View Full Version : our wedding weekend

25th October 2010, 20:10
what a great weekend we all had and i hope all enjoyed it like we enjoyed everything,there are to many people to try to mention or i simply may have forgot while writting this so forgive me if your name is not mentioned. It all started on friday really, got home from work and there was the biggest bouquet of white roses and white lilies, what a wonderful gift from someone that i dont know very well at all, thankyou Simon for thinking of emma and i on our special day, they are very nice, pictures will follow. Steve r and Alan came down friday to join in our wedding plans, what great people they are , its funny we all type and some talk to each other also, but face to face wow that is so differant, if any of you can meet up with other folk do it , its so worth it beleive me. after a few drinks and lots of chatting and seeing pictures someone was hungry so off we went but alas no dinner till later and a take away at that , sorry steve next time back at our place for home cooking. After seeing the boys back safe and sound at there hotel we went home, Saturday woke up 8am and off to the post office some tight bugger forgot to put a stamp on a card £1.10 that cost me , you know who you are :NoNo:, anyway at lease there was a tenner in it:xxgrinning--00xx3,from there to get the flowers, 4 button holes and the ones that Emma was going to hold, they was put in water and in the front of the car and yes you have guessed it , first corner over it went, but hey nothing was going to spoil my day. Back home and Emma is on skype with her family in the phils and abu , can you hover Steve was asked , in the meantime Darren and Clarice was on the way,hover out but blocked up with Ems hair , lost it a little then , why should i be cleaning the hover on my wedding day i asked, only to be laught at. Anyway just finished and Darren and Clarice got there , again i will say this, what kind and generous people who you have never meet before but have spoken too, you two are beautiful people, kettle on and teas made,. Clarice took Emma of to do her hair and makeup and taking the laptop with them so her family could watch, Darren and i got to know each other and then Darren started to take the pictures aranging this and that , well done Darren you did so much for us you both did, the boys rang for our postcode and they were on the way soon. Bestman then came with his partner and time was ticking, ordered 2 taxies to take us , i counted 10 thats enough i thought, then next minute needed another taxi, in all this time i was not even dress in my finest:NoNo::NoNo:, just did not have the time. Anyway that took a few mins to change , Emma took hours , but wow was it worth it YES YES YES:hubbahubba::hubbahubba:,Darren took more pictures i made more tea , then it was my turn to be in the pictures, Clarice i would like to thankyou myself for being there for emma helping her and just being the sister that was not here for her, thankyou, outside more pictures , taxis waiting more pictures taken then off we go , have i got everything bestman, rings, kids, guest and the boys what else ummmmmmmmm, ups yes Emma too, Got to the register and wow more people there its funny the more you look the less you see, people coming up saying congrats more pictures taken and next thing they are calling us , Carl and Resty are there that man and his smile , he never stops smilling, friends ,family and myself and emma are ushered in , after some formalities in the room i go with the other guest and emma has gone . the music starts, Better by Tom Baxter doors open and where is she? lump starts in my throat and i think something flew into my eye then :icon_lol:well thats what i am saying, and in they come, wow wow wow, Emma looked stunning she was radiant , eyes shinning and so much in love , i was one very proud man ,cant remember anything after that , :):):)I am trully blessed to have a wonderful sexy wife someone that i love and i know loves me , my fingers are to tied i have the receptions and the party and the walk and lots off other things to say in part 2. ps just incase anyone has brought anything with a lifetime garentee wait till part 3

25th October 2010, 20:21
Thanks Steve, looking forward to part 2:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Doc Alan
25th October 2010, 20:42
Enjoyed reading that Steve ! You're absolutely right, meeting for real (whether friends on the forum or a partner ....or both :icon_lol:) is vital !
Look forward to the next instalment, and I don't want to "steal your thunder" Steve... but here's something Steve and I both learned about Steve Ry. I always knew there was expertise on most topics here on the forum...however, Steve Ry is THE expert on writing letters of complaint, so long as the subject begins with "S" :
dodgy Sat Nav sytems
Sweetener dispensers that don't work
Sunglasses that break when they have a "lifetime guarantee"
Speed cameras set for different speeds...
"Steve Ry will fix it" :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th October 2010, 20:50
Congratulations to both of you sounds wonderful steve! :)

All the best for the future :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th October 2010, 21:21
fabulous Stevew... such a great story ....edit such a great happy story! Looking forward to the next parts and so good to hear about our genuine friends on the forum too......
absolutely superb!!

