View Full Version : Cenomar for fiancees

6th October 2010, 10:46
The VFS website gives a very good and comprehensive list of requirements for a fiancee settlement visa - even telling you what order it should all be submitted in.:Hellooo::Hellooo:

Looking through this I was quite surprised to see that a CENOMAR (CErtificate of NO MARriage from NSO) is NOT on the list.

Does anyone know if the British Embassy does its own checks with the NSO? If so, why dont they just ask for a CENOMAR from applicants as part of the list of documents.

If they do check directly with NSO does anyone know how they do this - do they have a direct computer link? Would seem unlikely that they would have access to a Filipino Govt. database. If they go through the normal channels then this would take probably a couple of weeks to get it when, nowadays, they seem to be trying (and succeeding!) in cutting down waiting times for visas!

It would seem that the best thing is to submit a CENOMAR but why do something you don't need to?

Would be great to hear from anyone with first hand knowledge of this.


6th October 2010, 12:52
:Hellooo: Hi alfiemoon, welcome to the forum :Wave:
Sorry can't help with your question. But lot's of people he who have first hand experience.

6th October 2010, 13:23
CENOMAR is to proof that your fiancee has never been married. Although it is not on their checklist it is up to the applicant on how to support your application so they will not doubt on it.

Same as if your fiancee has been previously married and now annuled (divorce) then she must provide the documents like annulment papers, judges decisions and the annotated marriage contract from the NSO.

They do have contacts with these people incase a paperwork seems like unreal and they need to verify if the applicant is registered to such and such.

6th October 2010, 13:23
i've no idea if they check, but if you are already married and apply for a fiancee visa, i'm sure they will refuse it if they find out and a possiblity of facing a ban from entering the UK :NoNo:

6th October 2010, 15:45
My mahal just got her fiances visa approved in 3 days like you say they dont ask for the cenomar bur we submitted one anyway ....maybe better to just submit it and remove any doubt...good luck

7th October 2010, 07:24
CENOMAR is to proof that your fiancee has never been married. Although it is not on their checklist it is up to the applicant on how to support your application so they will not doubt on it.

Same as if your fiancee has been previously married and now annuled (divorce) then she must provide the documents like annulment papers, judges decisions and the annotated marriage contract from the NSO.

They do have contacts with these people incase a paperwork seems like unreal and they need to verify if the applicant is registered to such and such.

Hi Sillybilly,
Thanks for your reply. Just wanted to check on one thing - you say "Although it is not on their checklist it is up to the applicant on how to support your application so they will not doubt on it." - did you mean that if the application is in order then they will not do a check?


7th October 2010, 17:55
i filed for a fiancee visa, am single and didnt send any documents such as the CENOMAR..but if you already have the document just attach it as one of your additional supporting documents..good luck as well :)

7th October 2010, 18:45
the embassy do check and they have access to nso and other goverment data base...

7th October 2010, 19:02
Hi I'm new here. stem298 can you send me a list of documents you submitted.I included cenoamr cause I was thinking in I haven't been married yet so just to show them Im still single.

I'm in the collating phase, Im planning to submit my application next month still waiting for my boyfriend's 5th and 6th payslip and bank statements. thank you!

7th October 2010, 19:07
:Hellooo: Hi yzna, welcome to the forum:Wave:

7th October 2010, 19:38
yeah sure..first i followed whats on the checklist..the documents should be in order..with a corresponding xerox each aside from your birth certificate becoz they will take the original..then on the any other supporting documents..i just submitted photo albums of steve's visit in the PI, my NBI clearance, steve's birth certificate, money remittances, travel documents of steve when he came over to the PI..just those..but like i said..if you have it on hand the CENOMAR then attach it :)

7th October 2010, 19:49
thank you stem298.

I already compile some docs in the list still waiting for the mortgage certificate,payslips and letter of invitation.

well, we will be living with his parents. their house is under his parents name.
not quite sure if sending an affidavit of support from his folks would help stating that they allow us to stay there. his filipino by the way but his visa is issued ILE.

we were classmates since High School til College I hope sending a couple of pictures each year would help. he just left last february after receiving his PRC license.

one last thing. does he need to send me sponsors undertaking form?
or affidavit of support from him?

thank you so much..

7th October 2010, 20:32
a letter of support from your fiancee yes..he need to..

8th October 2010, 07:34
the embassy do check and they have access to nso and other goverment data base...

Can you tell me how you know this?


8th October 2010, 10:09
Back to the original question about whether the British Embassy gets/checks CENOMARs with NSO there seems to be some confusion in the forum where it seems some members say they do check while others seem to be saying they dont.

In my opinion (and it is only just an opinion so please shoot me down in flames if you KNOW different) I think the ECO would only check with NSO if they are suspicious about an applicant's marital status. I say this for the following reasons :-

1. If they check every one it will slow down the application process when it seems they are trying to speed it up.
2. If so, why not just include a CENOMAR as part of the requirements and save the trouble of the embassy having to check with NSO
3. I think that a CENOMAR is different from a CNI (Cert of No Impediment) in that it doesnt mean that the applicant is free to marry only that there is no record of a previous marriage.
4. The UKBA's advice to ECOs regarding evidence to prove freedom to marry is that they can accept a verbal statement by an applicant unless there are strong grounds to believe that the statement is untrue (see www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/ecg/settlement/fiancees - set1.15)

It would be interesting to have some sort of definitive answer on this as it would give an insight as to how our applications are assessed. I've heard that the US Embassy routinely checks every such application with the NSO. However this also is just hearsay.

