new immigration rules just after (4days)they got married

''But in a statement, Lin Homer, the chief executive of the UK Border Agency said: "Mrs Wallis was not asked to leave the UK because of her age - she was refused permission to stay because she was here illegally, having overstayed her visa.''

"Our rules are absolutely clear - if you do not have a valid visa you must leave the UK. Mrs Wallis has voluntarily agreed to go home, avoiding the need for us to enforce her return.''

5th October 2010, 16:11
legal age in phils is age 21

5th October 2010, 16:20
i will try to look other options do you think getting married in phillipines now would make a differance or still have to be 21

In the Philippines,under 18years old cannot marry even if parents approved with the marriage.
must be at least 21 years old to get married without written parental consent and if both parents cannot appear on the local civil registrar, a legal affidavit with the signatures of two witnesses may be accepted

5th October 2010, 17:13
Hi! spurs, just want to add my opinion or ideas here for you. It is not wrong when you got all things in legal especially doing all the papers. If you married her at that age i think it is ok as long as you really both agreed coz it is depend on the locality where she stay now... some people got married for a very young age instead 17 they put 18 as long as they got married not on church just civil wedding.

In your case i can only say that if you follow your heart just keep your mind working and keep watch for the things. When she made lie on her age and even her family on you i think you need to think best on it if you really want that woman even you courted her for two years now... well, it is a not matter on how you stay together or years as long as you love and have same feelings to look on the future why not but when you get married just keep her in your side don't ever leave her where ever you go :NoNo:

For visa, she is under her parents custody still so you really need to wait but while waiting just enjoy your self being with her until the right time come dont ever think about your age just be happy of what you have or what you decided in life and i wish you luck on it .. keep the :heartshape1:

5th October 2010, 19:35
another way , but not practical for most people, might be for you to get married and then go and live in another european country, find a job and after 6 months apply for a family permit for her, then a few months later try and bring her to the UK using the surinder singh route.

5th October 2010, 20:32
yea it is crazy set up i know the girl was sent home for other reasons but can not come back because to young to be here i feel sorry for them and as for me i will just have to w8 i know that but we could have got married in the philippines and was planning doing that anyway after we got married here and she had settled we was going to return
yea crazy that all other europeon countrys you can take her just not here
and its a blanket ban it was brought in to stop forced marriages
but it really is affecting lots of innocent people who just want to be together
who can say forever i dont even know if i be alive tomorrow but at least i would have time with who i want to be with
so looked forward to sharing and yea know she young and would she still be with me in ten years i will never know till the time comes
but at the moment this is what we want and no sSTUPID RULE MADE BY THIS STUPID COUNTRY should have been allowered to stop us or so many like us
like most things they have got it so wrong
bring bills in change laws etc without real thought
or to stop the minority you spoil it for the majority

5th October 2010, 20:34
Maybe it's not a bad idea being patient, and then marrying a person who is more mentally mature.
Also having the time to check that all documentation required for fiancee/spouse visa is present and correct will be very useful (and of course as we all know, that is rarely a straightforward process in the Phils )

5th October 2010, 20:37
but i think its time to put this to bed
nothing is going to change and i will have to wait
i really thank you for ALL the replys and some helpful coments and just your opinions
good to get varied views even if i dont agree with all
but do really mean thanks for all your replies they have helped cant change but do help
salamat all