25th October 2010, 21:42
it sounds a wonderful day for Steve and Emma. knowing you guys met must be really interesting considering that you only talk here in the forum.

looking forward on seeing those wedding photos of Steve and Emma


25th October 2010, 21:50
A lovely account of the first part of your special weekend. From my perspective, meeting such genuinely great people like Steve and Emma was the best. Emma looked stunning in her dress and Steve was as cool as a cucumber, both myself and Alan couldn't believe just how relaxed he appeared.
We were made so welcome. In fact everyone we met were friendly and kind. Like Steve said, meeting other forum members in person was just like meeting old friends, we will do this again.
As for these other rumours about me...:omg:... I may have to put pen to paper, but... I'll wait for the next part first. :icon_lol:

25th October 2010, 22:31
So glad to hear that your special day went well and many congratulations on becoming grandparents too! Looking forward to hearing the next chapter of your story, really enjoyed reading the first part :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
25th October 2010, 22:48
Me too, Steve! And heartiest Congratulations again, on becoming a grandad for the second time ... was it another boy - or a girl -on this occasion? Like all your many other friends on the forum, I very much enjoyed reading Part 1 of your story about the BIG DAY ... and greatly look forward to the subsequent instalment(s) as well as viewing the wedding photos. Cheers for now, mate :Beer: ... and kindest regards to Emma!!!

26th October 2010, 04:15
congratulations on becomeing granfparetnts and your special day sounds like it was amazing. all the best to you and emma:)

26th October 2010, 05:49
Sounds like a truly wonderful and memorable weekend.
Everyone deserves to have such happy times in life.
God Bless all. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th October 2010, 16:27
lots of clapping and laughs people cheering us , look this way steve, emma this way wow flashing lights which way to look, always look towards Darren em i said , then realized that looking away those shots are more casual,down into the courtyard more pictures shaking hands and saying how good we both looked, when you do get a moment just to stop and look around you see so many people chatting and enjoying themselves and in a way we have made this possible.
Another friend turned up a little late but hey never mind, Marlyn and kenny with Katelyn, they had to park the car so a little late but with pushing a pushchair and carrying a heavy box i think i would be late too,more pictures taken in groups , family, friends and people from the forum too but without Darren hes the one taking it,that man sorted everyone out and he had his helper carrying his other cameras and flash and so on, thanks Clarice for being the most attractive assistant i have ever seen.
Right off to the reception in dribs and drabs we start to walk and here it comes , is it far , how long before we get there , i dont think i can walk that far blah, blah, blah and thats coming all from Emma, do you want a taxi em, i asked, no i will be alright she said, but me thinking off my belly and how long it would take a taxi was called, but the girls jumped in Emma,Resty,Clarice and Emmas cousin, i am sure that was planned,the rest of us walked anyway . cahtting as we walked through the city we soon got there and what turned up once outside the door, the girls taxi :doh,
In we go inside and we was pleased the room the food and the atmosphere was very good, everyone seemed to be eating drinking and just enjoying each others company,.
Grace and Shane with Nathan entered into the room and then everyone was complete, more pictures taken , children past about and pictures taken, a good wedding reception i thought a good mixture of people all laughing, infact they was enjoying themselves so much talking laughing they missed my speach, i tried 3 times and it was like i was not there , first time just leaving the house then the reception, and then back home ,Alan you missed them all.Funny looking back now myself and Emma did not eat much or drink much at all, we was to busy walking round talking and just making sure everyone was well, i have to say this just in case someone sure it too, my sister has a frame for helping her walk takes it everywhere , cant walk without it, well when you sure the plate she was carrying back full off food back to the table and without the frame too, that happened twice did we laugh yes we did

26th October 2010, 16:38
Steve, your part two is just as good as part one.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
You have a wonderful way with words Steve, I can really feel the magic and happiness of the day. Like me, I bet there are lots of forum members who would have wished to be present on your specials day.
Thanks for sharing (Lolo):D

26th October 2010, 17:09
back home around 20 cane back and straight away i was thinking no beer no wine, so that was my job once i got back off to sainsburys, back with lots and to a very warm house someone had the heating on very hi, thats why i am in my teeshirt i may had just to hot.
Videoke was on and the party was starting , wow what great singers there are the ladies were very good and Darren what a voice how could anyone match him,lots of singing and even dancing too, duets and group singing too,
Thanks go to Steve for singing for us while me and Emma had our first dance, Wonderful tonight,video, pictues lots more taken, i think it was a little loud but its about time i got my own back on the naigbours,
its my opinion that Darren really does have a great voice and was one of the best singers of the night , all the ladies was very good and what sweet voices they all have and singing from the heart too,Alan was singing both english and tagalog too but he could have been singing chinese i could not tell:icon_lol::icon_lol:,
Nathan had a little fever not the Elvis sort :), but it could have been so many people trying to sing me one off them , i was forced up to sing and by crike, i could here myself and it sounded frightning,but Emma helped by joining me, thanks Em,
People started to leave, no more beer it could have been:yikes:,and saying goodbye to many felt sad but we know its only for a short time, soon we shall be seeing them again, anyway have to sort the bedding out for our guest, sofabed and sofa was on offer but they are both comfortable i know,
Goodnight ALAN, goodnight Steve r, goodnight Emma goodnight Steve god it was like the Waltons.
Sunday , and was it all a dream or was it real , wait what is that noise we hear, snoring yes its real, and they both was complimenting each other , one stopped one started, hello Mrs Woolley i said hello Mr Woolley she said, and we smiled.
Breakfast boys a full english is wanted with a cup of tea too with toast, yum yum yum and yes i did make it, reflecting on the weekend so far and yesterday in perticular, there was lots to say, Steve was wanting to get gone soon a long drive home he was planning and Alans train was just after 2pm,
After saying our farewells to steve we asked Alan would he like to walkj around the lake and so coat on some bread for the ducks off we went, a very nice warm walk and feeding the ducks while sitting in the sun, a simple walk but was so relaxing too,time is ticking so back home we must go, just time for a quick bite i thought, but i am new to this lark , in a few minutes Emma can make a three course dinner so my cheese sandwich in a few minutes was a none starter but i made it anyway,come on time to go , dont want Alan to miss his train , NO CHANCE, anyway got him intime for his train and again a farewell to a new friend, then we are alone what shall we do but site at home smilling and thinking wow what fantastic people have helped us this weekend and what great new friends we have too,well done to all off you everyone that has contributed with wishes and more ,Mickcant thankyou for the borang, Simon the flowers, Rani for the wedding invertations, Darren the pictures, Clarice for helping emma, Grace and Shane for the videoke,Alan,Steve,Carl and Resty,Marlyn and Kenny for being there for us on our great day and for everyone that thought of us we thank you all from our hearts,Steve and Emma

26th October 2010, 17:13
:xxgrinning--00xx3: best of luck to you both :rolleyes:
now where's me slice of cake and cup of tea :D

26th October 2010, 17:24
This will come later how to complain and do it right:ReadIt: :xxgrinning--00xx3:, lifetime guarantees, does your dispencer dispence more then 1 or not at all,:dohhow long before seasalt makes rubber perish:NoNo:,nutter drivers:angry: and how long does it take to drive through 23 speed cameras:action-smiley-081: and 5 duel carrigeways behind someone doing 25 no 35 no 48 no back to 22mph all these questions will be answered over time:icon_lol::icon_lol:

26th October 2010, 17:24
thanks for sharing your special day with us steve... ghee and i are dreaming to see you all guys in the near future... FIL-UK FORUM get-together :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: here in the philippines???:Jump::Jump::Jump:

26th October 2010, 17:58
enjoy your life time together.
all the very best!
marlyn and kenny with our precious daughter katelyn:)

26th October 2010, 18:03
Wow, what a weekend you had:thankyou: for writing it for us:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th October 2010, 18:06
Ohhhh! :laugher:
Can't wait for part 4 and part 5 :icon_lol:
Thanks Steve for sharing:Wave:

26th October 2010, 18:10
Thank you Steve for making me and Resty so welcome in your home. The day was perfect and im sure you were smiling just as much as me! Lots of food and lots of great new friends made, very special day although I do keep waking up in the night to the sound of Darren singing La Bamba throbbing in my head !! photography and wedding singer, every wedding needs a Darren! Look forward to the next party!

Its easy to see what a great life you and Emma have ahead of you and so pleased we were able to share in one of your most special days. once again congratulations from myself and Resty.