I wrote to VFS on this point and their reply was :-

"Though it is not being asked in the guidance form that you submit a Certificate of No Marriage or Certificate of No Impediment, we suggest that you attach an NSO or national registrar authenticated copy of the said documents for an Entry Clearance Officer to easily verify your information. Furthermore, the British Embassy will conduct checks regarding the documents which you will be submitting and the information you declare in your application."

Again, not exactly a definitive reply. We are being asked to produce a lot of documents in our applications so it would be nice to know what is really necessary and what isnt. VFS say that the Embassy conducts checks but not how they check or if it is done in all cases.

Many thanks

8th October 2010, 11:41
well, we will be living with his parents. their house is under his parents name.
not quite sure if sending an affidavit of support from his folks would help stating that they allow us to stay there. his filipino by the way but his visa is issued ILE.

one last thing. does he need to send me sponsors undertaking form?

You dont need affidavit of support..what u will need is a written 'letter of support' from his parents ,that they will accomodate you,attached it with the mortgage documents .

Sponsors Undertaking form or Declaration form is only to be use in visitors visa application / settlement:parents, grandparents, other dependent relatives. and NOT for fiance visa application.

hope it helps

8th October 2010, 12:00
thank you sars_notd_virus. that save us a lot of money knowing affidavit of support does not need to be submitted then written letter it is. hope everything will turn out good.

8th October 2010, 12:49
hope everything will turn out good.

Yes, goodluck!!

12th October 2010, 09:25
Back to the original question about whether the British Embassy gets/checks CENOMARs with NSO there seems to be some confusion in the forum where it seems some members say they do check while others seem to be saying they dont.

In my opinion (and it is only just an opinion so please shoot me down in flames if you KNOW different) I think the ECO would only check with NSO if they are suspicious about an applicant's marital status. I say this for the following reasons :-

1. If they check every one it will slow down the application process when it seems they are trying to speed it up.
2. If so, why not just include a CENOMAR as part of the requirements and save the trouble of the embassy having to check with NSO
3. I think that a CENOMAR is different from a CNI (Cert of No Impediment) in that it doesnt mean that the applicant is free to marry only that there is no record of a previous marriage.
4. The UKBA's advice to ECOs regarding evidence to prove freedom to marry is that they can accept a verbal statement by an applicant unless there are strong grounds to believe that the statement is untrue (see www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/ecg/settlement/fiancees - set1.15)

It would be interesting to have some sort of definitive answer on this as it would give an insight as to how our applications are assessed. I've heard that the US Embassy routinely checks every such application with the NSO. However this also is just hearsay.

I wrote to VFS on this point and their reply was :-

"Though it is not being asked in the guidance form that you submit a Certificate of No Marriage or Certificate of No Impediment, we suggest that you attach an NSO or national registrar authenticated copy of the said documents for an Entry Clearance Officer to easily verify your information. Furthermore, the British Embassy will conduct checks regarding the documents which you will be submitting and the information you declare in your application."

Again, not exactly a definitive reply. We are being asked to produce a lot of documents in our applications so it would be nice to know what is really necessary and what isnt. VFS say that the Embassy conducts checks but not how they check or if it is done in all cases.

Many thanks

Anyone got any insights into how the CENOMAR check works?

15th October 2010, 10:42
Back to the original question about whether the British Embassy gets/checks CENOMARs with NSO there seems to be some confusion in the forum where it seems some members say they do check while others seem to be saying they dont.

In my opinion (and it is only just an opinion so please shoot me down in flames if you KNOW different) I think the ECO would only check with NSO if they are suspicious about an applicant's marital status. I say this for the following reasons :-

1. If they check every one it will slow down the application process when it seems they are trying to speed it up.
2. If so, why not just include a CENOMAR as part of the requirements and save the trouble of the embassy having to check with NSO
3. I think that a CENOMAR is different from a CNI (Cert of No Impediment) in that it doesnt mean that the applicant is free to marry only that there is no record of a previous marriage.
4. The UKBA's advice to ECOs regarding evidence to prove freedom to marry is that they can accept a verbal statement by an applicant unless there are strong grounds to believe that the statement is untrue (see www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/ecg/settlement/fiancees - set1.15)

It would be interesting to have some sort of definitive answer on this as it would give an insight as to how our applications are assessed. I've heard that the US Embassy routinely checks every such application with the NSO. However this also is just hearsay.

I wrote to VFS on this point and their reply was :-

"Though it is not being asked in the guidance form that you submit a Certificate of No Marriage or Certificate of No Impediment, we suggest that you attach an NSO or national registrar authenticated copy of the said documents for an Entry Clearance Officer to easily verify your information. Furthermore, the British Embassy will conduct checks regarding the documents which you will be submitting and the information you declare in your application."

Again, not exactly a definitive reply. We are being asked to produce a lot of documents in our applications so it would be nice to know what is really necessary and what isnt. VFS say that the Embassy conducts checks but not how they check or if it is done in all cases.

Many thanks

Anyone got any further thoughts on this?
Many thanks