View Full Version : what tv news has made you stop what you are doing and watch it

13th October 2010, 20:52
hi there with the chillian miners in the news right now , what other news have made you either stop what you are doing or will always be in your mind for ever moore,mine are the twin towers, man landing on the moon, the space shuttle coming back to earth,the space shuttle exploding,the iranian embassy siege,i am not morbid but these was breaking news storys at first but made either england or the world stop to watch

13th October 2010, 20:59
For me. Twin towers.
I was living in Japan at that time and woke up to see the news. At first I just could not
understand what was going on. Just saw a plane crash into the building!!! Thought it was an accident.
I did not do anything all day just glued to the TV screen in disbelief, horror and sadness.
Still can recall people jumping off the building. Horrible thoughts.

13th October 2010, 21:08
the twin towers i was driving around the m25 and heard it on the radio , my ex bro in law worked in the towers so i rang the ex wife and she rang her sister in america, the funny thing was she did not know anything about it, we was lucky he was working at mcdonalds head office in a meeting that day, but he was in constant touch with the office on one of the top floors, they was safe and told to stay there waiting for help then the next minute the line went dead and the tower fell, he lost 11 colleges that day

13th October 2010, 21:13
That's a sad and glad memory for you.
Destiny played a mystery card for your ex bro in law and the family.

13th October 2010, 21:16
I agree, September 11th was an unbelievable day. I think a lot of that was also because at the time it seemed like attacks from all angles and really no idea whether it was the start of some kind of war, whether it was going to continue. What a strange and sad day that was.

13th October 2010, 21:22
I remember the day Diana got killed in the tunnel in France

13th October 2010, 21:26
I remember being in the car with my Dad and hearing a news flash that 1000 Argentinians had surrendered to 2 Para at Goose Green in the Falkland Islands.

13th October 2010, 21:42
I don't even watch the news, what joy will it bring? "If it don't benefit, pay no attention to it!" It's the worlds joys riches and pleasures that are ours, not the worlds apparent problems, and rightly so too!:rolleyes: I don't even know about this thing with miners..?

13th October 2010, 21:43
News about:

-911 tragedy
-EDSA revolution
-Bob Geldof's global Live Aid concert to raise money for famine relief in Ethiopia is being made into a TV film:xxgrinning--00xx3:
-SARS (Corona Virus) :D

13th October 2010, 21:47
Same thing for me..the Sept. 11 tragedy..my classmates and i were doing our project and having an overnight at my bestfriend's house that time..we all stopped what we were doing and just watched the news on CNN..Another is the hostage crisis here in Manila..i was even late to my work (i'm on night shift) coz i can't leave the house and wanted to know what's the end result..

13th October 2010, 22:09
Twin towers for me too and also the Tsunami ............

I watched the second tower being hit live on the TV at work, it was like something out of a movie. I actually travelled to New York a few weeks later and came across the devastation myself ..... the remnants of the towers were still smoking and the surfaces of the surrounding roads were missing, baring the infrastructure of steaming pipeworks.

I watched very litttle news in 2004 and unbelievably didn't hear about the Tsunami for 3 days but after that I was glued to every bit of news............ what a terrible natural disaster

13th October 2010, 22:59
As you all have mentioned above, for me it has to be the Al Quaeda attack on the twin towers. I've never been all that interested in world politics until this event. I was only working for a few hours in the morning of that day. A colleague came into work and announced that the Pentagon and Twin Towers had been attacked by planes. I took this to mean fighter planes of another nation had attacked. Up until I got the car radio on as I left work, I assumed WW3 was perhaps now starting. When I got home, I watched the news for many hours and I did nothing else. Anger and sadness took control of me that day, replaying the scenes in my head of people jumping from the towers. 7/7 also made me stop and watch, as I was on day off when it all happened.

I just hope the Mumbai attacks do not get repeated. It seems that western intelligence fears something along this line is coming Europe's way.

On a lighter note, I do not think I will forget my home town (Northampton) beating Liverpool in the cup for a long time. No doubt we will get knocked out in the next round, same old Cobblers :rolleyes: :doh

Arthur Little
13th October 2010, 23:24
There was relatively little coverage by the BBC here in the UK, causing outrage on this forum at the time.

:iagree:, Alan ... I was one of those incensed :cwm23: by the distinct lack of BBC coverage attributed to the sheer scale of devastation in the wake of Typhoon Ondoy.

Doc Alan
13th October 2010, 23:59
:iagree:, Alan ... I was one of those incensed :cwm23: by the distinct lack of BBC coverage attributed to the sheer scale of devastation in the wake of Typhoon Ondoy.
I've been asked to post this topic again, in full (for technical reasons :doh)
I was truly shocked when Typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana) caused devastation and loss of hundreds of lives in Luzon at the end of September last year. More rain fell on Metro Manila since records began. It was closely followed by Typhoon Pepeng (Parma). There was outrage on the forum at the lack of coverage by our UK BBC TV. Other news media gave full coverage and there are many Youtube videos.

14th October 2010, 00:17
for me the major news events that stick in my memory are the 1st Space shuttle launch we got to watch it at school! but the launch was delayed i later saw one take off from Florida later in life, the declaration of war over the Falklands and watching the task force set sail, the Bombing of Baghdad in the first gulf war Shock and Awe, Strangeways prison riot, Princess Diana's crash, 911, the Tsunami, Concord Air Crash, the falling of the Berlin wall and the release of Nelson Mandela!

not in chronological order but these are the events that stuck in my mind.