Carl :)

Doc Alan
26th October 2010, 18:35
Brilliant Steve ! :xxgrinning--00xx3: What an amazing wedding ! I had originally planned to return to the Far East (of England) after the wedding but the newlyweds persuaded me to stay for the karaoke. I'm so glad I did ! One of the most touching things the next day was that Emma prepared a hot pasta lunch for me to take on the train, and they both came to see me off at the station ( maybe to be sure I didn't need to stay another night !!!) :)

26th October 2010, 19:23
Brilliant read Steve, thanks for sharing :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th October 2010, 19:24
Another happy Fil-Brit married couple. :Hellooo:

Filipina wives are simply the best

Long may your happiness continue :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th October 2010, 19:39
Brilliant Steve ! :xxgrinning--00xx3: What an amazing wedding ! and they both came to see me off at the station ( maybe to be sure I didn't need to stay another night !!!) :)

yes a great weekend and just to help you to the station Alan :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

26th October 2010, 19:39
Brilliant read Steve, thanks for sharing :xxgrinning--00xx3:

no steve thankyou for sharing your weekend with us :)

26th October 2010, 19:40
Another happy Fil-Brit married couple. :Hellooo:

Filipina wives are simply the best

Long may your happiness continue :xxgrinning--00xx3:

many true words said thanks:)

26th October 2010, 19:42
Thank you Steve for making me and Resty so welcome in your home. The day was perfect and im sure you were smiling just as much as me! Lots of food and lots of great new friends made, very special day although I do keep waking up in the night to the sound of Darren singing La Bamba throbbing in my head !! photography and wedding singer, every wedding needs a Darren! Look forward to the next party!

Its easy to see what a great life you and Emma have ahead of you and so pleased we were able to share in one of your most special days. once again congratulations from myself and Resty.

Carl :)

again thanks for you and resty spending the day with us carl , catch up again soon:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th October 2010, 19:43
Ohhhh! :laugher:
Can't wait for part 4 and part 5 :icon_lol:
Thanks Steve for sharing:Wave:

so many funny moments so many moving moments too, just sooooooooooooooooooooo happy:)

26th October 2010, 19:44
Wow, what a weekend you had:thankyou: for writing it for us:xxgrinning--00xx3:

you are very welcome mick we are hoping to travel down to the new forest soon have to give you a shout when we make it , owe you that drink :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th October 2010, 19:45
thanks for sharing your special day with us steve... ghee and i are dreaming to see you all guys in the near future... FIL-UK FORUM get-together :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: here in the philippines???:Jump::Jump::Jump:

hi Rani we would love to do that one day and who knows here there anywhere someday:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th October 2010, 19:46
:xxgrinning--00xx3: best of luck to you both :rolleyes:
now where's me slice of cake and cup of tea :D

forward your address for the cake :)

26th October 2010, 20:34
Fabulous account Steve,, best wishes for a very long and happy marriage to you and Emma:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th October 2010, 21:19
Sounds like all of us who didn't attend, missed out on the wedding of the year.
Best wishes for your future together...A nice thread. :)

27th October 2010, 08:49
you are very welcome mick we are hoping to travel down to the new forest soon have to give you a shout when we make it , owe you that drink :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hi Steve, yes please let me know that would be nice:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th October 2010, 09:00
i love the story! Congratulations to both of you. Enjoy life together and forever. God Bless! I'll be getting married next month too, hopefully it will be as lovely as yours.:heartshape1:

27th October 2010, 10:12
Great wedding Steve and Emma! I saw some of the pictures from FB and everyone really had fun.
Congratulations once again!

27th October 2010, 18:00
Ohhhh! :laugher:
Can't wait for part 4 and part 5 :icon_lol:
Thanks Steve for sharing:Wave:

might be the honeymoon part lol....

27th October 2010, 18:16
an excellent and enjoyable account of the weekend :xxgrinning--00xx3:
really wish i could of got there. have a great life .
best wishes from wales.x.x.x.x

28th October 2010, 09:47
might be the honeymoon part lol.......hehehe not a chance grace ;)

28th October 2010, 09:53
an excellent and enjoyable account of the weekend :xxgrinning--00xx3:
really wish i could of got there. have a great life .
best wishes from wales.x.x.x.x

thanks shrek ..we could still meet some other time :)...how are you now?