View Full Version : Attorney from Catbalogan or Samar needed.

15th October 2010, 22:41
Hi I know from my I have been scammed thread most people are prepared to let the scammers get away with it. Thats why they still do it. I am not prepared to let them get away with it . It is time westerner's grow a back bone and took these people on. It is the only way to stop it happening to other people. I would feel guilty if I did not take a stand it happened to someone else.So I have been contacting everyone I can think of the President, Vice President, The Minister of Justice , the Mayor of her city, the Provincial Governor and the ambassador to the UK. Only the embassy replied. and they advised I contact an Attorney in the Philippines but I am just getting no replies. So if anyone knows of an Attorney please let me know.

16th October 2010, 06:26
I would sugest a more informed research on the Philipines legal system befor you start paying a "legal scammer":doh

16th October 2010, 08:39
paullnelson, I understand your emotion.
KeithAngel makes a valid comment also.
My only advice would be to form a real clarity about your objective and the desired outcome. Do some research in line with KeithAngel comment as a check if your outcome is possible.
Then if you still feel you need to go ahead. Enter the legal process.
Please check, check and double check. Plenty of legal advisors at all levels who will even work on fixed-fee basis.
Just worried you will spend too much time and money chasing something may not exist.

16th October 2010, 09:24
Oh, I can understand you're still feeling angry and devastated but the only real winner in this would be the lawyer taking your payment of his fees. It's not worth throwing good money after bad .........why not put your time and energy into finding someone far more deserving who will enhance your life and make you happy, rather than wasting your time on a pathetic loser. I wish you the very best of luck for the future :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th October 2010, 09:28
i agree with rosie... just let it go and believe in KARMA :xxgrinning--00xx3:

there's more life than running after those scammers... you won't forget it until you have forgiven and moved on :)

16th October 2010, 21:51
Hi all I still find it hard to believe how many people are prepared to let people get away with this. If they mugged you or robbed your house you would not be saying let it go. the principle is still the same.

16th October 2010, 22:17
i dont think people want her to get away with it, thier just concerned that you could be wasting time and money Paul.:NoNo:
but what price do you put on justice ?

16th October 2010, 22:55
hi . you have to understand that people get scammed all over the world, and you said that you have contacted the president and others and the mayor of the city, that are certaintly corupt in rp. but would the pm or the local mayor here in uk that are not so corupt, help a filipina ther in rp that was scammed by a brit here, i dont think so. dont waste your money getting an attorney ther in rp as they will say they can help and rip you off of more money than you have already been scammed for. its hard to let it go but sometimes you have to, and certaintly in your situaction. even in more serious situtions its hard to prove anything in rp, and i should no as been in jail in rp on fause charges for gbh on a guy that assulted my family wen i was living in rp..