14th October 2010, 00:31
One of the two news stories I'll never forget is Princess Di's death. It wasn't that she was a princess, just the way it happened. I remember having just come down for breakfast at my lolo's house. All 12 of us in the house were busy getting ready for the day. I can still smell the bacon and coffee and hear the sizzling from the kitchen. We always had CNN on during breakfast and when the breaking news came out about the accident, the whole household just stopped and we were all in shock for the rest of the day. My usually talkative aunts were silent and even the maids and the cook were quiet.

The other news story is the twin towers. My uncle used to work at one of the towers at ground zero. When he saw that plane crash into the first tower as he looked outside his window, he packed up and joined the rest of the people trying to leave and trying to stay calm despite the overall feelings of panic he said he could feel coursing through the crowds. He was on the last ferry that was allowed to leave Manhattan that day. We were all really worried and I remember just being so relieved when my aunt called and said he made it back home safe and sound. LOL! He now works as a sommelier and is a lot happier than when he was pushing pencils, thank goodness!

14th October 2010, 08:19
typhoon ondoy for me...thats really really terrible...

14th October 2010, 10:24
Twin towers for me.

I was watching TV in the Phils at the time and just happened to put on CNN news seconds after the first plane hit.

We all know what happened after that.

Truly shocking and almost beyond belief.

14th October 2010, 13:23
the space shuttles blowing up :NoNo: after all the successful missions, some people forgot the risks they were taking :cwm24:

14th October 2010, 18:24
my first memory of news on tv staying with me was the day Elvis Presley died Even the newscaster looked shocked. Then it was watching the moon walks live while at school. Ail beating Foreman at 32 yo. Im sure I can think of many more!

Arthur Little
14th October 2010, 19:06
Still on the US of A "scene" ... I'll :REGamblMoney01HL1: there ain't many here who can remember Friday November 22, 1963 :nono-1-1: ... the day President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

14th October 2010, 20:14
Still on the US of A "scene" ... I'll :REGamblMoney01HL1: there ain't many here who can remember Friday November 22, 1963 :nono-1-1: ... the day President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

I remember that Arthur. I was at the house of my grandparents at the time.
Watched on TV (in black n white)
It's still the subject of conspiracy theories.

14th October 2010, 20:20
i cant remember that so much just what i have read, but what about who shot JR:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th October 2010, 20:23
One of the two news stories I'll never forget is Princess Di's death.
That was really a shocker for me. I remember waking up to that news could not believe it.
I met her lots of times, also her father. There family home was/is a few minutes drive away from my house.
I was amongst the hundreds who lined the road to her house to see the funeral car pass by, and to cast my flowers.
In truth, she was a very attractive lady.

14th October 2010, 20:54
indeed she was a very attractive lady, when you wake up and the radio is not playing what you usualy hear you know someone has lost there life usualy a royal i am told, it was a sunday morning if i recal

14th October 2010, 20:58
...it was a sunday morning if i recal

Yes Steve it was a Sunday morning. I remember watching TV all day.
I admit I cried that day.

14th October 2010, 21:10
so many sad storys on the news but also some news stories like what just has happened, its the same old sameold news that gets me upset, angry, the same old stuff hospitals, gas prices and so on, i am sure they do it to get your back up:NoNo::NoNo:

15th October 2010, 00:29
so many sad storys on the news but also some news stories like what just has happened, its the same old sameold news that gets me upset, angry, the same old stuff hospitals, gas prices and so on, i am sure they do it to get your back up:NoNo::NoNo:

All those negative things give me less reason to follow the news. When I was younger, the TV was always on CNN and BBC World. Now, I'd rather watch the Food Network. It's just happier there.

Yes Steve it was a Sunday morning. I remember watching TV all day.
I admit I cried that day.

I know the suicide and self-injury rate in the UK rose significantly immediately after her death. As much as peple gripe about the rest of the world being too interested in the British royals, I think that clearly showed how many people identified with Princess Di. I don't think the tabloids really do the royals any justice, even now.

15th October 2010, 08:36
It was the twin towers for me too!

I was at work when a mate in the office called me asking could I find out as no-one could get any response from the internet. I ended up in the Boardroom with the TV on. Various people popped in to see what was going on. At one point, a manager was watching with a few us and commented about how he could see one of the towers swaying and reckoned it was going to fall. We were in the middle of questioning him about how could he see that and how they wouldn't collapse when.....! :-(

I also can remember that day when the plane went into the second tower and it was live on TV. The news had just shown a replay of the first plane hitting and although the picture clearly stated "Live" in the corner of the screen, the news anchor was saying how we were seeing the replay again. But you could tell in their voice they didn't believe it, but I think couldn't quite comprehend what they'd just seen!

16th October 2010, 15:29
Both Princess Di and Twin Towers stand out. THe Princess DI one for when I woke up late as had been out the night before and had vague memories of the Cab Driver turning up the news but no more than that:rolleyes: no one was in the House when i woke up and I just was eating my food when every channel had a picture of a runway:Erm:

Where we were working on the day 911 we just had a Radio on and emails and a guy popped his head into the office and mentioned a plane had crashed we changed to a news station and listen to it unfold amazing some of the rumours that were heard.

I remember a week or two later there was a incident reported at a new york airport i think it was which was a false alarm on the radio and that was possibly more terrifying for about 30 mins or more thinking here we go again..

One that has not been mentioned and possibly didn't affect many was 7-7-05 the day after 2012 was announced affected me personally with friends and staff involved and I know of people that still have issues relating to the fear and terror felt that day.

I guess thats the issue sadly disasters and terrible things happen all around the world every day small and big. Often as with many things in life it can depend on many things why a event makes the news.

I have even witnessed events especially in London which never even make the local news or newspapers, yet Ambulances and police by the dozen are present:NoNo: